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In my opinion, this standard wants me to recognize the importance behind understanding

how to effectively use technology for both personal and professional growth. Not only is it

beneficial to possess knowledge about how to use technology in the classroom as an additional

resource for students, but it is also valuable to use technology for communication and

presentation of information. It is essential for educators to provide students with more

opportunities to build their learning experiences. This standard addresses the value of this

increase in learning opportunities. Additionally, this standard wants me to recognize that it is part

of an educator’s job to assure equal access to these technological resources regardless of race,

ethnicity, gender, religion, or socio-economic status.

For this standard, I chose part of a website that I created with other prospective educators

for students to use as an extra resource outside of the classroom for additional information. Also,

parents and guardians can access this website for further information regarding the current unit

being covered in a classroom. On the website, there is a home page with a brief description on

exploring oceans followed by the challenge page presenting the essential questions to understand

by the end of this unit on oceans. Furthermore, there are five different pages addressing the five

primary topics in a unit designed to explore oceans. Beneath each major topic, there are three

lessons embedded into the website as documents to open. These lessons clearly demonstrate my

understanding of how to “use productivity tools for word processing, database management, and

spreadsheet applications, and basic multi-media presentations.” Although this artifact has not

been directly used in practice, it will significantly impact my teaching. Reflecting on the website

has introduced the importance behind providing equal access to media and technology resources

for students in addition to providing a variety of resources to students with different learning

needs. Therefore, this online website could be adapted to further meet this standard by clearly
considering students’ backgrounds and learning needs as well as parents’ access to online

resources for assistance at home.

After demonstrating the importance behind effectively using technology for both personal

and professional growth, I feel more prepared to teach and learn in a diverse society. ‘Diverse’

can be defined in multiple ways. For one, it can be interpreted as an ethnically and racially

diverse environment. It can also be interpreted as diverse between students’ socioeconomic

backgrounds. With this diverse student population in the classroom, it is necessary to consider

students’ family background as well as their preferred learning styles during instructional

planning to help adapt lessons to best fit their needs. By satisfactorily meeting this standard, I

have demonstrated the importance in using technology to enhance both the classroom instruction

as well as communication between school and students’ home environment. This will prepare me

as a prospective teacher to provide the best education for a diverse group of students. I look

forward to using this knowledge in my future and am confident that my future experiences will

further build upon these understandings as well.

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