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Quality assurance of large scale PV power plants

Article  in  Conference Record of the IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference · June 2011

DOI: 10.1109/PVSC.2011.6186343


12 553

4 authors, including:

Klaus Kiefer Nils Holger Reich

Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE


Christian Reise
Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE


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K. Kiefer, N.H. Reich, D. Dirnberger, Ch. Reise

Fraunhofer ISE, Freiburg, Germany

ABSTRACT Assurance Cycle” was developed at Fraunhofer ISE, in

close collaboration with financial institutions and investors.
An overview on quality assurance measures for large- The cycle covers all phases of the PV system completion
scale PV power plants is given. Areas discussed include process.
yield assessment, module testing and power rating, on- The working areas shown within the “PV Quality
site system testing and yield monitoring. In addition, we Assurance Cycle” are in most cases linked to phases of
present a procedure for the analysis of module and planning, construction, handover of ownership and plant
system long-term stability using performance monitoring operation, respectively. Each of these areas is briefly
data of systems. For PV systems with standard c-Si described in the following sections. An analysis of long-
modules, calculated rates of change in the initial ~5-7 term module stability using monitoring data of PV power
years are statistically insignificant. Although this gives plants is subsequently presented.
confidence about the fairly good long-term stability of c-Si
modules, longer monitoring durations may be needed in
order to address degradation rates by monitoring data
analysis. Concerning PV performances more generally,
today’s high Performance Ratio is proof that solar PV has
matured into both a highly reliable and well-performing


The Performance Ratio (PR) of German PV systems

monitored by Fraunhofer ISE steadily increased between
years 2001 and 2010, as illustrated in Fig. 1. A detailed
analysis of these ~100 systems totalling ~30MWp is given Figure 2: PV quality assurance cycle
elsewhere [1], including descriptions of the systems, their
PR development since the start of the German “1000-
roofs-programme” and detailed comparisons of monitored YIELD ASSESSMENT
with simulated loss mechanisms.
Yield assessments provide information on the expected
system performance under given site constraints, selected
technologies and selected components. An independent
yield assessment represents the first step along the road
toward optimized yields: Yield assessments allow for the
early detection of suboptimal designs and/or unfavourable
choices of components. The latter relates to both the
performance of individual components and their interaction
within the system as a whole. It is therefore often
mandatory to include one or more independent yield
assessments for financing institutions.
The assessments of expected yield require high-quality
and long-term meteorological data for the particular site in
question. Different data sources are used and compared
to respective yield potentials wherever possible. We use
meteorological data provided by national weather services
Figure 1: Development of PR for systems monitored or specialized companies such as Meteocontrol and Geo-
by Fraunhofer ISE between years 2001 and 2009 model.
Irradiation data usually comprise only global horizontal
On top of increased component efficiencies, also quality irradiation intensity time series. It is therefore necessary to
assurance measures contribute to the achievement of high calculate irradiation intensity onto the module plane
system performances. In order to establish quality (plane-of-array irradiation HPOA) based on global horizontal
assurance as a daily practice, the so-called “PV Quality data for particular module-orientation and -inclination.

