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Épreuve d'anglais.

Évaluation n• 1 Time  : 1hr30. Class  : 5ieme.


I - Complete these sentences with the form of Verb indicated in brackets. (5 marks)

1.She ……………………… to Germany two years ago. (to travel/ simple past tense)
2. The …………….. breakfast at nine o'clock. (to have/ simple present tense)
3. Emmeline ……………..…… a computer last week. (to buy/ simple past tense)
4. I ………………………………… some coke. (to drink/ present continuous tense)
5. On Sundays, she ………………. to the swimming pool. ( to go/ simple present tense)

II- Complete the following sentences with appropriate words chosen from the brackets.

1. We'll go to the restaurant when he will ……………. (arrive ; arrived ; arrives)

2. Shall we go …….. London next week ? (to ; in ; at)
3. Who did you …………………… to ? (talks ; talked ; talk)
4. She has a nice …………………..…….. daughter. (10-years old ; 10 year old ; 10-year-old)
5. They played chess …………….…. three hours. (in ; for ; since)


i. Choose the correct comparative form ( underline the correct answer)

                exemple : high => higher /useful => more useful  ...than

(big)=> An elephant is (biger than ; bigger than ; more big than)a cat.

(lazy) => Fred is (lazyer than ; more lazy than ; lazier than) his sister.

(far) => The sun is (farer than ; more far than ; farther than) the moon.

(good) => Jack is good at English but Jimmy is ( gooder ; better ; more good)

(difficult) => My exercise is (more difficult than ; difficulter than)  yours.

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ii. Choose the correct superlative form ( underline the correct answer)

     exemple : high => the highest / important => the most important

(good) =»  It's (the best ; the most good ; the goodest) day of my life.

(hot) =»  August is (the hotest ; the hottest ; the most hot)month of the year.

(famous) =»  New York is (the famousest ; the most famous) city in the United
iii. Opposit
(funny) =»  Sonia is (the funniest ; the most funny ; the funnyest) girl in the class. es,

Synonyms & Plural.

a) Give the opposite of followings words.
 Man # ………………….. • thin # ………………………. • king # …………………
 Girl # …………..…….. • short # ………………………
b) Give the synonyms of followings words.
 Mummy : …………….. •. Father : ……………….
 Dress : …………………. •. Apartment : …..................
c) Give the Plural of followings words.
 Baby : ………………. •. T-Shirt : ………………..
 Woman : …………….. •. Cloth : ………………………
iv. Translation.
 Je vais à l'école chaque jour
 ………………………………………………………
 Paul est un bon élève
 …………………............................................. Good Luck !!!

Examinateur  : Mr Ulrich Njike.

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