Gyne Case Contraception Report

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SGD 5 - CasE 2
POMADA, Kristia Anne
PON, Corazon
A 40-year-old G6P3(3-0-3-3) came to the clinic for FP advice.
She is a known hypertensive but controlled with Losartan/Amlodipine 100/10
mg once a day. She had history of one ectopic pregnancy and two abortions on her
last 3 pregnancies. Her husband is a 46-year-old OFW who comes home every year.
She is a nonsmoker and nonalcoholic beverage drinker.

On PE, her BP was 140/90. Breast examination revealed a suspicious breast mass
on palpation. The rest of the findings were within normal. Her husband is expected to
arrive in 3 months time. How would you manage this patient?
● 40-year-old G6P3 (3-0-3-3)
● 1 ectopic pregnancy and 2 abortions
● Hypertensive (BP was 140/90)
● Breast mass
Female Sterilization
Pros Cons

● Reduces risk of ovarian cancer following tubal ligation. ● Does not protect against STIs

● Older women are less likely to regret permanent


● A woman can rely on sterilization for contraception

immediately after laparoscopic and abdominal
approaches. No additional contraceptive protection is
needed to prevent pregnancy.

● Sterilization does not affect the sex drive or hormone

Levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system

Pros Cons

● Appropriate for hypertensive women ● Not advisable if you have abnormal vaginal bleeding, a
● Does not not interfere with sexual intercourse, pelvic infection, certain other problems with your uterus or
wearing tampons, or using other vaginal cervix, or if you have breast or uterine cancer, liver
disease or liver tumor, or a weakened immune system.
● Appropriate for women ages 40 and above
Copper intrauterine device

Pros Cons

● does not contain hormones and therefore does not ● Menorrhagia is a frequent complaint, as are
affect frequency of bleeding. dysmenorrhea and polymenorrhea. These are the
● highly effective, with a 98-99 percent success rate major reasons for IUD discontinuation as well
over five years of IUD use ● There is a higher risk of ectopic pregnancy if
● Fertility returns promptly on discontinuation conception occurs with an IUD in situ, though
● Starts working right away pregnancies are very rare with this method
Progestin-only contraceptives injectables
(depot medroxyprogesterone acetate)

Pros Cons

● depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA; ● associated with a reduction in bone mineral density
Depo-Provera) does not significantly affect blood (BMD) in women of all ages
pressure ● It does not protect against sexually transmitted
● If used correctly, the contraceptive injection is more infections (STIs), so you may need to use condoms
than 99% effective as well
● useful for women who cannot use contraception that ● Side effects can include weight gain, headaches,
contains estrogen mood swings, breast tenderness and irregular
● Decreases risk for endometrial cancer bleeding
● Progesterone- only pill- contraindicated in patients
with a history of ectopic pregnancy.
Barrier Method

Pros Cons

● Prevents sexually transmitted infections ● Less effective

● Do not have the side effects of hormonal ● Contraindicated in people with latex allergy
contraceptives ● The patient and her partner may not like
● Obtained without a prescription and easily how condoms feel and may impact the
purchased over the counter at pharmacies. enjoyment of sex
Estrogen Containing Contraceptive

Pros Cons

● Reduces heavy menstrual bleeding, bone ● Increases the risk of venous and arterial
loss, vasomotor symptoms, and risk of thromboembolic events.
ovarian, endometrial and possibly
colorectal cancers. ● Associated with a 20% increased risk of
breast cancer.
● Benefit in preventing declines in bone
density that accompany late ● Risks outweighs the benefits in women with
perimenopause. either controlled hypertension or elevated
blood pressure, and higher age.
1. Risk for miscarriage and 1. Manage her chronic hypertension
pre-eclampsia if patient gets and maintain normal levels
pregnant 2. Determine if the breast mass is
2. Suspicious breast mass benign or malignant
3. Chronic hypertension 3. Family planning
Chronic hypertension
● Accompany antihypertensive medication with dietary modifications and physical

Breast mass
● Consider breast ultrasound to determine if lump is solid or fluid-filled (cystic)
● If it is cystic, aspiration may be done. Follow-up clinical breast examination after 4

I. Advice patient on the need to maintain her blood pressure within normal levels
- If the patient becomes pregnant in the future, uncontrolled bp could put her at risk for
II. Family planning options
- Discuss the top-tier and second-tier contraceptive methods and which ones are suitable for
her current health status
III. Thoroughly counsel patient on the advantages and disadvantages of the different contraceptive
methods; clear any misconceptions the patient may have
IV. Keep the patient well-informed to alleviate anxiety

★ Patients should be advised to return at any time to discuss questions or concerns about
contraceptive method use, but for most women, routine follow-up visits are not required
★ assess for satisfaction and concerns, side effects, changes in health status or medication
use that might affect eligibility for continued use, and changes in blood pressure
★ Follow-up clinical breast examination
★ Check for signs of pelvic infections that would require immediate treatment

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