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What Is Paraphrasing?
• According to the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, paraphrasing is
a way to re-express a piece of writing that has been made by someone
else using different sentences to make it easier to understand.

• According to Purdue OWL, paraphrasing is a person's ability to

understand a piece of writing that has been written by someone else
and put it back into a new sentence form.

Paraphrasing is something that is important, because it can
reduce the occurrence of plagiarism in quoting an article.
Based on Purdue OWL, there are 6 effective writing
techniques in paraphrasing, including:
1. Read repeatedly until you understand the content of the writing.
2. Rewrite without looking back at the text to be paraphrased.
3. Make a list of the keywords on a note paper to recall the important
points to be conveyed.
4. Make a comparison between the original writing and paraphrased
writing. This is necessary to ensure that all ideas are contained in
the new writing.
5. Use quotation marks (“ ") to identify specific terms, terminology, or
phrases if used without being changed from the original writing.
6. Write sources on a notepad to make it easier to write library or
reference sources.
Paraphrase Example (Sentence)
Source Text : While the company has taken steps to implement the
"new normal", progress has been slower than
Paraphrase : Although the application of the "new normal" has become a
priority for the company, the results have not been as
Paraphrase Example (Paragraph)
Source Text : If your paper turns into one big quote, you don't even
write the paper. You simply copy the words of others
which incidentally seems like an easy way out. This is
something you should not do as a writer.
Paraphrase : You do not write a paper, if your paper is a complete quote. You
are basically duplicating other people's expressions for the
convenience of writing and this is not a good thing for a writer
to do.
Try to Paraphrase It
Source Text : It is a fact that the reader will be influenced by the text
content of the position and character used. An article
that is too full will make someone lazy to read it,
especially if the article uses an inappropriate font. The
font size and type also affect someone's reading
interest. The more difficult it is to read, the faster one
stops reading.
Paraphrase :

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