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INTRODUCTION compressor problems simply by using your natural
senses of sight, sound, touch and smell. You
might think of it as a quick check on what the
system is doing.

The second section describes what "Normal"

~ operating pressures and temperatures are for a
system. Think of these operating characteristics or
"conditions" as what the system should be doing.
These will be used as a benchmark for comparison
to the actual operating conditions of a system,
which will help detelllline if there's a problem.

The final section shows how abnormal pressures

1. These Carlyle compressors are among the most and temperatures are used to pinpoint the most
rugged compressors ever made. But, on air likely problems with a system or compressor.
conditioning or refrigeration duty, they don't stand
alone; they operate as part of a complete system. The three sections combined will show exactly
how the compressor is interacting and performing
A faulty system can damage or destroy even the with the system.
most rugged compressor. In fact, it's fair to say
that the system affects the compressor even more
than the compressor affects the system. PRELIMINARY INSPECTION
Conversely, a mechanical problem with the
compressor almost always causes the system to

This training program describes the interaction

between system and compressor; an interaction
you need to understand in order to provide longer
life and better operation for the compressors and
systems you service.

3. Before starting our preliminary inspection, let's
1. MAKING PRELIMINARY INSPECTION - talk about the most important part of your
job..... Safety.
OPERATION Working on air conditioning, refrigeration or
heating systems means working on components
3. ANALYZING SYSTEM OPERATION that are pressurized, rotating, and either thellnally
or electrically hol So, be careful.

Before performing mechanical service, shut off all

2. The first part of this three-section program the power, then open, lock and tag all disconnects.
describes how to easily identify possible system or Use extreme caution when electrically trouble-

shooting live components. Utilize all safety The purpose of the Operating Log is of course to
procedures shown in the printed instructions. maintain a running record of operation, main-
Don't take chances. tenance, and service of the system. Items like the
addition of refrigerant or oil, replacement of parts,
and a check of operating data will assist the
technician in analyzing a system problem.

4. When starting the preliminary inspection,

always check the possibility that the owner or
operator of the equipment can supply infolIllation
on how the equipment is running. 6. Now, let's review some initial inspection
techniques. To begin with, let's say that the
The people in close contact with operating system is off.
machinery many times can describe an event or a
condition which will aid the technician in To be sure it stays off during inspection, throw the
troubleshooting. circuit breakers or pull the fuses at the main
electric panel and remember to lock and tag the
switches so that no one can start the equipment
while you're making the preliminary inspection.



5. Also, the Operating Log or Maintenance

records will often offer clues as to how the
equipment is operating. This can be very
important to a service technician.

7. Now, take a look around for the obvious. Is 9. Are there numerous system accessories such as
there an evaporator or condenser above the oil separators, liquid line solenoids, driers, sight-
compressor which might dump liquid refrigerant glasses or accumulators? All of these serve a
into the compressor? purpose, and if there is a decided need for acces-
sories, they should be installed. Keep in mind,
however, that they increase system pressure drop
and can affect system operation by reducing
refrigerant flow, oil return, and capacity. So, if not
installed and operating conectly, they can cause
system problems and even a compressor failure.

Are there oil stains or other evidence of refrigerant

leaking at any joints, fittings, or piping
connections? Is the piping well designed?

8. Look for unsupported piping which might

vibrate and cause damage to the piping or noise
transmission through the building. Does the
system have a long or uninsulated suction line
which might develop excessive superheat? Are
any lines buried, which might cause refrigerant to
condense and cause slugging? Is there an
extremely long liquid line which might hold an
excessive amount of refrigerant? Excess
refrigerant is trouble. If extra refrigerant is
necessary, an accumulator should be used. 10. This diagram of a typical built-up system
provides some examples of a well-designed piping
Does the liquid line run through an unconditioned configuration.
(hot or cold) space which might affect sub-

The compressor discharges into a muffler, at I,
which breaks up the gas pulses to protect the
piping and reduce operating sound.

A trap in the discharge line, at 2, helps prevent the

flow of liquid refrigerant back into the compressor
heads during shutdown. The check valve beyond
the trap, at 3, serves the same purpose.

13. The suction line also has an inverted trap

which prevents liquid refrigerant from draining
back into the compressor at shutdown. The
suction line is clamped to the ceiling, but has
sufficient flexibility to allow for slight motion.

The refrigerant lines are relatively short in length,

are properly supported and insulated and are not
buried or run through rooms with excessively high
or low temperatures. Now that we've seen the
11. Clamps at the ceiling support the discharge piping, let's continue our preliminary inspection by
line. The discharge line, however, is not rigidly looking closer at the system components.
mounted. It has a chance to "flex," but it is sup-
ported by the clamps below and above the ceiling.
The liquid line is also supported by pipe clamps.
Check the Condition of:
• Fin Collars & Coils
• Supply Plenum
• Filters
• Fans, Belts, Motors
• Air Flow

14. Are the fm collars on the tubes of the

condenser and evaporator corroded from galvanic
action? Are the fins or coils dirty or damaged? Is
12. On some systems a liquid line solenoid valve the supply plenum dirty? Are the fllters dirty or
closes or "drops" on shutdown to prevent the wauu missing? Are the fan belts at the proper tension?
high pressure liquid refrigerant from flowing, or Are the blowers and fans dirty? Are they rotating
migrating, through the evaporator to the in the right direction? Check their rotation when
compressor. you start the system. Does the evaporator show

signs of freezing up, caused perhaps by insufficient UNDERSTANDING
air flow to the evaporator or is it being used for "NORMAL" OPERATION
low temperature work where some icing is

_ Handling the Load?

_ Condenser Rejecting Heat?
_ Evaporator Air Delivery

17. Once we've completed this preliminary check,

the next step will be to find out how the system is
operating. Does it appear to be handling the load?
Is the condenser rejecting heat? Is the air delivery
15. And what about the compressor? Are the sufficient?
service valves fully open? Do the installation
instructions say that the hold-down bolts should be Remember, things happening in a problem system
loosened? Is the crankcase heater working? Are can weaken or destroy a compressor, and a faulty
the cylinder heads scorched or blistered from compressor is going to cause the system to
excessive heat? Do the compressors show rust malfunction.
streaks indicating condensation from cold return
gas? This could indicate that the suction vapor is Before continuing with our diagnosis, let's review
returning too cold, with less than normal some key points.

