English q4 Week 1 5 Summative 1 2 and Output 1 2

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English 10 Quarter 4 Week 1

Anna Theresa P. Azote X – Mercury

Mrs. Jacqueline B. Vidal June 14, 2021


1. probability – C.

2. obligation – B.

3. willingness – D.

4. futurity – A.

5. obligation – B.


1. c. shall

2. d. can

3. b. May

4. a. must

5. c. will


1. Why is it important to use modals? Modal verbs add meaning to the main verb in a sentence by
expressing possibility, ability, permission, obligation, and even habits.

Evaluating Argument
The Claim The Evidence/Reason Your Counter Argument

Argument 1 Philippine government is an The Philippine It is ineffective because

effective government. government is able to there are still many
meet the needs people who are
of its people. suffering to have their
Argument 2 A bully always shows his power, A country that is always It is not true that
might ,and incomparable ability showing off its military showing off its military
to the weak. power and might to its power and might to its
neighboring countries is neighboring countries is
a bully nation. a bully nation because
they are just flexing and
being confident of their


Making simple argument helps me to evaluate arguments that will help me assess the validity of my own
thinking, as well as the reasoning of others; appreciate multiple viewpoints on an issue or problem; and
formulate sound, well-informed opinions.

1. B.

2. B.

3. I.

4. C.

5. B.


1. What is the importance of making a written outline before delivering a speech? The purpose of
giving a speech can be to persuade, inform, inspire, motivate, or entertain. Therefore, a speaker should
know how to organize his ideas by making sure that everything presented aligns with his/her purpose.
To effectively do this, the speaker has to make a blueprint of his presentation or also called as outline.


1. In this lesson, I realize that I need to improve in making my blueprint for a presentation or outline.

2. The lesson learned is meaningful to me because I learned how to write an outline and I learned its
English 10 Quarter 4 Week 2

Activity 1: Elements Galore

Exposition – Mrs. Loisel was born into a poor family but was endowed with great beauty. She was very
ambitious. She envisioned herself as part of the highest level of French society. As she grew up, she was
increasingly ashamed of her circumstances, but there was little she could do about it. Eventually, she
was married to a clerk at the Ministry of Education.One day, Mr. Loisel brought home an invitation to a
ball, from the Minister of Education. When she looked at it, Mrs. Loisel was filled with sorrow. She
sobbed, “I cannot come. I don’t even have a good dress to wear,” she wailed. Soon, Mr. Loisel bought
her a dress with his savings.

Rising Action – Mrs. Loisel then said that the dress would look very plain without some jewelry. It was
clear that her husband could not afford any. So, she went to a rich friend, Mrs. Forestier, who agreed to
lend her a truly splendid diamond necklace. Mrs. Loisel was the prettiest woman at the ball. All the
important people admired her beauty. It was nearly 4 a.m. when they returned home. Then she made a
terrible discovery: The necklace had disappeared! Their efforts to find it were in vain. It was gone, and
they knew they had to buy another, to give to Mrs. Forestier.

Climax – Mr.Loisel went to a jewelry shop and found a necklace that looked exactly like the one that was
lost. Its price was 36,000 francs. Mr. Loisel collected all his savings and borrowed the rest from a friend
at a high rate of interest. He bought the necklace, and gave it to Mrs. Forestier, who did not notice that
this was a new necklace.Then the Loisels settled down to pay the money that they had borrowed, to buy
the necklace.They dismissed their maid and moved to a smaller house. Mrs. Loisel did all the rough
household work. Her fingernails were no longer pretty: She ruined them scrubbing dishes. She did all the
washing and hung it out on the line to dry. Every morning, she emptied the rubbish bin herself, and
fetched water up the stairs, getting out of breath frequently. She was dressed like a working woman,
and haggled, argued, and fought with the grocer and the butcher for every penn

