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CA: February 2021

GS Paper-I: (TS21E1038)
1. Answer: (a) reduce the Government's political
Explanation: interference in the functioning of
Nearly all domestic support measures PSBs and thus reduce their Non-
which distort production as well as Performing Assets (NPAs). At the
International trade are considered to same time, it would ensure
be Amber Box Subsidies. These professional management of PSBs.
include subsidies such as Electricity,
Fertilisers, Seeds, Water, MSP etc. 5. Answer: (c)
However, Financial Support for Explanation:
Agricultural Universities and non- The adoption of Expansionary
product specific Income support to Monetary Policy would possibly lead
farmers are considered to be part of to increase in the rate of Inflation in
Green Box. the long run. Similarly, as part of
Rupee Devaluation, the RBI buys
2. Answer: (d) dollars from the market and inject
Explanation: equivalent amount of Indian rupees.
The GCF as percent of agricultural Hence, purchase of dollars
GDP is around 15.2%. Out of total accompanied by equivalent injection
GCF of 15.2%, the private sector of Rupees leads to increase in the
alone accounts for 13% and public Rupee supply in the long run leading
sector accounts for remaining 2.2%. to Inflation.
The Government expenditure on
agricultural subsidies such as MSP, 6. Answer: (a)
water, power, fertilizers, loan waivers Explanation:
etc. is as high as 8.2% of Agri-GDP. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
defines Banking Stability Index (BSI)
3. Answer: (b) as “the expected number of banks
Explanation: that could become distressed given
The RBI has recently unveiled that at least one bank has become
composite Digital Payments Index distressed”. Hence, as the BSI
(DPI) to capture the extent of increases, it means that more banks
digitisation of payments across the are expected to become distressed if
country. one bank in the system is distressed.

4. Answer: (c) 7. Answer: (c)

Explanation: Explanation:
According to P.J. Nayak Committee, Special Mention Account (SMA)
Bank Investment company (BIC) Category has been introduced by the
should be set up as holding company RBI in order to identify the incipient
to hold the Government's shares in stress in the assets of the banks and
PSBs. The setting up of BIC would NBFCs. These are the accounts that
have not-yet turned Non-Performing

Assets (NPAs) (default on the loan for 9. Answer: (a)
more than 90 days), but rather these Explanation:
accounts can potentially become Under the RBI's provisioning norms,
NPAs in future if no suitable action is the banks are required to set aside
action. certain percentage of their profits in
8. Answer: (c) order to cover risk arising from NPAs.
Explanation: It is defined in terms of percentage of
Western disturbances are storms or loan amount and depends upon the
low pressure areas originate in the asset quality. As the asset quality
Mediterranean region, other parts of deteriorates, the PCR increases. The
Europe and the Atlantic Ocean. PCR for different categories of assets
The winds are disturbed within a low is as shown below:
pressure area and come from a • Standard Assets (No Default):
westward direction with respect to 0.40%
India, hence the name western • Sub-standard Assets (> 90 days
disturbance. and less than 1 year): 15%
Then they travel towards Afghanistan, • Doubtful Assets (greater than 1
Pakistan and India along high year): 25%-40%
altitude and brisk westerly winds • Loss Assets (Identified by Bank or
which are perennially flowing from RBI): 100%
the west to the east across the
surface of the Earth.
10. Answer: (a)
Along their way they pick up moisture
from the Mediterranean Sea, Black
The Preliminary surveys by the
Sea, Caspian Sea and the Arabian
Atomic Minerals Directorate for
Exploration and Research (AMD have
When the WDs come up against the
shown the presence of 1,600 tonnes
Himalayas they shed their moisture
of lithium resources in the igneous
in the form of rain and snow.
rocks of the Marlagalla-Allapatna
Sometimes they move along the region of Karnataka’s Mandya
northern mountainous areas of district.
Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal
Pradesh, Uttarakhand towards the
north eastern states while other times 11. Answer: (a)
they move along more southward Explanation:
regions through Punjab, Haryana, The Food Safety and Standards
Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Authority of India (FSSAI) has capped
Bihar. the amount of trans fatty acids (TFA)
The WDs are not always the in oils and fats to 3% for 2021 and
harbingers of good weather. 2% by 2022, from the current
Sometimes WDs can cause extreme permissible limit of 5%, through an
weather events like floods, flash amendment to the Food Safety and
floods, landslides, dust storms, hail Standards (Prohibition and
storms and cold waves killing people, Restriction on Sales) Regulations,
destroying infrastructure and 2011.
impacting livelihoods. • While the present Regulations
come into effect immediately, the
industry players were made to
take a pledge back in 2018 that

they would comply with the 13. Answer: (c)
WHO’s call for action to reduce Explanation:
TFA by 3% by 2021, allowing Applications of the Random
them 3 years to comply with the Numbers :
latest norm.
• Random numbers have essential
• The revised Regulations apply to roles in many fields, such as
edible refined oils, vanaspati Quantum Communication,
(partially hydrogenated oils), cryptography (key generation, key
margarine, bakery shortenings wrapping, authentication etc.),
and other mediums of cooking, scientific simulations, lotteries
such as vegetable fat spreads and and fundamental physics
mixed fat spreads. experiments.
Types of Trans Fats : • The generation of genuine
• Naturally occurring trans fats are randomness is generally
produced in the gut of some considered impossible with
animals, and the foods made from classical means.
these animals (e.g., milk and meat • Quantum Mechanics has the
products) may contain small inherent potential of providing
quantities of these fats. true random numbers and, thus,
• Artificial trans fats are created in has become the preferred option
an industrial process that adds for the scientific applications
hydrogen to liquid vegetable oils to requiring randomness.
make them more solid. Since they • With this development, India
are easy to use, inexpensive to enters the club of generation of
produce and last a long time, and random numbers based on the
give foods a desirable taste and countries who have the technology
texture, they are still widely used, to achieve the Quantum
despite their harmful effects being Phenomenon.

14. Answer: (a)

12. Answer: (a)
The government has released the
In 2018, the World Health report “Action Agenda for an
Organization (WHO) launched the AtmaNirbhar Bharat (AAAN)”. It has
REPLACE action package to support been prepared by the Technology
the governments to eliminate Information, Forecasting and
industrially produced TFA (trans fatty Assessment Council (TIFAC).
acids) from the global food supply by
About TIFAC :
• TIFAC is an autonomous
According to the WHO, approximately
organization, set up in 1988,
5.4 lakh deaths take place each year
under the Department of Science
globally because of the intake of
and Technology, to look ahead in
industrially produced trans fatty
technology domain, assess the
acids. The WHO has called for the
technology trajectories and
global elimination of trans fats by
support innovation by networked
actions in select areas of national
• TIFAC continues to strive for
technology development in the