16. Is the oil level at the proper height in the

sightglass? Giving the system a good once-over is
often all the troubleshooting you need to locate the

to need a multimeter and an ammeter to measure
the voltage at the compressor and to measure the
current which the compressor is drawing. All will
be used to provide a more complete system

To start with, let's say we have an R-22 air con-

ditioning system with an 06E compressor and an
air cooled condenser. The outdoor ambient air
temperature is 90°F.

18. In order to recognize when the system or

compressor has a problem, you must fITSt know
what the operating conditions should be when the
system and compressor are functioning normally.
Then, by comparing these values to actual system
and compressor operating conditions, you can
detelluine if there is a problem and where it is.

20. Before we turn this system on, we'll follow

safe practice and connect the measuring devices
needed to measure actual operating conditions.
These gauges and meters should, by the way, be
calibrated on a regular basis to insure accuracy.

Install the charging hoses on the service valves.

At this time, crack the valves to purge the hoses
and check the refrigerant pressures on the gauges.
Positive pressure indicates there is a charge in the
19. So just like a doctor, in order to make a system.
reasonable diagnosis of the system and the
compressor's state of health, we have to measure IMPORTANT: Purging service hoses is subject to
vital signs by observing fluid levels, reading Environmental Protection Agency regulations.
pressures, and taking temperatures. To do this
we're going to need pressure gauges and electronic
temperature measuring devices. We're also going

21. Now let's take a look at how this system 23. Watch the gauges and the oil sightglass.
operates and compare its readings to those of a Heavy foaming at the sightglass should not
normal air conditioning system. While this continue more than 5 to 10 minutes after start-up.
system has an air-cooled condenser. we should If it does. there may be excessive oil or refrigerant
mention here that we will occasionally discuss in the system. Continue to check for abnoIIllai
water-cooled systems. since many of the same sounds. vibration. and even odors that may
troubleshooting techniques apply to both. indicate a problem. Listen and be sure the
unloaders "snap" in when they activate. .


22. Start the system by first turning off the

thellllostat or control and closing the disconnects. 24. Check the voltage and CWlent at the
then turning on the system at the theIIllostat or compressor contactor a minute or two after start-
control. up. If there have been reports of overheating of
the compressor motor or evidence of it. a voltage
Listen to the compressor sound at start-up. A and/or CWlent imbalance could be the cause.
knocking. rattling. or "heavy buzzing" sound
indicates liquid refrigerant is being drawn into the Current imbalance increases rapidly with a small
cylinders. If it continues for more than a few voltage imbalance. so any voltage imbalance over
seconds. shut down the system and look for the 2% must be COllected.
cause of excess liquid return. This can damage the

L1- L2 220V- 215 V = 5V 2.27 % Imbalance
L2- L3 221 V - 220V = 1V is excessive
L3 - L1 224V - 220V = 4V and must be
% Imbalance = 5 / 220 x 100 reduced to
% Imbalance = 2.27 % 2% or below.

25. Measure the voltage on the load side of the 3 26. The maximum acceptable imbalance is 2%, so
phases at the disconnect or contactor with the the voltage supplied to this compressor must be
compressor operating. Let's say you've got these balanced in the distribution system of the building
readings: or the power company's incoming power.

L1 - L2 215V
L2· L3 221V
L3 - L1 224V
L 1 - L2 218V
660V divided by 3 = 220V; the average voltage.
L2 - L3 219V
Now check the differential between the average
and the actual readings. L3 - L1 221V
Then use this formula: 658/ 3 = 219.3V average voltage

% Imbalance = 5{220 x 100

% Imbalance = 2.27%
27. By balancing some electrical loads in the
The % imbalance equals the maximum building, the new voltage measurements are:
imbalance divided by the average
voltage times 100.
L1 - L2 218V
L2 - L3 219V
L3 - L1 221V

658 divided by 3 equals 219.3V; the average


Any cwtent imbalance over 10% must be
corrected. The imbalance is figured in the same
Find difference manner as the voltage imbalance. which is the
between each leg differential between the actual reading and the
average amperage.
and average vo~age

1.7 / 219.3 = 0.8 %

New imbalance is acceptable.
Compare actual conditions
28. The difference between the average and the
maximum imbalance readings is: to "normal" conditions
L1 - L2 2l9.3V - 2l8V -- l.3V
L2 - L3 2l9.3V - 2l9V -- 0.3V
L3 - L1 22lV - 2l9.3V - 1.7V
% Imbalance = 1.7/219.3 x lOO = 0.8% 30. Our next step is to measure the "actual"
operating pressures and temperatures of the system
So now we know that we have a well balanced and compare them to "nollnal" readings for the
electrical input. system. A table of typical system pressures and
temperatures for an R-22 system on air
conditioning duty at 90°F ambient is provided in
Appendix A.

A large imbalance causes Comparing actual system readings to what they

should be can provide a quick clue to what is
an increase in current wrong with the system. For instance. if the
suction pressure is running high. say at 76 psig.
of other 2 legs. instead of the typical 68 psig. the system may be
overcharged or excessively loaded. A discharge
Current imbalance over pressure well over 260 psig indicates the
condenser may be at fault.
10 % must be corrected.

29. A current imbalance can be caused by a

defect in a wire or terminal connection causing a
high resistance. which decreases the current flow
in that leg. This increases the current in the other
two legs and overheats them.

, '. '- ... , ..... -.

