English 1 - Summary Unit 3: Language Check

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Nama : Rebecca Yolanda Artha Uli

NIM : 201770148



The function of the future forms is to talk about the future. There are a number of
future forms in English, just as there are different forms for the past and present. The
four different forms: Simple Future, Future Continuous, Future Perfect, and Future
Perfect Continuous used to speak in English about the future.
a. The marketing department is launching the new campaign this spring.
Which future forms are used to: talk about an event arranged for a certain time
b. We start the visit with a tour of the Indonesian factory.
Which future forms are used to: describe a timetabled event
c. I'll forward the report to you by email.
Which future forms are used to: make a spontaneous decision or offer
d. There is no doubt in my mind. We will succeed.
Which future forms are used to: make a prediction
e. We're going to target a new customer profile.
Which future forms are used to: talk about a personal intention


We use the present simple tense when we want to talk about fixed habits or
routines – things that don’t change. We use the present continuous to talk about
actions which are happening at the present moment, but will soon finish.

1. She is the director of a company which (manufacture) manufactures biotech

2. Her day (start) start at 8 am.
3. She usually (not / finish) doesn’t finish until late in the evening.
4. Right now the company (look) looking for a new CEO.
5. It (take) takes longer than they thought it would.


Nike is named after a woman - the Greek goddess of victory - but for most of its
history, the company had been perceived as being mostly about men. That was the huge
question at Nike HQ. The launch of Nike Goddess was the makings of an answer. Hoke
designed the look and feel of the first Nike Goddess store. Then Grossman, whose career has
included helping make Ralph Lauren into a retail icon, pitched the design ideas to Nike's top
retailers as stores within stores. "How to Talk to Women When Jackie Thomas, Nike's US
brand marketing director for women, first heard the phrase 'Nike goddess, 'she wasn't
impressed. 1 don't like talking to women through gender,' she says. Nike Goddess had to
mean something to women and it was her job to make that happen.


1. Nike's destiny was controlled by its founders ...

Founders has a similar meaning to creators
2. The company had an Achilles heel.
Achilles has a similar meaning to hidden weakness
3. ... a collection of people with different levels of seniority.
Seniority has a similar meaning to rank
4. Nike has found that it can keep many of its core attribute ...
Attribute has a similar meaning to qualities
5. ... vice president of global apparel ...
Apparel has a similar meaning to clothing

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