country, by leveraging technology policy makers. The detailed
innovation through sustained and deliberations and specific
concerted programmes, in close recommendations have been
association with the industry and presented in this comprehensive
the academia. report, titled “AAAN”, as an Action
• It has been conferred the Rani Agenda for an AtmaNirbhar
Lakshmibai Award for its scheme Bharat.
Knowledge Involvement in • This comprehensive action plan
Research Advancement through (AAAN) has been structured with
Nurturing (KIRAN-IPR), that is reference to timeline, highlighting
empowering the women in R&D short/medium- and long-term
through training on Intellectual interventions in various identified
Property Rights (IPR). sectors.
• TIFAC has also brought a report • The document also specifically
titled ‘Active Pharmaceutical defines overarching policy
Ingredients- Status, Issues, recommendations with reference
Technology Readiness and to technological inputs, focusing
Challenges’. towards ‘Local to Global’, thereby
• The Secretary, the Department reviving the Indian economy in
of Science and Technology is its identified domains of innovation
ex-officio member. and technology development,
technology adoption/diffusion,
boosting up manufacturing and
15. Answer: (d)
productivity, trade and
globalization, internet policy and
Action Agenda for an AtmaNirbhar data management & education
Bharat (AAAN) : and training, and AI among
TIFAC (The Technology Information, others.
Forecasting and Assessment
Council)’s White Paper on Focused
16. Answer: (d)
Interventions for ‘Make in India’: Post
COVID-19, it has highlighted thrust
sectors, viz., Healthcare; Machinery; 5G is smarter, more energy efficient
ICT; Agriculture; Manufacturing; and and faster than any of its
Electronics that would be critical for predecessors. Some predict it will be
India’s economic growth, using nearly 10 times faster than the
technology stimulus and captured current network, if it is on 4G. 5G will
sector-specific strengths, market allow for a higher number of users to
trends and opportunities. connect simultaneously. It will
eliminate network congestion and
• Post-release of the White Paper, as
allow the users to stream live TV with
a consequential follow-up and in
little to no buffering. Reduced latency
order to maximize the impact of
and higher speed are only the tip of
the White Paper on economic
the iceberg for this promising
resilience, TIFAC followed a
technology, predicting that future
consultative approach and
innovations will use 5G’s improved
organized a series of
connectivity to power some of the
brainstorming workshops
most significant communication
involving key players of each
advances of our generation. 5G
sector, covering industry,
wireless networks make it harder to
academia, R&D institutes and
track and spoof users, but security

holes remain because the devices still • 3D printing enables us to produce
connect to the older networks. complex (functional) shapes using
less material than the traditional
17. Answer: (c) manufacturing methods.
Explanation: • It can be used to produce robotic
prosthetic limbs (human
The astronomers, running the world’s
capability-enhancers), that can be
largest initiative to look for alien life,
controlled by the brain and
have recently picked up an
provide sensory feedback.
“intriguing” radio wave emission from
the direction of Proxima Centauri, the • The use of 3D printing in
closest star to our Sun. manufacturing is picking up as it
improves sustainability. The
Proxima Centauri :
technology uses less energy and
• Proxima Centauri is a small, low-
produces less waste than the
mass star, which is 4.2 light-years
traditional methods. It also allows
away from the Sun – considered a
manufacturing to be done on
close distance in the cosmic
demand, so less space is needed
terms. Its mass is about an eighth
to store inventory.
of the Sun’s and it is too dim to be
seen with the naked eye from the
Earth. 19. Answer: (b)

• It was discovered by Robert Innes Explanation:

(Scottish astronomer) and is the The scientists at the Institute of Nano
nearest-known star to the Sun. Science and Technology (INST),
Mohali (Punjab), an autonomous
institution of the Department of
18. Answer: (d)
Science and Technology (DST), the
Government of India, have produced
3D printing is being used across a an ultra-high mobility 2d-electron gas
range of industries, from construction (2DEG) at the interface of 2 insulating
to medical technology. Its use in the oxide layers.
food industry continues to grow. 3D
• The need for attaining new
printing of confectionery has focused
functionalities in modern
primarily on chocolate and hard
electronic devices has led to the
sugar candy, but recent innovations
manipulation of property of an
have led to printing of gummy candy.
electron, called spin degree of
• 3D printing or additive freedom, along with its charge.
manufacturing is a process of This has given rise to an
making 3 dimensional solid altogether new field of spin-
objects from a digital file. electronics or ‘spintronics’.
• The creation of a 3D printed • It has been realized that a
object is achieved using the phenomenon, called the ‘Rashba
additive processes. In an additive effect’, which consists of splitting
process, an object is created by of spin- bands in an electronic
laying down successive layers of system, might play a key role in
material, until the object is the spintronic devices.
• Each of these layers can be seen
as a thinly sliced horizontal cross-
section of the eventual object.

20. Answer: (a) and constitutes Medical Boards at
Explanation: the state-level.
• The Migrant Integration Policy
Index (MIPEX), 2020, published 22. Answer: (b)
by the Migration Policy Group, Explanation:
Brussels, and the Barcelona • The Mulla Committee is related
Centre for International Affairs, to jail reforms.
has ranked India the lowest
• Important recommendations of
among 52 countries in terms of
the All India Jail Reforms
inclusivity for the migrants.
Committee - The Mulla
• India scored 24, the least on the Committee.
MIPEX scale. The average score of
o A National Prison Commission
the countries is 50.
to oversee the modernization of
• The Policy Index measures the the prisons in India.
policy measures that the countries
o Putting a ban on clubbing
take to integrate the migrants
together the juvenile offenders
from 5 continents.
with the hardened criminals in
the prison, and enacting a
21. Answer: (b) comprehensive and protective
Explanation: legislation for the security and
The Medical Termination of protective care of the delinquent
Pregnancy Act, 1971, allows for juveniles.
aborting the pregnancy by medical
doctors (with specified specialization) 23. Answer: (c)
on certain grounds. Explanation:
• A pregnancy maybe be • •The Ministry of Rural
terminated up to 12 weeks, Development commenced the
based on the opinion of one Socio-Economic and Caste Census
doctor, and up to 20 weeks, (SECC) 2011, in June 2011,
based on the opinion of two through a comprehensive door to
doctors. door enumeration across the
• Termination is permitted only country.
when continuance of the • •However, because of the lack of
pregnancy would involve a risk to reliability of the data collected, or
the life of the pregnant woman, its political and electoral
cause grave injury to her mental sensitivity, the caste portion of the
or physical health (including rape SECC has not been disclosed so
and failure of birth control far.
measures), or in the case of foetal
24. Answer: (b)
The Medical Termination of
Pregnancy (Amendment) Bill, 2020
: • The Kudumbashree Mission is
Kerala’s flagship poverty
• It amends the Act to increase the
alleviation and women
upper limit for termination from
empowerment scheme.
20 to 24 weeks for certain
categories of women, removes • The State Poverty Eradication
this limit in the case of Mission (SPEM), popularly known
substantial foetal abnormalities as the Kudumbashree Mission, is