I,.~M:(~~:-:""""'.. ':'_'" ~
. ,

• SUCT. p .< ", 'J~ 88 PSIG

• sueT. T @ COMP. r (52 FJ

. DISOH. P " - p$IG 2eo

• LlQ. t @ TXV 11O°F1,
.. . .. ," ';" '. ·r_~-.'-"""_,~.r.,,.~/

31. The point here is that in order to detelJuine 32. With these measurements, we'll continue
whether the system has a problem, you must first checking the system by calculating the superheat.
know what the operating conditions are when the Superheat is necessary to ensure that the
system and compressor are operating nOlJllally. refrigerant being returned to the compressor is in
These pressures and temperatures do vary with the form of vapor and not liquid. Liquid
equipment application and refrigerant. It's refrigerant cannot be compressed, so the superheat
therefore important to check the manufacturer's provides a safety factor that prevents pumping of
service literature for "normal" system readings liquid and its potential for breaking up valves,
before troubleshooting a system. pistons, and rods in the compressor. A W&.1J1l
vapor also provides capacity improvement over a
The number of actual readings taken during a cold vapor.
system troubleshooting procedure is dependent of
course on how quickly you fInd the problem. To calculate superheat, use a Temperature-Pressure
Also, if the load is high and the system has not Chart to convert suction pressure to saturated
been running, it may take several hours for actual evaporator suction temperature. Obtain superheat
system pressures and temperatures to stabilize. by subtracting this fIgure from the actual
temperature of the suction line at the suction
For the purposes of this section of the program, service valve.
we'll assume this R-22 system has stabilized and
we've taken some essential measurements.

33. As an example, our R-22 system on air

conditioning duty is running at 68 psig suction
pressure. This means the evaporator saturated

suction temperature is about 40°F. If the actual To protect against flash gas in the liquid line, the
suction line temperature measures about 52°F, charge must be sufficient and the liquid line must
there is about 12 degIees of superheat being added be cool enough to maintain 10 to 20°F of
to the refrigerant at the leaving end of the subcooling.
• evaporator and in the suction line.
Here's how liquid subcooling is obtained. The
high pressure, high temperature hot gas leaving the
discharge line rejects superheat in the first portion
of the condenser. As the refrigerant continues
Typical Ale duty superheat through the condenser, it condenses first to a
mixture of gas and liquid, then to a liquid. The
0 liquid will fmally subcool as heat continues to be
is 10 -12 F rejected to the air or water flowing through or over
the condenser.
Normal EXV superheat
is 3 -10 F
RED F1GUAES • YACY'JM a' *CM' FIGURE. . . . . . . . . .
"F R-12 R-13 R-22 1I-4lOO R-5O
34. A typical air conditioning duty superheat with
a TXV would be 10 to 12°F above the saturated
evaporator temperature.

A nOHnal superheat with an electronic expansion

valve might be 3 to IOoF, because of the added
control available with electronics. --
36. Measuring the amount of subcooling is similar
to measuring the superheat.

First, read the discharge pressure, which in this

case is 260 psig. At this pressure the
Temperature-Pressure Chart shows the saturated
discharge or condensing temperature of the liquid
is 120°F. Then, by measuring the actual
temperature of the liquid entering the TXV at
110°F and subtracting, we see that the liquid is
subcooled 10°F. If the system is rated with IO
degrees of subcooling, this provides approximately
5% improvement in system capacity.
35. In order to achieve the proper capacity, we
must also feed the metering device a constant
supply of subcooled liquid refrigerant. This
prevents "flash gas" or bubbles of refrigerant vapor
from entering the metering device, which will
cause erratic operation and loss of capacity.

2 Subcooling Loss = • High Superheat
• Lubrication
• Electrical Problem
1 % Capacity Loss
• High Compression Ratio
• Refrigerant Flow Restriction

37. So if you don't have enough subcooling, you 39. If the hot gas line temperature approaches
will be shon of capacity by about 1% for every 2 275°F, the system must be shut down and the
degrees of subcooling. cause of the high gas temperarure analyzed. The
actual temperarure of the hot gas at compressor
discharge valves is 25 to 50°F higher than the line
temperarure and the refrigerant and oil can begin
to carbonire at these elevated temperarures. High
superheat, a lubrication problem, an electrical
problem, high compression ratio, or a refrigerant
flow restriction can cause overheating of the

38. Next, measure the hot gas discharge line

temperature, which is usually 60° to lOO°F above
the sarurated condensing temperarure, which in this
case is 120°F. We have 190°F measured on our
system, which is good.

40. After the system has been running for 20 to

30 minutes, the temperature should be checked
using a thelillometer on the side of the compressor
head, crankcase, and motor barrel. Be careful
not to touch the top of the compressor head. It
can be well over 180°F.

The bottom of the head is usually at a temperature
of 80 to 120°F. The crankcase will be slightly
wallu as the oil temperature goes from 90 to DISCHARGE 260 PSI+14.7 PSI 274.7
135°F depending on loading of the system. The
motor barrel runs cooler because of the refrigerant SUCTION 68 PSI+14.7 PSI
- -
being drawn through it and so it will range from
60 to 105°F, depending on location. If the load is
high, it may take time to reach the lower
When these operating temperatures are too cool or
too hot it means something is wrong with the
compressor or system. Check the typical operating
temperatures in the back of the workbook to 42. The last item to check is the compression
detennine the possible cause of these temperature ratio. Calculate this ratio by dividing total
• •
vanatlons. absolute discharge pressure by the total absolute
suction pressure. The resulting figure or ratio is
an indication of the work being perfOIllled by the

For example: rust add an atmospheric pressure of

14.7 psi to typical suction and discharge gauge
pressures of 68 psig and 260 psig. Then divide
these absolute pressures, which gives a 3.32 to 1
compression ratio.

Compression ratios above 4: 1 on air conditioning

systems may indicate abnormal conditions causing
low suction pressures or high discharge pressures.

Higher compression ratios with the same model

41. If there are any suspicions of lubrication compressor are common on low temperature duty
problems or overheating, the oil pressure must be or with heat pumps running in reverse cycle
checked. It should run about 14 to 20 psig above heating in low ambient conditions.
the suction pressure on R-22 air conditioning
systems. All 06E and later model 06D compres- In fact, compression ratios of 8, 9 or 10 to 1 are
sors have oil pressure taps. common on heat pump systems operating in low
ambient conditions.

R- 22 Air R 12 Med R 502 Low
Condo Temp, Ref, Temp, Ref,
Ambient Air T 9O "F go F 90F


SATSUCT T 40 "F 20 F 10 F
SUCT LINE T 52 " F 45 F 40'F


SAT DISCH T 12O"F 120 F 120F
DISCHLINE T 19O' F 200 F 240'F
LIQ T ENTTXV 11O' F 110 F 115 F

43. Now we've covered "Making a Preliminary 44. Remember, these readings do vary based on
Inspection" and "Understanding Normal equipment application and operating conrutions.
Operation." As you've seen, the system has great For instance, an R-12 system on meruum temp-
influence on how efficiently and how reliably the erature refrigeration duty, or an R-502 system on
compressor operates. We've also discussed the low temperature refrigeration duty will have
readings and observations that might be made on different readings. Always refer to the man-
a normal R-22 ali conrutioning system. ufacturer's service literature to find typical
rearungs for your unit or system. A typical
temperature/pressure comparison chart for different
refrigerants is provided in Appenrux B.


