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Welcome to the EriSite Basic Concepts Learning Module. This module is part of the EriSite Learning Suite.
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This web based learning module will introduce you to the Basic Concepts of EriSite. You will learn about:
• The concept of EriSite as a rollout management tool
• Workflows
• Network Elements
• Project Execution
• Advantages of EriSite
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This course is structured in five different chapters. The chapters are:

Concept of EriSite
Network Elements
Project Execution
Advantages of EriSite

At the end of the course, you will participate in a quiz to check your knowledge of the course.
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Let’s begin with Chapter One: The Concept of EriSite. Click the next button to proceed.
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Let’s start with the Vision for EriSite

EriSite enables seamless execution in the Ericsson service delivery process through the automated
flow of information between systems.
It is designed to ensure end-to-end project oversight, management, data collection and reporting.
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What are the goals with establishing EriSite as the standard tool?
• Enabling end-to-end visibility, control and follow-up within Ericsson service delivery project
• Applying global standards while accommodating country and project specific localizations.
• Consolidation of functionalities from existing solutions into a single, common platform while
extending with additional future-proof capabilities.
• Allowing the workflow integration with other systems.
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Let us now see how EriSite is helping to facilitate change in rollout projects.
• EriSite is not a tool replacement, it is driving change in projects
• Change in our ways of working and processes will also be realized
• Drive toward Standardization with flexibility to tailor to business needs
• Standardization of Data, Information and processes
• Working in one standard tool – EriSite – instead of using a variety of tools to track, manage and
report in rollout projects
• EriSite is used on a daily basis due to the workflow structure
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Let’s move on to Chapter Two: Workflows. Click the next button to proceed.
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What is the Workflow Tool? Workflow tools such as EriSite allow project users to:
• Automate repetitive business processes
• Notify team members about tasks which are incomplete in the process and need to be started
within defined period of time and
• Report on the completion of activities including performance metrics
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Workflows in EriSite consist of several components. Each have different attributes and graphical
representations such as,
Billing Milestones
Payment Milestones
Activities and Milestones are called “Planning Objects.”
Workflows that consist of Planning Objects are called Work Plans. These concepts will be explained
in more detail during this learning module.
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A Work Plan (WP) is a group of Planning Objects which are managed as a small project. A Work Plan
is basically a container that includes all tasks that have to be executed during a project.
Work Plans in EriSite have the relationships and dependencies set up before a project starts, so that
it is easy to control activities during project execution.

Work Plans are characterized by:

A Workflow
A set of scheduled Planning Objects
Relations between these Planning Objects
Work Plan data fields
Dependencies between these elements
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Elements in a work plan can also be described by their relation and sequence. This is described in
the concept of Predecessor and Successor.
The Predecessor is an object which must be executed first to trigger an action for the next element.
The Successor is an object which can be performed only after executing the preceding element.
The Successor is connected with its Predecessor by using dependencies between them.
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Dependencies define relationships between Activities and Milestones.

There are four possible types of dependencies:
Finish to Start – first activity must be completed before the next activity can start
Finish to Finish – first activity must be completed before the next activity can finish
Start to Start – first activity must start before the next activity can start
Start to Finish – first activity must start before the next activity can finish

Finish to Start dependencies are the most common in EriSite workflows

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Dependencies between Activities often have leads, lags, or slack associated with the Finish to Start
A second Activity is allowed to start BEFORE the first activity is completed.
For example: Material is being delivered to a Site, and the installation of material which is already
on the Site can be started.
Some amount of time needs to elapse between the first and second task.
For example: A concrete foundation needs to cure before walls can be erected.
An activity can start later or even get delayed WITHOUT impacting the timing of a successor task.
For example: An ASP has 2 weeks time to perform their task, but technically can fulfil it in three days.
This means three days can be put into the activity and 11 days used as slack.
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Once all Activities and their durations, and all Milestones and all dependencies have been defined,
they can be combined into a project Work Plan.
The work plan will show the overall duration for all steps required to complete the tasks in the Work
Work Plan duration is the time from start date of the first planning object in the Work Plan to the
end date of the last planning object in this sequence.
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To update a Work Plan once a project has started, EriSite uses four different types of planning
objects dates. All four types always have a start and an end date.
Baseline Start / End Date: Official reference date agreed with the customer. The Baseline is set
when the project starts and should not change.
Planned Start / End Date: Official reference date agreed internally in the project.
Forecast Start / End Date: Date when a Planning Object is supposed to start or to respectively be
completed. Planned and Forecast dates can change during project execution.
Actual Start / End Date: Date when a Planning Object is actually started or to respectively be
completed. Actual dates are updated by the resources when they have started or finished a task.
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Every work plan inside a project can easily be managed by using EriSite‘s built-in mechanisms that
allow dynamic project control and accurate forecasts. The following example will help to illustrate
In the original Work Plan the Baseline start / end dates (marked in grey) are the same as planned
and forecast dates.
When the first Activity is completed (actual start-end dates are filled in) the next Planning Object can
be started and the actual end date from the first Activity is set as a forecast start date for the next
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However if any changes happen in the plan, and the forecast or planned dates are shifted, the
workplan is automatically adjusted.
If Task 2 has a new forecast start (or end) date, the Baseline dates shows the original plan;
While EriSite auto-calculates new start / end dates for the succeeding Activities and Milestones.
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Now we will review Chapter Three: Network Elements. Click the next button to proceed.
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A Network in EriSite describes the physical customer network structure. The whole network in a
rollout project consists of different network elements. These are: Nominals and Locations, Sites,
Nodes and TX Links, and Cells or Sectors. One Location may have Multiple Sites. Each Site can
contain many Nodes or TX Links. Each Node contains one or more Cells or Sectors. Every element of
this network structure can be used as a reference for a Work Plan.
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What are the definitions for Nominals and Locations?

