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`Ê India is not a devloped country here litracy ratio is very less so governement should
concentrate on make more people litraterahter then concentrating on small group of
`Ê Àtudents from IIT IIM are moving out of india serving other nation's organiation that is really
`Ê India is damocraticcountry.Damcracy can only be successfull in only one situation that every
one should litrate that could be achieved by concentrating on primary education
`Ê Àpending huge amount of money on IIT & IIM is dividing the nation in 2 diffrent communities
one community is not even having primary education where other community is having higher
`Ê The most of the people going for the IIT IIM are self capable so govenment should make all
this nstitutes self fiananced and stop funding.


`Ê Àtill india in devlopement mode so need of these institutes to prmote our young talent to
international platform.
`Ê its true student from IIT IIM are moving out but they are sending back money to the country
eventually that money is getting utilised in india itself.
`Ê The phase of devlopement through which india is passing by needs more recognization of
indian talent pool, which surely needs the more better higher education for young indians.
`Ê ior democracy we need policy makers so we needs few people who are indians who can
create better systems for us IIT's IIM's producing such kinds of brains.
`Ê Àtudents from other countries are coming to india so eventually revenue coming back to
government pocket.


`Ê ¦e cant compare the primary education, which is vary vaste area with IIT IIM which is
concentrated to small area.
`Ê iunding to IIT IIM can be self financed but there should be proper mechnism and student
should get scholarships in case of fees hike



`Ê Definitely i feel Businessman getting richer now a days and they are not putting affort for the
social causes.
`Ê The industries only propogating the all kinds of polloutions in society.
`Ê The Àocial work done by the businessmen is minute as compared to the investment it is taking
from the society.
`Ê The fundamental behind running business is Capitalization .Capitlaization is based on only
`Ê ëoman life is improving day by day due to business because the kind of innovations
happening due to business is not possible without buiness.The kind of R&D facilities business
putting for new innovations is making life better and safer.
`Ê Definition of business:Businesses are predominant in capitalist economies, most being
privately owned and formed to earn profit to increase the wealth of owners.


`Ê Running a buiness a no more only profit because no organizational structure now a days allow
buniess money flow to a perticular person the profit go to each and every person in
organization as per there role.
`Ê 0ach and every well build organization is giving there profits to charity.
`Ê The Core capatalization is now no more there because organizations now managed by more
then one person.
`Ê Business providing the jobs and revenues to society for what ever cost society give to
`Ê In economics, a business (also called firm or enterprise) is a legally recognized organizational
entity designed to provide goods and/or services to consumers or corporate entities such as
governments, charities or other businesses.


`Ê Buiness is definitely a profit making enterprise but the benifits society getting out of it is also
`Ê Due to buiseness only the human life is getting better and safer.



`Ê Democracy definitely hampred the progress because the people who have chosen by the
indian people are not educated enough and capable enough to run the government properly.
`Ê Democracy putting forward lot of restrictions on business to run it as profitable enterpiserther
then it is becoming more like running for social causes.
`Ê In some sense yes. You know, becaus of the way the system is built, lot of regulations and
formalities come into picture. The bureaucracy leads to delays.
`Ê Yes,as all can see from the TV news and read the papers,everything is being moulded
according to the wishes of the so called protectors of the democracy.
`Ê ¦hy separate scales are being used for same kind of work/service.


`Ê Democracy is the only reason of India's progress. there is no greater system for a country than
a vibrant democracy . there may be problem, but then what system does not have the
problem. there will always be problem in any system, but we have to overcome that and keep
trying to do so. no system can ever be foolproof because no two men always can think alike.
`Ê just look to Pakistan for a reference. or if you have China in mind, there bubble will burst one
day like UÀÀR did.
`Ê at the time of Independence, the average income of Pakistanis was higher than that of
Indians. Today after almost 60 years of democracy in India (bloody and violent democracy at
time I will admit) and 60 years of dictatorships, military rule and religious control in Pakistan,
the average income of Indians is about 300% higher than Pakistan and India is now in the
process of becoming a genuine world "superpower."


`Ê There might be some problem with the democracy but no system is fullproof we can ectify



`Ê The reason for pushing the children hard today is to nurture them to face the competitive
world tomorrow.
`Ê Developing talent is not a sin, it will help the child in his future.
`Ê It is a trickle down effect from the kind of competition experienced for entry into engineering
colleges, graduation and others.
`Ê asdarwin said that most eligible can survive it is only the way to make the children able so
that they can survive in the sea of humans.


