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ROLL # CB647688
Define teaching in your own words. Describe major role of teacher in the classroom. Also
elaborate the characteristics of quality teaching.

What a student learn is based on the knowledge, skill of the teacher. Teaching is an art and
teacher is an artist in this process the teacher gets and give knowledge to the students through
his/her art (knowledge). The person giving the knowledge should first know the knowledge and
interest of the student about the topic. And he/she should keep in mind the previous knowledge
of the students about the concerned topic.

Teaching is defined as “A process of attending to pupils needs, skills and feelings, and
overriding so that they learn particular things, and go beyond the given.

Teaching can also be defined as a way of preparing students for education by providing them
starting ideas so that they can be clear in mind about the results of their study.

Teaching is a process in which a teacher takes a student from level of unknown to a new learned
concept. So a good teacher is the one who take interest in student interest and gives the pupils
more vast knowledge about the topic under discussion.

In order to be an efficient educationist there are 5 main roles:

A person teaching should be:

 Subject matter expert

 Educational expert
 Good Communicator
 Student centered teacher
 As a systematic and continual assessor.

Major Role of a Teacher:

Knowledge of the Subject

To have full command on the subject area. To follow related opportunities to grow
professionally through doing different teaching related courses and keep up-to-date about the
current knowledge and research in the subject area.

 To prepare the lesson plan before delivering the content in the class.
 Be on time in the class never be late.
 To prove proficiency in classroom instruction
 To complete the given course in allotted time period efficiently and effectively.
 To plan and comply active classroom management practices

Classroom environment

 Teacher is main responsible for setting up the classroom environment, it depends

upon how the teacher creates it. Because most of the time students take a teacher
as his/her ideal. So if a teacher creates a healthy and effective classroom
environment it will imply a positive effect on the students minds.
 A teacher also encourage and motivates the student for doing the best they can by
encouraging them, listening to their problems and addressing them in positive
ways in this way a teacher builds healthy/positive environment.
 He/ she also take care of changing behavior of students and manage them

Some other major roles of a teacher are:

1. A good teacher always keeps his/her students keen, enthusiastic and motivated for
knowledge. Because when a student is motivated he/she has no time for extra activities
and will remain positive forever.
2. A good teacher gives his/her 100% to fulfill the basic needs along with the required
3. He/she ha control over the whole class. Control should not be too much high or low
because it effects negatively on the minds of the students.
4. Also a good teacher gives some authorities to the students so that the student fell
himself/herself motivated and also maintain positive classroom environment.
5. Good teacher must always be circling in the class so that the students feel the teacher
6. Never ever say or portrait any student negatively in front of whole class because doing so
is not very healthy practice and leaves negative impact on the minds of the students.
7. Be assertive instead of rude or aggressive in maintaining the discipline of the class.
8. Creates such an environment that everyone inside the class feels like they are like
partners in a business and has common goals. This helps in great mind development of
the students.
9. Teach through practical way role modeling so that younger students gets better idea about
the subject.
10. Always focus on whole class so that none of the student feels left behind.
11. Try to get engage maximum of the time by involving students in different learning



Good Communicator:

A good teacher is always a good communicator. Because a good communicator helps to

overcome the fear. Because when the teacher is a good communicator the student will be able to
approach the subject in more effective and enjoyable manner.

Listen well:

Not only should a teacher be good communicator he/she must also be a good listener. Because if
a teacher doesn’t listen to the students well, he/she will never be able to create a healthy
environment. As according to Kristine Ducote.



Focus on collaboration:

Working in education means you’re never truly working alone. From paraprofessionals and
teaching assistants to other classroom teachers and school leaders, working as a teacher often
means working effectively in a group. The key to success in this kind of environment, Tanguay
said, is the ability to collaborate.

Good Teachers Are Adaptable:

Effective teachers need to be able to work in a constantly evolving environment and adjust their
teaching methods based on the age of their students, the resources available and changing
curriculum, practices and requirements.

Audrey Rogers As a teacher since the 1980s, an SNHU education professor and on campus
undergraduate program chairman Audrey Rogers said she’s seen tremendous changes in the
education field throughout her career, particularly with the rise in access to the internet,
computers and other technology. What is teaching going to look like in another 30 years? The
only thing certain, Rogers said, is change.

Good Teachers Are Engaging

Being able to engage students with humor, creative lessons and a strong classroom presence is an
important part of what makes someone a good teacher, Tanguay said.
“If you were to envision that teacher that you would want in your life, even now, you’re going to
want someone who is very engaging in front of the classroom,” he said. “A good teacher will
perform for their students to keep them going... It’s not about sitting back and just lecturing, it’s
about engaging in the work.”

Good Teachers Show Empathy:

Another key to engaging students and improving their learning is to treat each student as an
individual, by being empathetic and understanding to what may be going on in their lives,
Tanguay said.

“We need to take a moment to think back and think about what could be going on in this
student’s life,” he said. “It’s so important to be observant, attentive, empathetic and always have
a positive attitude.”