the state government’s arm for • The ILO’s headquarter is in
poverty eradication under the Geneva, Switzerland.
Local Self-Government
Department. 27. Answer: (c)
• Kudumbashree is a government Explanation:
agency, that has a budget and
The Open Skies Treaty (OST) was
staff paid by the government.
signed in 1992 between the NATO
members and the former Warsaw
25. Answer: (b) Pact countries, following the demise
Explanation: of the Soviet Union. It went into
• The Global Risks Report is effect in 2002 and had 35
released by the World Economic signatories, including the key
Forum (WEF). players, the US and Russia, along
The 16th edition of the WEF annual with one non-ratifying member
report added 12 new risks to the (Kyrgyzstan). The OST aims at
previous list. These include : building confidence among the
members through mutual openness,
• The collapse of systemically
thus reducing the chances of
important industries;
accidental war. Under the Treaty, a
• Social security systems or
member state can “spy” on any part
multilateral institutions;
of the host nation, with the latter’s
• Deteriorating mental health; consent. The USA and Russia have
• Mass youth disillusion; withdrawn from this Treaty.
• Prolonged economic stagnation;
• Fracturing international relations; 28. Answer: (a)
• A ‘pervasive backlash’ against Explanation:
science; and The New Strategic Arms Reduction
• Digital inequality and the failure Treaty (New START) :
of technology governance. This was a nuclear arms reduction
• The risk posed by infectious treaty between the USA and Russia.
diseases has been ranked as no. The USA wants China to join the
1 on the list of risks, while in Treaty, which China has not shown
2020, it was listed at the 10th interest for.
place. The Treaty was signed in 2010 and
entered into force in 2011. The Treaty
26. Answer: (c) called the 2 countries to limit their
Explanation: nuclear arsenal. It also limits the
• The Home Work Convention, number of nuclear launchers the 2
1996, is an International Labour countries can deploy. It also provides
Organization (ILO) Convention, for an inspection and verification
which came into force in 2000. It mechanism to verify that the
offers protection to the workers promises under the Treaty are kept.
who are employed in their own
homes. 29. Answer: (d)
• The Convention aims to promote Explanation:
and protect the rights of those The China-Pakistan Economic
who work at home, creating Corridor (CPEC) is China’s most
products for an employer. ambitious Belt and Road Initiative
Project, that aims to build a network

of roads, railway lines and power 33. Answer: (d)
projects throughout Pakistan. It aims Explanation:
at linking the city of Gwadar in South Prime editing is a ‘search-and-
Western Pakistan to China’s North replace’ genome editing technology
Western Region Xinjiang, through a in molecular biology, by which the
vast network of highways and genome of the living organisms may
railways. The CPEC passes through be modified. The technology directly
the Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) writes new genetic information into a
and Baluchistan. targeted DNA site.
CRISPR-Cas9 is a technology that
30. Answer: (d) cut-and-paste DNA, raising hope of
Explanation: genetic fixes for disease. CRISPR
The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) allows to target nearly any genomic
was established by an agreement location and potentially repair the
concluded in 1981 in Riyadh, Saudi broken genes.
Arabia, among Bahrain, Kuwait, Meganucleases are "molecular DNA
Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the scissors", that can be used to replace,
UAE, in view of their special relations, eliminate or modify the sequences in
geographic proximity, similar political a highly targeted way.
systems based on Islamic beliefs,
joint destiny and common objectives. 34. Answer: (b)
Its headquarter is in Riyadh, Saudi
Recently, there have been reports of
31. Answer: (a)
Chinese construction of a new village
Explanation: in Arunachal Pradesh. The village is
The South Asian Association for located a couple of kilometres across
Regional Cooperation (SAARC) was the LAC, beyond what India sees as
established in 1985. The SAARC the border separating Arunachal
includes the 8 South Asian countries, Pradesh and Tibet, on the banks of
viz., India, the Maldives, Pakistan, Sri the Tsari Chu river, in Upper
Lanka, Bhutan, Nepal, Bangladesh Subansiri district in Arunachal
and Afghanistan. It has a permanent Pradesh.
secretariat in Kathmandu, Nepal.
35. Answer: (a)
32. Answer: (a) Explanation:
Explanation: Qatar is an independent emirate on
The Regional Comprehensive the west coast of the Persian Gulf. It
Economic Partnership (RCEP) is a shares a border with eastern Saudi
free trade agreement between the Arabia, where the peninsula connects
Asia-Pacific nations of Australia, to the mainland, and is north and
Brunei, Cambodia, China, Indonesia, west of the United Arab Emirates
Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, (UAE).
New Zealand, the Philippines, Qurain Abu al-Bawl is the country’s
Singapore, South Korea, Thailand highest point.
and Vietnam.
The Tropic of Cancer passes
through the UAE, Oman and Saudi
Arabia in the middle east, not
through Qatar.

36. Answer: (b) 39. Answer: (c)
Explanation: Explanation:
The recently signed Abraham Electronically Transmitted Postal
Accord is between Israel, the United Ballot System (ETPBS) is developed
Arab Emirates and Bahrain. It is by the Election Commission of India,
mediated by the USA. Under the with the help of the Centre for
agreement, the UAE and Bahrain Development of Advanced Computing
would normalize ties with Israel, (C-DAC), for the use of the service
leading to better economic, political voters. It is a fully secured system,
and security engagement. This is the having two layers of security. Secrecy
first agreement between Israel and is maintained through the use of the
the Arab countries, since the 1994 OTP and the PIN, and no duplication
Jordan-Israel Peace Treaty. of the casted ETPB is possible due to
the unique QR Code.
37. Answer: (d) This System enables the entitled
Explanation: service voters to cast their vote using
an electronically received postal ballot
“Global commons” is a term typically
from anywhere outside their
used to describe the international,
constituency. The voters who make
supranational and
such a choice will be entitled for the
global resource domains in which the
postal ballot delivered through the
common-pool resources are found.
electronic media for a particular
The International Law identifies 4
election. Under ETPBS, the ballot is
global commons, viz., the High Seas;
sent electronically. The service voters
the Atmosphere; the Antarctica; and
then cast their votes and post the
the Outer Space.
ballots back using normal postal
services. This is what is referred as
38. Answer: (d) One Way Electronically Transmitted
Explanation: Postal Ballot System (ETPBS). Use of
The facility of postal ballot is One Way Electronic Voting System
available only to certain class of during 2019 Lok Sabha elections for
voters, e.g., the service voters and the service voters helped to save
such other voters as the Election processing time, resources and avoid
Commission may decide from time human errors.
to time, such as the absentee
voters of essential services, senior 40. Answer: (a)
citizens of more than 80 years, etc.
The Election Commission (EC) has
Decision on the questions as to
approached the Ministry of Law and
disqualification on the ground of
Justice to permit the Non-Resident
defection to be decided by the
Indians (NRIs) to vote via postal
Chairman for the Rajya Sabha and
ballots, similar to a system that is
the Speaker for the Lok Sabha.
already used by the service voters.
Defection means floor-crossing or
But, the Ministry has so far not
switching sides by a member of one
approved the proposal forwarded by
political party to another party. To
the EC.
control increasing instances of
political defection in India, the
government, through the Constitution
52nd Amendment, 1985 added the

RAUSIAS-TS21E1038 10
Tenth Schedule to the Indian their potential with the minimum
Constitution. of social constraints.

41. Answer: (b) 43. Answer: (d)

Explanation: Explanation:
The Constitution (Forty-second Status and Opportunity are
Amendment) Act, 1976, substituted associated with EQUALITY and not
REPUBLIC with SOVEREIGN Preamble - LIBERTY of thought,
SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC expression, belief, faith and worship.
44. Answer: (a)
42. Answer: (d) Explanation:
Explanation: The Criminal Justice and Police
Freedom comprises the following : Accountability Project (CPAProject) is
• Absence of Constraints - A an intervention focused on the
simple answer to the question criminalization of certain
‘what is freedom’ is the absence of communities by the police and the
constraints. Freedom is said to criminal justice system, and on
exist when external constraints on decarceration. The Project is a
the individual are absent. grassroots litigation research based
• Lack of External Control - In intervention based in Bhopal, working
terms of this definition, an in specific locations and with
individual could be considered particular communities across the
free if he/she is not subject to state of Madhya Pradesh. These
external controls or coercion, and communities include those previously
is able to make independent officially criminalized under the
decisions and act in an colonial laws, now classified as the
autonomous way. Denotified Tribal (DNT) Communities,
• Freedom is Multi-Dimensional - as well as other communities that are
Absence of constraints is only one similarly persecuted and stigmatized
dimension of freedom. Freedom is by the criminal justice system.
also about expanding the ability of The objective of the intervention is to
the people to freely express hold the criminal justice system
themselves and develop their accountable and press for the
potential. transformation of its aspects,
• Positive Aspect - Freedom in this including lawyering practices, police
sense is the condition in which and administrative practices, and
the people can develop their challenging unjust laws that
creativity and capabilities. persecute and stigmatize the
members of the DNT and other
• Need for both aspects of freedom
targeted communities. It seeks to do
is important, namely, the absence
this by ensuring quality legal
of external constraints, as well as
representation to the persons from
the existence of conditions in
these communities in various forums
which the people can develop their
through effective legal strategies, case
talent is essential.
research and accessing the higher
• A free society would be one which
enables all its members to develop