1. A long or uninsuIated suction line can cause:
a. excessive superheat. c. high subcooling.
b. low superheat. d. low subcooling.

2. (True or False?) A buried suction line can cause liquid slugging.

3. A liquid line passing through an unconditioned space will affect:

a. superheat. c. none of the above.
b. subcooling. d both a and b.

4. A good indication of a source of a refrigerant leak is:

a. rust stain at the compressor suction valve. c. oil stain on a mechanical connection.
b. coil fin corrosion. d. a hissing sound.

5. (True or False?) A discharge line muffler breaks up gas pulses to protect the piping and reduces
• •
operating nOise.

6. A device in the liquid line that prevents liquid from migrating to the compressor at shutdown is a:
a. TXV. c. liquid line solenoid valve.
b. discharge line muffler. d. all of the above.

7. An invened suction line trap prevents:

a. liquid from draining back to the c. flash-gas in the liquid line.
compressor at shutdown d. none of the above.
b. too much oil from returning to the compressor.

8. (True or False?) Rust streaks on the compressor are an indication of not enough superheat.

9. (True or False?) Whenever possible, test equipment and gauges should be connected to a system
when the system is turned ON.

10. (True or False?) When powering up a system, the thelJllostat should first be in the OFF position
before closing the disconnect.

11. Knocking, rattling, or heavy buzzing in the compressor at start-up is an indication of:
a. undercharge. c. overcharge.
b. liquid refrigerant in the compressor. d. high superheat.

12. On a 3-phase system, the voltage imbalance should not be above or below the average voltage by
more than %.

13. To properly diagnose a system problem you must fIrst:
a. measure the system operating conditions. c. know the system normal operating
b. check the system with your sense of smell conditions.
hearing. sight and touch. d. check the voltage imbalance.

14. Superheat is calculated by:

a. subtracting liquid temperature entering the b. subtracting the saturated evaporator
TXV from the saturated suction temperature. temperature from the actual temperature
at the suction valve.

15. (True or False?) Superheat ensures that only liquid returns to the compressor.

16. The metering device must be fed a constant supply of liquid refrigerant to prevent:
a. flooding the compressor with liquid. c. low superheat
b. flash gas. d. all of the above.

17. (True or False?) Subcooling of 2 or 3°F ensures suffIcient liquid to prevent "Flash Gas" at the
metering device.

18. Saturated suction and discharge temperatures are obtained from:

a. a psychrometric chart. c.temperature measured at suction and
b. the unit nameplate. discharge valve of the compressor.
d. refrigerant temperature-pressure chart.

19. Every 2°F of subcooling equals how much change in system capacity:
a. 0.5% c. 2.0%
b. 1.0% d. 5.0%

20. Compressor oil pressure should run 14 to 20 psig above:

a. discharge pressure. c. suction pressure.
b. saturated discharge pressure. d. atmospheric pressure.

21. Compressor compression ratio is calculated by dividing the:

a. discharge pressure by the suction pressure. c. saturated discharge temperature by the
b. absolute discharge pressure by the absolute discharge pressure.
suction pressure.


t _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ______. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

ANALYZING SYSTEM OPERATION conditioning duty at 901'" ambient temperature we

had the following conditions:
(COMMON SYMPTOMS) 68 psig suction pressure
260 psig discharge pressure
- Low capacity
12 of superheat
- Low or high pressures 10 degrees of subcooling
- Low or high temperatures
- Low or high superheat And, both current and voltage were balanced
- Low or high subcooling within acceptable parameters.
_ Low or high current draw
_ Low or high compression ratio Now let's go over the symptoms related to some
of the more common problems. We'll start with
an electrical malfunction.
45. The final section of the program will deal
with recognizing and analyzing the symptoms of a
compressor or system that is operating incorrectly.

We'll discuss common complaints, the symptoms

observed, and then some possible causes.

A system and/or compressor problem will

generally make itself known by:

Low capacity
Low or high pressures
Low or high temperatures
Low or high superheat
Low or high subcooling
Low or high compressor current draw 47. If the system doesn't start or run, first check
Low or high compression ratio the temperarure control to be sure it is set
properly, and that the setting is below the space
temperarure. Check the power circuit to be sure
there is line power. Check the control circuit
voltage to be sure it is correct. Also check the
safety switches.

46. Just as a reference point or benchmark: when

we examined the R-22 system on nOllnal air

and nonnal operating temperatures have been
exceeded. power should be shut off and the
compressor allowed to cool.
When the compressor is overheated. the cause
must be determined. High superheat, electrical
problems. lubrication problems. or condenser
problems are possible causes.

48. If there is power and control voltage. check

out the pressure and temperature controls. which
are electrically ahead of the relays or contactors
activating the fans. pumps. or compressor. Also.
be sure to check contactors and other electrical
devices which close to provide power.
If the compressor attempts to start but immediately
cuts out. it may be on locked rotor. or an overload
may be defective and the cause must be
50. Now let's talk about some capacity problems
which refer to the ability of the evaporator to
Is the compressor out because of TimeGuard? absorb heat
Allow time for it to reset or replace the
Heat from the product or space to be cooled must
TimeGuard if it is faulty.
be transferred to the evaporator and into the
More on electrical troubleshooting can be found in refrigerant in order for cooling to occur.
the programs on "Advanced Troubleshooting."
If some condition prevents this heat transfer. the
"Electrical Test Instruments." and "Understanding
compressor will not be loaded and will not
Wiring Diagrams."
establish a high enough pressure in the condenser.
This low pressure will not feed refrigerant to the
metering device properly and the evaporator
IF THE COMPRESSOR capacity. pressures. and temperatures will remain
• High Superheat
• Electrical Problems
• Lubrication Problems
• Condenser Problems

49. A compressor may also be out because of the

compressor protection. If the compressor is hot


As discussed earlier in the program, perhaps the
air flow is restricted by dirty filters, a dirty coil or
closed dampers. Maybe corroded fin collars and
tubes are also reducing capacity. Or maybe the
problem is in the air-moving equipment such as
motors, belts and blowers or fans. An evaporator
fan running backwards, or a loose set screw on a
sheave or pulley can also affect capacity.

