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a. A contributed cash of P100 and merchandise costing P200

Books of A Books of B Books of C

Joint Operation 300 Joint Operation 300 Joint Operation 300

Cash 100 Payable to A 300 Payable to A 300
Inventory 200

b. B contributed merchandise costing P400. Freight In paid by B is P20

Books of A Books of B Books of C
Joint Operation 420 Joint Operation 420 Joint Operation 420
Payable to B 420 Inventory 400 Payable to B 420
Cash 20

c. C made purchases amounting to P100 using the cash contributed by A.

Books of A Books of B Books of C
No Entry No Entry Joint Operation 100
JO-Cash 100

d. C paid expenses of P200 using its own cash

Books of A Books of B Books of C
No Entry No Entry Joint Operation 200
Cash 200

e. C made total sales of P800. All of the merchandise was sold except one-half of those contributed by B.
Books of A Books of B Books of C
Receivable from C 800 Receivable from C 800 JO-Cash 800
Joint Operation 800 Joint Operation 800 Joint Operation 800

Amount being allocated
1. Salaries
2. Bonus
Profit after salaries and bonus
3. Interest (300x10%) 30
(420x10%) 42
Allocation of loss (24/3) (8) (8)
As allocated 22 34

h. C is charged for the cost of any unsold inventory. Profit or loss after necessary adustments shall be divided equally.
Books of A Books of B Books of C
Payable to C 210 Payable to C 210 Inventory 210
Joint Operation 210 Joint Operation 210 Joint Operation 210

Books of A Books of B Books of C

Receivable from B 8 Receivable from A 8 Receivable from A 8
Receivable from C 8 Receivable from C 8 Receivable from C 8
Joint Operation 24 Joint Operation 24 Joint Operation 24

Books of A Books of B Books of C

Payable to B 454 Payable to A 322 Payable to A 322
Payable to C 24 Payable to C 24 Payable to B 454
Cash 322 Cash 454 Cash 24
Receivable from C 800 Receivable from C 800 JO-Cash 800


Purchases and Freight In 180 430

Expenses 200

Amount being allocated
10% commission on purchases:
(100 x 10%) 10
(80 x 10%) 8
20% commission on sales:
(240 x 20%) 48
(180 x 20%) 36
Allocation of loss (52/2) (26) (26)
As allocated 32 18

Cash Settlement
Joint Operation - A
Purchases 100 240 Sales
Expenses 200
Net Share 32
Cash Settlement 92

Joint Operation - A
Purchases 80 180 Sales
Net Share 18 10 Other Income
92 Cash Settlement
Merchandise contributions 600 800

Purchases and Freight In 120 210

Expenses 200


e contributed by B.

C Total

30 30
12 12

(8) (24)
34 90

stments shall be divided equally.

Sales and other item of income

Credit balance - profit



Sales and other item of income

Unsold merchandise, if any

Credit balance - profit

Joint Venture, Inc. reports profit of P1,000,000 in 20x1.
Profit of joint venture - 20x1 1,000,000
Multiply by: Ownership interest 20%
Share in profit of joint venture before adjustment 200,000
Elimination of unrealized profit from downstream sale -
net of tax (100,000 x 60% x 70%) (42,000)
Adjusted share in profit of joint venture - 20x1 158,000

Dec. 31 Investment in joint venture 158,000

20x1 Share in profit of joint venture 158,000

Joint Venture, Inc. reports profit of P1,200,000 in 20x2.

Profit of joint venture - 20x2 1,200,000
Multiply by: Ownership interest 20%
Share in profit of joint venture before adjustment 240,000
Realized profit from downstream sale - net of tax
(100,000 x 60% x 70%) 42,000
Adjusted share in profit of joint venture - 20x2 282,000

Dec. 31 Investment in joint venture 282,000

20x2 Share in profit of joint venture 282,000

Joint Venture, Inc. reports a profit of P1,000,000 in 20x1.
Profit of joint venture - 20x1 1,000,000
Multiply by: Ownership interest 20%
Share in profit of joint venture before adjustment 200,000
Elimination of unrealized profit from upstream sale -
net of tax (100,000 x 60% x 70% x 20%) (8,400)
Adjusted share in profit of joint venture - 20x1 191,600

Dec. 31 Investment in joint venture 191,600

20x1 Share in profit of joint venture 191,600

Joint Venture, Inc. reports profit of P1,200,000 in 20x2.