A Nominal is the geographic area that describes the planned locations for equipment. Nominals can
contain several site candidates within. Each network element, which is accessible in the Location
menu – such as Sites or TX Links, can be created as a Nominal.
The Location describes an existing Network Element. Under one Location, several Active Sites can be
Every active Site can contain a multitude of Nodes or TX Links. A good example for a Location is an
airport. Within an airport, several sites may exist where network equipment can be installed.
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The Site is a place in which the customer network hardware can be installed. It can be:
A technical room in, or on a building
A dedicated space on the ground
Or a dedicated building such as a container

It is always defined based on a customer request and equipped with all infrastructure needed for
hardware installation.
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A Node in network rollout terminology might be:

A rack equipped with several devices or a single device, depending on the technology.
It can be connected to the antenna installation or other types of equipment provided for the
customer network.
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Let us look at the definition of Cell or Sector

A Cell or Sector is defined as the space covered by a cellular telephone transmitter / antenna. This
term is used in all cell phone network installations. In EriSite it is possible to define as many cells or
sectors as required for a customer network.
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Transmission link, or in brief TX Link, describes the connection for data transmission between the
hardware on different Sites.
It can be realized in different ways, such as using microwave links or by utilizing fiber optical
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A Project group, also known as Cluster, is a group of Network Entities that will be managed together
according to the project specific requirements.
Authorized EriSite project users can define a Project Group
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Let’s review Chapter Four: Project Execution. Click the next button to proceed.
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To set up projects in EriSite, the Administrator, together with the Project Planner create Workplan
Templates based on the project information collected by the project planner in the EriSite Entry
Form (EEF). The EEF is a template used by market areas to gather all necessary data for creating a
new project.
Workplan templates are made up of several layers:
Global templates contain workflow elements that are mandatory.
Country templates inherit the Global standards and add regional standards.
Project templates inherit Global and Country standards and can be customized.
After a template is set up it can be reused for quick and easy project setup by the EriSite Project
The information needed for a project will be gathered in three steps:
1: On the Project Template level: high level project info and connection indicators for XLPM and FAS.
2: On the Work Plan template level, with Activities, Billing Milestones, Net Sales milestones, and
Construction Milestones
3: On the Planning Object Template level, for example, with Site ID, FAS ID, Network Elements, and
Planning Objects
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Let us look at further concepts relevant for Project Execution:

During Site Instantiation, all necessary details of the specific site in the rollout project are provided,
including: Network Elements, Workflow, and Dependencies and Relationships between the Planning
EriSite also offers Approval Functions. The level of approvals can be defined individually, if
necessary. Approval of a function only denotes the acknowledgement of completion, not the quality
associated with the completion.
State changes represent the tool mechanisms which control the life cycle of records created from
business objects. Typical states are Ready to Start, Pending Predecessor, and Completed. Using the
different states also make it easy to understand the dependencies, for example, if one activity is
waiting for a predecessor to be completed before it can start
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There are some more essential functionalities worth looking at:

EriSite offers a feature called User Defined Fields or UDF. UDFs contain:
• Checklists, which can contain text fields or values from a dropdown list, or containers for
• Contents of the checklist are usually identified in the EriSite Entry Form (EEF) when setting up the
different templates
• An example could be required information or documents or photos needed to complete an Activity
EriSite also offers the possibility to define the branching decision. Meaning that based on the value
in a branching milestone, the project may proceed in different paths in the process flow. It is also
possible to include Rework decisions, meaning that a project user with this authority may decide
that an activity is rejected and requires rework. Note that this can also be achieved via Approvals
Customer Portals: EriSite offers the option to design portals specifically tailored for the user’s needs,
by only showing relevant information, and providing easy access.
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Now we will review Chapter Five: Advantages of EriSite. Click the next button to proceed.
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EriSite uses a standardized approach for the project setup.

This offers several advantages:
One delivery language - Alignment with Global ways of working
Standardized ways of working and Planning Objects allow to create multiple projects with similar
specifications more easily and quickly.
Aligned operational and financial results - One truth.
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EriSite allows the Automation of Processes in a customer project. It offers options to:
Automate Milestone Planning – after defining the dependencies during the project setup, EriSite will
automatically adjust dates for milestones when changes are made.
Project users will be notified about status changes, activities assigned to them, and the completion
of activities relevant for them.
Automated reports will provide team members with the up-to-date status of the project without the
need for manual creation and triggering.
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EriSite provides increased transparency to the project process, especially to users involved with
reporting and management of the project.
Visibility of Project Workflows – By using the standardized EriSite Entry Forms and the hierarchical
structure with predefined process level the overall structure of the project workflow is easily visible,
and can be adjusted easily to project needs.
Predefined reports and customized user portals give user easy real time access to all information
they need.
Easy access to all project data helps all users in management roles to manage by exception, instead
of having to go to details of each activity and data entry.
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During this course you have learned about:

The concept of EriSite as a rollout management tool
Network Elements
Project Execution
and the Advantages of EriSite

Click on the Resources Section of this web based learning to obtain a print out copy of this course.
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