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GS Paper-I: (TS20E1074)
1. Answer: (a) office thereafter, rejoin that political
The Constitution (Fifty-second party or become a member of another
Amendment) Act, 1985, added the Tenth political party; or
Schedule to the Indian Constitution, (b) if he, having given up by reason of his
which provides for Anti-Defection law. election to such office his membership
The Tenth Schedule refers to the decision of the political party to which he
on the questions as to disqualification on belonged, immediately before such
ground of defection. If any question arises election, re-joins such political party
as to whether a member of a House has after he ceases to hold such office.
become a subject to disqualification
under this Schedule, the question shall 2. Answer: (d)
be referred for the decision of the Explanation:
Chairman or the Speaker of such House
The Discretionary Powers of the
and his decision shall be final. The
Governor are –
Supreme Court, in the Kihota Hollohon
 Reserve any Bill for the consideration
v/s Zachilhu and others case, upheld
of the President under Article 200.
the constitutional validity of the Tenth
Schedule. The Court also held that the  To appoint the Chief Minister of the
decision of the Speaker of the Lok state, under Article 164(1), including
Sabha or the State Assembly on the inviting the leader of the single largest
matters of disqualification will be open party, in case of a hung verdict to
to judicial review. prove majority on the floor of the
The Tenth Schedule - Exemption: House.

A special provision has been included in  To dismiss the Ministry, as the Chief
the 52nd Constitution Amendment Act to Minister and other Ministers shall
enable a person, who has been elected as hold office during the pleasure of the
the Presiding Officer of a House, to sever Governor under Article 164(1).
his connections with his political party.  The Governor‘s report, under Article
A person, who has been elected to the 356, in case of failure of the
office of the Speaker or the Deputy Constitutional machinery in the state.
Speaker of the House of the People, or the  The Governor‘s responsibility for
Deputy Chairman of the Council of certain regions, such as the tribal
States, or the Chairman or the Deputy areas in Assam and responsibilities
Chairman of the Legislative Council of a placed on the Governor under Articles
state, or the Speaker or the Deputy 371A (Nagaland), 371C (Manipur) and
Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of a 371H (Arunachal Pradesh).
state, shall not be disqualified under this Under Article 371H, the Governor of
Schedule – Arunachal Pradesh shall have special
(a) if he, by reason of his election to such responsibility with respect to the law and
office, voluntarily gives up the order in the state, and in the discharge of
membership of the political party to his functions, the Governor shall, after
which he belonged, immediately consulting the Council of Ministers,
before such election and does not, so exercise his individual judgment as to
long as he continues to hold such the action to be taken. Regarding the

decision of the Governor in his individual (v) Sensors, transducers, actuators and
judgment, the decision of the Governor crystals for electronic applications;
in his discretion shall be final and the (vi) System in Package (SIP);
validity of anything done by the Governor (vii) Micro/Nano-electronic components,
shall not be called in question on the such as Micro Electro-mechanical
ground that he ought or ought not to Systems (MEMS) and Nano Electro-
have acted in the exercise of his mechanical Systems (NEMS); and
individual judgment.
(viii) Assembly, Testing, Marking and
Packaging (ATMP) units.
3. Answer: (a)
Explanation: 4. Answer: (d)
The Production Linked Incentive Scheme Explanation:
(PLI) for Large Scale Electronics
The Indian Sundarbans is a UNESCO
Manufacturing proposes a financial
World Heritage Site and the Indian part of
incentive to boost the domestic
the Sundarbans has been accorded the
manufacturing and attract large
status of the ‗Wetland of International
investments in the electronics value
Importance‘, under the Ramsar
chain, including electronic components
and semi-conductor packaging.
The mangroves of the Sundarbans –
The Quantum of Incentive – The
shared between Bangladesh and India –
Scheme shall extend an incentive of 4% to
are the only mangrove forests where
6% on the incremental sales (over the
tigers are found.
base year) of the goods manufactured in
India and covered under the target
segments, to the eligible companies, for a 5. Answer: (d)
period of 5 years, subsequent to the base Explanation:
year. Group A. Sites containing
Target Segments – The Scheme shall be representative, rare or unique wetland
applicable only for the target segments, types.
namely mobile phones and specified Criterion 1: A wetland should be
electronic components. considered internationally important, if it
The incentives are available under three contains a representative, rare or unique
heads: example of a natural or near-natural
1. Mobile phones; wetland type found within the appropriate
bio-geographic region.
2. Mobile phones (domestic companies);
and Group B. Sites of international
importance for conserving biological
3. Specified electronic components,
which include:
Criteria based on species and
(i) SMT (surface mount technology)
ecological communities.
Criterion 2: A wetland should be
(ii) Discrete semi-conductor devices,
considered internationally important, if it
including transistors, diodes,
supports vulnerable, endangered or
thyristors, etc.;
critically endangered species, or
(iii) Passive components, including
threatened ecological communities.
resistors, capacitors, etc., for
Criterion 3: A wetland should be
electronic applications;
considered internationally important, if it
(iv) Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs), PCB
supports the population of plant and/or
laminates, prepregs, photo-polymer
animal species important for maintaining
films and PCB printing inks;

the biological diversity of a particular bio- The Index is based on transaction level
geographic region. data received from the housing
Criterion 4: A wetland should be registration authorities in ten major
considered internationally important, if it cities, viz., Ahmedabad, Bengaluru,
supports plant and/or animal species at Chennai, Delhi, Jaipur, Kanpur, Kochi,
a critical stage in their life cycles, or Kolkata, Lucknow and Mumbai.
provides refuge during adverse The All-India HPI contracted by (-) 0.2%
conditions. on a sequential basis (q-o-q), largely due
Specific criteria based on water-birds. to decline in the house prices in Delhi,
Criterion 5: A wetland should be Bengaluru, Ahmedabad and Jaipur.
considered internationally important, if it Mumbai recorded the highest
regularly supports 20,000 or more water- sequential rise.
birds. The HPI varied widely across the cities
Criterion 6: A wetland should be and ranged from 22.6% (in Jaipur) to
considered internationally important, if it (–) 13.8% (in Kochi).
regularly supports 1% of the individuals
in a population of one species or sub- 7. Answer: (b)
species of water-birds. Explanation:
Specific criteria based on fish. A Himalayan butterfly, named the
Criterion 7: A wetland should be Golden Birdwing, is now India‟s largest
considered internationally important, if it butterfly, overthrowing the Southern
supports a significant proportion of Birdwing, which held the claim for being
indigenous fish sub-species, species or the largest for the last 88 years.
families, life-history stages, species Its IUCN status is Least Concern.
interactions and/or population that is
representative of wetland benefits and/or
8. Answer: (b)
values and thereby contributes to the
global biological diversity.
 The Red Sander is endemic to several
Criterion 8: A wetland should be
districts in Andhra Pradesh, and
considered internationally important, if it
some parts of Tamil Nadu and
is an important source of food for the fish,
Karnataka. It occurs in the tropical
spawning ground, nursery and/or
dry deciduous forests.
migration path on which the fish stocks,
either within the wetland or elsewhere,  It is known for its rich hue and
depend. therapeutic properties.
Specific criterion based on other taxa.  It is high in demand across Asia,
Criterion 9: A wetland should be particularly in China and Japan, for
considered internationally important, if it use in cosmetics and medicinal
regularly supports 1% of the individuals products, as well as for making
in a population of one species or sub- furniture, woodcraft and musical
species of wetland-dependent non-avian instruments.
animal species.  The species was listed in Appendix II
of CITES in 1995, which says that,
―trade must be controlled in order to
6. Answer: (b)
avoid utilization incompatible with
their survival‖.
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) released
 Its export was prohibited in 2004.
its quarterly House Price Index (HPI) for
the fourth quarter of 2019-20. The HPI is  In 2010, the government submitted a
calculated on the base year 2010-11. Non-Detriment Finding (NDF) Report,

saying that it must be allowed to 11. Answer: (d)
export from the cultivated sources. Explanation:
 In 2012, India got an export quota on  The Globba Andersonii is commonly
the Red Sanders from CITES. known as the „dancing lady‟ or the
 In 2019, the Directorate General of „swan flower‟.
Foreign Trade (DGFT), an agency of  The earliest records of the collection of
the Ministry of Commerce and this plant were dated between the
Industry, has revised its export policy period 1862-70, when it was collected
to permit the export of all the Red by the Scottish botanist, Thomas
Sanders, if it is obtained from the Anderson, from Sikkim and
cultivated land. Darjeeling.
 It is classified as “Critically
Endangered” and “Narrowly
9. Answer: (d)
 The species is restricted mainly to the
 There are five species of turtles in Teesta River Valley Region, which
the Indian waters, viz., Olive includes the Sikkim Himalayas and
Ridley; the Green Turtle; Loggerhead; the Darjeeling hill ranges.
Hawksbill; and Leatherback.
 The Olive Ridley; Leatherback; and 12. Answer: (b)
Loggerhead are listed as Explanation:
'Vulnerable' on the IUCN Red List of
The Ministy of Environment, Forest and
Threatened Species.
Climate Change (MoEFCC) has
 The Hawksbill Turtle is listed reconstituted the Central Zoo Authority
as 'Critically Endangered' and the (CZA), to include an expert from the
Green Turtle is listed School of Planning & Architecture, Delhi
as 'Endangered' on the IUCN Red List and a molecular biologist.
of Threatened Species. It has been constituted under the Wildlife
 They are protected in the Indian (Protection) Act, 1972. Thus, it is a
Wildlife (Protection) Act of 1972, statutory body, established in 1992,
under Schedule I. under then Ministry of Environment and
Chairperson – The Minister of
10. Answer: (b)
Environment, Forest and Climate Change.
Every zoo in the country is required to
The Central Ground Water Authority obtain recognition from the Central Zoo
(CGWA) has been constituted under Authority for its operation.
Section 3 (3) of the Environment
(Protection) Act, 1986, to regulate and
13. Answer: (c)
control the development and management
of the ground water resources in the
country. The Namami Gange Programme is under
the ambit of the newly constituted Jal
The NGT directed the Ministry of Jal
Shakti Ministry.
Shakti and the Central Ground Water
Overall, the initiatives to clean the Ganga
Authority (CGWA) to ensure that no
began with the Ganga Action Plan I in
general permission is given without an
environmental assessment.
The Namami Gange Programme is being
implemented by the National Mission for