51. The problem here can exist with either the

load entering the evaporator or with the condition
of the refrigerant in the evaporator. Or, is the
evaporator or cooler load so low that the system
capacity should be low? If the normal temperature
of the return air is 80 0 DB and noWB, and a
check of the return air shows 75°DB and 65°WB,
the cooling load is obviously reduced. The system
will not operate as if it were fully loaded. It will
operate at reduced capacity, pressures, and
53. Should a sheave need to be adjusted, be
temperatures, and compressor current will be low.
careful not to overload the motor by increasing the
Perhaps the majority of the load is being handled speed of the blower too much. Check the
by the economizer, if the system is so equipped. equipment manufacturer's instructions for the rated
This obviously will reduce the load on the system. amperage draw of the motor.

52. If the evaporator entering air (return air) 54. In liquid-chilled systems, anything which
temperatures are high enough to call for operation, lowers liquid flow through the cooler can prevent
then something is preventing the evaporator from the system from picking up the load.
picking up the load. This may be caused by an air
The flow of the liquid through the cooler must be
flow problem preventing heat transfer from the air
great enough to load the refrigerant with heat.
to the refrigerant

Restricted flow caused by scaling or other factors A restriction in the suction line screen, a partially
could cause refrigerant temperatures low enough to closed service valve or a restricted back pressure
freeze the water or other liquid in the cooler. This regulator, accumulator or suction line would
poses a serious threat to the system and to the probably also restrict refrigerant flow and result in
compressor in addition to capacity problems. low capacity and related symptoms such as high

55. Lack of refrigerant flow through the system

and through the evaporator can also cause low 57. The reduced flow of refrigerant such as that
capacity indicated by low suction and discharge caused by an undercharge, piping restriction, or
pressures. Things that influence refrigerant flow, metering problem could also result in oil logging,
such as low charge, a restriction in the TXV or since refrigerant velocity is a key item in oil
liquid line, or a leaking TXV sensor bulb will also return.
cause high superheat

58. This is serious, since compressor lubrication

56. High superheat means the normal cooling of problems could result if the oil is not returned to
the compressor motor is reduced, since cool return the crankcJlse as rapidly as it leaves it If extra oil
vapor is the key item in keeping the motor and is added to an undercharged or restricted system
compressor at the proper temperature. Any and then the malfunction is COllected, excessive oil
indication of high temperatures in the compressor will be returned to the compressor and oil slugging
means the superheat must be checked and a cause will occur.

With any of these symptoms we could have the For instance, insufficient air flow or water flow
potential for compressor damage. The fault causing through or over the condenser will reduce heat
these conditions must be COllected. removal from the refrigerant and the condenser
will act like it is too small to do the job. will
cause inefficient condensing, elevated pressures
and power draw, and reduced system capacity.


• Check Evaporator Flow
• Check Refrigerant Flow _ Dirty or Blocked Coils
• Check Refrigerant Charge _ Damaged Fins or Fin
_ Abnormal Motor Rotation
59. To sum up the points made: if the system
appears to be performing at a reduced capacity, the
evaporator load, evaporator air or liquid flow,
refrigerant flow path, and refrigerant charge must 61. In air-cooled systems, coils that are dirty, too
be checked. close to a wall, or too close to each other, will
cause a reduction in heat transfer. Coils may
become blocked by vegetation. As with the
evaporator, damaged or bent fins and eroded fin
CONDENSER PROBLEMS collars are also a possible cause of trouble. A
motor running slowly or backward will produce
- Load Too High? high saturated discharge and low subcooling.
_ Water or Air Flow
- Restricted Refrigerant
• Insufficient Flow
• Defective Pump
• Dirt
• Scaled Piping
60. On the high side of the system, the purpose of • Defective Pressure
the condenser is to receive high pressure, high Controls
temperature gas from the compressor and to de- • Blocked Cooling
superheat it, condensing the gas to liquid and Tower
subcooling the liquid. The heat from the
evaporator load, the superheat, and the heat of
compression must be transferred to the condenser 62. In water-cooled systems, insufficient flow of
cooling medium. If this heat transfer process is water, air in the water supply, defective pumps,
not completed, system operation or capacity will restricted water line strainers, scaled water piping,
be affected. defective head pressure controls, or dirty or
blocked cooling towers, will also cause high

saturated discharge temperature and low sub- collars. Or there may be a problem with the
cooling. Sometimes a combination of several condenser or flow of refrigerant.
factors may be involved.
To quickly check the effectiveness of the
condenser, measure the temperature of the air or
water as it enters the condenser and as it leaves
EXCESSIVE LOAD the condenser. An appreciable rise in temperature
of the air or water must be measured in order to
achieve cooling of the refrigerant and its change of
state from hot gas to WaIlII liquid. Check product
literature for recommended air or water flow and
temperature rise. If air and water flow are okay
and the temperature rise is lower than it should be,
the condenser may be undersized or contain non-

63. Excessive loading of the evaporator can result

in increased pressures and temperatures in the
system, including the condenser. If the system
cooling design temperature is 90°F but the outdoor
temperature is 100°F, the system will be operating
at high pressures, use exira power, and may not be
able to carry the cooling load as efficiently.
This has to be considered "nOIl11al" under the
conditions of the outdoor temperature.

65. The condenser is 25 to 33% larger than the

evaporator because the condenser has to reject the
heat taken on by the evaporator, superheat and
heat of compression developed in the compressor.
If it is too small, it will not be able to cool the
refrigerant sufficiently and bubbles of vapor may
be mixed with the liquid entering the metering
device, causing reduced liquid flow to the TXV
and elevated pressures.

64. If, however, the outdoor ambient temperature

is 84°F and capacity problems, high pressures and
high CWlent draw are noted, a problem may exist
with the transfer of heat from the refrigerant to the
water or air flowing through the condenser. This
could be caused by damaged fins or corroded fin


Any condition which dettacts from the heat
transfer between the air or water and the
refrigerant in the condenser will have symptoms
similar to those mentioned above.