Profit of joint venture - 20x2 1,200,000
Multiply by: Ownership interest 20%
Share in profit of joint venture before adjustment 240,000
Realized profit from upstream sale - net of tax
(100,000 x 60% x 70% x 20%) 8,400
Adjusted share in profit of joint venture - 20x2 248,400

Dec. 31 Investment in joint venture 248,400

20x2 Share in profit of joint venture 248,400

Joint Venture, Inc. reports profit of P1,000,000 in 20x1.
Profit of joint venture - 20x1 1,000,000
Multiply by: Ownership interest 20%
Share in profit of joint venture before adjustment 200,000
Elimination of unrealized gain from downstream sale (20,000)
Recognition of realized gain from downstream sale
(20,000/10 years) 2,000
Adjusted share in profit of joint venture - 20x1 182,000

Dec. 31 Investment in joint venture 182,000

20x1 Share in profit of joint venture 182,000

Joint Venture, Inc. reports of P1,200,000 in 20x2.

Profit of joint venture - 20x2 1,200,000
Multiply by: Ownership interest 20%
Share in profit of joint venture before adjustment 240,000
Recognition of realized gain from downstream sale
(20,000/10 years) 2,000
Adjusted share in profit of joint venture - 20x2 242,000

Dec. 31 Investment in joint venture 242,000

20x2 Share in profit of joint venture 242,000

Joint Venture, Inc. reports profit of P1,000,000 in 20x1.
Profit of joint venture - 20x1 1,000,000
Multiply by: Ownership interest 20%
Share in profit of joint venture before adjustment 200,000
Elimination of unrealized profit from upstream sale -
(20,000 x 20%) (4,000)
Recognition of realized gain from downstream sale
(20,000/10 years) x 20% 400
Adjusted share in profit of joint venture - 20x1 196,400

Dec. 31 Investment in joint venture 196,400

20x1 Share in profit of joint venture 196,400

Joint Venture, Inc. reports profit of P1,200,000 in 20x2.

Profit of joint venture - 20x2 1,200,000
Multiply by: Ownership interest 20%
Share in profit of joint venture before adjustment 240,000
Recognition of realized gain from downstream sale
(20,000/10 years) x 20% 400
Adjusted share in profit of joint venture - 20x2 240,400

Dec. 31 Investment in joint venture 240,400

20x2 Share in profit of joint venture 240,400

Joint Venture, Inc. reports profit of P1,000,000 in 20x1.
Profit of joint venture - 20x1 1,000,000
Multiply by: Ownership interest 20%
Share in profit of joint venture before adjustment 200,000
Elimination of unrealized gain from downstream sale (20,000)
Adjusted share in profit of joint venture - 20x1 180,000

Dec. 31 Investment in joint venture 180,000

20x1 Share in profit of joint venture 180,000

Joint Venture, Inc. reports profit of P1,200,000 in 20x2.

Profit of joint venture - 20x2 1,200,000
Multiply by: Ownership interest 20%
Share in profit of joint venture before adjustment 240,000

Dec. 31 Investment in joint venture 240,000

20x2 Share in profit of joint venture 240,000

Joint Venture, Inc. reports profit of P1,000,000 in 20x1.
Profit of joint venture - 20x1 1,000,000
Multiply by: Ownership interest 20%
Share in profit of joint venture before adjustment 200,000
Elimination of unrealized profit from upstream sale -
(20,000 x 20%) (4,000)
Adjusted share in profit of joint venture - 20x1 196,000

Dec. 31 Investment in joint venture 196,000

20x1 Share in profit of joint venture 196,000

Joint Venture, Inc. reports profit of P1,200,000 in 20x2.

Profit of joint venture - 20x2 1,200,000
Multiply by: Ownership interest 20%
Share in profit of joint venture before adjustment 240,000
Dec. 31 Investment in joint venture 240,000
20x2 Share in profit of joint venture 240,000

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