RAUSIAS-TS21E1038 11
45. Answer: (d) cannot take an independent decision
Explanation: or direct release or refuse release on
The President of India and the his own choice. This has been done
Governors of the States do not to avoid any decision made on
enjoy the same powers regarding arbitrary grounds or on some partial
mercy petition under Articles 72 grounds of religion, caste, colour or
and 161. The President has the political loyalty.
power with respect to pardon in the
cases where the punishment has 46. Answer: (c)
been provided through Court Martial. Explanation:
The Governor does not have any As a part of the Government of India’s
power with respect to the cases under ‘Ease of Doing Business (EODB)’
Court Martial. The Governor cannot initiatives, the Ministry of Corporate
pardon death sentence. However, the Affairs has notified a new Web
Governor can suspend, remit or Form christened ‘SPICe+’
commute a death sentence, whereas (pronounced ‘SPICe Plus’), replacing
the pardoning power of the President the existing SPICe (Simplified
extend even to the cases of death Proforma for Incorporating a
penalty. Company Electronically (SPICe))
The Court can interfere if it finds that form. SPICe+ would offer 10 services
the decision has been taken by the by 3 Central Government Ministries
President without the application of and Departments (The Ministry of
the mind, or the decision has been Corporate Affairs, the Ministry of
taken on extraneous or irrelevant Labour and the Department of
considerations, or due mala fides Revenue in the Ministry of Finance);
(decision taken in bad faith), or if the and one State Government
decision suffers from arbitrariness. In (Maharashtra), thereby saving as
the case of ‘Epuru Sudhakar v/s the many procedures, time and cost for
Government of Andhra Pradesh’, the starting a business in India and
Supreme Court laid down that would be applicable for all new
judicial review under Articles 72 and company incorporations.
161 is available on the following
grounds :
47. Answer: (d)
a) That the order has been passed
without the application of the
The Harischandra Range is a spur of
the Western Ghats in Maharashtra,
b) That the order is mala fide;
c) That the order has been passed
It runs in a northwest to southeast
on extraneous or wholly
direction stretching from northeast of
irrelevant considerations; and
Pune district through Ahmednagar.
d) That the order suffers from
Shevaroy Hills is one of the major hill
stations in Tamil Nadu and in
The power to pardon vested in the the Eastern Ghats.
President shall not be exercised
independently without the aid and
48. Answer: (d)
advice of the Home Minister. In the
case of ‘Maru Ram v/s the Union of Explanation:
India’, the Supreme Court held that, The India Innovation Index :
under Article 72, the President The objective of the India Innovation
Index is to scrutinize the innovation

RAUSIAS-TS21E1038 12
capacities and performance of the 50. Answer: (c)
Indian states. The Index provides an Explanation:
extensive framework for the constant Article 124(1) - Every Judge of the
evaluation of the innovation Supreme Court shall be appointed by
ecosystem of the 28 Indian states and the President by warrant under his
9 Union Territories. The Index hand and seal.
intends to accomplish the following 3
Article 124(4) - A Judge of the
Supreme Court shall not be removed
• Rank all states and Union from his office except by an order of
Territories based on their Index the President passed after an address
score; by each House of Parliament
• Identify opportunities and supported by a majority of the total
challenges; and membership of that House and by a
• Assist in modifying governmental majority of not less than two-thirds of
policies to foster innovation. the members of that House present
The states and the Union Territories and voting has been presented to the
are ranked in three categories : (1) President in the same session for
Major States; (2) NE and Hill States; such removal on the ground of proved
and (3) UT and City States. misbehaviour or incapacity.
Article 124(5) - The Parliament may
49. Answer: (b) by law regulate the procedure for the
presentation of an address and for
the investigation and proof of
The State Election Commission has
misbehaviour or incapacity of a Judge
been constituted under Articles
under clause (4).
243K and 243ZA of the
Accordingly, the Parliament has
Constitution of India, and has been
enacted ‘The Judges (Inquiry) Act,
entrusted with the function of
1968’, which regulates the procedure
conducting free, fair and impartial
for the investigation and proof of the
elections to the local bodies in the
misbehaviour or incapacity of a Judge
of the Supreme Court or of a High
Article 324 - The superintendence,
Court and for the presentation of an
direction and control of the
address by the Parliament to the
preparation of the electoral rolls for,
and the conduct of, all elections to
the Parliament and to the Legislature
of every state, and of elections to the 51. Answer: (b)
offices of the President and the Vice- Explanation:
President held under this The Constitution (74th
Constitution shall be vested in a Amendment) Act, 1992, provides
Commission referred to in this for the composition and duration
Constitution as the Election of the Municipalities.
Commission. Article 243R - Composition of the
Articles 243-I and 243-Y provide for Municipalities.
the constitution of a Finance Article 243U - Duration of the
Commission for the Panchayats and Municipalities, etc.
the Municipalities by the Governor at
the expiration of every fifth year.
52. Answer: (a)
The Jal Jeevan Mission :

RAUSIAS-TS21E1038 13
In partnership with the states, the Wetland of International Importance
scheme seeks to ensure that every (Ramsar Site).
rural household of the country gets
assured drinking water supply by 54. Answer: (c)
The fund sharing pattern between the
Geobacter are a group of gram-
centre and the states is 90:10 for the
negative bacteria. They are rod-
Himalayan and the North-Eastern
shaped, and possess flagella and pili.
States; 50:50 for other states; and
Pili is a hair-like appendage found on
100% for the Union Territories.
the surface of many bacteria and
53. Answer: (d) They live in low-oxygen environments,
Explanation: such as muddy soil, seabeds or along
The Deepor Beel is a permanent the banks of rivers. Consequently,
freshwater lake in a former channel of many species of the Geobacter
the Brahmaputra river, of great bacteria were discovered, with each
biological importance and also having interesting properties. All
essential as the only major storm Geobacter bacteria consume organic
water storage basin for the city of waste and give out electrons,
Guwahati. The Beel is a staging site generating electric current in the
on the migratory flyways and some of process.
the largest concentrations of aquatic Geobacter bacteria were the first
birds in Assam can be seen, organisms found to oxidise organic
especially in the winters. compounds to carbon dioxide. They
Some globally threatened birds are can convert the organic compounds
supported, including the Spotbilled in oil spills into carbon dioxide, or
Pelican, the Lesser and Greater turn soluble radioactive metals, such
Adjutant Stork and the Baer's as plutonium and uranium, into
Pochard. insoluble forms that are less likely to
The 50 fish species present here contaminate the groundwater. This
provide livelihoods for a number of property makes these bacteria useful
surrounding villages, and nymphaea for cleaning up water and soil that
nuts and flowers, as well as are polluted with oil, or clean-up sites
ornamental fish, medicinal plants and that are contaminated with
seeds of the Giant Water Lily Euryale radioactive metals.
ferox provide major revenue sources
in the local markets. Orchids of 55. Answer: (b)
commercial value are found in the Explanation:
neighbouring forests.
Factors for Effective Microbial
Potential threats include over-fishing Remediation :
and hunting pressure upon the
Microbial Population : Suitable
waterbirds, pollution from pesticides
kinds of micro-organisms that can
and fertilizers, and infestation by the
biodegrade all types of contaminants.
water hyacinth Eichhornia crassipes.
Oxygen : Oxygen should be enough
A proposal to create a sewage canal
to support aerobic biodegradation
from the city directly to the Beel is
(about 2% oxygen in the gas phase or
considered to be disastrous in its
0.4 mg/litre in the soil or water).
potential effects. It is designated as a
Water : Soil moisture should be from
50%–70% of the water holding