Falling Action – Mr. Loisel spent his evenings working at some shops, and at night he often copied
papers at a few pennies per page.This life went on for a few years. At the end of ten years, they had paid
off every single penny. Mrs. Loisel now looked like an old and lowly woman. Her hair and dress were
untidy, and her hands were rough and red.One Sunday, she went for a walk in the Champs Elysees, and
she caught sight of Mrs. Forestier, after all those years. She walked up to her, and said,“Good morning,
Jeanne.”Mrs. Forestier did not recognize her. She said, “I am afraid I don’t know you. Do you know me?
You must have made a mistake.”“No, I am Mathilde Loisel.”Mrs. Forestier was shocked. “Oh, my poor
dear Mathilde! What change has come over you! ”Yes, I have had to go through some hard time.
Remember the diamond necklace that I borrowed from you? I lost it.” “What do you mean? You brought
it back to me.” “I did not give you back the one you gave me. What I brought back to you was another
one that we bought. It was exactly like the original one. For the last ten years we have been busy paying
for it. Surely, you can understand that it was not easy for us to buy a diamond necklace. However, it is all
over now. It is such a relief that it is over.”
Resolution – Mrs. Forestier stopped dead. “You mean that you bought a diamond necklace to replace
mine?” “Yes, of course, and you never noticed it? They were certainly very similar.” Mrs. Loisel smiled
with pride and satisfaction, but Mrs. Forestier seized both her hands in great distress. “Oh! My poor,
dear Mathilde! Why, mine was only imitation. At the most it was worth only five hundred francs!”

1. How do the elements of a short story help you understand the flow of the story? I immediately
identified the resolution, rising action, climax, falling action and the resolution.

2. What is the theme of the story?  Greed, deceptive appearances, beauty and vanity.

3. In what way do the elements of a short story contribute to your understanding of the selection’s
overall theme? The elements help the flow of the story more comfortable and understandable to read
that is why we can clearly know the theme because it is easy to read.


1. How will theme of a short story change the readers’ perspective in life? Many people learn different
lesson in different short stories because it is very readable especially to the kids.
Activity 2: FIND ME

1. Consequently

2. hence

3. furthermore

4. in fact

5. As a result


1. Which part of the lesson will I need to study further? Why? There are some english words that I am
unfamiliar with so I need to improve my vocabulary.
Activity 3: DEFINE ME

1. TD.

2. OD.

3. TD.

4. OD.

5. OD.


1. Which part of the lesson do I need to improve? Why? Defining if it is an operational or technical
definition is still confusing and difficult for me.
Activity 4. OUTBOX

1. A.

2. C.

3. B.

4. D.

5. E.


1. How will this lesson improve my skills in writing and speaking? It is important to learn transitions
because without it my writing does not flow smoothly.

ARTICLES Valid Accurate Relevant With Adequate

1.2013 Manila Social Good Summit / There are
The Social Good Summit is an materials cited.
annual, global event that brings
together movers and shakers to
discuss how technology and social
media can be used for social good.
For 2013, the summit focused on
how to use social media to help
prepare for, respond to, and
minimize the impact of disasters.
Listed below are key
contents from the summit:

Explain your answer. An article is valid when the source is properly cited and taken from a reliable
2.The 2008 National Demographic / There is a data
and Health Survey (NDHS) revealed presented like
that a statistic.
one in five women aged 15-49 has
experienced physical violence since
age 15; 14.4 percent of married
women have experienced physical
abuse from their husbands; and
more than one-third (37%) of
separated or widowed women have
experienced physical violence,
implying that domestic violence
could be the reason for separation or

Explain your answer. Reliability of the article’s content means the source is authentic, taken from
published references and established sites like an institution or government sites.
Explain your answer. Adequate information calls for sufficient valid, reliable, and accurate materials.
1. An article is valid when the source is properly cited and taken from a reliable source.

2. Reliability of the article’s content means the source is authentic, taken from published references and
established sites like an institution or government sites.

3. We can say that what we read is accurate when that certain article contains facts, figures, and
information without bias or opinionated ideas.

4. Adequate information calls for sufficient valid, reliable, and accurate materials.


1. In what way does this lesson help me in writing a research paper? Writing research paper needs
adequate information.
English 10 Quarter 4 Week 3

Activity 1: WHAT AM I?

1. FD

2. FD

3. ID

4. FD

5. ID


1. Giving definition to a word is helpful because formal definition is based upon a concise, logical pattern
that includes as much information as it can within a minimum amount of space. Informal definition is
without formality or ceremony; not according to prescribed, official, or customary way or manner

1. (Shane, 2001)

2. Gass and Varonis (1984)

3. Jones (1998)

4. Dezin and Lincoln (1994)

5. Cresswel (1994)


1. How important are in-text citations in writing research work? In-text citation shows that idea is not
yours and that you acknowledge its rightful source

1. adjective

2. not pleasant or enjoyable

3. pleasant

4. tasteful


1. How does this activity help me expand my vocabulary? Expanding the meaning of a word made me
search for other words that are the antonym or root word of that word and that helped me add new
more words to my vocabulary.