Clean Ganga (NMCG) and its state Sanctions imposed include stopping of
counterparts, the State Programme export of defence goods and banning
Management Groups. American companies from investing in the
The National Ganga Council (NGC) was defence sector.
created and to give it utmost importance,
the Prime Minister was made the head of 16. Answer: (c)
the NGC. Explanation:
The Strait of Hormuz is a strait between
14. Answer: (a) the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman. It
Explanation: provides the only sea passage from the
The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Persian Gulf to the open ocean and is one
Climate Change is the nodal Ministry for of the world's most strategically
notifying the Environment Impact important choke points.
Assessment (EIA) Notification, under the
Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. 17. Answer: (b)
Section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Explanation:
Act 1986 (EPA), gives power to the central • There is an increasing consensus at
government to take all measures that it the official level that Australia should
deems necessary or expedient for the join the naval war games.
purpose of protecting and improving the
• The final decision is likely before the
quality of the environment, and
exercise, which could take place
preventing and controlling abating
towards the end of this year.
environmental pollution.
• The Malabar exercises were
The Draft EIA Notification seeks to reduce
first established in 1992 between
or even remove public participation, and
India and the United States, but due
by extension independent expert opinion,
to the tensions arising from India‘s
from the process of granting
nuclearization in 1998, it became an
environmental clearances to various
annual feature only in 2002.
projects. The public reporting of the
• In 2007, the scope of the Malabar
environmental violations may also not
exercises was enhanced and a five-
be taken cognizance of by the
nation multilateral naval exercise,
taking on board three other nations,
Exemption from public consultation in
Japan, Australia and Singapore, was
certain projects - Section 14 of the Draft
provides for exemption from public
• However, this display of multilateral
consultation, thereby limiting the scope of
naval co-operation heightened China‘s
public involvement in districts. All the off-
anxiety. Both India and the US sought
shore projects, located beyond 12
to allay Chinese concerns and the
nautical miles are exempted.
Malabar exercise was made bilateral.
• After 2007, Australia ceased to
15. Answer: (c)
participate. Japan joined the Malabar
Explanation: exercises as a permanent member in
CAATSA - Countering America‟s 2015.
Adversaries through Sanctions Act. • With China‘s growing military
Targets Russia, North Korea and Iran, strength and its increasing presence
and under its Section 231 imposes in the Indian Ocean, the Malabar
sanctions on the countries which have exercise has assumed greater
significant defence deals with America‘s importance.

• The Malabar exercise enhances India‘s • The Agreement does not cover road
credibility in the maritime domain and transport vehicles from any third
prioritizes collective effort to secure country, be it from India or any
the first of the three global commons Central Asian country.
(oceans, space and cyberspace). • The signed Agreement permits
Afghanistan trucks access to the
18. Answer: (c) Wagah border with India, where
Explanation: Afghan goods will be offloaded onto
Indian trucks.
The Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG),
originally known as the ―London Club,‖ • This Agreement does not permit
convened a series of meetings to facilitate Indian goods to be loaded onto trucks
a consistent interpretation of the for transit back to Afghanistan.
obligations arising from that Article
among major suppliers in and outside of 20. Answer: (c)
the NPT, following the explosion in 1974 Explanation:
of a nuclear device by a non-nuclear- During the sixth BRICS Summit in
weapon state, India. Fortaleza (Brazil) (2014), the leaders
The NSG is a voluntary, non-legally signed an agreement establishing the New
binding association of major supplier Development Bank (NDB).
governments. It was not created by a The Bank shall have an initial authorized
treaty. The NSG Guidelines set forth the capital of US$ 100 billion. The initial
conditions of supply to establish a subscribed capital shall be US$ 50
baseline of responsible and safe supply billion, shared equally among the
behaviour among the suppliers in nuclear founding members. The headquarter of
and nuclear-related transfers. The NSG the Bank shall be located in Shanghai.
participants commit to implement the
The Bank‘s Articles of Agreement specify
Guidelines on a national basis. Taking a
that all the members of the United
supply side approach, the NSG supports
Nations could be the members of the
international nuclear non-proliferation
Bank, however, the share of the BRICS
efforts and, in particular, Article III.2 of
nations can never be less than 55% of the
the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of
voting power.
Nuclear Weapons (NPT).

21. Answer: (b)

19. Answer: (a)
The International Panel on Fissile
The Afghanistan-Pakistan Transit Trade
Materials (IPFM) was founded in 2006,
Agreement (APTTA) is a bilateral trade
and is an independent group of arms-
agreement, signed in 2010, by Pakistan
control and non-proliferation experts from
and Afghanistan. Afghanistan is a
both the nuclear weapon and the non-
landlocked country and hence, it is
nuclear weapon states.
critically dependent on Pakistan for trade.
The mission of the IPFM is to analyze the
Hence, this Agreement was meant to
technical basis for practical and
provide greater trade integration among
achievable policy initiatives to secure,
these two nations.
consolidate and reduce the stockpiles of
• It allows for both countries to use
highly enriched uranium and plutonium.
each other‘s airports, railways, roads
These fissile materials are the key
and ports for transit trade along the
ingredients in the nuclear weapons and
designated transit corridors.
their control is critical to nuclear
weapons disarmament, to halting the

proliferation of the nuclear weapons and 75%. The countries with the highest
to ensuring that the terrorists do not voting rights: China: 26.64%; India: 7.6%;
acquire the nuclear weapons. Russia: 6%.
Its members include the nuclear experts The membership in the AIIB shall be open
from seventeen countries: Brazil, Canada, to the members of the International Bank
China, France, Germany, India, Iran, for Reconstruction and Development, or
Japan, Mexico, Norway, Pakistan, South the Asian Development Bank.
Korea, Russia, South Africa, Sweden, the
United Kingdom and the United States. 24. Answer: (a)
This group of countries includes seven
nuclear-weapon states and ten non-
The Offshore Derivative Instruments
weapon states.
(ODIs), also known as the Participatory
Notes (P-Notes), are the instruments used
22. Answer: (d) by the foreign investors to invest in
Explanation: India‘s securities markets, without getting
In line with its agenda in its 8th term, as registered with the SEBI. The
the non-permanent member of the UNSC, Participatory Notes are issued by the
India has re-affirmed its commitment FPIs registered with the SEBI to the
to the New Orientation for a Reformed overseas/foreign investors. These FPIs
Multilateral System or NORMS at the make investments on behalf of the
UN Economic and Social Council meeting. overseas investors.
Let us understand the need for reforming
the present paradigm of ―multilateralism‖. 25. Answer: (d)
NORMS: In the backdrop of India‘s entry Explanation:
into the UNSC as the non-permanent
A Fiscal Council is an independent and
member, the slated objective is to push
non-partisan agency, which is set up to
for a reformed multilateralism under the
publicly assess the government‘s fiscal
NORMS Framework. The 5-fold objective
performances against its stated
of NORMS includes:
objectives. The Fiscal Council can serve
1. Finding new opportunities for both ex ante and ex post functions.
Some of the functions that can be
2. Effective response to international performed by the Fiscal Council include:
• Producing independent forecasts
3. Reforming multilateral systems; related to the GDP growth, tax
4. Comprehensive approach to buoyancy and inflation rate.
international peace and security; and • Review the government‘s forecasts and
5. Technology with a human touch. assumptions related to tax collections,
fiscal deficit, GDP growth etc. (an ex
23. Answer: (c) ante function).
Explanation: • Monitoring government‘s fiscal
The Asian Infrastructure Investment performance, including adherence to
Bank (AIIB) is a multilateral development the fiscal rules (an ex post function).
bank with a mission to improve social • Analysing long-term sustainability of
and economic outcomes in Asia. Presently the public finances.
it has 82 members and 21 prospective Keeping in view the best international
members. practices, the FRBM Review Committee,
Voting depends upon the share capital headed by N.K, Singh; and the D.K.
provided. Regional members‘ Srivastava Committee on Fiscal Statistics
shareholding should always be above

have proposed to set up an independent 28. Answer: (c)
Fiscal Council in India. Explanation:
The N.K. Singh Review Committee The Ministry of Power has recently
recommended that the Fiscal Council launched the ―Retrofit of Air-conditioning
should be an autonomous body, under to improve Indoor Air Quality for Safety
the aegis of the Ministry of Finance (The and Efficiency‖ (RAISE) National
Department of Economic Affairs). Programme, with the twin objectives of
enhancing energy efficiency and
improving the indoor air quality.
26. Answer: (b)
It is launched in partnership with
Explanation: USAID's (United States Agency for
The Pradhan Mantri Kisan Urja Suraksha International Development) MAITREE
evem Utthan Mahabhiyan (PM KUSUM) Programme.
Scheme was launched by the Ministry of
New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), to 29. Answer: (d)
support the installation of off-grid solar Explanation:
pumps in the rural areas and reduce As a part of the Aatma Nirbhar Bharat
dependence on the grid, in the grid- Package, the Finance Minister had
connected areas. The Cabinet Committee announced 11 measures, specific to the
on Economic Affairs (CCEA) had, in Indian agriculture. One of the most
February 2019, approved the launch of important measures was related to the
the Scheme, with the objective of setting up of the Agriculture Marketing
providing financial and water security. Infrastructure Fund, to improve the
overall marketing infrastructure. In this
regard, the Union Cabinet has recently
27. Answer: (a)
given its approval for the new Central
Sector Scheme - the Agriculture
The National Pension System is a Infrastructure Fund, to provide a medium
Pension-cum-Investment Scheme to - long term debt financing facility.
provide old age security to the citizens of The duration of the Scheme shall be from
India. It is regulated by the Pension Fund Financial Year 2020 to Financial Year
Regulatory and Development Authority 2029 (10 years).
(PFRDA). Any individual citizen of India
(both resident and non-resident), in the 30. Answer: (b)
age group of 18-65 years, can join the Explanation:
Scheme. The United Nations Population Fund
The Atal Pension Yojana is a guaranteed (UNFPA) has released the State of World
pension of Rs. 1,000 to Rs. 5,000 per Population 2020 Report, titled ‗against my
month (depending upon the contribution) will: defying the practices that harm
receivable at the age of 60 years. It is women and girls and undermine equality‘.
primarily focussed on the unorganized India Specific Data –
workers.  One in three girls missing globally due
The Atal Pension Yojana can be availed by to sex selection, both pre- and post-
any Indian citizen in the age-group of 18 natal, is from India, i.e., 46 million out
to 40 years, who can join through his/her of the total 142 million.
savings bank account or post office  India has the highest rate of excess
savings bank account. female deaths at 13.5 per 1,000
female births or one in nine deaths of

