Unified Performance Task Output No. 2 Quarter 2 Week 2 Grade 10 English

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Unified Performance Task Output No.

Quarter 2 Week 2
Grade 10 English

REMINDER: Submit to your English teacher a copy of the output/product (hard or  soft
copy)  for this Unified Performance Task during  retrieval of outputs and modules  as his/her
basis in giving score for the performance  task.

Time Frame of Assessment: Quarter 2 Week 2

Subject Most Essential Learning Budget of Work (BOW)

Competency (MELC)
ENGLISH 10 Identify key structural
elements, e.g. exposition, Week 2
arguments, restatement of
positions and language
features of an
argumentative text.
For Online Learners:
The learners are expected to make a creative 3-minute multimedia argumentative presentation
highlighting their stand on the theme “Building ties and being sensitive to others” during
this time in which COVID vaccine is already available. The output is to be shared via social
media platforms.
For Modular Digital Learners:
The learners are expected to make a 5-slide power point argumentative presentation
highlighting their stand on the theme “Building ties and being sensitive to others” during
this time in which COVID vaccines are already available. The output is to be shared to the
family members and immediate community.
For Modular Learners (Learners with no gadgets and connection):
The learners are expected to write a 3-paragraph argumentative essay highlighting their stand
on the theme “Building ties and being sensitive to others” during this time in which COVID
vaccines are already available. The output is to be shared to the family members and
immediate community.
By using the social platforms and the learnings in the lesson, the learners are expected to
take their stand by reacting to the falsity or soundness of the arguments gathered and
organizing these ideas into an argumentative write-up focusing on the theme/situation given
and the language features of an argumentative text.
The learners play the role of critical and creative thinkers, innovators, and artists aiming at
showing creatively what they have learned about argumentative writing and using them to take
an intelligent stand on the theme/situation given.
The online and modular digital learners address their task to a wider public audience using
social media platforms while the modular digital and modular print learners address their task to
their immediate families and communities.

One of the hottest news headlines discussed on social media and on TV these days is about
the availability of COVID 19 vaccines including their side effects. We also heard that to stop
said virus from spreading further is for a country’s population to be vaccinated by at least 70%
of its total population. Is our country ready for this challenge? What is your stand on this issue?

The expected outputs above (a creative 3-minute multimedia /5-slide argumentative
presentation / a 3-paragraph argumentative essay) offer the learners an avenue where they
could take an intelligent stand on the theme/situation given using technology and social media
platforms. Their outputs should also contain what they have learned about argumentative

The performance task is to be assessed by the teacher using the corresponding rubric below.

Rubric for Multimedia Argumentative Presentation

Criteria 5 4 3 Score
Ideas are relevant to Ideas are Ideas are
Content/Organization the theme/situation complete but not incomplete and
and are presented in logically arranged. lack logical
a logical manner. organization.
Creativity The entire Ideas are No creativity at
presentation is complete but the all
visually appealing. images, photos, The ideas are
The ideas presented and slides are very presented in pure
are clear and limited. text and
understandable. incomplete.
Copyright Copyright Some sources of Copyright
information for photos, slides, reference or
photos, graphics, and and images are information used
images used is not clearly is not provided.
complete. provided.
Teacher’s Comments

Reference: https://www2.uwstout.edu/content/profdev/rubrics/videorubric.html

Rubric for Argumentative Essay

Criteria 5 4 3 Score
Ideas are well Ideas are Ideas are incomplete
Introduction developed, complete and and lack logical
background logically arranged organization.
information is but the stand on
complete ,and the the issue is not
stand on the issue is clear.
Body (Main Main points are Main points are Main points are given
Points/Arguments) complete and complete but one but not well
supported by is not supported -developed/explaine
supporting details. by supporting d.
Conclusion Presented complete Well- organized Lacks summary of
and concise summary and detailed main points
of the main points. summary of main Suggestions for
Writer’s stand on the points but the change or writer’s
issue and the writer’s stand is stand is not evident.
suggestion for change not clear.
are clear, logical and
well- planned.
Reference: https://sites.fas.harvard.edu/~ede104d1/rubrics

Prepared by:


Reviewed by:
Approved by:


SSHT IV , English Principal IV

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