`Ê The basic needs of childhood are, time to play, place to play and explore the world through his
`Ê In the name of competition we are raising fatigues children.
`Ê The stress is resulting into children engaging in all kinds of derogative acts.


`Ê It is true that compitition is growing day by day but child hood is age for playing making
friends so parents should let there kids to do the same.




`Ê The stars prmoting the product most of the time dont take its responsibility moreover they
not even use the product.
`Ê advertisers have to depict what the customers like, enjoy keeping in mind the clients
`Ê as the products increase and so the ads, glitter is a way to ensure brand recall, a very
important factor for the advertising firms.
`Ê Most of the time compnies over showcase there product qualities which is not fair.
`Ê There are lot of examples like a person eat a chewgum and become so cool that girls start
following him or take example of a famous perfume where if guys use that perfume girls start
running behind them all these are totally fake.
`Ê advertising is a business and not charity. Companies hire advertisers for their promoting their
products and it is not vice versa.


`Ê advertising firms carry responsibility of providing customers with unbiased information about
`Ê In order to have a healthy bottom line the ad firms cannot shun their responsibility towards
the society.
`Ê ad firms have to develop the ethical content into their processes to ensure fair deals.
`Ê There are advertisement available which show the notice that it is medically proven or they
are having proof.


`Ê advertiements are somewhat made to attract the costomers and some time they might only
glitter but some times they are also true




`Ê The system in which these bureocrats works includes the politicians and other factors which is
affecting the decisons made by the bureocrats in a huge way .Ào basically as human being
every body is thinking about himself.They are taking decisons of there own benefits.
`Ê as the laws have not changed significantly, bureaucrats still play a major role in the process of
a business.
`Ê The way to successfully implement the reforms is to reduce the amount of paperwork and red
tape involved.


`Ê Bureocracy is not at all hindrance because someone has to play this is necessity.
`Ê Bureaucracy is a necessity no doubt, to have control over the activities of the private sector.
`Ê Rules and regulations that are laid down have to be implemented and the masses have to be
looked after which is not possible without the help of bureaucrats.
`Ê as a company requires people to run the business, government also requires bureaucrats to
run its affairs.


`Ê Burreaucracy is not a problem but the problem is the system in which these bureaocrats work
makes the and corrupt and problematic for the business.Need is to make process more
transprent and decision making should be lottery based or based on a group of people rather
depending on single person.



`Ê Movie released in theaters is a result of what the producer and director along with his crew
put together. The producer being the investor and the director the creator it is left to them to
decide what they want to create and produce.
`Ê The producer and the director take a gamble trying to woo the crowd by showing what they
`Ê Current trend in movies is towards folk culture, which may fade away soon.
`Ê The producers are distorting the history and represnet in wrongly in front of viwers for sake of


`Ê iilm makers are prmoting our values and traditions by these movies.
`Ê If the movie is on folk culture then it should elucidate the beauty of the culture and there
should not be any masala added to lure the audience.
`Ê iolk culture is to be preserved in its natural and an inheritance should not be used to make
money out of it by depicting the same in movies.


`Ê It should ok if filmamakers are making folk movies but one thing they should kept in mind
they must not present wrong facts in front of viwers.




`Ê The fundamental principles of democracy preach to ensure balanced regional development.

`Ê Uniform representation in the Lower ëouse by MPs from all over the country is to bring out
regional problems and demands of people from across the country.
`Ê Constitution is completely unbiased for any kind of regional growth


`Ê The government tends to be biased towards vote banks while making and implementing
`Ê The minorities are usually left out in the power game and all the agitation by various
minorities is an example of the lopsided development.
`Ê Most of the important people of our country stays in metros or frequently visits metros so the
expect the better facilties there so they them selves take such decisons which prmote the
growth of only metros whereas rest of india being untouched with growth.


`Ê The Democracy and constitution dont support any kind of regional bias but politician them
selves only biased.



`Ê The fact that the system provides equality to everyone ,from whatsoever background and
competency makes it easier to play around loopholes in the Indian Àtatute
`Ê Democracy not play a direct role to prmote the corruption but it give power to the people
who could be non capable and have there own aims and shelfishness.
`Ê Democracy not play a direct role to prmote the corruption but it give power to the people
who could be non capable and have there own aims and shelfishness.
`Ê In damocratic system a person is chosen by other people.This procedure could be faulty
because human being can be motivated trough the means of greed,or fear.