females below the age of 5, due to 31. Answer: (b)
post-natal sex selection. Explanation:
 In India, around 4,60,000 girls went The Global Multidimensional Poverty
missing at birth, which means that Index (MPI) is released by the United
they were not born due to sex- Nations Development Programme and
selection biases, each year between the Oxford Poverty & Human
2013 and 2017. Development Initiative.
 India (40%), along with China (50%), The MPI examines each person's
accounts for around 90% of the deprivations across 10 indicators in three
estimated 1.2 million girls lost equally weighted dimensions: health,
annually to female foeticide. education and standard of living.
Key Highlights – Note:
As per the Global Multidimensional
 Harmful practices: The Report
Poverty Index, 2020, COVID-19 affected
identifies 19 harmful practices against
two indicators of the MPI severely:
women, out of which 3 are most
nutrition and children's school
widespread and persistent: female
attendance. Progress in tackling
genital mutilation (FGM), child
multidimensional poverty is at risk.
marriage and son preference.
Note: The United Nations Population
32. Answer: (a)
 It is a subsidiary organ of the UN
The World Bank recently approved a $500
General Assembly, and it works as
million Strengthening Teaching-
a sexual and reproductive health
Learning and Results for States
agency. Programme (STARS) to improve the
 It was established as a Trust Fund quality and governance of school
in 1967 and began its operations education in six Indian states.
in 1969.  The states include Himachal Pradesh,
 In 1987, it was officially renamed the Kerala, Madhya Pradesh,
United Nations Population Fund, but Maharashtra, Odisha and Rajasthan.
the original abbreviation, ‗UNFPA‘ for  The STARS Programme builds on the
the United Nations Fund for long partnership between India and
Population Activities, was retained. the World Bank (since 1994), for
 The UN Economic and Social strengthening public school
Council (ECOSOC) establishes its education.
mandate.  STARS will support the Government of
 The UNFPA is not supported by the India‘s vision to provide greater
UN budget; instead, it is flexibility to the states for school
entirely supported by voluntary education planning and budgeting.
contributions of the donor
governments, intergovernmental 33. Answer: (b)
organizations, the private sector, Explanation:
foundations and individuals. The Transgender Persons (Protection of
 The UNFPA works directly to tackle Rights) Act, 2019
the Sustainable Development Goals  A person, recognised as a
on Health (SDG 3); Education (SDG transgender, under the Section of the
4); and Gender Equality (SDG 5). Act, shall have a right to self-perceived
gender identity.

 No establishment shall discriminate  The government is required to take
against any transgender person in any adequate steps to "prohibit
matter relating to employment discrimination in any government or
including, but not limited to, private organization or establishment,
recruitment, promotion and other including in the areas of education,
related issues. employment, etc.
 Every establishment shall ensure  Educational institutions to have a
compliance with the provisions of this Committee, which the transgender
Act and provide such facilities to the persons can approach.
transgender persons as may be  Make states responsible for "timely
prescribed. prosecution of the individuals"
 Every establishment shall designate a charged under Section 18 of the Act
person to be a complaint officer to (dealing with offences against the
deal with the complaints relating to transgender community).
the violation of the provisions of this  The state governments have to set up
Act. a Transgender Protection Cell to
 The Act envisages a National Council monitor the cases of offences against
for Transgender Persons. the transgender persons.
The NCT will consist of: Provide for the review of all existing

(i) The Union Minister for Social Justice educational, social security, health
(Chairperson); schemes, welfare measures etc., to
(ii) The Minister of State for Social Justice include the transgender persons.
(Vice- Chairperson);  Mandatory for all the establishments,
(iii) The Secretary of the Ministry of Social public and private, to have equal
Justice; opportunity policies to include the
(iv) One representative from the transgender persons.
Ministries, including Health; Home
Affairs; and Human Resource 34. Answer: (a)
Other members include the
The Sustainable Development Report,
representatives of the NITI Aayog and the
2020 – This annual Report tracks the
National Human Rights Commission. The
performances of all the UN member states
state governments will also be
on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals
represented. The Council will also consist (SDGs), measuring the distance
of five members from the transgender remaining to achieve each target. The
community and five experts from the non- 2020 Report is focusing on the SDGs and
governmental organizations. COVID-19, and includes the SDG Index
Note: Recently, Draft Rules were that presents progress towards each SDG
published under the Transgender Persons since 2015.
(Protection of Rights) Act, 2019.
Key Highlights –
Key points of the Draft Rules –
 The world had seen the most rapid
 The District Magistrate would issue a progress towards SDG 1 (No Poverty);
transgender identity certificate and SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation and
card, based on an affidavit by the Infrastructure); and SDG 11
applicant, but without any medical (Sustainable Cities and Communities).
 COVID-19 had negatively affected
 Removed the previous Draft's several goals: SDG 1; SDG 2 (Zero
provision to penalize false declaration Hunger); SDG 3 (Good Health and
to obtain the certificate of identity. Well-being); SDG 8 (Decent Work and

RAUSIAS-TS20E1074 10
Economic Growth); and SDG 1O  There is no pretence to describe the
(Reduced Inequalities). figures accurately.
 Immediate relief to the goals due to  The paintings are largely made
COVID 19: SDG 12 (Responsible using powdered rice, colours
Consumption and Production); SDG derived from turmeric, pollen,
13 (Climate Action); SDG 14 (Life pigments, indigo, various flowers,
below Water); and SDG 15 (Life on sandalwood, and the leaves of various
Land). However, these gains will be plants and trees, etc.
short-termed.  If the artists come across empty
 India is ranked at 117 (of 166) spaces even after completing the
ranking, below Pakistan and painting, they usually fill up those
Afghanistan. Sweden has topped the empty spaces with the motifs of
rankings. flowers, animals, birds and
 India faces major challenges in 10 of geometrical patterns.
the 17 SDGs, which include - SDG 2;  A double line is usually drawn as the
SDG 3; and SDG 5 (Gender Inequality) border.
etc.  The Madhubani painting has a
Note: Geographical Indication (GI) status.
 The Report was prepared by the teams
of independent experts at the 36. Answer: (b)
Sustainable Development Solutions
Network (SDSN) and the Bertelsmann
Stiftung.  "Burra" is referred to as Tambura, a
musical instrument. "Katha" means
 The Bertelsmann Stiftung is one of the
largest foundations in Germany.
 It started as devotional songs of the
 The Sustainable Development
nomadic people and became a popular
Solutions Network (SDSN) has been
art form.
operating since 2012, under the
 It is a narrative entertainment that
auspices of the UN Secretary-General.
The SDSN mobilizes global scientific consists of prayers, solo drama,
and technological expertise to promote dance, songs, poems and jokes.
practical solutions for sustainable  It is performed in the villages of
development, including the Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.
implementation of the Sustainable  A Burra Katha group consists of three
Development Goals (SDGs) and the artistes, one being at the centre and
Paris Climate Agreement. the other two act as assistants under
him, known as ‗Vantalu’.
35. Answer: (d)  It played an effective role in conveying
Explanation: message to the people and awakening
them during the Indian Independence
 The Madhubani paintings are
produced by the village women, who
make three dimensional images.  Harikatha is a form of Hindu religious
These pictures tell stories, especially discourse, in which the story-teller
about Sita‘s exile, Ram-Laxman‘s explores a religious theme.
forest life, or depict the images of  It may be the life of a saint or a story
Lakshmi. The women also paint from an Indian epic.
celestial subjects, like the Sun and  It is a composite art form, composed
the Moon. of story-telling, poetry, music, drama,

RAUSIAS-TS20E1074 11
dance and philosophy, most prevalent may extend to three years, or with
in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. fine, or with both.
Article 51(A)(g) - To protect and improve
37. Answer: (d) the natural environment, including
Explanation: forests, lakes, rivers and wildlife, and to
have compassion for the living creatures.
The Fundamental Duties were added in
the Constitution on the recommendations  The government has enacted the
of Sardar Swaran Singh Committee. This Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972.
insertion brought the Constitution of
India in line with Article 29(1) of the 38. Answer: (b)
Universal Declaration of Human Rights Explanation:
(UDHR). The recommendations of Sardar The terms “Independent” and
Swaran Singh Committee were added by “Freedom” cannot be found in the
the Constitution (Forty-second Preamble.
Amendment) Act, 1976. Accordingly,
Part IV-A was added into the
solemnly resolved to constitute India into
Constitution, which inserted Article 51A
in the Indian Constitution. Initially,
Article 51A provided for 10 Fundamental
to all its citizens: JUSTICE, social,
Duties of every citizen of India, from
economic and political; LIBERTY of
Articles 51A (a) to (j).
thought, expression, belief, faith and
Article 51A (c) - To uphold and protect the worship; EQUALITY of status and of
sovereignty, unity and integrity of India. opportunity; and to promote among them
Some Fundamental Duties are Legally all FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of
Enforceable – Accordingly, we find that the individual and the [unity and integrity
some of our Fundamental Duties are of the Nation]; IN OUR CONSTITUENT
legally enforceable and their disregard is ASSEMBLY this twenty-sixth day of
punishable. For example, let us see the November, 1949, do HEREBY ADOPT,
provision of Article 51A (a). ENACT AND GIVE TO OURSELVES THIS
Article 51A(a) - It shall be the duty of CONSTITUTION.
every citizen of India – (a) to abide by the
Constitution and respect its ideals and 39. Answer: (d)
institutions, the National Flag and the
National Anthem.
The Supreme Court, in the case of
 Now, this Fundamental Duty is legally
Anuradha Bhasin v/s the Union of
enforceable, as the Union Government
India, recognized that expression
has legislated the Prevention of
through internet has gained
Insults to National Honour Act,
contemporary relevance and is one of the
1971. Its provision highlights that any
major means of information diffusion.
insult to the National Flag or the
Therefore, the freedom of speech and
Constitution of India is punishable
expression through the medium of
with imprisonment for a term,
internet is an integral part of Article
which may extend to three years,
19(1)(a) and accordingly, any restrictions
along with fine, or both.
on the same must be in accordance with
 Further, whoever intentionally Article 19(2) of the Constitution.
prevents the singing of the Indian Article 19(1)(a) - All citizens shall have
National Anthem or causes
the right to freedom of speech and
disturbances to any assembly engaged
in such singing, shall be punished
with imprisonment for a term, which

