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Reading and Vocabulary Self-Access Material


By the end of this worksheet, I will:

1. infer the meaning of written words by paying close attention to the context.
2. show understanding of words by creating a graphic representation of them.

Follow these steps

1. Complete the worksheet.

2. Upload your final products to the Padlet.
3. Complete the self-assessment checklist.

Time you need

All activities should be completed in 30-45 minutes.


Have you ever not understood some word while reading a text? What do you normally do when
that happens? Highlight the correct answer.

a) I look it up in a dictionary
b) I google it
c) I try to understand it from the context
d) I ask someone for the meaning

In this workshop, you will practice a useful strategy to understand a new word independently,
without looking up words in a dictionary or asking others for help.

Good luck!

- Reverie
1. Look at the words:
- Ponder
- Apparition
- Astound
- Remorse

2. Think for a few seconds if you know the meaning of any of them. If you do, write it down

3. Read all excerpts from the book and try to guess the meaning of words in red. Write
down your ideas in the boxes below.

"Now I stared at this sudden apparition with my eyes fairly starting out of my head in

"Then she forced her cough a little more so that he should suffer from remorse just the same."

"He tossed his head gently, without taking his eyes from my plane: 'It is true that on that you
can't have come from very far away...' And he sank into a reverie, which lasted a long time."

"I pondered deeply, then, over the adventures of the jungle. And after some work with a colored
pencil I succeeded in making my first drawing."

"And I was astounded to hear the little fellow greet it with, 'No, no, no! I do not want an
elephant inside a boa constrictor'."

4. How did it go? Access the following quiz and see how close you were.

How many points did you get? Highlight the number.

1 2 3 4 5

5. Choose two words that are useful for you and draw their representation on a piece of
paper or use the spaces below.

Drawing 1

Drawing 2

6. Take a picture or a screenshot of your work and upload it here:

Remember to write down your name and the words you chose. Also, look at your friends’
drawings and give a to the best work!

Self-Assessment Checklist

Complete the self-assessment checklist. It will provide you with insights about your learning
process and possible areas of improvement. Tick the box if you agree with the statement or write
an X if you still need to work on some aspect.

I was organized with my work and could solve any problems on my own or with
little support.

I did not skip any part of the workshop.

I reflected on my work and made necessary adjustments to knowledge for the

future improvement.

I sought an opportunity to learn and motivated myself to work.

I made sure to comply with all the requirements and followed the instructions

I evaluated my colleagues' drawings thoughtfully and objectively.


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