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Actual system power output is then calculated based upon module. Usually, only about 0.05% to 0.5% of the total
simulated operating conditions, mainly irradiation intensity number of modules is needed for the comparison with
incident onto the module plane and module temperature. power ratings obtained by independent testing facilities.
The determination of module power output at conditions This way, potential deviations in manufacturer-indicated
other than STC is usually based upon model parameters power output claims can be uncovered, enabling more
derived from data sheet specifications. However, a reliable information on the actual power output of all
comparison of parameters derived this way with modules shipped by the particular supplier.
parameters determined by own measurements revealed
relatively high deviations [2]. Interestingly, errors in
simulated yield related to deviating temperature
coefficients reportedly do not have as large an effect as
deviations in low-light characterization of modules. It
therefore seems desirable to at least test for the low-light
performance of modules during module measurements,
which are currently used primarily for testing the rated
STC module power output (see following section).
Regarding irradiation data, row shading and external
shading may need to be considered in addition to deriving
HPOA from global horizontal irradiation data. Modelling the
influence of shading, however, is not easy, because,
amongst other issues, one shaded cell of one single
module may affect entire module strings. An example for
ongoing research in this area is an electrical model that Figure 3: Example of module power output verification
distinguishes each cell for shaded solar generators, with by random sampling approach in module testing.
initial results already having been presented [3].
One example for module power output verification by
MODULE MEASUREMENTS random sampling is given in Fig. 3, showing comparisons
for 20 modules from each of the 4 manufacturers. The
Once planning comes to an end and actual modules are rated module power (as labelled on the back of the
purchased, it is essential to assure that shipped modules modules) and actually measured power output by
actually meet their specifications. For example, for a one- Fraunhofer ISE’s CalLab Modules is depicted in this
megawatt plant and today’s cost- and feed-in-tariff graph. As shown, overrated modules were shipped by
structure, a financial loss of as much as ~50,000€ would manufacturer 2, for which the largest difference of
result over a plant operating period of 20 years, if average manufacturer-claimed vs. ISE-measured efficiency was
module power is only one percent lower. ~4%. However, underrated modules were also detected,
In order to ensure that irregularities are identified before which was likely caused by so-called “plus-tolerances” in
installation, the measurement of a representative number the module purchase contract.
of modules is recommended, preferably in accredited
laboratories. An accredited laboratory ensures that work is SYSTEM TESTING
conducted according to state-of-the-art standards [4-8]
and that measurements with only small uncertainties of To assure that systems already in operation deliver their
reported figures are trustworthy. Prerequisites for the latter specified power output, it is necessary to test the entire
are traceable calibrations of all parts of the measurement system. Tests may include both the identification of
equipment, an uncertainty calculation according to (general) defects and the documentation of deviations in
international standards [9, 10] and a thorough quality system specifications.
management including regular international round robin On-site testing of systems can also contribute to the
tests [11]. Frainhofer ISE’s CalLab PV Modules provides verification of module power, which has actually been
measurement uncertainties of 2% for crystalline silicon installed. The procedure and general test setup is shown
modules and 3.5% to 5% for most thin film modules, in Fig. 4. Here, the total installed PV capacity at a site is
depending on the technology and measurement procedure tested by I-V curve measurements of sub-arrays or
chosen. Temperature coefficients and low light individual strings, usually for ~20% of all modules installed
performance can also be verified in this laboratory. at a site. This may reveal weak module power and/or
Testing a “representative number of modules” for a PV cabling faults. One downside of on-site system testing is
power plant in the MW range, however, is next to the dependency on weather conditions: Field I-V curve
impossible: A number-related definition of “statistically measurements can only be performed under clear skies
representative” will result in an unfeasibly large amount of with fairly high and constant irradiance (> 800 W/m²),
measurements. A special distribution-related procedure to which is due to the need for extrapolation from actual
select representative module batches from manufacturers’ conditions deviating from STC [12]. This also requires
“flash lists” was therefore developed. A “flash list” careful determination of temperature coefficients of the
indicates the manufacturer-measured power of each module (type) in question. Measurement uncertainties of
on-site power verification are roughly 2.5% to 5%,