RAUSIAS-TS20E1074 12
However, as per Article 19(2), with Privy Purse in India by omitting Articles
respect to the freedom of speech and 291 and 362 in the Indian Constitution.
expression, the state can impose The Constitution Twenty-sixth
reasonable restrictions on the grounds of Amendment further added Article 363A
- sovereignty and integrity of India, the in the Constitution, which not only
security of the state, friendly relations ceased recognition granted to the rulers of
with foreign states, public order, the Indian states, but also abolished the
decency or morality, or in relation to Privy Purse in India.
contempt of court, defamation or
incitement to an offence. 41. Answer: (b)
40. Answer: (c) The National Commission for Protection
Explanation: of Child Rights (NCPCR) was set up in
The Object and Reason of the 2007, under the Commissions for
Constitution 26th Amendment Act, Protection of Child Rights (CPCR) Act,
1971: The concept of rulership, with the 2005. Thus, the NCPCR is a statutory
body under the Commissions for
privy purses and special privileges
Protection of Child Rights (CPCR) Act,
unrelated to any current functions and
2005, under the administrative control of
social purposes, is incompatible with an
the Ministry of Women and Child
egalitarian social order. The government
has, therefore, decided to terminate the
The NCPCR has the power to summon,
Privy Purses and the privileges of the
discovery and production of any
rulers of the former Indian states. It
document and receiving evidence on
was necessary for this purpose, apart
from amending the relevant provisions of
the Constitution, to insert a new Article
therein, so as to terminate expressly the 42. Answer: (a)
recognition already granted to such rulers Explanation:
and to abolish the Privy Purses and to The Consumer Protection Act, 2019 (CPA-
extinguish all rights, liabilities and 2019), which has replaced the Consumer
obligations in respect of the Privy Purses. Protection Act, 1986, aims to be more
Mrs. Indira Gandhi, as the Prime holistic and stringent in protecting the
Minister, first in 1970, tried to bring a interest of the consumers and to establish
Constitutional Amendment to abolish the authorities for timely and effective
Privy Purse, but the move was shot down administration and settlement of the
in the Rajya Sabha. It was then issued as consumers' disputes. To achieve the
an Ordinance, which was struck down by aforesaid purpose, the CPA-2019
the Supreme Court. So, during the establishes the following:
election campaign of 1971, after the  The Central Consumer Protection
nationalization of the banks, Mrs. Gandhi Authority (CCPA), referred to as the
made abolition of the Privy Purse as a Central Authority.
major election issue and convinced the  The Central Consumer Protection
public that the move was for the public Council, at the national, state and
welfare and against the wealthy and the district levels, referred to as the
rich. This move paid her rich political National, State and District
dividend, as she won the 1971 election by Commissions.
a thumping majority, winning 352 seats  The Consumer Disputes Redressal
in the Lok Sabha. Thus, the Prime Commission, at the national, state
Minister, Mrs. Indira Gandhi, moved the and district levels.
Constitution (Twenty-sixth Amendment)
Act, 1971, which eventually abolished the

RAUSIAS-TS20E1074 13
The Consumer Mediation Cell, to be 45. Answer: (a)
attached to each of the District Explanation:
Commissions and the State Commissions.  Gatka is a weapon-based Indian
martial art, basically created by the
43. Answer: (c) Sikhs of Punjab.

Explanation:  It is displayed during different

celebrations or at fairs in Punjab.
 The Chirala textile is made by using a
 There are many weapons used in
large quantity of oil, which is used in
Gatka, like the stick, talwar, kirpan
preparing the yarn for weaving. After
and kataar.
the fabric is ready, it is wrapped with
 Silambam is a weapon-based Indian
wax and clay before being dyed in
martial art, originating in modern-day
selected colours. Tamil Nadu in the Indian sub-
 Chirala is a coastal town, situated in continent.
the Prakasam district in the state of
Andhra Pradesh. It was also known 46. Answer: (d)
as 'Kshirapuri'. Chirala town is Explanation:
renowned for handlooms.  The graphic story on Purulia‘s famous
 The handloom fabrics of Chirala are Chhau dance is called ―Experiencing
soft and most comfortable to wear, Chhau (Dekhe Elam Chhau)‖.
which suite all types of climates.  Chhau dance is a tradition from
 „Puttapaka Telia Rumal‟ has been eastern India, popular dance in
given the Geographical Indication (GI) Odisha, Jharkhand and Bengal.
tag. It originally belongs to Chirala.  It enacts the episodes from the epics,
including the Mahabharata and the
Ramayana, local folklore and abstract
44. Answer: (d) themes.
Explanation:  Theyyam is a ritualistic dance
 Bathukamma is a floral festival performance belonging to the state of
celebrated predominantly by the Kerala.
Hindu women of Telangana.  In this art form, pantheistic deities are
 It is the festival for feminine summoned to the body of the
felicitation. On this special occasion, performing man, the one who is
almost always from a subaltern
the women dress up in the traditional
sari, combining it with jewels and
 This performing man himself is known
other accessories.
as Theyyam and it is believed that
 In Telugu, ‗Bathukamma' means while performing, the deities possess
„Mother Goddess come Alive‟ and in his body.
this respect Goddess Maha Gauri (Life  These performances are carried in the
Giver) is worshipped in the form of ancient sacred groves of Kerala,
Bathukamma, the patron Goddess of called kavu, which is a small
womanhood. rainforest.
 Every year this festival is celebrated
as per the Saka calendar for nine 47. Answer: (c)
days, starting usually in September– Explanation:
October of the Gregorian calendar.  The Thanjavur painting is a classical
style of South Indian painting that

RAUSIAS-TS20E1074 14
developed in the region of Thanjavur persuasions, including B.R. Ambedkar,
in Tamil Nadu. M.C. Rajah and Madan Mohan
 Its origin is considered to be in the Malaviya, got together to hammer out a
reign of the Marathas. compromise contained in the Poona Pact.
 Owing to certain influences, it is also The Poona Pact was signed by B.R.
considered to be an offshoot of the Ambedkar, on behalf of the depressed
Nayaka paintings, which were classes, on September 24, 1932. The
prevalent in the Vijayanagar Empire. Poona Pact abandoned the idea of
separate electorates for the depressed
 The Thanjavur paintings also bear
classes. But, the seats reserved for the
influences from the Deccani and the
depressed classes were increased from 71
European styles.
to 147 in the Provincial Legislatures and
 The time period ascribed for the
to 18% of the total in the Central
development of this tradition is from
Legislature. The Poona Pact was accepted
1676-1855 AD.
by the government as an amendment to
the Communal Award.
48. Answer: (d)
Explanation: 50. Answer: (d)
 The Thanjavur doll is a type of an Explanation:
Indian bobble head or roly-poly  Manipuri, one of the main styles of
toy, made of the terracotta material. Indian Art or Classical Dances,
 The doll is known as originated in the picturesque and
Chettiar bommai, which is used secluded state of Manipur, in the
for golu during Navratri. north-eastern corner of India.
 The Thanjavur dolls have been  The dance in Manipur is associated
recognized as a Geographical with rituals and traditional festivals.
Indication by the Government of There are legendary references to the
India as of 2008-09. dances of Shiva and Parvati, and
 The publication on the little-known other gods and goddesses, who
puppetry from Nadia is titled ‗The tale created the Universe. Manipuri dance
of a lost leg (Harano Payer Kissa)‘. has a large repertoire. However, the
 The traditional rod puppet form of most popular forms are the Ras,
West Bengal is known as Putul the Sankirtana and the Thang-Ta.
Nautch. They are carved from wood There are five principal Ras dances, of
and follow various artistic styles of a which four are linked to specific
particular region. seasons, while the fifth can be
presented at any time of the year.
 In the Nadia district of West Bengal
particularly, rod-puppets used to be of  In Manipuri Ras, the main characters
human size, like the Bunraku puppets are Radha, Krishna and the Gopis.
of Japan. However, this form is now The Kirtan form of congregational
almost extinct. singing accompanies the dance, which
is known as Sankirtana in Manipur.
The male dancers play the Pung and
49. Answer: (b)
the Kartal while dancing. The
Explanation: masculine aspect of dance, the
Gandhi saw the Communal Award Choloms, are a part of the Sankirtana
(Ramsay MacDonald) as an attack on the tradition. The Pung and the Kartal
Indian unity and nationalism. To press Choloms are performed at all social
his demands, he went on an indefinite and religious festivals.
fast in 1932. Now, the leaders of various

RAUSIAS-TS20E1074 15
Note: Sankirtana, ritual singing, Reverse Electro Dialysis (RED) uses the
drumming and dancing of Manipur - transport of (salt) ions through the
Inscribed on the Representative List of membranes. The RED consists of a stack
the Intangible Cultural Heritage of of alternating cathode and anode
Humanity (UNESCO). exchanging permselective membranes.
The compartments between the
51. Answer: (b) membranes are alternately filled with the
sea water and the fresh water. The
salinity gradient difference is the driving
 The annual ―Gotmar‖ festival is a
force in transporting the ions, that results
stone-pelting festival and is
in an electric potential, which is then
considered as a 300-year-old festival.
converted to electricity.
It is celebrated at Pandhurna in
A possible third application is the salinity
Madhya Pradesh‟s Chhindwara
gradient technology, applied to the land-
based salt water lakes or other types of
 The Bagwal festival is a popular salt water reserves.
attraction of Raksha Bandhan day in
Uttarakhand. The festival is famous
53. Answer: (d)
for its annual ritual of ‗stone-pelting.‘
 However, after the intervention of the
Uttarakhand High Court in 2013, the In the broadest sense, the term, the
stones were replaced with the flowers. ―Internet of Things (IoT)‖ encompasses
everything connected to the internet, but
 The Budhamal festival is celebrated
it is increasingly being used to define the
in Dhupguri village on the outskirts of
objects that "talk" to each other. "Simply,
the Internet of Things is made up of
 This festival is held once in five years. devices – from simple sensors to smart-
 During this festival, the people pray phones and wearables – connected
for well-being and a good harvest. together".
By combining these connected devices
52. Answer: (c) with automated systems, it is possible to
Explanation: "gather information, analyse it and create
Salinity gradient power is the energy an action", to help someone with a
created from the difference in the salt particular task, or learn from a process.
concentration between two fluids, In reality, this ranges from the smart
commonly fresh and salt water, e.g., mirrors to the beacons in the shops and
when a river flows into the sea. There are beyond.
two technologies for which the The IoT allows the devices on the closed
demonstration projects are running and private internet connections to
both use membranes. communicate with others and "the
Pressure Retarded Osmosis (PRO) uses a Internet of Things brings those networks
membrane to separate a concentrated salt together. It gives the opportunity for the
solution (like the sea water) from the devices to communicate, not only within
fresh water. The fresh water flows close silos, but across different
through a semi-permeable membrane networking types and it creates a much
towards the sea water, which increases more connected world."
the pressure within the sea water The most important applications of the
chamber. A turbine is spun as the Internet of Things: Wearables; Health;
pressure is compensated and electricity is Traffic monitoring; Fleet management;
generated. Agriculture; Hospitality; Smart grid
and energy saving; and Water supply.

