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Computer 100 Questions wow L. What is any part of the cumputer that yuu can physically touch? — Hardware 2 Which genention of computer is still ander developmeat? —Fitth 3. What is the mast common uneaze device for the perseml ermputer” — Floppy isk 4. Which key is used in combination with another key to perform a specific task? —Coatrel 5. What is the pattern of printed lines on mest products? —Barrndes 6.Te make the number patuct asa directional arrow, we press which key’? Shit 7. Which devices that lat the camsputer communicate with you? Inpat 8 What fs the mowt frequently used piece of hanhware for inputting data? —Hanteare 9. What ia the place where the computer stores programs amd data? —Storage unit 10, ‘What is the process af dividing the disk inte tracks and sectors? Formatting I. Svat is the space in your crmputer that loads” and weocks with dita? —BAM memory 12 Wha is the storage which stores o¢ retains data aftee power off? —Noo-wolatile storage 15, What will be Typical acronym of reuseable optical storage? — CD-Rom 14. What contains specific mies and wonts that express the logical steps af an alyorithm? Sym 15, Whar is the pictorial representation of a program o¢ algorithm’? Flowchart 16. What is the smallest uni of information a computer 28 unnlertamd wid process? —Ri 17.Which is a program that make easy to use a computer? — Utility 18. What converts and executes one statement at a time” interpreter 19 Whut includes the programs or inaructions? —Sahware 20. Who designs. writes tests and maintains comp-uter programs? —Operatar AU Who writes and fests computer program? Programmer 22 What term used to define all input and output devices in.a computer system? — Hardware 25, Whar is a wond in.a web page that, when clicked opens another document? Hyperlink 24. Whatrefers toa small, single-sire nerwotk? —LAN 25. What does consist of one ot more Web pages located un a Web server? —Amebsite F Sli Computer 100 Questions WowAlIEXam¢uniBlog com, 26, What does allow vnice conversations ta travel over the Internet? Which software that allows users tu surf the internet” 28, What dues allow you to access phjewts and stay programs? What contains corumands that cun be selected 30. What uf sohware 31, ata that iv copied from an application, where és stored? AL Which menu type [salsa called a drop down menu’? —Pulldlown 33. What includes the file name and possibly aivectnry of foder? = Flle directory U, Whal isthe name a user assigns toa dicument called’? 7 —Filename 5, What is in teat that you want printed at the bottom of the page? Footer 46. What is a document means to nuke changes fo its existing camer -Edit 37, Amuleropmucesso isthe brat ofthe easter ani is al calle hy which name =Mlerockip Sonya ape ee pe Paediatr 39, What takes rent shapes depemfing tn the tush you me pestoru = Mouse pointer Soft copy isa intangible output us then what isa hand voy’? ~The pred output 1. One puty information into the computer by pressing whicl key? Enter 42. Letters, mumbers, and symbols fp ona keyboard are, called by which name? —Keys AN, What the ota ad intron entered inthe memicry of a center? Input Tearcaeaalyoppen ine uaproton enw? Tieton Paar 45, What is the primary device that a computer uses to staee information? Hlantdrive 46, Which fe wien Liner technology wo store Lage amount! information? CDROM tet provides only emporary storage of fitex? RAM inemory 8, Which isa removable nage te elise that hobs fori? — Floppy ae 49, What (the process uf Wividing the lik int tacks an eects? Formatting 50, What is the bux that houses the moxt important purty of» computer y¥hs =System unit Computer 100 Questions swwwAIEsunG umBlog com ‘51."The operating system called UNIX is typically sed for which computers? Web computers 52. Whar isan errorin s program which causes wrong resull? — 3. What isa program that makes the camputer easier use? — Unity Sarria tape ot ppg Uy MO a 55, Which is the part of a computer that one can touch and feel? Hardware 56. What are the peripheral devices auch ay piers an moniors cowidened? Hardware 57. Which device that conacels network without the wie of ables? — Wireless 58, What fea popular way to learn shout computers without ever going in a classmom’? —Eteurning 59. Tu view information un the web, what must you must have’? =Web browser 0. 41. Which sftwate program used Wo view Web pues? = Heuser €2.Which Quiput Is made upuf pictures, seumds,and video? Mitel 63, Ancmail weountinclolesa storage area, what voftencatied? Malo ‘64. Someiling which has easily-unleratewal instructions, what Issa to be? Ale at ‘65, What are lists of eominands Nhat appear on the sercen? Menus 46. Winslow 95, Winds 9M, seu Windows NT are known as what? Operating ryvems 47, What inthe term wed in devenbe the winlow thal h curently heing sed? AtIve Wladaw 68.Fur creating adicutnenl, yoo use which command femal? New 40). What {so ado put into your dacument mich asa eture oF ex! use? —Lnwert JU. Which eletents uf wind docunseil ean be displayed In ~Alletements 71. What iv collection of information saved ay a unit? 7A Numbers nul formulae entered cell, what are called’? 7, What Iva collection uf related information aurted and death with as sit? 74, Acunumand that saves wh are workin he hand drive,” 75. Which mouse technique bs used for access in properties uf any object? Computer 100 Questions www 76, Which Powerful Leys tht et you exit a prugrarn w hen pushed? ~Eseapeey 77. Which devices you use such as a keyboanl or nwase, ts input information? "= Tnpatdesice 7A, Which device can understand difference between data and programe’? = Microprocessor 79, What is the mean of data gathering in computer? = They allow to use data Store Fo, Whar isthe ser uf instructions which tells 9 carmputer what 1 do? — Program HL, The uperating system tv the mont commminn type of which nalhware? ~Syatem H2. Which peripheral device displays infor ower? ~ =Monitur 3, Which manual telly you hw fo mew software pn User FHA, What is the net important or powerful computer in a typi we work? Network server 8S. What makes it possible for shoppers ta make purchases ing their computers? =ECornmerce 16. ly which name also called the web, contains billionsof documents? — Wark Wide Web K7. Generally, you access the reeyele bin thrvugh an icon, where 4 this toeated® -Onithe desktop FR, What iva inking indicator that shows you where yous next action will happen’? - Cursor HO, Which type of file is created hy word processing eugran ‘90. In a spreadsheet program, which contains related worksheets and Uecumsents? 411, Which application is com aly used to prepare a presentation’ state show? ‘OL In which group da We woek wt the tine of Leet formatting ts Wort? —Table, paragraph und tndetes puter refers ta the fastest, biggest and ment expensive computer 44 Which device iv used av the standart pointing device ina Graphical User Environm ‘95. Which Key moves the curso aime space 10 the right or puts spaces in between words? 196. THe speaker attached (u your computer used for which purpese? Handing soe and ‘99. What isthe bor that contains the central electronic enmpnnents of the computer? System unlt ‘98, What happens when the coutputer is turmest an andl the operating system fs loadin — Hawtin 99, The process of writing out computer insimctins is Laown as whit nae? — Cocnpiting — Multitasking 100, What isthe ability of a OS to run more than ene application al a ti

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