Good Teachers Have Patience

No matter what grade level you're teaching, your patience will be tested while working as an

Whether you’re managing classroom behavior, working with colleagues with different views or
communicating student issues or progress with parents, patience is one of the most important
skills to practice as a teacher.

“More often than not you actually have to have more patience with the parents than you do with
the students,” Tanguay said. “Parents are coming in with their perceptions of what happened to
them when they were students or previous experiences that may have been detrimental to their
child... You have to be patient and understanding of them.”

Good Teachers Share Best Practices

A willingness to share knowledge and experiences with others is one of the most important
qualities of a good teacher, Rogers said.

Education is a very hands-on field and often requires experimentation within the classroom to
discover which methods of communicating with students work best. Part of being an effective
teacher is sharing your findings and best practices with others in the field, Rogers said.

“I always challenge my students to think, ‘What is your contribution?’” she said. “Are you brave
enough to post on Twitter about your ideas on technology integration in the classroom? Your
willingness to share your practice, to keep an open door, to be transparent and to be observed are
an important part of your teaching.”

What is inquiry method in education? Define different types of inquiry methods.

Inquiry methods mean student-centered way of teaching, in which a teacher inquires, i.e.
questioned the students to know their knowledge, ideas and observation about the subject and
then deliver and answer their questions.

In this method the students take part in every topic and are encouraged by the teachers. In this
way learning enhances comprehension-rather than memorizing facts and writing notes rather
they are engaged in group discussion and share their ideas and knowledge.

Is Inquiry-Based Learning Effective:

As inquiry method engage the student in every aspect it is more effective than the traditional way
of learning. The students aren’t just listening and taking notes instead they are actively
participating and giving their own views and observation about the topic. In this way they get to
learn more and become more efficient.

For example a teacher is teaching about electromagnetic force, instead of just reading and
going through books the teacher shows the student through practical demonstration using
magnets and other tools and asking the students to perform practically and then check how
the electric line works?

 In this method the student keenly observe everything and give own ideas about what is
happening and how it is happening. It also helps students to memorize the facts and
figure about the subject being taught.
 It also requires a skill full teacher to teach through practical, which helps teachers also to
enhance their own knowledge.
 It also increase curiosity in the student to learn and know new things and share their
views what they are thinking about the ongoing topic.
 It also helps students to deeply understand the topic and allows to gain more knowledge
instead of just memorizing they actually get a chance to practically know the facts and
 It allows student own the opportunity to learn by themselves rather than just listening to
 It creates love in the heart of student for learning and experimenting new facts.


There are five main steps involved in inquiry based learning in education:

1. Teacher asks the question.

2. Provide a scenario or create a situation accordingly.
3. Then ask the students to analyze the situation and ask them to explain it.
4. Then ask students to give their observed points
5. Ask the students to think about the information and what they get from that knowledge.


Inquiry based method can be further categorized into following four types:

 Inductive method
 Deductive method
 Scientific method
 Problem solving approach


The Inductive method the teacher gives previous knowledge to the student about the topic. some
specific things are being taught and then are being asked from the students.

For example whenever I came come to school it take 30 min to reach and the school timing is
8:30 a.m. So if I start at 8:00 a.m from I will reach school on time. One can see that this method
goes from specific to general.

Some important aspects are:

 This method gives students a process for developing their minds about the relevant
 In this method students learn to discover by involving in solving the problem.
 It also helps in mind development of the student towards problem solving approach.
 As this method is full of activities it leads to generation of new ideas.
 In this method student get on hand knowledge.
 It helps in mind development and developing confidence in students.


This method is from general to specific method. It works on facts and figures.

Like we say that don’t drive fast in rain as it is dangerous and one can slip. One can easily
conclude that it is slippery when it rains. This method mainly focus on sample of things so one
must be more careful in selecting the fact because if there is a mistake the conclusion should go

Deductive method is generally Top-Down approach. One may take a brief topic of interest and
then summarize it and conclude it in few words/line, like hypothesis.
Some important aspects are:

 The deductive method is not more knowledgeable, but may help in exploring new things.
 This method helps in verification of old theories.
 In this method students are provided with methods, instructions and tools.
 This is time saving method.
 The validity of the results concluded depend on the samples under consideration.


In scientific methods the students are given the question, and they are then solely responsible for
designing and following the procedure to test the questions and then convey the results.

Main aspects of the scientific methods are:

 Realization of the problem.

 What is the problem?
 Aspects of the problem statement.
 Data and information required for the solution.
 Designing the hypothesis.
 Verification of the hypothesis.
 Developing the right solution.
 Application of the solution in real world.


IN problem solving approach the students define, determine, identify the causes of the problem
then identify the solution and implement it.


 Differentiate the facts from others ideas.

 Identify the cause of the problem.
 Determine the process where the problem is.


 Brainstorm about different solutions.

 Short and long term alternatives must be specified.
 Keep the alternative sin minfd through which the problem can be solved.
 All the facts and figures must be involve in the solution.

 Check all proven and unproven alternate solutions.

 Implement some pilot testing.
 Evaluate alternative relative to established goals.