RAUSIAS-TS20E1074 16
54. Answer: (a) kids. But, the doctors can treat it if they
Explanation: find it early. Most children recover
Serosurveillance provides estimates of without any problems.
anti-body levels against infectious The Kawasaki Disease Causes and Risk
diseases and is considered the gold Factors – The inflammation of the
standard for measuring the population Kawasaki disease can damage a child‘s
immunity due to past infection or coronary arteries, which carry the blood
vaccination. to his heart.
It can help ascertain if there has been a It can also cause problems with the
community transmission of the lymph nodes, skin and the lining of a
respiratory disease. child‘s mouth, nose and throat.
While a vaccine or a definite treatment The scientists have not found an exact
plan is not available to us, the experts cause for the Kawasaki disease. It might
believe that the only way to prevent be linked to the genes, viruses, bacteria
further spikes in infections or find out the and other things in the world around a
actual data about exposure levels is to child, such as chemicals and irritants.
test the presence of the anti-bodies in The disease probably is not contagious,
people. but it sometimes happens in the clusters
Serosurveillance is a globally used and in a community. Kids are more likely to
trusted standard, which measures the get it in the winters and in spring.
levels of the anti-bodies against a certain
infection and decodes the percentage of 56. Answer: (b)
the population, which has been Explanation:
previously exposed to the virus. A recent
The choanoflagellates are a group of free-
survey from Delhi showed that at least
living unicellular and colonial flagellate
15%-20% of the population had already
eukaryotes, considered to be the closest
been exposed, or are immune to the
living relatives of the animals. The
deadly SARS-COV-2 virus.
choanoflagellates are collared flagellates,
The tool is also used as a measure for the having a funnel shaped collar of inter-
officials to check on mass inoculation and connected microvilli at the base of a
see the level of immunity the people have. flagellum.
Even before COVID-19, it was used as an
extensive tool to see how far an infection
57. Answer: (a)
has breached in a community. The
National Serosurveillance Programmes Explanation:
are well established in many countries The Solar Orbiter Mission will address big
worldwide. questions in the Solar System science to
help us understand how our star creates
and controls the giant bubble of plasma
55. Answer: (a)
that surrounds the whole Solar System
and influences the planets within it. It is
The Kawasaki disease (KD), also known an ESA (European Space Agency) mission
as the Kawasaki syndrome, is an acute with strong NASA participation, launched
febrile illness of unknown etiology, that in February, 2020.
primarily affects the children younger
The Solar Orbiter's primary mission of
than 5 years of age.
examining the Sun's Polar Regions will
It is an illness that causes the blood help the researchers understand the
vessels to become inflamed, almost origin of the solar wind, charged particles
always in the young children. It is one of that blast through our Solar System, and
the leading causes of heart disease in the

RAUSIAS-TS20E1074 17
affect the satellites and the electronics on value of the underlying assets (shares of
the Earth. stock, bonds, foreign currency, etc.).
It aims to study the Sun, up close, take
high-resolution images of the Sun's poles 60. Answer: (d)
for the first time and understand the Explanation:
Sun-Earth connection.
The Prevention of Money Laundering Act
The spacecraft will use Venus‘s and the (PMLA), 2002, was enacted in January,
Earth‘s gravity to swing itself out of the 2003. The Act, along with the Rules
ecliptic plane – the swath of space, framed thereunder, has come into force
roughly aligned with the Sun‘s Equator, with effect from 2005.
where all the planets orbit. Up until the
Special Courts have been set-up in a
Solar Orbiter, all the solar imaging
number of states / UTs by the central
instruments have been within the ecliptic
government to conduct the trial of the
plane or very close to it.
offences of money laundering. The
authorities under the Act, like the
58. Answer: (a) Director, Adjudicating Authority and the
Explanation: Appellate Tribunal, have been constituted
Based upon the recommendations of the to carry out the proceedings related to
Narasimham Committee and the P.J. attachment and confiscation of any
Nayak Committee, the government has property derived from money laundering.
focussed on the consolidation/merger of In order to enlarge the scope of this Act
the Public Sector Banks (PSBs). and to achieve the desired objectives, the
The Narasimham Committee, the Act provides for bilateral agreements
Raghuram Rajan Committee and the P.J. between the countries to co-operate with
Nayak Committee are the Committees each other and to curb the menace of
related to the Banking Reforms. money laundering. These agreements
The Fundamental Duties were added in shall be for the purpose of either
the Constitution on the recommendations enforcing the provisions of this Act or for
of Sardar Swaran Singh Committee. the exchange of information, which shall
help in the prevention in the commission
The Dinesh Goswami Committee is
of an offence under this Act or the
related to the Electoral Reforms.
corresponding laws in that foreign state.
The Act prescribes an obligation of the
59. Answer: (a)
banking companies, financial institutions
Explanation: and intermediaries for verification and
The Bharat Bond ETF (Exchange Traded maintenance of records of the identity of
Fund) is a basket of bonds issued by the all their clients and also of all
Central Public Sector Enterprises transactions, and for furnishing
(CPSE)/CPSU (Community and Public information of such transactions in
Sector Union) or any other government prescribed form to the Financial
organization. These Bonds are tradable Intelligence Unit-India (FIU-IND).
on the secondary market. The unit size
of the Bharat Bond ETF has been kept at
61. Answer: (b)
a smaller value of Rs. 1,000 to attract the
retail investors.
The changes made by the Finance Act,
ETF is a fund that is created by pooling
2016 –
together the assets and then dividing this
accumulated asset into individual units  The Finance Act, 2016 amended the
that are traded on the stock exchange. Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act
The value of the ETF comes from the

RAUSIAS-TS20E1074 18
(FCRA) 2010, having retrospective have been accorded to some states, from
effect from September, 2010. Article 371 to Article 371J.
 Under the FCRA 2010, a foreign The term ―Federal Council of India‖ does
company or an Indian company, in not exist.
which more than 50% share was
held by a foreign entity, was 63. Answer: (c)
prohibited from making any
contribution to the political parties.
The Bru-Reangs have been categorized as
 Any contribution from such entity Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Group of
would have automatically come under Tripura and not Mizoram. The Brus, that
“foreign source” and would have are spread across Tripura, Mizoram and
amounted to foreign contribution, parts of southern Assam, are the most
which was prohibited under the populous tribe in Tripura. Also known as
FCRA, 2010. the Reangs in the state, they are
 The amendment effectively exempted ethnically different from the Mizos, with
such foreign companies or Indian their own distinct language and dialect,
companies, in which more than and form one of the 21 Scheduled Tribes
50% share was held by a foreign of Tripura. In Mizoram, they are largely
company, from being categorized as restricted to Mamit and Kolasib districts.
a foreign source.
 Thus, effectively the 2016 amendment 64. Answer: (b)
provided a retrospective cover to all
contributions given to various political
India is a full member of the INTOSAI.
parties by different companies from
26th September 2010. However, the The International Organization of
retrospective amendment in 2016 did Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI)
not apply to the donations prior to the operates as an umbrella organization for
year 2010. the external government audit
community. It is a non-governmental
The changes made by the Finance Act,
organization with special consultative
2018 –
status with the Economic and Social
 The Finance Act, 2018 amended the Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations.
Finance Act, 2016 and extended the The INTOSAI is an autonomous,
retrospective cover provided to the independent, professional and non-
Indian companies having more than political organization established as a
50% foreign holding from the earlier permanent institution. Its purposes are
date of 26th September, 2010 to 5th to:
August, 1976.
 provide mutual support to the SAIs
 Thus, any contribution made by such (Supreme Audit Institutions);
Indian companies, having more than
 foster the exchange of ideas,
50% foreign holding, were exempted
knowledge and experiences;
from the FCRA scrutiny from 5th
August, 1976.  act as a recognized global public voice
of the SAIs within the international
62. Answer: (d)
 set standards for public sector
The Constitution of India provides for
 promote good national governance;
Temporary; Transitional; and Special
Provisions, whereby special provisions

RAUSIAS-TS20E1074 19
 support SAI capacity development, co- 66. Answer: (a)
operation and continuous Explanation:
performance improvement.
The new National Education Policy (NEP)
has proposed to establish the Higher
65. Answer: (d) Education Commission of India
Explanation: (HECI), as a single overarching umbrella
The CAG (The Comptroller and Auditor body for the entire higher education,
General of India) as the SAI (The excluding medical and legal education.
Supreme Audit Institution of India) – The HECI to have four independent
The Comptroller and Auditor General of
verticals - the National Higher Education
India (CAG) is the Supreme Audit
Regulatory Council (NHERC) for regulation;
Institution of India (SAI). As a
constitutional body, the CAG has been the General Education Council (GEC ) for
entrusted with the responsibility to audit standard setting; the Higher Education
the accounts and related activities of the Grants Council (HEGC) for funding; and
government and its institutions. the National Accreditation Council ( NAC)
The Duties and Powers of the CAG – for accreditation.
Article 149 – The Comptroller and  The new NEP has been built on the
Auditor General shall perform such foundational pillars of Access,
duties and exercise such powers in Equity, Quality, Affordability and
relation to the accounts of the Union and Accountability.
of the states, and of any other authority
 This Policy is aligned to the 2030
or body, as may be prescribed by or
under any law made by Parliament. Agenda for Sustainable
Accordingly, the Parliament has enacted Development (SDG-4 – Quality
the CAG‟s (Duties, Powers and Education) and aims to transform
Conditions of Service) Act, 1971. It India into a vibrant knowledge society
specifies the CAG‘s duties and powers and global knowledge superpower by
pertaining to government accounts, audit making both school and college
of receipts and expenditures of the three education more holistic, flexible,
tiers of the governments at the union, multi-disciplinary, suited to the
states and urban and rural local bodies.
21st century needs and aimed at
The duties of the CAG include the audit of
bringing out the unique capabilities of
public companies, autonomous bodies,
each student.
regulatory bodies and other public
entities, where there is a specific  The new NEP aims to include the
legislative provision to make the CAG children during their most
audit mandatory in the Acts by which foundational years from 3-6 years
these bodies were created. for their care and education. It will
Audit Reports - As per Article 151, the help to bring back 2 crore out-of-
reports of the Comptroller and Auditor schools and drop-out children into
General of India, relating to the accounts the formal educational fold and help
of the Union, shall be submitted to the India in achieving the universalization
President, who shall cause them to be
of school education. Thus, the new
laid before each House of the Parliament.
NEP stays true to its commitment and
The reports of the CAG of India,
philosophy of 'no one to be left
relating to the accounts of a state,
shall be submitted to the Governor of behind' by including the children in
that state, who shall cause them to be the age group of 3-6 years.
laid before the Legislature of the state.