RAUSIAS-TS21E1038 14
capacity of the soil (if bioremediation be next only to the Keoladeo National
of contaminated soil is taken as an Park near Bharatpur), has been
example). responsible for the recognition
Nutrients : Nitrogen, phosphorus, accorded to this wetland in 1990, by
sulphur and other nutrients to the Ramsar Convention, as one of the
support good microbial growth. Ramasar Sites in India, for
Temperature : Appropriate conservation, development and
temperatures for microbial growth, preservation of the ecosystem.
something between 0–40˚C.
pH : The best range of pH should be 57. Answer: (c)
around 6.5 to 7.5 to ensure good Explanation:
microbial growth and timely Salient features of the Bio-Medical
biodegradation. Waste Management (Amendment)
Rules, 2018, are as follows :
56. Answer: (c) • Bio-medical waste generators,
Explanation: including hospitals, nursing
The Harike Wetland : homes, clinics, dispensaries,
veterinary institutions, animal
A shallow water reservoir with 13
houses, pathological laboratories,
islands, at the confluence of two
blood banks, health care facilities
rivers. Dense floating vegetation
and clinical establishments will
covers 70% of the lake. An important
have to phase out chlorinated
site for breeding, wintering and
plastic bags (excluding blood bags)
staging birds, supporting over
and gloves.
2,00,000 Anatidae (ducks, geese,
swans, etc.) during migration. The • All healthcare facilities shall make
entire lake is leased on an annual available the annual report on its
basis to the commercial fishery website within a period of 2 years
organizations. from the date of publication of the
Bio-Medical Waste Management
The Harike Wetland, also known as
(Amendment) Rules, 2018.
"Hari-ke-Pattan", with the Harike
Lake in the deeper part of it, is the • Operators of common bio-medical
largest wetland in northern India on waste treatment and disposal
the border of Tarn Taran Sahib facilities shall establish bar coding
district and Ferozepur district of and global positioning system for
Punjab state in India. handling of the bio-medical waste
in accordance with the guidelines
The wetland and the lake were formed
issued by the Central Pollution
by constructing the headworks across
Control Board.
the Sutlej river in 1953. The
headworks is located downstream of • The State Pollution Control
the confluence of the Beas and the Boards/Pollution Control
Sutlej rivers, just south of Harike Committees have to compile,
village. review and analyse the
information received and send the
The rich biodiversity of the wetland,
information to the Central
which plays a vital role in
Pollution Control Board in a new
maintaining the precious hydrological
Form (Form IV A), which seeks
balance in the catchment with its
detailed information regarding
vast concentration of migratory fauna
district-wise bio-medical waste
of waterfowls, including a number of
generation, information on the
globally threatened species (stated to

RAUSIAS-TS21E1038 15
health care facilities having ensure the mitigation and
captive treatment facilities, prevention of man-elephant
information on common bio- conflict.
medical waste treatment and o The central agencies, along with
disposal facilities. the state officials, coordinate to
• Every occupier, i.e., a person prevent illegal trade of ivory and
having administrative control over ensure elephant protection from
the institution and the premises hunters and poachers.
generating biomedical waste shall Elephant – The National Heritage
pre-treat the laboratory waste, Animal : The Government of India, in
microbiological waste, blood the year 2010, declared elephant as
samples and blood bags through the National Heritage Animal of the
disinfection or sterilization on-site country on the recommendations of
in the manner as prescribed by the Standing Committee of the
the World Health Organization National Board for Wildlife.
(WHO) or guidelines on safe
management of wastes from
health care activities and the
59. Answer: (b)
WHO Blue Book 2014, and then
sent to the common bio-medical Explanation:
waste treatment facility for final The Rajaji National Park is situated
disposal. in the state of Uttarakhand. The
picturesque beauty and rich
biodiversity of the Park serve as its
58. Answer: (c)
major attractions for both the nature
lovers, as well as the wildlife
About Project Elephant : enthusiasts. In the year 1983, the
• Project Elephant is a Central Rajaji Wildlife Sanctuary was merged
Government sponsored scheme, with the Motichur and Chilla Wildlife
launched in 1992. Sanctuaries, and made into the Rajaji
• Through the Project Elephant National Park.
scheme, the government helps The Park has been named after Late
in the protection and Sri C. Rajgopalachari (also known as
management of elephants to the Rajaji), a famous freedom fighter and
states having wild elephants in the first Governor General of India.
a free-ranging population. The Rajaji National Park spreads over
• It ensures the protection of an area of 820.42 sq km and is open
elephant corridors and elephant to the visitors only from mid-
habitat for the survival of the November to mid-June.
elephant population in the wild. Location of the Park :
• Obligations of the Central It is situated along the hills and
Government : foothills of the Shiwalik ranges in the
o The Union Government provides Himalayan foothills and represents
technical and financial help to the Shiwalik eco-system. Combining
these states to carry out and 3 sanctuaries, namely Chilla,
achieve the goals of Project Motichur and Rajaji - the Rajaji
Elephant. Not just that, National Park is spread over the Pauri
assistance for the purpose of Garwal, Dehradun and Saharanpur
the census, training of the field districts of Uttarakhand. The
officials is also provided to Motichur and Rajaji Sanctuaries are

