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A. Suffixes
-ment, ion, -ness,-ity,tion,sion, -ation,-ition, –able,-en,-ful,-ible,-ish,–less,-like,-ous
–some,- ism, -ship,-dom,-th,-hood,….
1 Affectionate (Affection) 7 Original (Original) 13 Equal (Equality)
2 Excited (Excitement) 8 Stupid (Stupidity) 14 Hopeful (Hope)
3 Kind (Kind) 9 Attentive (Attention) 15 ResentfulResentment)
4 Secure (Security) 10 Happy (Happiness) 16 Wise (Wise)
5 Amused (Amusement) 11 Popular (Popularity)
6 Graceful (Grace) 12 Weak (Weakness)

11.2. Nouns using each of the same suffixes in

B. ment , tion,ness, ity

involvement achievement recruitment

establishment experiment disappointment
retirement replacement pavement
comment entertainment embarrassment
judgment amendment apartment
requirement measurement engagement
arrangement tournament
action Notion responsibility
cation Option susceptibility
dation Potion respectabilty
Dition Ration sentimentlity
Kation Biliousness intentionality
Lation Wantonness territoriality
Lotion Manliness hepatotoxicity
Motion Guinness intercommunity
Nation Faithfulness

ownership. judgeship. symptom.
courtship. lightship. boredom.
ridership. kingdom. phantom.
spaceship. freedom. blossom.
steamship. telecom. childhood
upmanship. bedroom.
neighbourhood  adulthood  livelihood
likelihood  motherhood  parenthood
 hood  brotherhood

1 animosity - hostility
2 astonishment – amazement
3 inquisitiveness - curiosity
4 fraternity - brotherhood
5 substitution - replacement
6 fame - stardom
7 decrease - reduction
8 area – neighborhood
9 vision – illusion
10 liberty - freedom
11 fury – anger
12 wealth - prosperity

1. Jealousy is no more than feeling alone among smiling enemies
2. Happiness is like coke; something you get as the by-product of making something else
3. Hope is the power of being cheerful in circumstances which we know to be desperate
4. Love is a universal migraine
5. The british love permanence more than they love beauty

1.Freedom is make your own decisions, and do what you want.
2.Friendship is a single soul living in two bodies.
3.Life is a long journey that everyone has to go through.
4.Curiosity is like baby;having an interest in a person, thing, or experience that leads to
making an inquiry.
5.Imagination is a tool that helps us to explore the possibilities of how to utilize the
knowledge at our disposal.


12.1. Fill each of the blanks to form a new compound adjective . Use a dictionary if
necessary .
1 . blue-eyed, brown-eyed, black-eyed, red-eyed, crossed-eyed, teary eyed.
2. bullet-proof, sound-proof, earthquake-proof,Strong-minded, broad-minded,absent-minded., round-necked, square-necked
5.hand-made, factory-made, self-made.
6.duty-free, sugar-free, fat-free, cholesterol-free
7. hard-headed, big-headed,clear-headed,level-headed
8.warm-hearted (kind), cold-hearted (unkind).

12.2 Putting the words in the opposite E into any of the categories will help you learn
air-conditioned long-standing off-peak
duty-free remote-controlled second-class
long-distance time-consuming part-time
record-breaking drip-dry so-called
sugar-free last-minute world-famous
bullet-proof cut-price top-secret
handmade interest-free

part-time, time-consuming, last-minute, hand-made, record-breaking, duty-free, top-secret ,
second-class, interest-free


bullet-proof, long-distance, long-standing, world-famous, air-conditioned, remote-controlled,

sugar-free, so-called, off-peak

12.3 List as many compound adjectives beginning with self, as you can. Mark them P
or N for positive or negative characteristics, or write neutral.

Self-assistance = self-confidence/self-reliance : P
Self-criticism = self-judgement/ self-censuring: P
Self-defence = self-protecting: P
Self-determination = self-government: P
Self-employment = earning one's living directly: P
Self-esteem = self-confidence:P
Self-examination = self-study/ introspection: P
Self-government = self-control/self-determination:P
Self-image = self-concept: P
Self-justification = self-excuses/ self-explanation: P
Self-love = narcissism/ self-appreciation: P
Self-narrative = auto-biography/ self-reported: P
Self-obsession = self-conscious: P
Self-punishment = self-mortification: N
12.4. Answer the questions by using a compound adjective which is opposite in
meaning to the adjective in the question. Note that the answer may or may not have
the same second element as the adjective in the question.

1 Isn’t she rather short-sighted?=> No, she is rather long-sighted.

2 Is your brother well-off?=> Yes, my brother is well-on.
3 Would you say the boy’s well-behaved?=> Yes, because he isn't bad-behaved.
4 Are her shoes high-heeled? =>No, her shoes are short-heeled.
5 Is this vase mass-produced?=> No, handmade.
6 Do they live in south-east England?=> No, they live in north-east England.

12.5. Think of two nouns that would frequently be associated with any ten of the
compound adjectives listed in E opposite.

Time (Full-time/ Part-time/ Half-time/ Hard-time/ Miss-time/ …)

Free (Duty-free/ Sugar-free/ Hard-free/ Half-free/ Fat-free/…)

12.6. Add a preposition from the list below to complete appropriate compound

12.7. Which of the adjectives from this unit would you use to describe yourself and
other students in your class or members of your family?
Adjectives used to describe:

Personality: good-tempered/ warm-hearted/...

Body: big-headed/ long-legged/ broad-shouldered/...
Skin: sun-tanned/ white-tanned/...
Hair: curly-haired/ straight-haired/...
Eyes: blue-eyed/ brown-eyed/ black-eyed/...

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