RAUSIAS-TS20E1074 20
67. Answer: (c) 70. Answer: (c)
Explanation: Explanation:
The Constitution (One Hundred and The National Financial Reporting
Third Amendment) Act, 2019 – The Authority (NFRA) was constituted in 2018
reservation of 10% will be over and above by the Government of India, under the
the existing 50% reservation enjoyed by Companies Act, 2013.
the members of the Scheduled Castes, the The duties of the NFRA are to:
Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward  Recommend the accounting and
Classes. This will take the total auditing policies and standards to be
reservation to 60%. adopted by the companies for
The reservations intend to include such approval by the Central Government;
members who do not avail the benefits of  Monitor and enforce compliance with
reservation. This includes the members in the accounting standards and the
the general category, as well as the auditing standards;
members of the minority communities,  Oversee the quality of service of the
including Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhists, professions associated with ensuring
Christian and other communities who do compliance with such standards and
not enjoy any kind of reservation. suggest measures for improvement in
the quality of service; and

68. Answer: (d)  Perform such other functions and

duties, as may be necessary or
incidental to the aforesaid functions
The Cabinet Committee on Economic and duties.
Affairs (CCEA), in 2005, had approved the
constitution of a National Investment
71. Answer: (d)
Fund (NIF).
The purpose of the Fund was to receive
The 2020 edition of the Global Report on
disinvestment proceeds of the Central
Food Crises describes the scale of acute
Public Sector Enterprises and to invest
hunger in the world. It provides an
the same to generate earnings without
analysis of the drivers that are
depleting the corpus.
contributing to the food crises across the
The earnings of the Fund were to be used globe and examines how the COVID-19
for selected Central Social Welfare pandemic might contribute to their
Schemes. This Fund was kept outside the perpetuation or deterioration. The Report
Consolidated Fund of India. is produced by the Global Network
against Food Crises, an international
69. Answer: (a) alliance, working to address the root
causes of extreme hunger.
The Global Network against Food Crises
Vision Zero is a strategy to eliminate all
was established to combat the food crises
traffic fatalities and severe injuries, while
from humanitarian and development
increasing safe, healthy and equitable
perspectives, and tackle their root causes.
mobility for all.
This partnership aims to promote an
First implemented in Sweden in the enhanced co-ordination among the
1990s, Vision Zero has proved successful stakeholders through consensus on
across Europe – and now it is gaining analyses and coherent projects
momentum in major American cities. implementation.

RAUSIAS-TS20E1074 21
72. Answer: (d) 74. Answer: (c)
Explanation: Explanation:
Vidyasagar cited the Vedic texts to prove Raja Rammohan Roy set up the Atmiya
that the Hindu religion sanctioned widow Sabha to propagate the monotheistic
remarriage. ideals of the Vedanta and to campaign
against idolatry, caste rigidities,
Jagannath Shankar Seth and Bhau Daji
meaningless rituals and other social ills.
were among the active promoters of girls‘
He said that the principles of rationalism
schools in Maharashtra. Vishnu Shastri
applied to other sects also, particularly to
Pandit founded the Widow Remarriage the elements of blind faith in them.
Association in the 1850s. In his Precepts of Jesus, he tried to
Another prominent worker in this field separate the moral and philosophical
was Karsondas Mulji, who started the message of the New Testament, which he
Satya Prakash in Gujarati in 1852 to praised from its miracle stories. He
advocate widow remarriage. Similar earned the wrath of the missionaries over
efforts were made by Professor D.K. Karve his advocacy to incorporate the message
in western India and by Veerasalingam of Christ into Hinduism.
Pantulu in Madras.
Karve himself married a widow in 1893. 75. Answer: (a)
He dedicated his life to the upliftment of Explanation:
the Hindu widows and became the The rapid acceleration of digital
secretary of the Widow Remarriage transformation has had profound
implications for the services trade, but
Association. He opened a widows‘ home in
the benefits of digitalization risk being
Poona to give the high caste widows an
derailed by the existing and emerging
interest in life by providing them with the
trade barriers. The Digital Services Trade
facilities for vocational training. Restrictiveness Index (DSTRI) is released
The right of the widows to remarriage was by the Organization for Economic Co-
also advocated by B.M. Malabari, Justice operation and Development (OECD).
Govind Mahadeo Ranade and K. The OECD Digital Services Trade
Natarajan, among others. Restrictiveness Index (Digital STRI) is a
new tool that identifies, catalogues and
quantifies cross-cutting barriers that
73. Answer: (d)
affect the services traded digitally. It
Explanation: consists of two components, the
During the Non-Cooperation Movement, regulatory database and the indices,
thousands of students left government which bring together comparable
schools and colleges, and joined around information from 44 countries.
800 national schools and colleges which
cropped up during this time. These 76. Answer: (d)
educational institutions were organized Explanation:
under the leadership of Acharya Narendra The Municipal Performance Index (MPI) is
Dev, C.R. Das, Lala Lajpat Rai, Zakir a framework to assess and analyse the
Hussain and Subhash Bose (who became performance of the Indian Municipalities,
the Principal of the National College at based on their defined set of functions.
Calcutta), and included Jamia Millia at Municipal responsibilities range from
Aligarh, Kashi Vidyapeeth, Gujarat provisioning basic public services to more
Vidyapeeth and Bihar Vidyapeeth. complex domains, such as urban
planning. This Index assesses the

RAUSIAS-TS20E1074 22
performance of 114 cities across 5 pillars, REITs/InvITs allow the investors to invest
20 categories and 99 indicators. in these assets without owning them.
The Infrastructure Investment Trusts
(InvITs)/ Real Estate Investment Trusts
(or REITs) are Mutual Fund like
institutions, that enable investments into
the infrastructure sector/real estate
sector by pooling small sums of money
from multitude of individual investors for
directly investing in infrastructure, so as
to return a portion of the income (after
deducting expenditures) to the unit
holders of the InvITs, who pooled in the
The InvITs/REITS are regulated by the
securities market regulator in India- The
Securities and Exchange Board of India
77. Answer: (d)
Explanation: 79. Answer: (a)
1. The Green Supports the grid Explanation:
Energy integration of The Rajya Sabha elections are different
Corridor Project large-scale
from those of the Lok Sabha. Unlike the
renewable energy
Lok Sabha or the Lower House of the
capacity addition.
Parliament, the members of the Rajya
2. The Central Only domestically
Sabha or the Upper House of Parliament
Public Sector manufactured
are not elected directly by the public. The
Undertaking cells and modules
members of the Rajya Sabha are elected
(CPSU) Scheme would be used for
the project. by the elected representatives of the
states and the Union Territories.
3. The Rooftop Achieving
Solar (Phase II) cumulative As per the Constitution, since the Rajya
Programme capacity of 40,000 Sabha is the Council of States, the
MW through the allocation of seats for the Rajya Sabha is
solar rooftop made on the basis of the population of
projects by 2022. each state. The Rajya Sabha has a
maximum membership of 245 seats. Of
78. Answer: (d) the 245, 233 are elected by the
Explanation: legislatures of the states and the UTs,
using single transferable votes through
The REITs and the Infrastructure
―open ballot‖.
Investment Trusts (InvITs) are the
innovative vehicles that enable the Each member is elected for a term of six
developers to monetize their revenue- years. One third of the members retire
generating real estate/infrastructure every second year and fresh elections are
assets and release capital for funding new held to elect the new members.
infrastructure/real estate projects. The

RAUSIAS-TS20E1074 23
80. Answer: (b) portable and tests with it cost much less
Explanation: than the traditional RT-PCR tests.
The World Justice Project Rule of Law TrueNat is a chip-based, battery-operated
Index is the world‘s leading source for RT-PCR kit. The machine, designed by
original and independent data on the Goa-based Molbio Diagnostics Private
Rule of Law. Covering 128 countries and Limited, was originally developed for the
jurisdictions, the Index relies on the diagnosis of tuberculosis.
national surveys of more than 1,30,000 The heart of the machine is designed to
households, and 4,000 legal practitioners detect different kinds of infections. It is
and experts to measure as to how the the chip that is specific to every infection.
Rule of Law is experienced and perceived The company took 15 days to design the
worldwide. chip which had all the viral load diagnosis
It is released annually by the World for detecting Coronavirus.
Justice Project. The SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes
India has never been ranked even among COVID-19, does not have a DNA, but an
top 50 in the Index. RNA molecule. The reverse transcription
Note: The Supreme Court of India has process (the RT in RT-PCR) converts the
recently refused to entertain a plea RNA into the DNA molecule, before the
seeking a direction to the centre, the gene can be captured in the test.
states and the UTs to set up expert
committees to improve India's "pathetic" 83. Answer: (d)
69th global ranking on the Rule of Law Explanation:
Index (RLI). A new kitchen scheme, named after
former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, has
81. Answer: (d) been launched by the Rajasthan
Explanation: Government, for providing nutritious food
Recently, the State Department of to the poor and the needy, twice a day on
Archaeology, Chennai has identified 250 concessional rates.
cairn-circles from the Kodumanal Under the scheme, full meals will be
excavation site in Erode district of provided to the poor and the needy for Rs.
Tamil Nadu. These excavations at 8.
Kodumanal reveal megalithic belief in
after-life. 84. Answer: (a)
Megaliths refer to the large stone Explanation:
structures that were constructed either as Registering a comfortable victory, India
burial sites or as commemorative sites. got elected as a non-permanent member
They are spread across the peninsular of the 15-member United Nations
India, in Maharashtra and in the Security Council (UNSC) from the Asia-
southern states of Karnataka, Tamil Pacific category for 2021-22 term.
Nadu, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh and
The UNSC has 5 permanent and 10 non-
permanent members.
The megalithic culture finds mention in
The distribution of the 10 non-
the ancient Tamil Sangam literature.
permanent seats are based on the
regional basis: Two for the Latin
82. Answer: (a) American and Caribbean states; two for
Explanation: the western European and other states;
The TrueNat Machine – The big five for African and Asian states; and one
difference is that the TrueNat machine is for the eastern European states.