.L o. 'b. re • 'OJ TO
, ~ • ~ . EVAPORATOR

. .""
66. If there is air, nitrogen or any other ~ .L ~ .o . re. 'OJ TO
noncondensible gas in the system, it will occupy
space in the top of the condenser and reduce the Q)~O. oa ~"o "
space needed by the refrigerant. This, in effect, • • • •
creates a condenser that is too small to do the job.
This can be checked by shutting the system off, 68. The capacity of the metering device is
allowing the condenser to settle out to ambient reduced greatly if it is fed vapor; so an adequately
temperature, and checking the pressure of the sized condenser that is operating correctly without
refrigerant at the discharge service valve. Pressure the presence of non-condensibles must supply
should be within 5 psig of the pressure called for subcooled liquid to the metering device.
at room temperature. Higher pressures indicate the
Remember that the latent heat of vaporization (the
presence of noncondensibles.
changing of a liquid to a vapor) is where the
Noncondensibles must be removed from the refrigerant really picks up the load. If it's a vapor
system by complete evacuation and recharging of as it enters the evaporator, it can't do an adequate
the system. Air must be purged from the water job.
supply of water-cooled condensers.
Some vapor is formed at the needle valve of the
TXV even when it is fed subcooled liquid, but the
TXV should not be fed vapor or a vapor-liquid
mixture, since the metering device is sized for
regulating the flow of liquid Ten to 20°F of
subcooling is recommended for good perfollllance
and higher system efficiency.

67. Pumping against this excessive pressure can

cause higher current draw, resulting in the
compressor overheating.

69. This also assures that a liquid seal is present 71. The frequency of the valve operation will
at the TXV, especially in the case of long liquid show sharp peaks and valleys rather than the
lines, where there is the danger of "flash gas." slower, flatter cycle of a nOIlllal valve. This is
Flash gas is formed from pressure drop caused by called "hunting".
the friction of the tube walls to the flow of
refrigerant. It can drop the pressure to the point
that the liquid reverts back to a vapor.

72. An undersized TXV will act like a restriction

in the liquid line, causing pressure reduction on the
low side of the system and high superheat which
70. An oversized and open TXV tends to flood can result in compressor damage.
the evaporator and possibly the compressor. The
A loose or uuinsulated TXV sensing bulb could
sensing bulb then quickly chills down and signals
the valve to close. This cycle constantly repeats, flood the evaporator, causing compressor flooding.
A defective TXV could cause starving of the
resulting in extremely unstable operation.
Replacement of the defective, undersized or
oversized TXV is essential and it may be
necessary to check the compressor in case the
liquid refrigerant has caused damage to the

runmng gear.


73. An excessive charge of refrigerant will raise 75. If this separation is opened, such as at a tear
the pressure in the system. This affects the ability in the valve plate gasket or if the cast iron "web"
of the TXV to control refrigerant flow, causing between the suction and discharge sections of the
low superheat and possible compressor floodback. compressor head is broken or leaking, high
The superheat will be low and the subcooling high. pressure, high temperature gas will flow into the
suction side of the compressor.
Any of these problems, if allowed to continue, will
take their toll with regard to compressor reliability.

76. Broken or bent valves can also affect the seal

between high and low sides.
74. The low pressure side of the system and the
high pressure side of the system are divided in the If this happens, the suction pressure will rise and
head of the compressor, in the metering device, the discharge pressure will be reduced because of
and at the hot gas bypass valve, if the system is so the "shon-circuited" flow to the suction side. The
equipped. compressor may also overheat.
If the separation is small, the pressure differences
from nonna! operation will also be small. This
would also be the case with a slightly bent or
cracked valve.

• Work Safely
• Don't Check Moving Parts
While System is Operating
• Use Your Natural Senses
• Compare Actual Temperatures
and Pressures to Normal Operating
Data For Your System

77. This can be a very frustrating condition, since 79. In this section, we've covered the more
the customer and the technician may feel that there common causes of operating problems. Now,let's
is a problem, but it will be very difficult to review some of the major points that were covered
pinpoint the exact cause without disassembly. in this program.
As a separation opens wider or if the valve breaks,
• The most important aspect of your job is to
the problem becomes more apparent by a decrease
work safely.
in high-low side pressure differential. The smaller
differential in pressures, with the suction pressure
going higher and the discharge pressure lower also
pulleys, sheaves, wheels, fans, or other moving
decreases the compression ratio.
parts WHILE OPERATING. Disconnects
must be opened, locked and tagged before
checking these moving components.

• System problems can damage a good


• Look around, use your natural senses, then use

test instruments to determine system problems
or identify performance.

• If the problem is not readily identifiable,

compare actual operating temperatures and
pressures to normal operating conditions for
your system
78. If disassembly is necessary, fITSt be sure the
system and/or compressor pressure is at zero psig If there is a significant difference berween a
and then remove the head and valve plate to check "normal" system and the one we're inspecting, the
the gaskets, valve and web condition. This type of symptoms will help us to pinpoint the system area
damage may have been caused by refrigerant or oil or condition to check.
floodback or slugging, so these possibilities must
be checked and cOllected before more serious • Among the more important items to check are
compressor damage occurs. superheat of the return vapor and subcooling at
the TXV.


- a

• The hot gas discharge line should not exceed

100°F above the saturated condensing
• If there is any evidence of overheating, the

= ='
- ::.
refrigerant charge, lubrication system and
electrical power must be checked.

• The system capacity, pressures, temperatures,

current draw and compression ratio give us an
idea of where to look for possible trouble.

