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Task 1

Multiple Choice Questions (Choose any 25 out of 30) 

Q1 B Q11 C Q21 C

Q2 A Q12 E Q22 A

Q3 E Q13 B Q23 D

Q4 D Q14 A Q24 E

Q5 C Q15 D Q25

Q6 C Q16 B Q26 D

Q7 B Q17 D Q27

Q8 E Q18 E Q28

Q9 C Q19 C Q29

Q10 D Q20 E Q30

Task 2
1- -The source of the conflict is a staffing shortage; both departments require assistance with their work, and
neither can delay their work at this busy time of year; an extra hand for the job would resolve the conflict and
ensure the smooth operation of the company.
2- Sims' initial approach was competitive; she didn't recognize that Rankin was a credit department employee,
not hers to demand, and she didn't prioritize the company's well-being.
If I were a Sim, I'd use the collaborative style to try to solve the problem in a win-win situation.

Task 3
1- The communication framework Hans acquired was most likely the source of resentment regarding the
employee manual and uniforms. He transferred his national large company's strategy and ideas to a new
company founded by two ordinary people rather than executives. Employees resented the Hans strategies
because the relationship between the owners and their initial employees had deteriorated and there was a
communication gap.
2- If I were Hans, the first thing I would do is establish a positive and professional relationship with the
employees and make them feel at ease. I'd explain the long-term benefits of having a code of conduct in the
workplace and the professionalism behind the single uniform move. I'd explain how doing things professionally
and unitedly will benefit both the company and the employees. I'd persuade them that it's for the greater good,
and I'd explain everything to them and make them feel like they're a part of the team. As a result, they will feel a
sense of obligation to do their best for the company.

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