`Ê The risk of Democracy is a systemic risk ; corruption is a personal equation and holds good or
bad depending on an individual's and organization's personal value systems. The two should
therefore not be construed/ read as a cause- effect relationship.
`Ê Democracy give choice to people to select the leaders on the basis of therecapabilty and
goodness.If people choose the wrong leaders then that is not the problem with democracy
that is the problem with people.


`Ê The democracy dont support the curruption at

all.But the people them selves are greedy and selfish who are motivatd for corruption.



`Ê iorcing human mind to follow the rules which are unnecessary and biased make them
revolutionary and they move towards revange and corruption is one of the way to take that
revange form governement.
`Ê iew people believe laws are made to be broken so this is case of the economic phenomenon
of regulatory arbitrage


`Ê corruption is a personal equation and holds good or bad depending on an individual's and
organization's personal value systems.Regulations , like democracy is a systemic phenomenon
;Both have nothing to do with each other.


`Ê ver regulating simple things of daily life can create problem in daily life but regulations are
must to run the complex mordenlife .




`Ê 0very sponser is running behind cricket Getting sponsored to other sports is difficult, and the
players could not have the latest equipment (sport gears).
`Ê Cannot not compete with other countries
`Ê the money flowing in to cricket attracting all the young population less people intrested in
making career in other sports.


`Ê Department of sports or the Àports ministry has a fixed budget and has to allocate the same to
productive use. If the demands from cricket are high the dept. has no other option but to fund
`Ê The number of aspiring cricketers speaks for itself how popular a game it is in the nation.
`Ê a lot of funding also comes from sponsors who will fund the game that gives them maximum
publicity and in India cricket is no doubt the game.


`Ê It seems true that money in cricket is harming other games because the youths only want to
play cricket due to this money.



`Ê ¦oman is the base of a family.¦hen you empower a women, you empower a family.
`Ê Major influence on the children and thus the society.
`Ê 0mpowerment of woman will give new workforce for society.


`Ê No direct connection.
`Ê 0mpowerment of woman ¦ill lead to nuclear families and split homes.


`Ê ¦oman are most important part of society her empowerment is must of rdevlopement.



`Ê Males want to dominate women in every part of society and work because of there traditional
male ego.
`Ê Its common doubt in society wether woman can become good mangers.


`Ê Its women who avoid power and responsibility in the work area.
`Ê Its woman mentallty who feels that.


`Ê In past surely man are not giving the same place to woman in diffrent areas of life but now
situation is changing very fast



`Ê Àurely the young genration is becoming greedy every one running behind easy money and
dont want to put the efforts to earn it by hard work.
`Ê The youth is getting so much opportunities ,still they want to go to Nsite and earn money
from there they dont want to contribute in nations growth but want more benfits from
`Ê Youth dont want to stay in india they want to sattle abroad.


`Ê ambition is being misunderstood for greediness.

`Ê The way youth behaved in last decade in india the way they have worked and shown there
qualities made the india one of the biggest contender for next super power.


`Ê The youth some how running behind money but there ambitions and dreams are acelrated by
there own hard work so they derve it.




`Ê By dividing the problem in small parts and cooncentrating on the problems regionvise there
are more chances of better growth
`Ê ¦e need governance at small level so that we can manage and regulate the life more
`Ê By recognizing the india into smaller states on the basis of problems(illittracy,poority)can give
the chance to goverment to resolve those problems on those portions of india


`Ê Dividing india into not the solution of the problem.Because it creates hatered and bifurcation
between people of 2 states.
`Ê More over dividing on the basis of caste and religion is creating more issues like minor ,major
population with in newly created state
`Ê 0ven if we divide on the basis of problem ¦e can resolve that perticular problem but that
state again left in total growth.
`Ê The resources of the india become property of that state so other states become insecure and
only people of that perticular reason become more rich.


`Ê Recognizing the india into smaller states is not a good idea

`Ê ¦e can recognize few more states on the basis of problem in that area so that those problem
could be resolved but proper laws should be there
`Ê Dividing the india into smaller states on the basis of caste and religion is not worthy.



`Ê Girl motivate the boys with there body language and sometimes there colothes do play the
role to motivate boys
`Ê Most of the times girl dont react on this kind of activities that might be due to there shy
nature but boys got motivation due to this.
`Ê Girls should reply back or report back to police so if any one is doing this kind of activities
should stop this.


`Ê Boys are completlyreponsible of uch kind of acts.

`Ê But not all boys are the same.iew boys who are illitrate and low class are mostly doing this
kind of activities.


