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It was 5 in the afternoon when George received a call, it was from the police department,

something very bad happened. Someone found a dead body in the forest, and since George
was one of the best detectives of the city of Salem the police called him immediately. A girl
was taking a walk through the forest near her house when she saw something between the
trees. She thought that it was a dead animal, so she went to see. When she got closer she
saw the face of the dead man; she ran faster than ever and told her mom. Her mom,
horrified, called the police immediately. They had never seen something like that in all their
careers, they didn’t even know what to do. A dead body is always difficult to see, but that
body was different; the body was like one of a horror movie scene. That is why they called
George, hoping that he could resolve whatever that was happening there.

When George arrived at the crime scene he talked with the girl, her name was Marta. She
was in shock, but she had to answer some questions from the detective. George started
asking how often she went to the forest and why she was there. The girl couldn’t even talk,
so he let her go. He knew there was something strange, Salem was a very peaceful town
and everyone knew each other. When the medics analized the body they noticed something
even more strange, the body had bites and claw marks everywhere. The dead man was
Stuart, he worked at the pawn shop, he had a wife and two kids. He was a good man,
everybody in the town knew him for his funny personality. George went to talk with Stuart’s
wife to know if she noticed something strange in him the last few days, she said that
everything was as usual. The last time she saw him was that day in the morning, he went to
work as always, then he came back home, he ate, changed his dirty clothes and watched
TV. After that, he received a call from his best friend, Marco, he said that he saw a big
creature in the forest; Stuart was excited because he loved to hunt. He took his old rifle, his
jacket, some bullets and went to the forest in his car.

George knew that the creature killed Stuart, but he didn’t know why his friend left him alone
in the forest. He went to Stuart's friend's house, but he wasn’t there. His wife told the
detective that Marco went to hunt several hours ago. The detective called the police and told
them that they had to search for him immediately. The police looked for Marco for hours, but
they didn’t find anything. It was 12 p.m. when they finally found something, but it wasn’t a
complete body. It was a difficult scene to see, there were bones and body parts everywhere,
and he had the same bites and claw marks as Stuart had. These best friends went from
being the hunter to the prey. Even when the police found the bodies they didn’t find the
strange and assassin creature. Actually, nobody ever saw the creature again or maybe the
creature didn’t want to be seen. This happened 30 years ago, and now it is a story that the
moms tell to their sons so they don’t go through the forest after 5 p.m. However, many
people still think that it was real, and the creature is there, waiting for other brave hunters.

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