Present ND Continuous Work Sheet

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Shan Baddegama

TEFEL Certified

Put the verbs in the brackets in the correct form( Present /Present
Harold Black is a famous pianist. He giving ( give) two or three concerts every
week. He travel ( travel) a lot and this week he is America. He stay
(stay) at an expensive hotel. He’s at his hotel now. He having ( have) his
breakfast in the dining -room . He drinking (drink) a cup of tea and
reading (read) a newspaper. Harold is always busy. He play
(play) the piano regularly. He practice ( practice) for four hours. He
go (go) to bed late and wake (wake) up early. But he
sometimes geting (get) dressed too quickly, this morning he wear
(wear) one blue and red one.

Write the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the

sentences. Use only the simple present or present continuous.

1. Manoj enjoy (enjoy) hospital dramas so he watching

(watch) ER every week.

2. Japanese cooking not use (not use) a lot of dairy food.

3. The gold the interest rate changing (usually
/change) because of inflation.

4. Kasun won't give up cigarettes. He smoking (smoke) about fifty a day.

5. Britney Spears staying ( stay) in the Waldorf Astoria on this
visit to New York.

6. We take (take) a two week winter holiday in Australia every


7. I feeding (feed) my neighbour's cat this week since she’s in


8. Mark certainly not playing (not play) his best tennis at the moment.

9. We guarantee (guarantee) that you won’t be disappointed

with the performance of our new washing machine.

10. Don’t ask him! He being (be) really difficult at the moment.
Shan Baddegama
TEFEL Certified

11. Would you like to try these champagne ? We testing (taste) them
to write to review for the wine club newsletter.

12. The part time philosophy course consist of (consist of) 27 evening
lectures and five full day seminars.
13. I think ( you /think) we should allow more than an hour
to get to the station.

14. I can see the leaders. The three front runners turning (turn)
the corner into the stadium complex .
15. Hurry up and buy your sandwich ! Here coming (come) the

Complete the sentences with the verbs given, using negatives or

questions where necessary. Use the same verb for each sentence in the
pair. Choose the present continuous if possible ; if not , use the simple
present .
Attract , consist of , doubt, feel , fit , have , like , look , measure,

1. I hear you are having your house repainted. How is it looking / how does it
look ?
I bought this new dress today . How does it look?
2. What are you doing with that ruler ? I measure the area of
The garden look like 12 by 20 metres.
3. I doubt whether I’ll get another chance to retake the exam.
I suppose she might be at home tonight, I doubt it
4. The new museum currently fit 10,000 visitors
Flowers have bees with their brightly coloured petals.
5. Mike won’t work at the top of the 20 storey building because he
How’s the new job ? Well, at the moment I Attract it
6. What’s your shirt made from ? it look like silk.
I won’t be coming to work today I doubt very well.
7. My car is in the garage today. They sound new brakes.
I bought this jumper for Sue ,but it fit _ her so I’ll have to take it back
8. The roof of the house is fit only plastic sheets nailed down in a
few places.
The school uniform have white trousers and a white shirt.
9. Simon has been practicing the song for a few days . It sound
quite good, but he doesn’t think he’s ready yet to perform it in public .
What is that noise ? It look like the bird stuck in a chimney.
Shan Baddegama
TEFEL Certified

10. I had a postcard from Johnnie on holiday in Spain. It sounds like she
a good time.
My sister have long blonde hair . You’re bound to recognize

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