RAUSIAS-TS21E1038 16
contiguous and are separated from o This style is mentioned in the
the Chilla Sanctuary to the south- Tamil Sangam literature, circa
east by the Ganges River and the 400 BCE.
Chilla River. • Musti Yudha :
The Motichur and Rajaji Wildlife o The term quite literally means
Sanctuaries lie to the north and ‘fist fighting’ (‘musti’ meaning
south of the Siwalik Ridge and are fist and ‘yudha’ meaning fight
dissected by many ravines carrying or battle) in Sanskrit. It is an
water, which descend from the main unarmed martial art from
ridge, becoming broad Varanasi, UP (Benares) in the
pebble/boulder filled streams in the northern part of India, which
plains. These streams remain dry for has a history of boxing
most of the year, but become raging traditions dating back 350
torrents during the monsoon. The years.
area is covered with diverse forest o The technique used is mainly
types, ranging from semi-evergreen to restricted to punches and elbow
deciduous, and from mixed broad- strikes with minimal use of
leaved to Terai grassland, and has kicks and knee strikes.
been classified as the Indus-Ganges
o Tracing back to ancient India,
Monsoon Forest type. Lofty strands of
this form of combat has been
Sal dominate in many parts.
referenced in both the Rig Veda
and the Ramayana.
60. Answer: (a) • Thang-Ta :
Explanation: o Manipuri martial art is called
• Kalaripayattu is a martial art Thang-Ta (sword and spear). It
designed for the ancient battlefield is dedicated to fighting skill and
(the word "Kalari" meaning worship.
"battlefield"), with weapons and o Thang-Ta is a popular term for
combative techniques that are the ancient Manipuri martial
unique to India. art, known as Huyen Lallong.
• Kalaripayattu is an Indian
martial art and fighting system
62. Answer: (a)
that originated in modern-day
Kerala. Kalaripayattu, also known
as 'Kalari', is known for its long- • Gatka :
standing history within the Indian o Gatka is the name of a martial
martial arts culture and is art associated with the Sikhs of
believed to be the oldest surviving Punjab, who practice an early
martial art in the world. variant of the martial art.
o It is a style of stick-fighting,
61. Answer: (b) with wooden sticks intended
to simulate swords.
o The Punjabi name Gatka
• Silambam :
properly refers to the wooden
o Silambam is a weapon-based
stick used.
martial art originating in
o In a recent move, the Sports
South India and it belongs to
Ministry inducted 4 indigenous
Tamil Nadu.
martial art forms —
Kalaripayattu of Kerala,

RAUSIAS-TS21E1038 17
Mallakhamb of Central India, • He resigned from the Congress
Gatka of Punjab and Thang-Ta Presidentship in 1939 and
of Manipur — into the Khelo organized the All-India Forward
India Youth Games (KIYG) Bloc, a faction within the
2021. Congress in Bengal.
• Thoda : • He became the President of the
o Thoda is known as a form of Indian National Army, as well as
martial art that is commonly the President of the Indian
seen in Himachal Pradesh, Independence League.
especially in the valleys of Kullu • He is also accredited to be the first
and Manali. man to call Mahatma Gandhi the
o This sport needs excellence in “Father of the Nation”, in his
archery, where the main address from Singapore.
weapons are bows and arrows.
o This game has 2 groups and the 64. Answer: (d)
main target is the opponent’s Explanation:
legs, below knees. • Once in London, Vinayak
• Kathi Samu : Damodar Savarkar united and
o Kathi Samu is an ancient and inflamed the Indian students in
historical martial art, which England against the British rule
originated in Andhra Pradesh. in India. He founded the Free
o Kathi basically means sword India Society. The Society
and Kathi Samu is a martial celebrated important dates on the
art which is fighted with Indian calendar, including
swords. festivals, freedom movement
o Kathi Samu is an ancient skill landmarks and was dedicated to
which was mastered by the furthering discussion about
royal armies of Andhra Indian freedom.
Pradesh. • Abhinav Bharat Society was a
secret society founded by Vinayak
Damodar Savarkar and his
brother Ganesh Damodar
63. Answer: (c)
Savarkar in 1904. Initially
Explanation: founded at Nasik as "Mitra Mela",
• Subhas Chandra Bose was born when Vinayak Savarkar was still a
in 1897 in Cuttack town. He was student of the Fergusson College
selected into the Indian Civil at Poona (Pune), the Society grew
Service after a brilliant academic to include several hundred
career. He left the job in 1921. revolutionaries and political
• After leaving the service, he joined activists with branches in various
the Non-Cooperation Movement, parts of India, extending to
but was not satisfied with the London, after Savarkar went to
principle of non-violence of study law.
Gandhiji, and supported Motilal • Savarkar wrote a book titled ‘The
and C.R. Das in the venture of History of the War of Indian
organizing the Swaraj Party. Independence’, in which he wrote
• He was twice elected the President about the guerrilla warfare tricks
of the Indian National Congress used in the 1857 Sepoy Mutiny.
(1938-Haripur and 1939-Tripuri).

RAUSIAS-TS21E1038 18
The British government immediately Security Council. All members of the
enforced a ban on the publication in United Nations agree to accept and
both Britain and India. Later, it was carry out the decisions of the Security
published by Madame Bhikaiji Cama Council. While other organs of the
in Holland and was smuggled into United Nations make
India to reach the revolutionaries recommendations to the member
working across the country against states, only the Security Council has
the British rule. the power to make decisions that the
member states are then obligated to
65. Answer: (b) implement under the Charter. The
Security Council consists of 10
elected members and 5 permanent
The Aligarh Muslim University was
members--China, the United States,
established as the Muhammadan
France, the United Kingdom and the
Anglo-Oriental (MAO) College in
Russian Federation.
1875 by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, the
Recently, India assumed the
great Muslim reformer and
membership of the UN body for the
statesman, who, in the aftermath of
eighth time, as a non-permanent
the Indian War of Independence of
member of the powerful UN body for
1857, felt that it was important for
the 2021-22 period.
the Muslims to gain education and
become involved in the public life and Note :
government services in India. It was • Each member of the Security
one of the first purely residential Council shall have one vote.
educational institutions set up either • The decisions of the Security
by the government or the public in Council on procedural matters
India. By 1920, the College was shall be made by an affirmative
transformed into the Aligarh Muslim vote of 9 members.
University. • The decisions of the Security
While advocating rational thinking, Council on all other matters shall
scientific temper and free enquiry, Sir be made by an affirmative vote of
Syed argued that religious beliefs, 9 members, including the
scientific knowledge and morality concurring votes of the permanent
were mutually consistent. He held members.
that moral values must be inculcated.
He talks of truth and Ikhlaaq (good
67. Answer: (c)
behaviour). Today, living in a post-
truth world, we create truth through Explanation:
language to fulfil our cultural needs. Yemen is located in Southwest
Sir Syed emphasized on truthfulness Asia, at the southern tip of
two centuries ago. He wrote a great the Arabian Peninsula,
deal on human traits, like between Oman and Saudi Arabia. It
sycophancy (Khushamad), which he is situated at the entrance to the Bab-
termed as a disease. el-Mandeb Strait, which links the Red
Sea to the Indian Ocean (via the Gulf
of Aden) and is one of the most active
66. Answer: (a)
and strategic shipping lanes in the
world. The Tropic of Cancer passes
The United Nations Charter through the UAE, Oman and Saudi
established 6 main organs of the Arabia in the middle east, but not
United Nations, including the through Yemen.