RAUSIAS-TS20E1074 24
To be elected to the Security Council, the  The Seshachalam BR covers, among
candidate countries need a two-thirds other areas, Sri Venkateswara
majority of ballots of the member states National Park; Sri Venkateswara
that are present and voting in the Wildlife Sanctuary; Tirupati, a major
Assembly. Hindu pilgrimage town.
 The tributaries of the Penneru
85. Answer: (d) river drain the region.
Explanation:  It is home to a number of endemic
The central government has laid out the species, including the famous Red
modalities for contributions and grants Sanders and the Slender Loris.
from any person or institution to the
 The native population of the Reserve
National Disaster Response Fund (NDRF),
includes the tribes of Yanadis.
for the first time after 15 years of its
Note: From the ecological point of view,
the Sathyamangalam Tiger Reserve
The contributions to the NDRF have been
assumes importance in being a good link
allowed through any of the modes, like
between the Eastern Ghats and the
physical instruments; Real-Time Gross
Western Ghats. The Sathyamangalam
Settlement (RTGS) /National Electronic
Forest Range is a significant wildlife
Funds Transfer (NEFT) / Unified
corridor in the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve,
Payments Interface (UPI); and
between the Western Ghats and the rest
of the Eastern Ghats. Located in the
These contributions have been allowed as Erode district of Tamil Nadu, the
per Section 46(1) (b) of the Disaster Sathyamangalam Tiger Reserve is the
Management (DM) Act, 2005. largest Wildlife Sanctuary in the state.
The NDRF, constituted under Section 46
of the Disaster Management Act, 2005,
87. Answer: (b)
supplements the State Disaster Response
Fund of the states, in case of natural
calamities, like cyclone, drought,
earthquake, fire, flood, tsunami,
hailstorm, landslide, avalanche, cloud
burst and pest attack considered to be of
severe nature by the government.
Note: The central government issued
guidelines to allow any person or
institution to contribute directly to the
National Disaster Response Fund (NDRF),
set up under the Disaster Management
Act, 2005.

86. Answer: (b)

 The Seshachalam Hills, that form part
The West Bank is located on the west
of the Eastern Ghats and are located
bank of the Jordan river and is bounded
in the Kadapa and Chittoor districts,
by Israel on the north, west and south.
have been declared the first ever Bio-
On the east of this river lies Jordan. Since
Diversity Reserve (BR) in Andhra
the Six-Day War (1967), also known as
Pradesh (2010).
the Third Arab-Israeli War, the West

RAUSIAS-TS20E1074 25
Bank has been occupied by Israel. Both  The Simbalbara National Park is
the Israelis and the Palestinians assert situated in the Paonta Valley in
their rights to the territory of the West Sirmour district of Himachal Pradesh.
Bank, and its disputed status and the
 The Simbalbara Wildlife
conflict has not been resolved as yet.
Sanctuary lies in the Shivalik Hills
and is located close to Haryana‘s
88. Answer: (c) Kalesar National Park.
Explanation:  Karimpuzha to be Kerala‘s 18th
Pangong Tso is a long narrow, deep, Wildlife Sanctuary. The declaration of
endorheic (land-locked) lake situated at a the new Wildlife Sanctuary is all the
height of more than 14,000 ft in the more significant, as it will create a
Ladakh Himalayas. contiguous protective area stretch
The brackish water lake freezes over in linking two National Parks, the
winters, and becomes ideal for ice skating Mukurthi National Park in Tamil
and polo. The legendary 19th century Nadu and the Silent Valley National
Dogra General, Zorawar Singh, is said to Park in Kerala.
have trained his soldiers and horses on
the frozen Pangong Lake before invading 90. Answer: (d)
Important fresh water lakes, such as the
The Shivalik Hill Ranges are a part of the
Dal and the Wular; and salt water lakes,
Sub-Himalayan mountain system,
such as the Pangong Tso and Tso Moriri,
extending from the UT of Jammu and
are in the Northern Himalayas.
Kashmir on the west, to Uttarakhand in
Note: It lies in the path of the Chushul the east, covering Himachal Pradesh, and
approach, one of the main approaches parts of Punjab and Haryana. A large part
that China can use for an offensive into of the Shivaliks lies in Himachal Pradesh,
the Indian-held territory. During the 1962 the upper catchment of Shivalik region of
war, this was where China launched its Haryana.
main offensive — the Indian Army fought
heroically at Rezang La, the mountain
91. Answer: (b)
pass on the south-eastern approach to
the Chushul valley. Explanation:
The Malabar Rebellion broke out in the
southern Taluks of Malabar in August,
89. Answer: (b)
1921. It largely took the shape of
guerrilla-type attacks on the Janmis
 The Kalesar National Park is situated (feudal landlords, who were mostly upper
in the foot hills of the Shivalik ranges caste Hindus), and the police and the
of the mighty Himalayas. It falls under troops.
Yamunanagar district of Haryana, Kudiyaan (tenant Moplahs) had been
sharing its boundary with three among the victims of oppressive agrarian
states, viz., Himachal Pradesh, relations protected by the British.
Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh. The
But, the political mobilization of the
Yamuna river forms the eastern
Muslims in the region, in the aftermath of
boundary with Uttar Pradesh. The
the launch of the Khilafat Agitation and
main Shivalik ridge separates the
Gandhi‘s Non-Cooperation struggle,
state boundary among Haryana,
served as an opportunity for an extremist
Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand
section to invoke a religious idiom to
in the north.
express their suffering, while working for

RAUSIAS-TS20E1074 26
a change in the oppressive system of the supporters during the Non-Cooperation
administration. Movement. But, Hindu- Muslim
There were excesses on both sides – differences distanced the Congress and
rebels and government troops. Incidents the Moplahs from each other.
of murder, looting and forced conversion By 1921, the Moplahs had been subdued.
led many to discredit the Uprising as a Lord Reading (1921-1926) was the
manifestation of religious bigotry. Viceroy of India during the Moplah
Moderate Khilafat leaders lamented that Rebellion in Kerala.
the Rebellion had alienated the Hindu Note:
 Vinayak Damodar Savarkar was one
Kunhamid Haji, who was one of the three of the first ones to describe the
most important rebel leaders, was the Moplah Rebellion as an anti-Hindu
face of the Rebellion. Born in 1866 in a genocide, through his semi-fictional
family with relatives involved in one of the novel Moplah, which became hugely
Mappila ―outbreaks‖ or ―outrages‖ in the popular when it was published in
19th century, he was familiar with the 1924.
commemoration of the Shaheeds
 Even Dr. B.R. Ambedkar has provided
(martyrs), who fought against the tyranny
a detailed account on the rebellion in
of the landlords and their helpers, mostly
Pakistan or ‗The Partition of
upper caste Hindus in the region. There
India‘. ―Beginning with the year 1920,
were several such outbreaks in the region
there occurred in that year in
during the 19th and early 20th centuries.
Malabar, what is known as the
The main actors of the outbreaks were
Moplah Rebellion. It was the result of
individuals on suicide missions.
the agitation carried out by two
The Khilafat Movement, launched in
Muslim organizations, the Khuddam-
1919, provided a fresh stimulus to the
i-Kaba (The Servants of the Mecca
grievances of the Moplah/Mappilas. Now
Shrine) and the Central Khilafat
their sense of local injustice was sought
Committee,‖ Ambedkar wrote.
to be linked with the Pan-Islamic
sentiments created in the aftermath of the  K.P. Keshav Menon praised the
collapse of the Ottoman Empire, that Moplahs for their enthusiasm to join
rendered the Ottoman Caliphate the Khilafat Movement and the
irrelevant. Haji was among those in the Congress Committees during the pre-
Malabar region inspired by the zeal of the rebellion days. He also provided a
agitation. During the Rebellion, he led critical account of the forced
many attacks on individuals, including conversion of a Thiyya woman of
the Muslims, who had been loyal to the Nilambur in the note, ‗Forced
British. Some contemporary accounts, Conversion,‘ ‗the Calicut Case,‘
however, deny that he favoured the published in 1922.
conversion of the Hindus.
Hike in revenue demand and reduction of 92. Answer: (d)
field size, coupled with the oppression of Explanation:
the officials, resulted in widespread Stars, as per the known mechanisms of
peasant unrest among the Moplahs of evolution, actually destroy lithium, as
Malabar. Twenty-two rebellions took place they evolve into Red Giants. The planets
between 1836 and 1854. None, however, were known to have more lithium than
proved successful. their stars – as is the case with the Earth-
The second Moplah Uprising occurred Sun pair.
after the Moplahs came to be organized However, leading to a contradiction, some
by the Congress and the Khilafat stars were found that were lithium-rich. A