1. As a learner, how can you help the community in this time of pandemic? Staying at home every time
and sanitize or disinfect myself every day.
English 10 Quarter 4 Week 4

Activity 1 LET’S HAVE A TOAST!

1. a.

2. b.

3. True


With admiration and sincerity,

To the most gorgeous and pure hearted woman.

Who gave us all that we need in our lives since the beginning until now,

Let’s make a toast for our very own Mother Earth!


Today, I want to give a toast or tribute to our mother earth for providing us the things that we need in
our life everyday.


Authors’ First Name Publication Book Title Publisher’s Publisher Page

Last Name Initial Date City Numbers
Plumm Jan 2008 A New Harley 113-114
Neischke Carol Creationist Brunswick, Publishing,
View of New Jersey Inc.
Activity 4 WORKS CITED

1. Paline, Johan.(2010) Happiness Matters. Journal of Collegiate Learning Review. 170-191; quote p.

2. Josef, Francis (2008) A Study in Virtual Classroom. New York City, New York: McGraw-Hill Publishing.

3. Feliz, Naz F.(January 2020) Statistics of Students’ enrollment in time of Pandemic. Retrieved April 3,
2020. from Organization for Medical Reform.

http://www.medreform.org/statistics/insurance/elderly- coverage/233 


Citations are not used simply to avoid plagiarism; they have other  important roles
too. Referencing allows you to acknowledge the contribution of other writers and researchers in your
work. Any university assignments that draw on the ideas, words or research of other writers must
contain citations.

1. What does this 1. What does this remind me of 1. How did that part relate to the world
remind me of in another in my life? around me?
book I’ve read? Answer: That we must never Answer: We are in the midst of a
Answer: This reminds give up. pandemic right now so this made me
me of realize that we must fight this virus.
“ Me Before You”
2. Have I read about 2. Something similar happened 2. What does this remind me of in the
something like this to me when real world?
before? Answer: I am having hard time Answer: It reminds me of the Covid – 19
Answer: No. in my studies I often feel pandemic.
3. Have I read about 3. What were my feelings when I 3. How is this text similar to things that
something like this read this? happen in the real world?
before? Answer: Sad, inspired and felt Answer: People right now are hopeless
Answer: No, this is more petty to the man but happy at but this story can inspire people and
like a unique and one the same time because he made motivate them.
and only story. Johnsy fight again in life.


By making connections to the text I read, I am able to dig in to my emotions, knowledge and wisdom.


1.halfway up up halfway
2.very middle middle very
3.quite uppermost upper quite, most
4.most about about most
5.onward outside outside onward
6.never yet yet never
7.away into into away
8.over higher higher over
9.far side toward side far, toward
10.low behind behind low


The new concepts/skills I learned from this lesson are identifying the head and qualifier from the given
Quarter 4 Weeks 1 & 2

1. B.

2. A.

3. A.

4. -5. Yes, because simple things are better even though it is not obvious.

6. -7. A.

8. -9. F.

10. -11. F.

12. -13. A.

14. -15. F.
16. D.

17. A.

18. E.

19. A.

20. C.

21. B.

22. B.

23. A.

24. C.

25. TD.

26. OD.

27. OD.

28. A.

29. B.

30. C.
Unified Performance Task Output No. 1

Grade 10 English

Quarter 4 Week 3

1. Do you cite internet or book sources in answering your assignments?

2. Do you answer your activities or assignments according to the weekly home learning plan?

3. Do you pass your outputs right on time?

4. Do you answer your school works independently?

5. Do you ask help from your family or relatives in answering your weekly learning activity sheets?

6. Do you answer your school works together with your classmates?

7. Do you just depend and wait for your classmates answer?

8. Do you ask for your teachers help when you are confused on your lesson?

9. Do you feel scared messaging your teachers privately?

10. Do you feel stressed answering your school papers?

Unified Performance Task Output No. 2

Grade 10 English

Quarter 4 Week 4

Yes or No Questions
Do you…
cite internet or book sources in answering your assignments?
answer your activities or assignments according to the weekly home learning plan?
pass your outputs right on time?
answer your school works independently?
ask help from your family or relatives in answering your weekly learning activity sheets?
answer your school works together with your classmates?
just depend and wait for your classmates answer?
ask for your teachers help when you are confused on your lesson?
feel scared messaging your teachers privately?
feel stressed answering your school papers?

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