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depending on the current weather conditions, assuming request an independent system test with a report that
I-V curves are measured according to standards, using includes a comparison between the as-built and as-
primary calibrated equipment and meticulously determined planned system.
parameters, as presented in [13]. In addition, external
influences such as module soiling or electrical losses need YIELD MONITORING
careful consideration.
Continuous monitoring of PV systems assures the early
detection of system faults (such as inverter breakdowns)
and long-term performance analysis (such as a detailed
I-V curve quantification of loss-mechanisms and annual variations of
the PR related to changing meteorological conditions). In
addition, monitoring also helps in validating and further
developing models and yield simulation software.
Measured Power
Data acquisition systems of Fraunhofer ISE monitoring
services typically record the plane-of-array irradiation
HPOA, module temperature, ambient temperature,
Power at STC Temperature measured total AC power output by connecting to the
& Irradiance utility feed-in meter, and measured DC and AC power
ACCOUNTING FOR output of reference (sub) systems to test for DC and AC
Power at STC, performances in the systems.
corrected for losses Irradiation is measured by calibrated irradiance sensors
Soiling DC wiring
Wiring losses
with uncertainty of ± 2%. For larger systems, often both a
Electrical mismatch pyranometer and a monocrystalline silicon sensor
(referred to as simply ‘reference cell’) are installed.
Labeled Module Power
Involved measurement uncertainties are listed in the
following section (see Table I).
Figure 4: On-site measurement of solar generator I-V
The DC output of a reference (sub) system is measured
curves for testing installed PV capacity.
between the solar generator and inverter, which allows for
the calculation of solar generator efficiency (SG) and
In addition, system testing may also include more detailed
inverter efficiency (Inv) on top of the Performance Ratio
examinations, such as the identification of damaged
(PR) of the plant as a whole. Monitoring data is acquired
modules or modules not working optimally by thermograph
from 1-second measurements and is usually aggregated
images obtained from infrared cameras, see Fig. 5.
to 5-minute averages.
Exemplary charts from monitored data are shown in Fig. 6,
depicting measured PV efficiencies, currents and voltages
as a function of measured irradiation intensity. Also
inverter efficiency as a function of normalized DC to AC
power output is shown. A detailed analysis of monitoring
data and comparisons of simulated with monitored (sub)
system performances will be given elsewhere [1].

Figure 5: On-site system inspection using thermo-

graphic imaging techniques to identify malfunctions.

From our experience in many on-site system inspections,

it can be concluded that component specifications which
are actually installed often vary considerably from planned
specifications. Even labelled module power output or
system inclination and orientation sometimes differ,
despite the high influence on energy yields. This ends up
being a problem when the original yield assessments are
taken as a reference for altered system specifications, for
example in closed funds or advertisements. In case of
doubts as to which status of a power plant the yield
assessment is actually referring to, investors may want to Figure 6: Exemplary monitoring charts

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ANALYSIS OF LONG-TERM MODULE STABILITY In total, monitoring data used for this study included 489
USING MONITORING DATA years of data, was performed for 107 systems, 16 of which
have modules with either string-ribbon or edge-defined
Long-term PV module stability is usually investigated by film-fed growth (EFG) solar cells and all others having
focusing upon individual modules installed outdoors over standard c-Si cells. We excluded systems with thin film
long time periods, or by accelerated lifetime testing modules in the analysis presented here. On average, data
accompanied by subsequent or continuous module availability was 99.4% for all systems in the entire period.
characterization in the laboratory. Both these approaches,
however, are cumbersome in that modules need to be Resulting “rates of change” of module power
handled and measured individually. In addition, results are
not necessarily representative, because only individual Obtained change rates from above described filtering
circumstances of these individual modules are focused on, procedure varied between –3%/yr…+3%/yr for standard c-
in regards to both the conditions the modules are operated Si modules in the initial ~5-7 years of operation. The
at and the modules themselves. To this end, we embarked statistical spread in changing power output over time is
upon an analysis of PV module degradation by means of evenly distributed, i.e., about the same decrease in PV
evaluating a large quantity of monitoring data of entire PV power output (usually referred to as degradation) as well
power plants [14, 15]. as an increase was observed. For EFG and string ribbon
In order to exclude influences from different climatic solar cells, however, the resulting rate of change is
conditions in different years, data points at comparable consistently negative. The results are illustrated in Fig 9
and failure-free conditions had to be selected. We decided for all individual systems.
on the following steps:
- Filtering of 5-minute averages at irradiation intensity
between 800 W/m² and 1000 W/m²:
- Avoiding shading and angle of incidence effects
due to relatively high sun elevation
- Efficiency of crystalline silicon based modules is
almost constant between 800-1000 W/m²
- Binning data points by temperature into 5K intervals:
The bin with the most data points was selected for the
analysis of each system, typically 40°C…45°C
- Exclusion of outliers: All data points with a deviation
of more than ± 5% from the annual median
Around 700 to 1000 data points remained per year for the
analyzed systems, for which a linear slope was fitted to
derive an annual rate of change. The filtering procedure is
illustrated in Fig. 7.
Figure 8: The ‘rate of change’ of rated power output
estimates (in %/yr) resulting from the degradation
analysis using monitoring data.