• Generally, low capacity, low pressures, and low

current draw mean evaporator problems, low 80. Additional information on semi-heliuetic
charge or TXV problems. compressors can be found in the programs listed in
Appendix C. Also, review the System Analyzer in
• Low capacity with high pressure current draw this booklet It provides a basic procedure for
means condenser problems, excessive charge or identifying compressor or system problems.
TXV problems.
What it all boils down to is that a system problem
is a compressor problem, and a compressor
• A problem with air or water flow over the
problem is a system problem.
condenser, or non-condensibles in the system
will cause inefficient condensing and high head It is rare to have one without the other. The
pressures. compressor is the most complex and most costly
component in the system.
• An undersized condenser will cause reduced
Understanding the interaction of the compressor
capacity or enatic operation. Non-condensibles
and the system is your best insurance against
in the system could have the equivalent effect.
inefficient operation, downtime and extensive

• Lower capacity, high suction pressure, lower
discharge pressure and reduced current draw
could mean a leak between the high and low


The System Analyzer, attached to this page, provides a basic, sequential procedure for identifying a
compressor or system problem. Once you're familiar with this procedure, it will become routine on every
service call. More sophisticated analysis and testing may be required to determine what's wrong with
a system. To use the analyzer, follow this step-by-step procedure.

I. Check off reasons for the service call. Talk to the owner or tenant. Request an equipment log.
All can provide important clues.


3. Record system nameplate data. It's the easiest way to get acquainted with a system. Besides, you'll
need this infoullation to troubleshoot and identify equipment in service literature.

4. Look around. A simple inspection may quicldy reveal the problem. Use your natural senses.

5. Start the system. Make sure all components are operational. Check for obvious defects.

Before going to Step 6, review the "typical" system operating pressures and temperatures shown in
Table 3.

CAUTION: The "typical" operating pressures and temperatures shown in Table 3 are provided
solely to demonstrate this method of analyzing systems. Since actual readings will vary with the
items that affect systems operation such as system components, application, load, outdoor
temperature, etc., the Table 3 readings should not be used as the basis for troubleshooting systems.
Check manufacturer's installation and service literature for this type of operational data.

6. Record actual temperature and pressure measurements in Table 3 on lines A through U. Compare
them to typical readings taken from manufacturer's literature. Use them to calculate superheat,
subcooling, compression ratio and capacity. Analyze this infoullation to determine the system

7. Go to the "Quick System Analysis" chart on page 4 of the System Analyzer to verify the problem.

8. Use the System Analyzer to perfOl'1ll exercises 1 through 5 on the following pages; then complete
Quiz 2 on page 36



The System Analyzer, attached to this page, provides a basic, sequential procedure for identifying a
compressor or system problem. Once you're familiar with this procedure, it will become routine on every
service call. More sophisticated analysis and testing may be required to determine what's wrong with
a system. To use the analyzer, follow this step-by-step procedure.

1. Check off reasons for the service calL Talk to the owner or tenant Request an equipment log.
All can provide important clues.


3. Record system nameplate data. It's the easiest way to get acquainted with a system. Besides, you'll
need this information to troubleshoot and identify equipment in service literature.

4. Look around_ A simple inspection may quickly reveal the problem. Use your natural senses.

5. Start the system. Make sure all components are operational. Check for obvious defects.

Before going to Step 6, review the "typical" system operating pressures and temperatures shown in
Table 3.

CAUTION: The "typical" operating pressures and temperatures shown in Table 3 are provided
solely to demonstrate this method of analyzing systems. Since actual readings will vary with the
items that affect systems operation such as system components, application, load, outdoor
temperature, etc., the Table 3 readings should not be used as the basis for troubleshooting systems.
Check manufacturer's installation and service literature for this type of operational data.

6. Record actual temperature and pressure measurements in Table 3 on lines A through U. Compare
them to typical readings taken from manufacturer's literature. Use them to calculate superheat,
subcooling, compression ratio and capacity. Analyze this information to determine the system

7. Go to the "Quick System Analysis" chart on page 4 of the System Analyzer to verify the problem.

8. Use the System Analyzer to perform exercises 1 through 5 on the following pages; then complete
Quiz 2 on page 36


TYPE OF EQUIPMENT: Air Conditioning System

- Cooling System
- Water Cooled Condenser
- Refrigerant - R-22
- Metering Device. - TXV


- Insufficient cooling
- Compressor cycling

- Compressor starts and runs for short periods then shuts down
- Discharge pressure rises to 320 psig at time of compressor shut down
- Suction pressure higher than nOllllal
- Amps increase with compressor run time to 15-20% above nameplate rating
- Superheat is low
- Subcooling is high
- System pressure at shutdown equalizes at 182 psig at 95°F ambient

What is the most likely system defect?

A. Overcharge
B. Undercharge
C. Restricted liquid line
D. Partial loss of condenser air/water

(System Analyzer)

These exercises will help you apply the knowledge you've gained from this program. Use the Quick
System Analysis chart on page 4 of the System Analyzer to help you complete exercises I through 5.


TYPE OF EQUIPMENT: Air Conditioning System

- Cooling System
- Air Cooled Condenser
- Refrigerant - R-22
- Metering Device - TXV


- Loss of evaporator air
- Compressor cycling

- Compressor starts and runs for short periods then shuts down
- Suction pressure drops to 35 psig during during short run periods
- Discharge pressure is 200 psig
- Low superheat, high subcooling
- Low amperage
- Low evaporator air

What is the most likely system defect?

A. Condenser fan motor not running
B. Inconect evaporator fan motor speed
C. Restricted (dirty) evaporator air filters
D. Overcharge
E. Dirty condenser


TYPE OF EQUIPMENT: Air Conditioning System

- Cooling System
- Water Cooled Condenser
- Refrigerant - R-22
- Metering Device. - TXV


- Insufficient cooling

- Evaporator air adequate
- Suction pressure: 78 psig
- Discharge pressure: 280 psig
- Superheat: 2-3°F
- Air entering evaporator: 85°F
- Air leaving evaporator: 75°F
- Subcooling: 0-2°F
- Amps: 5% above nameplate rating
- Water temperature rise across condenser: 18°F
- System pressure at shutdown equalizes at 168 psig at 90°F ambient

What is the most likely defect?

A. Overcharge
B. Undercharge
C. Condenser water shortage
D. Ambient at 112° Centigrade

Hint: Use the "Quick System Analysis" chart to solve this problem.

-- - -.


TYPE OF EQUIPMENT: Air Conditioning System

- Cooling system
- Water or air cooled condenser
- Refrigerant - R-22
- Metering device - TXV


- Insufficient cooling

- Suction pressure: 76 psig
- Adequate evaporator air
- Discharge pressure: 275 psig
- Superheat: 3°F
- Air entering evaporator: 83 OF
- Air leaving evaporator: 73°F
- Subcooling: 4°F
- Amps: 5% above nameplate rating
System pressure equalizes at 179 psig at 90°F ambient
- Sightglass clear

What is the most system defect?

