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In the Name of Allaah; the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful

Certainly, all thanks and praise is due to Allaah; Creator and Sustainer of all the worlds. Blessings
and peace are upon the most-honored of all the Prophets and Messengers, and upon his family, and his
companions all-together, and whoever follows them in goodness until the Day of Recompense.

In the community I’ve been a part of for the last couple of years we face many challenges. Our
community is relatively small, 10-15 thousand at best. However, in spite of our size we are vastly under-
served because we have only one Masjid from Ahl us-Sunnah. The other two ‘mosques’ are for the
Ahmadeeyah and the Submitters respectively. In addition to this, being the only Masjid in town, and
right on campus, we get an influx of everyone. We’ve had a very active Shee’ah group of youths, who
have been very active in their Da’wah. The part that has made this especially challenging is that when
people, especially reverts or non-Muslims, needed help they were the most willing and ready to help.
They’ve made a special target of the African Americans in our community. When I found them
distributing literature and other materials in which was defamation of the Companions and sowing the
seeds of confusion about their reality I raised the issue with the administration. I received verbal support
for the seriousness of this matter, but nothing concrete was ever done. We continue to routinely have
them in our ranks during Salaah, etc. There was one African American brother who I was discussing
these mattes with, hoping to help him see the fallacy of the information they promoted, however he
was clearly a soldier for them. After a couple more exchanges which showed him to be completely
closed minded, I rejected to have any more conversations with him about these matters. I told him I had
investigated this many years ago and found it to be false. I was sure about my religion, I told him, and I
had no need to debate him. Since that time, we basically don’t even acknowledge each other. As for
direct confrontation of others I haven’t initiated anything. The African Americans here seem to have a
grudge with me (even though my children are mixed), and the others aren’t people I feel I’m credible
enough with to be of any effect. Whenever I did give Khutab though, I would always try and make it a
point to make specific reference to Ahl us-Sunnah and to praise the Companions (may Allaah be pleased
with all of them). My personal feeling is that if the Masjid self-identifies as an Ahl us-Sunnah Masjid
(which they do) then they should take a more clear stance on the activities of the Shee’ah in their midst.
I think one of the greatest barriers is that one of the ‘prominent’ members of the community, and
former President, is Zaydee. The good news is that we recently appointed an Interim Imaam and he’s
from Baghdaad and very strong against Shiyaa’ personally. Allaah willing, things will improve and be
properly clarified in the process.

Glory is to You, Allaah, and Yours is the Praise. I bear witness that nothing deserves to be
worshipped except You. I seek Your Forgiveness, and turn in repentance to You. Aameen.

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