 Implement the pilot test of selected alternative.

 Collect the feedback of the test.
 Check the success level of the goal.
 Evaluate long-term results on the basis of final solution.

Write a note on compulsory steps involved in scientific method. Elaborate each step briefly.

Scientific Method

Many researchers have defined scientific method with slight difference but the main theme is
the rigorous approach adopted to resolve the science and social science problems. According to
Keyes (2010) definitions of the scientific method can be found in textbooks in both the social
and natural sciences and, while some variations exist, all have certain common features. Students
collected a number of definitions of scientific method from textbooks in the natural (“hard”)
sciences and then were asked to compare these to the one provided in their sociology
textbook.Some definitions list the steps or process involved while others provide a general
overview of the method.

Consider the following definitions in the light of different disciplines.

● In their geology book, Wicander & Monroe as cited in Keyes (2010) defined scientific
method – a logical, orderly approach that involves gathering data, formulating and testing
hypotheses, and proposing theories.

● McMurry & Fay, (2008) in their chemistry book defined it as “Scientific method –
Scientific questions must be asked, and experiments must be carried out to find their

● In the context of biology “The classic vision of the scientific method is that observations
lead to hypotheses that in turn make experimentally testable predictions” (Raven, Losos,
Mason, Singer, & Johnson, 2008).

● In the psychological point of view “The scientific method refers to a set of assumptions,
attitudes, and procedures that guide researchers in creating questions to investigate, in
generating evidence, and drawing conclusions” (Hockenbury & Hockenbury, 2000).

● Whereas in the context of sociology “The scientific method is an approach to data

collection that relies on two assumptions: (1) Knowledge about the world is acquired
through observation, and (2) the truth of the knowledge is confirmed by verification--that
is, by others making the same observations” (Ferrante, 2008).

From the above definitions of the scientific method, we can conclude that: The procedure
adopted by the scientists to find out the facts and scientific truths is called Scientific Method.
The following are the compulsory steps involved in the scientific method. The elaboration of
these steps as:

● Realizing the problem

● Defining the problem

● Analyzing the problem

● Collecting data / information

● Analyzing the information

● Framing hypothesis

● Verifying the hypothesis

● Finding the solution

● Applying the solutions in the life situations.

1. Realizing the problem

The urge to find out the truth for any scientific happening, is the first step which helps to solve
the problem in scientific method. Each and every happening of nature catches the students’
attention, and they wonder about the basic cause and its effects upon the nature. The students
plunge in wonder. While using scientific method the prime duty of the teacher is to introduce a
concept in the form of problem and motivate the students to find out solutions for the same.

2. Defining the problem

After sensing the problem clearly, it should be defined clearly so that the problem could be
solved. This is the next step in Scientific Method. Only after defining the problem clearly, it is
possible to plan methods and strategies to solve the problem. Students themselves can find out
and write clear definitions using relevant words with the help of the teacher. Suitable definition
can be selected from them.

3. Analyzing the problem

This is the third step in Scientific method which classifies and arranges the problem and its
components. The learner should analyze the problem in parts to find out the details of each part
to understand the actual dimensions of the problem.

4. Collecting data / information

Designing the Methods using available resources and techniques to solve the problem and
collecting data accordingly is the important step in the scientific method. Data related to the
problem can be collected under the following ways:

● Collection of data through observation

● Collection of data through experiments

● Collection of data by surveying literature

● Discussion with experts

5. Analyzing the information

Analysis of Information collected develops the scientific attitude among the learners. The
collecting of information can reveal the uniqueness and the diversity of the problem and its
dimensions. Only on the basis of analysis of information formulating the hypothesis can be done.
The irrelevant data and information can be discarded by this method. The teacher should support
the learner for analysis of information. By this skill of classification and comparison can be
developed among the learners.

6. Framing hypothesis

Formulation of hypothesis or tentative solutions (Framing hypothesis) is the important step in the
scientific method. Tentative solutions are derived from analyzing various data on the basis of
organizing and grouping the data according to their similarities and dissimilarities. In this way,
many tentative solutions can be obtained to the given problem. They are called hypotheses. All
hypotheses cannot

be the solutions to a problem. One among them will be the suitable solution to the problem.
Students can be encouraged to formulate hypothesis on the basis of collected data by observation
or by experiments.

7. Verifying the hypothesis

Evaluation of hypothesis or verification of hypothesis is essential to find out the appropriate one
which is most likely to be correct. On the basis of hypotheses, further data collected through the
repeated experiments are analyzed and the most appropriate hypothesis need be selected. The
tentative solutions may be discarded when there is lack of validity and experimental proof.

8. Finding the solution

A hypothesis must be tested in variety of environments and from the results of the tests and
experiments a valid hypothesis is selected. Selected and confirmed hypothesis is tested again and
again. According to its consistency it becomes final solution to the problem, and it can be
announced as the result.
9. Applying the solutions in the life situations

The derived results must be generalized. The generalized result can be utilized whenever the
situations happened alike. The learner can apply the same or similar type of methods for problem

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