A. Overcharge

B. Non-condensibles in system
C. Loose or uninsulated TXV bulb
D. Loss of charge in TXV bulb

Hint: Use the "Quick System Analysis" chart to solve this problem.



TYPE OF EOUIPMENT: Air Conditioning System

- Cooling system
- Air or water cooled condenser
- Refrigerant - R-22
- Metering device - TXV


- Insufficient cooling

- Evaporator air adequate
- Suction pressure: 55 psig
- Discharge pressure: 210 psi g
- Superheat: 30°F
- Air entering evaporator: 85°F
- Air leaving evaporator: 78°F
- Subcooling: 0 to 3°F
- Amps: 20% below nameplate rating
- Cloudy or flashing in sightglass
- System pressures equalize at 156 psig at 85°F ambient

What is the most likely system defect?

A. Overcharge
B. Undercharge
C. Loose or uninsulated TXV bulb
D. Loss of charge in TXV bulb

Hint: Use the "Quick System Analysis" chart to solve this problem.

(System Analyzer)

1. Most likely cause is "s" - incorrect evaporator fan motor specxl. However "C," restricted evaporator
air filters, will give the sallie conditions.

2. Most likely cause is "A" - overcharge indicated by rapid cycle rate.

3. Most likely cause is "c" - Condenser water shortage. Probably due to either a partially plugged water
filter/strainer or defective water control valve. Check filter/strainer fIrst to be assured there is an
adequate supply of condensing water.

4. Most likely cause is "s" - Non-condensibles in the condenser will cause these conditions.

5. Most likely cause is "s" - Undercharge. Probably due to system leak. Determine source of leak and
repair before adding charge. Check for leaks at mechanical and exposed joints flfSt


1. (True or False?) If a system won't start, check the thelJllostat, power, and control components in
that order.

2. When the cooling load is reduced below its normal operating condition; the system will operate at
_ _ _ _ _ _ _(increased/decreased) capacity, pressures, temperatures, and compressor CWlent

3. Increasing fan speed by adjusting the sheave on the drive pulley is limited by:
a. rated amps of the drive motor. c. type of fan.
b. fan speed. d. number of fan blades.

4. (True or False?) Reduced refrigerant flow through the evaporator will cause the superheat to


5. The device that desuperheats, condenses and subcools the hot gas is the:
a. evaporator. c. condenser.
b. TXV. d. compressor.

6. A lack of cooling agent (air or water) in the condenser will _ _ _ _ _ (increase/decrease)

discharge pressure.

7. Condenser fan rwming backwards will cause the discharge pressure and temperature to
_ _ _ _ _ _ (increase/decrease).

8. On a water-cooled system; a defective pump, dirty cooling tower, scale in the piping or defective
head pressure control will cause (Iow/high) subcooling.

9. (True or False?) The evaporator coil is 25 to 33% larger than the condenser coil because it must
pick up heat from the area being conditioned.

10. (True or False?) Non-condensible gas ends up in the top of the condenser.

11. A system pressure reading a few minutes after shutdown exceeding 5 psig of the figure obtained
from the refrigerant Temperature-Pressure Chart is an indication of:
a. defective TXV. c. non-condensibles in the system.
b. overcharge. d undercharge.

12. "Flash Gas" entering the metering device _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (increases/decreases) pressure.

13. An oversized TXV will cause what condition to occur?

a. Hunting c. Slugging
b. Increased subcooling d. Flooding


14. (True or False?) An overcharge will increase system pressures beyond the control of the TXV and
result in low superheat, floodback:. and high subcooJing.

15. (True or False?) The high and low sides of a refrigeration system are divided in the compressor

heads and in the metering device.



Page No.

I. a 8 3
2. T 8 3
3. b 8 3
4.c 9 3
5.T 10 4
6.c 12 4
7.a 13 4
8.T 15 5
9.F 20 6
10. T 22 7
II. b 22 7
12. 2% 24 7
13. c 31 10
14. b 32 10
15. F 32 10
16. b 35 II
17. F 35 II
18. d 32 & 36 10 & II
19. b 37 12
20. c 41 13
21. b 42 13

I. T 47 17
2. decreased 51 19
3. a 53 19
4. T 55 20
5. c 60 21

6. Increase 60 21

7. Increase 61 21
8. low 62 21, 22
9. F 65 22
10. T 66 23
II. c 66 23
12. decreases 69 24
13. a 71 24
14. T 73 25
15. T 74 25


Typical Readings on Normal R-22 Air Conditioning

Systems at 90°F Ambient.

Suction Pressure 68 PSIG

Saturated Suction Temperature 40°F

Suction Line Temperature 52°F

Superheat 12°F

Discharge Pressure 260 PSIG

Saturated Condensing Temperature 120°F

Discharge Line Temperature 190°F

Subcooling lOOF

Liquid Temperature Entering TXV llO°F

Oil Pressure 86 PSIG

Suction Area of Head Temperature 70°F Loaded

100 - 120°F Unloaded
Crankcase Temperature 100°F
Motor Barrel Temperature 90°F
Compression Ratio 3.32 : 1

Typical Temperature-PrfAAure Comparison
for Common Refrigerants

R-22 R-ll R-S02

Air Medium Temp. Low Temp.
Conditioning Refrigeration Refrigeration
Ambient Air Temp 90°F 90°F 90°F

Suction Pressure 68 PSIG 21 PSIG 23 PSIG

Sat. Suction Temp. 20°F - 10°F
Suction Line Temp. 45°F 40°F
Superheat 25°F 50°F

Discharge Pressure 260 PSIG 157 PSIG 283 PSIG

Sat. Discharge Temp. 120°F 120°F 120°F
Discharge Line Temp. 190°F 200°F 240°F
Subcooling 10°F 10°F 5°F
Liq. Temp. Entering TXV 110°F 110°F 115°F

Oil Pressure 86 PSIG 41 PSIG 43 PSIG

Heat Temperature 50°F
Crankcase Temperature 120°F
Motor Barrel Temp. 55°F
Compression Ratio 3.32 : 1 4.8 : 1 7.9 : 1


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