The statistical spread with an average close to zero for c-

Si modules with conventional cells leads to the conclusion
that it is not necessarily relevant to consider degradation
of crystalline silicon modules on the system level in the
initial years of plant operation. Here, start-up effects on the
system level may mask module power output reduction
which occurs over time, i.e., increased performances
resulting from identified and solved system issues may
outbalance degradation effects. Such issues are described
in the previous section ‘system testing’. In addition,
however, measurement uncertainty of system monitoring
needs to be considered.
The most important influences of uncertainties due to the
measurement setup are depicted in Fig. 7. However, not
all listed sources of uncertainty need to be considered
relevant. For example, one may assume reflection losses
at both modules and reference cell glass covers to be very
Figure 7: Filtering monitored data points (see text).
similar. Since crystalline silicon sensors were used to

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monitor crystalline silicon modules, effects due to However, more detailed studies are needed before we are
changing spectral conditions supposedly level out too. The able to include uncertainty figures related to soiling effects.
most critical quantity in the monitoring-measurements is The estimated combined uncertainty of monitoring data is
irradiance intensity, notably the relatively large initial detailed in Table I. As listed, we anticipate ~3%...4% in
uncertainty of ~2% in reference cell calibration. In addition, overall uncertainty, which is about the same as the initial
uncertainty introduced by temperature correction of the variation of rates of change. This variation of the rate of
reference cell signal has to be considered [13]. change, for all systems, is illustrated in Fig. 10, which
shows the distribution of calculated rates of change for all
Global spectral irrandiance systems monitored >1.5 years and >5 years.
on Module + sensor plane

Worst Case Best Case

Sensor soiling
Module soiling Irradiance 2.0% 2.0%
Sensor Temperature
Spectral Response Irradiance incl. T-correction 2.3% 2.3%
Spectral Response
Reflection losses Temperature 1K 1K
Reflection losses DC Current 0.6% 0.6%
DC Voltage 1.6% 0.3%
Sensor short circuit current
AC Energy 2.0% 0.5%
Estimated Combined uncertainty
Temperature dependent signal
Solar Generator Efficiency 4.5% 2.9%
Temperature coefficient of Performance Ratio 4.3% 2.8%
sensor and shunt
Temperature correction
procedure applied
Table I: Estimated measurement uncertainties