RAUSIAS-TS20E1074 27
new study, that has been published in (Chaldeans are a Catholic ethno-religious
the journal Nature Astronomy, shows community that hails from northern Iraq)
that, in fact, when stars grow beyond as a period when the lunar eclipses seem
their Red Giant stage, into what is known to repeat themselves, but the cycle is
as the Red Clump stage, they produce applicable to the solar eclipses as well.
lithium in what is known as a Helium Any two eclipses separated by one Saros
Flash and this is what enriches them with Cycle share very similar geometries. They
lithium. occur at the same node with the Moon at
Lithium, a light element, commonly used nearly the same distance from the Earth
today in the communication device and at the same time of the year. Because
technology, has an interesting story. It the Saros period is not equal to a whole
was first produced in the Big Bang, number of days, its biggest drawback is
around 13.7 billion years ago, when the that subsequent eclipses are visible from
Universe came into being, along with different parts of the globe. The extra
other elements. 1/3-day displacement means that the
While the abundance of other elements Earth must rotate an additional ~8 hours
grew millions of times, the present or ~120º with each Cycle. For solar
abundance of lithium in the Universe is eclipses, this results in the shifting of
only four times the original (Big Bang) each successive eclipse path by ~120º
value. It is actually destroyed in the stars. westward. Thus, a Saros series returns to
The Sun, for instance, has about a factor about the same geographic region every 3
of 100 lower amount of lithium than the Saroses (54 years and 34 days).
Earth. About 40 years ago, a few large
stars were spotted that were lithium-rich. 94. Answer: (a)
This was followed by further discoveries Explanation:
of lithium-rich stars, and that posed a The National Digital Health Mission –
puzzle – if stars do not produce lithium, The scheme will be implemented by the
how do some stars develop to become National Health Authority. The National
lithium-rich? This is the first study to Health Authority also implements the
demonstrate that lithium abundance Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana
enhancement among the Low Mass Giant (PMJAY).
Stars is common. Until now, it was
Under this scheme, ‗Health IDs‘ will be
believed that only about 1% of the Giants
issued. This health account will contain
are lithium rich.
the details of every test, every disease, the
Secondly, the team has shown that as the doctors visited, the medicines taken and
star evolves beyond the Red Giant stage, the diagnosis. This information will be
and before it reaches the Red Clump very useful, as it is portable and easily
stage, there is a helium flash which accessible even if the patient shifts to new
produces an abundance of lithium. The place and visits a new doctor.
study challenges the present
The National Digital Health Mission is a
understanding of nucleosynthesis in the
holistic, voluntary healthcare
programme, which will integrate the
doctors, hospitals, pharmacies, insurance
93. Answer: (b) companies and make a digital health
Explanation: infrastructure. The Health ID card is
The Saros Cylces – The periodicity and created with the details like Aadhaar and
recurrence of eclipses is governed by mobile number, and generate unique ID
the Saros Cycle, a period of approximately for each individual. The National Digital
6,585.3 days (18 years 11 days 8 hours). Health Mission includes the Health ID,
It was known to the Chaldeans digidoctor, telemedicine, pharmacy,

RAUSIAS-TS20E1074 28
healthcare registry and personal health The Parliament enacted the Goods and
records digitally stored. Services Tax (Compensation to States)
DigiDoctor: It is a comprehensive of all Act, 2017. The Preamble to the Act reads
doctors that has the details pertaining to as follows:
their qualification, specialization and The Parliament shall, by law, on the
work experience. recommendation of the Goods and
Health Facility Registry: It is a Services Tax Council, provide for
searchable, centrally managed, compensation to the states for the loss of
comprehensive repository of all health revenue arising on account of
facilities, public and private, available in implementation of the Goods and Services
the country. Tax (GST) for a period of five years.
Personalized Health Records: A The compensation is to be paid out of the
managed record of patients‘ information non-lapsable GST Compensation Fund.
in electronic format, that is manageable As per Section 10(1), the inflows to the
and interoperable with various sub- Fund are from the GST Compensation
systems. It also provides a consolidated Cess, levied under Section 8 of the Act
view of information from multiple sources and ―such other amounts as may be
and conforms to the industry standards. recommended by the Council‖. There is
Electronic Medical Records: An no provision for any amount other than
electronic version of the patient‘s medical Cess to be credited, except based on the
history, generated at a particular medical recommendations of the Council. Section
facility. 10(2) provides that all compensation
payable under Section 7 ―shall be paid
Privacy Features –
out of the Fund‖. Thus, the centre is not
 It is a purely voluntary scheme with
obligated to provide compensation from
the citizens and their rights at the
the Consolidated Fund of India.
The compensation is provided assuming
 Privacy and data security by design
14% compound growth rate on the
revenue of 2015-16 to the states.
 Digital identity will be shared only
after the patient's informed consent
96. Answer: (b)
and only with the certified doctors.
 The patients can determine time and
duration of consent and revoke it Impact of Aerosol on Climate Change –
anytime. Atmospheric aerosols are tiny
solid/liquid/mixed particles suspended in
 No personalized information will be
the air, originating from natural or
anthropogenic sources. With a typical
 No sharing for commercial use.
lifetime of days to weeks in the
troposphere and about a year in the
95. Answer: (b) stratosphere, aerosol size ranges from a
Explanation: few nanometres to several tens of
GST Compensation: According to the micrometres.
101st Constitutional Amendment Act, Fundamentally, the aerosol particles
2016 – The Parliament shall, by law, on absorb and scatter the incoming solar
the recommendation of the Goods and radiation, modifying the global and
Services Tax Council, provide for regional radiative budget.
compensation to the states for the loss of Non-absorbing aerosols, like sulphate,
revenue arising on account of nitrate and sea spray scatter shortwave
implementation of the Goods and Services radiation back to the space, leading to a
Tax (GST) for a period of five years. net cooling of the climate system, while

RAUSIAS-TS20E1074 29
absorbing aerosols produce the opposite depends on the vertical variation of the
effect. particles and background conditions.
Carbonaceous aerosols (black carbon,
organic carbon) and mineral dust can 97. Answer: (a)
absorb and scatter the Sunlight, Explanation:
producing either warming or cooling
 The Yemen crisis has its roots in the
effects determined by the aerosol
Arab Spring of 2011, when an
properties and environmental conditions.
uprising forced the country‘s long-
Absorbing aerosols also affect the climate
time authoritarian President, Ali
when present in the surface snow, by
Abdullah Saleh, to hand over power to
lowering the surface albedo, yielding a
his deputy, Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi.
positive radiative forcing, directly
The political transition was supposed
changing the melting of snow and ice.
to bring stability to Yemen, one of the
Although depending on the local
Middle East‘s poorest nations, but
emissions and transport processes,
President Hadi struggled to deal with
regionally, the anthropogenic aerosol
various problems, including militant
radiative forcing can be either negative or
attacks, corruption, food insecurity
positive. It is well established that
and continuing loyalty of many
globally the radiative effect of
military officers to Saleh. Fighting
anthropogenic aerosols produces cooling
began in 2014 when the Houthi Shia
of the planet.
Muslim rebel movement took
Additionally, the aerosol particles act as advantage of the new President‘s
cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) and ice weakness and seized control
nuclei (IN), and therefore, have a of the northern Saada province and
significant impact on cloud properties neighbouring areas.
and precipitation. An increase in CCN
 The Xinjiang Autonomous Region in
forming aerosols in a cloudy region
China's far west has had a long
produces more, but smaller, cloud
history of discord between the
droplets, reflecting more solar radiation to
authorities and the indigenous ethnic
the space, leading to the cooling of the
Uighur population. The largest of
Earth‘s surface, known as the first
China's administrative regions,
indirect effect (cloud-albedo effect). Also,
Xinjiang borders eight countries -
smaller droplets suppress collision
Mongolia, Russia, Kazakhstan,
coalescence requiring longer growth time
Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan,
to reach raindrop size, increasing the
Pakistan and India - and until
cloud albedo and enhancing the cooling
recently, its population was mostly
effect, known as the cloud-lifetime effect
or the second indirect effect. In contrast,
in a saturated and buoyant environment,  The Madhesis of Nepal have castes
an increase in the CCN forming aerosols and ethnicity similar to Bihar and
can invigorate the cloud through micro- eastern Uttar Pradesh, with frequent
physical processes. However, there is inter-marriages between the families
significant uncertainty in such impacts. on either side of the India-Nepal
Furthermore, absorbing aerosols alter the border. The Madhes has historically
air temperature, causing an increase in been part of the larger Mithila region.
the lower level static stability, inhibiting  At least 701 people have been killed
convection leading to a decrease in the and 168 injured during inter-ethnic
cloud cover, known as the semi-direct violence between the Hema and the
effect. However, the net effect of the Lendu communities in Djugu and
absorbing aerosols on precipitation Mahagi territories (The Democratic

RAUSIAS-TS20E1074 30
Republic of the Congo) from Nagarahole National Park and the
December, 2017 to September, 2019. Bandipur National Park.
The Kabini Reservoir separates
98. Answer: (b) the Bandipur and Nagarahole Tiger
Explanation: Reserve.
The Assam Keelback Snake has been Note: Project Tiger is a ‗Tiger
sighted for the first time since 1869. This Conservation Programme‘, launched in
snake was spotted in 2018, while 1973 by the Government of India, during
retracing the Abor expedition – an iconic Prime Minister Indira Gandhi's tenure.
expedition that took place from 1911-
1912, that had yielded a rich list of flora 100. Answer: (b)
and fauna of the Assam region. Explanation:
First known as Hebius pealii, this snake  The Garib Kalyan Rojgar Abhiyaan
was named after Edward Peal, a British will be implemented in six states, viz.,
tea planter, who first collected two Uttar Pradesh; Madhya Pradesh;
specimens of this snake from Upper Jharkhand; Odisha; Rajasthan; and
Assam, 129 years ago. Bihar. These states saw the maximum
The Assam Keelback is so far known only number of migrant workers returning
to inhabit Sivasagar in Upper Assam and over the last three months.
Poba in Assam-Arunachal border. So, as  The government has identified 25
far as the present knowledge goes, it is an work areas for employment in the
endemic snake of Upper Assam. Through villages, for the development of
a molecular study, the team has shown various works.
that this snake belongs to the genus
 The villages will join this programme
Herpetoreas, which has only three other
through the common service centres
known members and not Hebius.
and the Krishi Vigyan Kendras.
When the British had discovered the
 The Ministry of Rural Development is
snake, they had classified it as belonging
the nodal Ministry for this scheme. It
to the larger Keelback species. But,
will be implemented in close co-
through DNA studies, it was found that
ordination with the state
this particular Keelback does not belong
to the generalized Keelback Snake of
India, but is rather a unique genus
(Herpetoreas) belonging to a smaller
group of four species, found in the
eastern and the western Himalayas,
South China and north-east India.

99. Answer: (d)

The Nagarhole National Park was
declared as a Tiger Reserve under Project
It lies in the Western Ghats and is a part
of the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve.
The Nagarahole river flows through the
Park, which joins the Kabini river, which
also is a boundary between the

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