Verify Your PayPal Account Without A Credit Card

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Easy way to Verify your PayPal account without a Credit Card

PayPal is an e-commerce business allowing payments and money transfers to be made through the Internet, according to
Wikipedia. Most people use Paypal for their online transactions, since it is very safe and it has lot of features. But there
is a problem faced by many Indians. Most of Paypal features will work, only if you have a verified account. For this
process you need a credit card. In India, people using credit cards are very less in number.
Do Check:
Paypal Change Funds Withdrawal Functionality For India Users
So the large part of Indians, who don’t have a credit card can’t get their Paypal account’s verified. This is for those who
are seeking an alternative to Credit card’s for paypal verification. The tutorial is divided into two steps. Follows these
steps and get your Paypal account verified without a Credit Card.
Paypal verification without credit card.

Step 1: Creating Virtual Credit Card

Go to Entropay.Com and Click Sign up. Fill in your account details and move on to the funding details.
In funding details, type in your debit card (which I hope you have one) details. Now follow the few steps to complete
your sign up.
Once you have signed up for an Entropay account, you can create your Entropay card (Virtual Credit Card). For this you
need to deposit $20 dollars from your bank account or debit card. The amount will be loaded into your Entropay card.
Now your Entropay Card will show up along with the card number, cvv number and expiration dates. Note them down.
Now you have your own credit card (Virtual). So here’s the next step.

Step 2: Verifying your Paypal Account

Login to your Paypal account, click link debit/credit card and enter the details of the Entropay Card.
Your card will be charged 1.5 dollars and you will get back the amount within 2 days in your paypal account.
After 2 days, Login back to your Entropay account, and check recent transactions. In Paypal related transaction, you
will see a 4 digit number.
Use this number for confirming the verification process in your Paypal account. Now you have verified your Paypal
account without a Credit card.

For Credit Cards,Paypal Accounts,Bank Accounts and more tutorials check out my store
Evolution market: http://k5zq47j6wd3wdvjq.onion/store/34615

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