RAUSIAS-TS21E1038 19
68. Answer: (a) (rapeseed-mustard, groundnut,
Explanation: soyabean, sunflower, sesamum,
Chenab is a major river that flows safflower and nigerseed) and 4
in India and Pakistan, and is one of commercial crops (cotton, sugarcane,
the 5 major rivers of the Punjab copra and raw jute). The
region. It originates from near government is not legally bound to
the Bara Lacha Pass in the Lahul- pay the MSPs, even if the open
Spiti part of the Zaskar Range. The markets for the said produce are
river is formed by the confluence of ruling below their announced floor
two rivers, the Chandra and the price.
Bhaga, at Tandi, 8 km southwest MSP is based on the
of Keylong, in the Lahaul and Spiti recommendations of the Commission
district in the Indian state for Agricultural Costs and Prices
of Himachal Pradesh. It is the (CACP).
largest tributary of river Indus.
The Indus Waters Treaty,1960, 71. Answer: (c)
allocates the Chenab river to Pakistan Explanation:
for exploitation. Avian Influenza refers to the disease
caused by infection with Avian (bird)
69. Answer: (c) Influenza (flu) Type A viruses. These
Explanation: viruses occur naturally among the
The Secured Overnight Financing wild aquatic birds worldwide, and can
Rate (SOFR) is a benchmark interest infect domestic poultry and other bird
rate for the US dollar-denominated and animal species. Generally, the
derivatives and loans, that is people coming in close contact with
replacing the London Interbank infected alive or dead birds have
Offered Rate (LIBOR). The SOFR is contracted the H5N1 bird flu and it
based on the transactions in the does not usually spread from
Treasury Repurchase Market and is person to person, as per the WHO.
seen as preferable to the LIBOR, since India has been declared free of Avian
it is based on the data from Influenza (H5N1).
observable transactions, rather than
on estimated borrowing rates. 72. Answer: (a)
70. Answer: (a) Chrysopogon zizanioides, commonly
Explanation: known as vetiver and khus, is a
The Minimum Support Price (MSP) is perennial bunchgrass of
a “minimum price” for any crop that the family Poaceae.
the government considers as Vetiver grass is grown for many
remunerative for the farmers and purposes. The plant helps to
hence, deserving of “support”. It is stabilize soil and protects it
also the price that the government against erosion. It can also
agencies pay whenever they procure protect fields against pests
the particular crop. The Centre and weeds. Vetiver has favourable
currently fixes the MSPs for 23 farm qualities for animal feed. From the
commodities — 7 cereals (paddy, roots, oil is extracted and used
wheat, maize, bajra, jowar, ragi and for cosmetics, aromatherapy, herbal
barley), 5 pulses (chana, arhar/tur, skincare and ayurvedic soaps.
urad, moong and masur), 7 oilseeds Its fibrous properties make it useful

RAUSIAS-TS21E1038 20
for handicrafts and ropes. Though it Securities and Exchange Board of
originates in India, it is widely India (SEBI).
cultivated in the tropical regions. The The Apex Court has, however, also
major vetiver producers said that such immunity would be
include Haiti, India, Indonesia applicable only if there is an approved
and the Reunion Island. resolution plan and a change in the
management control of the corporate
73. Answer: (c) debtor.
Explanation: The IBC was enacted in 2016, to
Bharati is a permanent Antarctic effectively deal with insolvency and
Research Station commissioned by bankruptcy of corporate persons,
India. It is India's third Antarctic partnership firms and individuals, in
Research Facility and one of two a time-bound manner.
active Indian Research Stations,
alongside Maitri. 75. Answer: (a)
India's first committed Research Explanation:
Facility, Dakshin Gangotri, is being The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
used as a supply base. (Care and Maintenance of Case
The Research Station has been Property Animals) Rules, 2017,
operational since 2012, though it is prevent the owners and the
still being run on trial basis and transporters from causing the
formal launch is awaited. animals unnecessary pain and
Since its completion, India has suffering... Animals are sentient
become one of nine nations to have beings.
multiple stations within the Antarctic They are capable of experiencing pain,
Circle. sorrow, suffering and discomfort...
Bharati's research mandate focuses Article 51A (g) of the Constitution
on oceanographic studies and the enjoins upon every citizen to have
phenomenon of continental breakup. compassion for the living animals.
It also facilitates research to refine Note : Recently, the Central
the current understanding of the Government defended the law to
Indian sub-continent's geological deprive the owners possession of their
history. animals, including cattle, on the
suspicion that they are being subject
74. Answer: (b) to cruelty or illegally transported for
The Centre dismissed the argument
The protection to successful bidders
that taking the animals from their
and the assets of a corporate debtor
owners divested them of their
are provided by the rules under
livelihood, even before they were
Section 32A of the Insolvency and
found guilty of cruelty by a court of
Bankruptcy Code (IBC).
The Supreme Court recently held that
The argument that the owners are
the successful bidders for a corporate
deprived of their right to livelihood is
debtor under the IBC would be
not sustainable. They have no right to
immune from any investigations
do their business illegally. They have
being conducted either by any
to transport the animals as per the
investigating agencies, such as the
requirements of the Transport of
Enforcement Directorate (ED), or
Animals Rules of 1978.
other statutory bodies, such as the

RAUSIAS-TS21E1038 21
A Bench, led by the Chief Justice of 78. Answer: (b)
India S.A. Bobde, was hearing a Explanation:
petition filed by the Buffalo Traders Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar,
Welfare Association, challenging the West Bengal and Sikkim share their
validity of the Prevention of Cruelty to borders with Nepal.
Animals (Care and Maintenance of
Case Property Animals) Rules, 2017.
79. Answer: (b)
76. Answer: (c)
The West Bank is a chunk of land
located - as the name suggests - on
The Bombay Natural History Society the west bank of River Jordan and
(BNHS), founded in 1883, is one of bounded by Israel to the north, west
the largest non-governmental and south. To its east lies Jordan.
organizations in India, engaged in
The West Bank has been occupied by
conservation and biodiversity
Israel since the 1967 Middle East
War, but decades of difficult on-off
It supports many research efforts talks between Israel and the
through grants and publishes the Palestinians - both of whom assert
Journal of the Bombay Natural rights there - have left its final status
History Society. Many prominent unresolved.
naturalists, including the
The Gaza Strip, or simply Gaza, is a
ornithologists Salim Ali and S. Dillon
self-governing Palestinian territory on
Ripley, have been associated with it.
the eastern coast of the
The BNHS logo is the Great Hornbill. Mediterranean Sea.

77. Answer: (d)

The Asola-Bhatti Wildlife Sanctuary,
on the Southern Delhi Ridge of
Aravalli hill range on Delhi-Haryana
border, lies in southern Delhi, as well
as the northern parts of Faridabad
and Gurugram districts of Haryana.
The biodiversity significance of the
Ridge lies in its merger with the Indo-
Gangetic plains, as it is the part of
the Northern Aravalli Leopard Wildlife
Corridor, an important Wildlife
Corridor which starts from the
Sariska National Park in Rajasthan,
passes through Nuh, Faridabad and
Gurugram districts of Haryana and
ends at the Delhi Ridge.
Historical places around the
Sanctuary are Surajkund and
Anangpur Dam (both in Haryana),
Tughlaqabad Fort and Adilabad ruins
(both in Delhi) and Chhatarpur
Temple (in Delhi).