Temperature corrected signal

Calibration value

Available Irradiance for

Measured Irradiance

Stability of Sensor Module temperature

Module output

Stability of performance

Rate of change

Figure 10: The distribution of aggregated ‘rates of

Figure 9: Influences on uncertainty of the irradiance change’ for all systems combined.
measurement when deriving degradation rates
From Fig. 10 it can be discerned that the variation of the
For an accurate result of a degradation analysis, it is also calculated rate of change decreases significantly with a
important that the irradiance sensor itself has a high longer monitoring duration. Also, the rate of change is no
stability. An important issue regarding sensor stability is longer evenly distributed but shifted toward a negative rate
soiling of sensors. We measure soiling levels for all of change (usually referred to as ‘degradation’). For the
reference cells being replaced every 2 years. To this end, systems investigated this would mean -0.35%/yr, however,
additional measurements before the actual re-calibration we believe more monitoring systems over even longer
are taken, i.e., an additional calibration value is obtained time periods are needed in order to be able to state
prior to the appropriate cleaning procedure of sensor glass reliable degradation rates derived from monitoring data.
covers. Preliminary results indicate typical soiling levels in
the 1%...3% range. However, up to –5% and exceptionally SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
higher deviations were detected.
Soiling is extremely location dependent, so a general We presented an overview on the quality assurance
soiling rate could not be derived. Nor could a correlation measures available today in all phases of the PV system
between sensor operation period and soiling rate be completion process. The quality assurance measures
identified. Soiling of sensors and modules is also described in this paper can be linked to phases of
dependent on the frequency and intensity of precipitation, planning, construction, handover of ownership and plant
and measured soiling levels will also depend on the time operation, respectively, and range from yield assessment
between the last rainfall and the sensor replacement. over module characterization to on-site system testing and

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yield monitoring. Especially continuous monitoring of PV [5] IEC60904-2 Ed.2 (2007-03), Photovoltaic devices –
systems is relevant, as it assures the early detection of Part 2: Requirements for reference solar devices
system faults (such as inverter breakdowns). In addition,
monitoring also helps in validating and further developing [6] IEC60904-4 Ed.1 (2009-06), Photovoltaic devices –
yield simulation software and allows for long-term Part 4: Reference solar devices – Procedures for
performance analyses. Combined, all quality assurance establishing calibration Traceability
measures ascertain that high performances ratio of up to
90% can not only be achieved but also sustained. [7] IEC60904-7 Ed.3 (2008-11), Photovoltaic devices –
One issue of sustained high PV performance is so-called Part 7: Computation of the spectral mismatch correction
module degradation. Most often, degradation rates are for measurements of photovoltaic devices
investigated by focusing upon individual modules, either
installed outdoors during long time periods or in the [8] IEC60904-9 Ed.2 (2007-10), Photovoltaic devices –
laboratory using accelerated lifetime testing. Both these Part 9: Solar simulator performance requirements
approaches, however, are cumbersome in that modules
need to be handled and measured individually. In addition, [9] ISO/IEC Guide 98-3:2008: Uncertainty of measurement
results are not necessarily representative, because of the – Part 3: Guide to the expression of uncertainty in
focus on only individual circumstances. To this end, we measurement
presented an analysis of PV module degradation by
means of evaluating a large quantity of monitoring data of [10] Müllejans et al.,”Analysis and mitigation of
entire PV power plants. measurement uncertainties in the traceability chain fort he
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data of 107 systems including 489 years of monitoring
experience. Obtained rates of change varied [11] Werner Herrmann, Klaus Kiefer et al.,”PV Module
between -3%/yr…+3%/yr for standard c-Si modules in the output power characterisation in test laboratories and in
initial ~5-7 years of operation. For EFG and string ribbon the PV industry – Results of the European Performance
solar cells, however, the obtained rate of change was Project“, 25th EU PVSEC, Valencia, Spain, pp. 3879 -
consistently negative, suggesting it is a feasible approach 3883
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Statistical spread in changing power over time of standard Procedures for temperature and irradiance corrections to
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system level in the initial years of plant operation. PVSEC, Valencia, Spain, 2010, pp. 4587 - 4594
In conclusion, today’s high Performance Ratio prove solar
PV has matured into both a highly reliable and well- [14] K. Kiefer et al., “A Degradation Analysis of PV Power
performing technology. On top of increased component Plants”, 25th EUPVSEC, 2010, Valencia, Spain, pp. 5032
efficiencies, also quality assurance measures contribute in – 5037
achieving and sustaining these high system performances.
[15] M. Jantsch and Ch. Reise,”PV module and system
REFERENCES degradation including BOS effects”, Report D4.5.1 of the
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[2] B. Müller et al.,“Simulation of irradiation and

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[4] IEC60904-1 Ed.2 (2006-09), Photovoltaic devices –

Part 1: Measurement of photovoltaic current-voltage

978-1-4244-9965-6/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE 001992

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