`Ê all the time not boys are reponible but few times girls are also responible.
`Ê Goverment should take strict action against. this kind of people.
`Ê Girls should alo raise therevoice if someone tease them.



`Ê It is indeed a right decesion it has been trouble some for every one who is not smoking
`Ê Due to passive Àmoking cancer and asthama are part of indiansociety.¦hy should one pay for
other people bad habbit
`Ê n the name of peronal freedom we cant allow people to smoke publically.Nikotine kills more
people then other drugs like marijuana or snort coke.
`Ê This is extremly unfair for those people who are forced to be passive smokers.


`Ê Banning smoke in public places is dminishing act for our personal freedom.
`Ê Its choice of the people who are standing beside smokers that they want to stay there or go.


`Ê It should be banned completly because it is cause of dangerous dieaseases like heart problem
and cancer.
`Ê Government should implement the rule strictly
`Ê Governement should raise the price of TBaC products.

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`Ê indian national game should be cricket because it has just become the craming line that our
national game is hockey. no-one knows the name of their players and about their match
schedules except few one. change is the requirement of today. if we do not change anything
we can not progress.
`Ê The National game should be the choice of the nation which is cricket.
`Ê if ëockey is not able to create any sensation among the youths then its not our fault. It's the
weakness of the game.


`Ê lready cricket is religion in india and none of the sports is as famous as cricket in
india.Ào,other sports like hockey should be encouraged not it should be pushed back.If
national game is changed then it may affect the performance of hockey players........
`Ê no today we change national game,tomorrow national anthen,then pledge n it will go on this
is not the point.
`Ê I don;t think we should change the national game just because we lost some matches or not
many knows their players name...!!!! I don't know what is the criteria for selecting a national
`Ê just because present hockey team is not performing like what it used to,we should not
conclude that their days are gone , instead gov. should pay attention here and provide them
proper facilities to regain their position
`Ê just because present hockey team is not performing like what it used to,we should not
conclude that their days are gone , instead gov. should pay attention here and provide them
proper facilities to regain their position
`Ê Games are seen for fun .n i think hockey is also a lot of fun, as is cricket...
`Ê Game dosen't bring and people makes the game popular.ior a fact india is
having 1/6th of world's population and only one game is popular.¦here as is in other
countries like china,usarusia all game have equal importance and popularity.
`Ê In biggest coutries like UÀa russia china cricket is not popular so if someday become
unpopular in india u will again ask for some other game


`Ê National game is related with identity of nation it can't be change.

`Ê If we are feeling patriotic on this issue we should morve forward and try make it popular
.Businessmen can sponserit.Common can watch it and motivate there kids to join thi game
and government can facilitate the players.
`Ê India should perform best in its national game.
"  ++



`Ê Àocial networks are new meaning of staying in touch with whole world.
`Ê The internet a tool that an increasing number of people are choosing to use with great
frequency. Too many of these people forget that the internet is a unrestricted, unregulated,
and uncontrollable grouping of millions of people, their data, their opinions, and there
`Ê Public sharing of private lives has not led to a rethinking of anything. It's just reminded people
to use extreme caution when publicly sharing their private lives. If you wouldn't do something
in front of everyone you know, don't do it on the internet.
`Ê Laws should --never-- be extended to allow privacy protection for things that people say and
do in the public domain. Perhaps the greatest part of the internet is the lack of control, the
utter and complete freedom of speech. ¦hat is needed is a basic warning from parents or
friends to those who are new to the internet, warning of the possible pitfalls that can come
with such freedom.
`Ê ëumans are social animals by our nature and social networks are just one other outlet for
humans to interact. ¦e should not look at social networks are threats but as opportunities for
us to interact with people globally. I myself am an active user of social networks and have
made many friends and business contacts online that I would otherwise not have had the
same level of opportunity or interaction.


`Ê Àocial-networking sites allow seemingly trivial gossip to be distributed to a worldwide

audience, sometimes making people the butt of rumors shared by millions of users across the
`Ê Public sharing of private lives has led to a rethinking of our current conceptions of privacy.
`Ê 0xisting law should be extended to allow some privacy protection for things that people say
and do in what would have previously been considered the public domain.
`Ê a guy who posted a video on Youtubeweightlifting,skiing, and performing karate exhibitions.
ëe was fired from his job for showing to much Bravado.
`Ê like other human social interactions which are transient, e.g. talking to friends over lunch, the
Internet keeps a permanent record of what we say to each other. If you are having an online
conversation with your friend(s) then you should be aware that conversation can be seen by
countless others and that a record of that conversation will be kept somewhere on the
Internet. Indeed, now with some social networks introducing geolocation services a record of
where we go and how long we spend there will also be maintained.
`Ê There was one incident where robbers using user's geolocation on facebook to find out when
target is at home or not.
`Ê People need to be aware of the environment within which they are communicating to others.
If you are discussing things in a public forum then all that information is available to everyone
else in that forum. Therefore hey should take a common sense approach to what they should
and should not discuss. In the real world we only talk about sensitive issues when we are in
private and with people we trust. I think though that when people are online they can fall into
a false sense of security because there are physically in a secure place using their computer
either in their office or their home which results in them divulging information they should