RAUSIAS-TS21E1038 22
defence, laptops, medical imaging, and 25% for irrigated areas/crops. If
nuclear energy and smartphones. the premium is above the threshold,
then the centre would not provide the
87. Answer: (b) additional premium amount. So, in
that case, the additional premium
amount would be borne by the
The Systemically Important Banks
respective state government.
(SIBs) are perceived as banks that are
Earlier, the scheme was mandatory
‘Too Big to Fail (TBTF)’. There is a
for the loanee farmers and optional
need for stronger regulatory
for non-loanee farmers. The recent
environment for the SIBs. In this
changes have made the enrolment
regard, the Basel Committee on
under the scheme voluntary even for
Banking Supervision (BCBS) came
the loanee farmers.
out with a framework in 2011 for
identifying the Global Systemically
Important Banks (G-SIBs). Similarly, 90. Answer: (c)
the RBI has been mandated to Explanation:
identify the Domestic Systemically A GI is primarily an agricultural,
Important banks (D-SIBs) and lay natural or a manufactured product
down suitable regulatory (handicrafts and industrial goods)
requirements to prevent their failure. originating from a definite
geographical territory. Such a name
88. Answer: (d) conveys an assurance of quality and
Explanation: distinctiveness which is essentially
attributable to its origin in that
The Commodity transaction tax was
defined geographical locality.
introduced during the Union Budget
2013-14. It is a tax imposed on the The GI tag is valid for a period of 10
exchange traded non-agricultural years. However, it can be renewed
commodity derivates in India. from time to time for further period of
Whenever, any non-agricultural 10 years each.
commodity derivatives (such as The Controller-General of Patents,
futures and options in Gold, Crude Designs and Trade Marks issues the
oil, Iron etc) are traded on the stock GI tags. The Geographical Indications
exchanges, CTT is required to be registry maintain the registry of all GI
paid. tags issued in India.
The CTT is presently imposed at
0.01% of the price at which the 91. Answer: (a)
commodity derivative is being traded. Explanation:
Even though there was proposal by Top Crude Steel Producers in World:
the market participants to do away or China, India, Japan, USA and Russia.
reduce the CTT, the Union Budget India was a net importer of total
2021-22 did not make any finished steel in 2018-19. However,
announcement in this regard. India emerged as a net exporter in
89. Answer: (d)
Explanation: 92. Answer: (d)
Under PMFBY, the Centre would Explanation:
contribute its share of the premium The MSP for Minor Forest produce
amount, provided the premium is up (MFP) is declared by the Ministry of
to 30% for unirrigated areas/crops Tribal Affairs. It is done based upon

RAUSIAS-TS21E1038 25
the recommendations of Pricing Cell 95. Answer: (d)
set up within TRIFED. Explanation:
Initially, the scheme included 10 The BBB has been set up based upon
MFPs in 9 PESA (Panchayats the recommendations of P.J. Nayak
(Extension to the Scheduled Areas) Committee. The BBB recommends
States. Subsequently, it has been the names for the selection of heads
expanded to cover all the states and of Public Sector Banks and Financial
50 MFPs. Institutions. The present chairperson
of BBB is Bhanu Pratap Sharma.
93. Answer: (b) The BBB was the part of
Explanation: Indradhanush Plan of government.
Sovereign Gold Bonds (SGBs) are the
Government securities denominated 96. Answer: (b)
in grams of gold. They are substitutes Explanation: Peace Clause deals with
for holding physical gold. Investors Agreement on Agriculture (AoA). In
have to pay the issue price in cash order to implement National Food
and the bonds will be redeemed in Security Act (NFSA), the Government
cash on maturity (and not in Gold). is required to procure more food
As an Investor, you can buy sovereign grains by announcing MSP.
Gold Bond of a denomination ranging On account of this, Government
from 1 gm to 40 kg. On buying this would be required to declare
bond, you would be entitled to an subsidies over and above the limit
annual rate of interest of 2.5%. Upon specified under AoA. This was being
the maturity period (i.e. after 8 years), challenged by the developed countries
you can redeem the bond and get such as USA, which wanted India to
cash which is equivalent to the stick to subsidy limit imposed under
current market value of the Gold. You AoA.
can also sell the SGB in the stock At the Bali ministerial conference in
exchanges before its maturity period. December 2013, India secured a
The SGBs would help us reduce the “peace clause". Under it, if India
import of Gold into India. breaches the 10% limit on subsidy
under AoA, other member countries
94. Answer: (b) will not take legal action under the
Explanation: WTO dispute settlement mechanism.
The Swiss Challenge Method (SCM) is
used by the Government for awarding 97. Answer: (c)
PPP projects. Explanation:
A Swiss Challenge is a method of Global Economic Prospects is a World
bidding, often used in public projects, Bank Group flagship report that
in which an interested party initiates examines global economic
a proposal for a contract or the bid developments and prospects, with a
for a project. The government then special focus on emerging market and
puts the details of the project out in developing economies. It is issued
the public and invites proposals from twice a year, in January and June.
others interested in executing it. On The January edition includes in-
the receipt of these bids, the original depth analyses of topical policy
contractor gets an opportunity to challenges while the June edition
match the best bid. contains shorter analytical pieces.
Commodity Markets Outlook is now

RAUSIAS-TS21E1038 26
released as its own report, also million in 2050.75% of the elderly
contained in this collection. people suffer from one or the other
chronic disease.
98. Answer: (b) 40% of the elderly people have one or
Explanation: the other disability and 20% have
issues related to mental health. This
The Hadoti region of South-East
report will provide base for national
Rajasthan and Guna district of
and state level programmes and
Madhya Pradesh are endowed with
policies for elderly population.
coriander crop.
Hadoti is also considered as epicentre
of production of coriander seed. 100. Answer: (d)
Recently, to capitalise on India’s Explanation:
prowess in the coriander cultivation, PM CARES Fund accepts voluntary
Spices Board now looks at tapping contributions by
opportunities in export of whole individuals/organizations as well as
coriander and other value-added contributions as part of CSR from
processed products from the seed- Companies/Public Sector
spice. Undertakings (PSUs). However,
contributions flowing out of
budgetary sources of the PSUs are
99. Answer: (c)
not accepted.
The Prime Minister is Chairperson
Recently, the Union Minister for
(ex-officio) of the PM CARES Fund
Health & Family Welfare released
and Minister of Defence, Minister of
INDIA REPORT on Longitudinal
Home Affairs and Minister of Finance,
Ageing Study of India (LASI) Wave-1
Government of India are ex-officio
on the virtual platform.
Trustees of the Fund.
LASI is a full–scale national survey of
The Prime Ministers as the
scientific investigation of the health,
Chairperson of the Board of Trustees
economic, and social determinants
of PM CARES Fund has the power to
and consequences of population
nominate three trustees to the Board
ageing in India.
who shall be eminent persons in the
The National Programme for Health field of research, health, science,
Care of Elderly, Ministry of Health & social work, law, public
Family Welfare has undertaken the administration and philanthropy. All
Longitudinal Ageing Study of India, the Trustees of the PM CARES Fund
through International Institute for act in a pro bono capacity.
Population Sciences, (IIPS), Mumbai
The Trustees of the PM CARES Fund
in collaboration with Harvard School
have powers to formulate
of Public Health, University of
rules/criteria for carrying out any of
Southern California, USA, United
the Objectives of the Trust.
Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
The primary objectives of the PM
and National Institute on Ageing.
CARES Fund Trust are: -
• To undertake and support relief or
In 2011 census, the 60+ population
assistance of any kind relating to
accounted for 8.6% of India’s
a public health emergency or any
population, accounting for 103
other kind of emergency, calamity
million elderly people. Growing at
or distress, either man-made or
around 3% annually, the number of
natural, including the creation or
elderly age population will rise to 319

RAUSIAS-TS21E1038 27
upgradation of healthcare or
pharmaceutical facilities, other
necessary infrastructure, funding
relevant research or any other
type of support.
• To render financial assistance,
provide grants of payments of
money or take such other steps as
may be deemed necessary by the
Board of Trustees to assist the
affected population.
• To undertake any other activity,
which is not inconsistent with the
above Objects.
The fund is administered on an
honorary basis by a Joint Secretary
(Administration) in the PMO as
Secretary to the fund, who is assisted
on honorary basis by an Officer of the
rank of Director/Deputy Secretary
(Administration) in the PMO.
The Prime Minister’s Office provides
such administrative and secretarial
support to the Trustees for the
management and administration of
the Trust, as may be required by the
PM CARES Fund is audited by an
independent auditor.

RAUSIAS-TS21E1038 28

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