`Ê Àocial network is indeed boon for human race as it is bringing people closer and letting them
communicate with each other without any fear and barriar.But still one nee to cautious of
what level of personal information they are revealing on the social networks.




`Ê U.À. President Barack bama endorsed India's long-held demand for a permanent seat on the
U.N. Àecurity Council, a reflection of the asian country's growing global weight and its
challenge to rival China.
`Ê "In the years ahead, I look forward to a reformed United Nations Àecurity Council that
includes India as a permanent member," bama said in a speech to India's parliament on his
first official visit to the world's largest democracy.
`Ê In his three-day trip -- the longest stay in any foreign country by bama -- the U.À. leader
announced $10 billion in business deals, aiming at reassuring voters at home that countries
like India offer benefits for U.À. jobs rather than causing unemployment through outsourcing.
`Ê bama has also announced the United Àtates would relax export controls over sensitive
technology, another demand of India's.
`Ê ëe criticised U.À. ally Pakistan over its failure to clamp down on militants. India has long
expressed scepticism at U.À. support for Pakistan, saying Islamabad is hoodwinking
¦ashington by taking aid while also backing militants in afghanistan.
`Ê "¦e will continue to insist to Pakistan's leaders that terrorist safehavens within their borders
are unacceptable and that the terrorists behind the Mumbai attacks be brought to justice," he


`Ê bama not directly criticized pakistan for spreading terrorism in neighbouring countries,
¦hich basically a loss for india.
`Ê There was no announcement of India's role in afghanistan.






`Ê In the agenda will be lucrative defence ties. The United Àtates has held more military exercises
with India in the past year than any other country, and U.À. firms Boeing and Lockheed Martin
Corp are bidding for a $11 billion deal for 126 fighter jet.
`Ê bama is walking a diplomatic tightrope in New Delhi, on the one hand trying to boost
diplomatic and business ties with India while on the other ensuring relations with Pakistan
and China, nations often at loggerheads with India, stay stable.
`Ê U.À. Under Àecretary of Commerce for International Trade irancisco Àanchez said the United
Àtates wanted greater market access to India's infrastructure and energy sectors.
`Ê The truth is that having suffered at the midterm polls, President bama's India visit aimed at
repairing the damage from the biggest election reverse for the Democrats in 72 years. The
motive of the bama administration is to befriend the 65 Indian billionaires and use Indian
booming economy, to salvage the near sick american economy.
`Ê Indian aeronautical Development agency is ordering the purchase of 107 i-414 General
0lectric engines for the Teja fighters for the Indian air iorce at a cost of 850 million dollars.
Àecret negotiations for the purchase of 126 i-18 ëornet fighters with a price tag of 20 billion
dollars was not disclosed. It will bring huge benefit to the UÀ economy when signed.


`Ê Valentine day is western festival if our youth really want to celebrate we can choose any other
Indian day for this.
`Ê n Valentine's Day People do a show off of their love in public? ¦hich is not acceptable to our
society and traditions?
`Ê Couples should celebrate it gracefully.
`Ê Valentine day is propaganda of western capitalist society which want to celebrate all those
days where people can come out to the malls and spend their money.


`Ê Valentine day is great day for lovers to celebrate their love. according to history it's a western
festival but now it is celebrating in India also. It's a day when lovers express their feeling to
each other.
`Ê It is a love day when lovers give gifts, red roses, flowers, red stuff toy, greeting cards to each
other. But our great Indian police have developed some notoriety for suppressing in
Valentine's Day. They inspect hotels, restaurants, coffeehouses, and gift shop on 14th ieb. to
prevent couples from giving each other valentines or other present. The police ban the sale of
red roses, red stuffed animals, red greeting cards and other red items, report store owner.
`Ê ne more thing do you know guys Valentine's Day is also called by Àaint. Valentine's Day. I
feel V's day has nothing 2 do with d western influences on Indian culture. India has
successfully survived cultural clashes via ëollywood or 4 that matter the various channels
coming u like d M TV, V TV etc. ¦e have been influenced by d west for sure, but at d same
time we have retained our values. This itself testifies d fact that sumthin like celebration of V'
day can cause least of harm to our enriched heritage. The political parties which issue a ban
on d V'DaY every yr.,with due respect to them, should take this aspect into consideration.
They should unnerstandtht a day which calls for celebration of a beautiful thing like love can
cause no harm 2 d society. The concept of V'dayshud not be restrained to sumthing celebrated
by lovers. Its way beyond tht...its bout d celebration of d relationship we share with our
family , frenz, or for tht matter with d society.I dun see ne reason tht such a thing shud be






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`Ê 0uthanasia refers to the practice of ending a life in a manner which relieves pain and suffering.
according to the ëouse of Lords Àelect Committee on Medical 0thics, the precise definition of
euthanasia is "a deliberate intervention undertaken with the express intention of ending a
life, to relieve intractable suffering. "In terminally ill patients and in cancer patients who r
undergoing tremendous should be done, coz the pain is really unbearable. and also in
people who are terminally ill and who can't afford to pay the high hospital charges, is it not
better that euthanasia is done so as to save the misery of the relatives who can't pay high
medical bills. and terminally ill cancer patients undergo very severe pain. and we all know
how painful the death is .The pain which he undergoes worth living for a few more days, when
he'll be dying on his/her bed every moment. Isn't it better to free him from that prison of pain
and sufferings if I think about this I feel, it should be allowed.


`Ê It can be misused.There must be strict laws pertaining on whom it can be done. and the
decision should not be given to only one individualâΦ¦he can misuse. There must be at least 2
other doctors who should also certify it, other than the treating doctor.
`Ê People in favor of 0uthanasia argue about the vegetable state of a person who needs the
liberation. But the fact is, if 0uthanasia is legalized there would not be any check on the
circumstances under which a patient was killed/relieved. as we all know too well, how easy it
is to buy professionals and their opinion. The intentions of legalizing 0uthanasia may be Good
but legalizing it would be to legalize killings. ëistory is witness that legalizing killing
(remember the Àoviet gulag, the Nazi concentration camps, the killing fields of Cambodia) has
dreadful consequences. If euthanasia is legalized then suicide must also be. The only
difference is the former is assisted and the later is self inflicted.
`Ê N dec 21, 2006.Marico Ricco an Italian doctor disconnected a respirator that was keeping
Piergiorgio¦elby alive. after Ricco gave him the sedative and switched off the respirator,
¦ebly smilingly said goodbye to his wife and kids and in 45 min he was dead. ¦ebly's right to
die was widely publicized in Italy. ëere two questions arise: whether a person has the right to
sustain life supporting medical treatment The other is whether voluntary euthanasia. is
ethically defensible. But before such a law is implemented the must be strong legal
framework on this; without any loopholes.
`Ê Àcience is progressing at a massive rate. at any point of time a drug could come into the
market which could save a person from a âΦœterminalâΦ illness. 0very person desires to live,
but in pain he loses the power to understand and decide about his life and nobody has the
right to define someone else's destiny. Ào euthanasia should definitely find a way out of our










`Ê 0veryone is available to others for 24x7.

`Ê People say mobiles made life miserable by providing unlimited connectivity but they don't
understand the fact it also provide limited connectivity options like you can switch of the
`Ê Mobile proved life saver for human beings in many areas related with human health.
`Ê Mobile proved boon for businesses as well where crucial information is at reach for corporate
`Ê Mobile phones made life easy for people who are going to distant areas for expeditions to be
in touch with rest of world.


`Ê Mobile phone is hazard for human life as due to electromagnetic waves many people are
suffering health problems of cancer etc.
`Ê Mobile phones give unlimited connectivity for human life which made the life miserable for
people who have been over using the mobile phones.
`Ê iew people claim that user can control mobile usage but in many cases switching of mobile
phones considered as unprofessional so people not able to cope up with this requirement and
over utilizing the mobiles.
`Ê ver utilizing of mobile is ruining social life of people by communicating on phones rather be
in touch personally with friends and relatives.
`Ê Mobile phones also deterring the traditions because people are more busy on talking on
phones on various ceremonies and rituals.
`Ê Mobile phones also deterring the office atmosphere as many employees spending more time
on mobiles rather on work.
`Ê Mobile phones causing accidents because people are using them while driving.




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