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Conditional sentences express a condition

ence of the condition. The consequ fand the
expressed betore or atter the conditiobn:
f you come to Canada, we can visit Vancouver.
We can visit Vancouver(ifyou come to Canada.
Note: If the condition comes first, a comma is used, If
consequence comes first, no comma is used.

Zero conditional
We use a zero conditional to express:
things which are always or generally true:
If the teacher is late, it sets a bad example to the class
People tend to get annoyed if/when you shout atthem
scientific facts:
When/lf water boils, it evaporates.
Note: In zero conditionals, when and it often mean the sams

First conditional
We use a first conditional to express a tuture condition we
think is possible or likely:
IfI get the job, I'l buy myselfa new car.
If you wash the car, it will look much smarter.
I won't phone
it's urgent.
You can have an ice cream if you behave well.
You shouldn't go swimming unless you think it's sate.
If he phones, tell him l'm
Note: unless means 'except if. We can often use unless
instead of if not:
can't watch the football with
you unless I finish my schoo
work beforehand. (I can't watch
the football with you i
don't finish my school work before
the game begins.
Second conditional
We use a second
conditional to express a
present o
future condition which is
impossible or improbable:imaginary, contrary
to the
would go for awalk if it wasn't so cold.
IfI was as rich as Bill
IS. Gates, I wouldn't work. (Being a
as Bill Gates is
wouldn't fly in a
helicopter unless was sure Wasition
completely safe. (This is how I wouldIfeel in thisitsitua
We'd win more matches if we trained harder. (This
contrary to the facts we don't train
hard enougn)
Third conditional
We use a thirdconditional to talk
.something which did not happenahout
in the
its results, which are past ard
If you had gone to the
If you had
phoned me this you would have
late for school. morning, I would not
enjoyed it,
have been
If Ihad lived in the 19th
school by horse. (1f| had century,
I would
have gone to
lived in the 19th
which did not happen l am century
alive now), I Would (somethin

toschool by horse (an have gone

didn't live in the 19th imaginary consequence becausel
If he hadn't reacted
him. (He reacted quickly, the hippo would have killed
quickly, so the hippo didn't kill hirn)
Note: We can contract the
third conditional as follows:
fr'd lived in the 19th
Hhe hadn't been
century, I'd have gone to school by horse.
in such a
hurry, he wouldn't have had an
We can use could and might instead of would:
If our team
had played harder,
they could have won the
(They had the ability to win the match, but they
didn't, because they didn't play hard
Our team had
played harder, they would have won the
match. (They were sure to win, but they didn't because they
didn't play hard
weather had been better, we might have gone
SWimming. (Swimming was possibility.) a
the weather had
been better, we would have gone
SWimming. (Swimming was certainty) a

Mixed conditionals
Vhen we want to use a conditional sentence to talk
D o t h the past and the present, we can use second
i tonal in one part of the sentence and third conditional
in the other:

f tic ets weren't so ex

expensivel |l'd have gone to the cinema
2nd conditional (presont time) last night
3rd canditicnal(pusttime
The tickets iire expensive and that is why the speaker
dirdni't go to the cinena.
Mar hadn't 1allen off her bike|she'd be champion now
dconditionai (past tine) 2nd conditional(presenttime)
Mar fell offH
her bike and that is why she isn't charmpion

Note: You mixed

elnnot use
use 7e'
z e r o or first conditionals in

Zero, first and second conditiqnals

Complete each sentence with the correct tense of the verb

in brackets.
1 . uld.cnig. (enjoy) shopping if I could buy anything
I wanted
2 You wouldn't catch cold all the time if you
(wear warmer clothes.
3 We'll never finish getting the room ready unless everyone
4 You will lose your friends it you .. .(not
make) more effort to see them.
5 If we ... (want) to improve our quality of life,
we will have to use our cars less.
6 Don't miss any lessons unless you . .
7 If1 (have) more spare time, I would
spend it at the cinema.

Please contact me it you... . need) to ask

any questions.
9 IfI were free, I . . .(come) to the concert.
10 lf you follow the river, you. ..(see) the
college on the right.
research uniess

reference: Conditionals
pege 178 Danguage
of each sentence (1-10) with its

2 Match the beginning

ending (a-).
1 w o n ' t mention your name
2 'd travel round the
to do the course
3 We don't allow people
4 I'Il have to buy the
5 Ifl decide to study abroad,
6 If I see her,
7 1fl wasn't so busy,
8 If I went to study in Australia,
9 l'd take a taxi
10 If students come to class regularly,
a I won't see my girlfriend for several
b they usually get good results.
c l'dgo to the cinema with you.
d wouldn't come back.
e I'll tell her you called.
fifI had the money.
gunless I can find it in the library.
h unless you want me to.

iflcould afford one.

unless they have the right qualifications.
Animal lkingdom
6 Complete these sentences by writing the verb
Spanish-speaking exam candidates often make
in brackets in the correct form
mistakes with
tenses in third conditional
sentences. (second or third
conditional) in the gaps.
Complete each of these sentences by writing the verb
in the correct form. 1 My dad doesn't have he didn't drive
in brackets a car, so me to my
his work, he dancing lesson yesterday. It my dad. . (have)
1 If Martin had concentrated on

************************.(finish) it earlier. a car, he. ******** (drive) me to my dancing lesson

.know) that the train was going to be yesterday.
2 Katie teels nervous about the test because she didn't
solate,w. Catch) an earlier one. study last weekend. If she...
3 Ifthere had been a swimming pool in the garden ..Study), she
. not teel) nervous about the test.
. g)swimming in it.
4 John could have spoken to Emma if the phone 3 Our dog barks too much, so we didn't take him on
.not be) broken.
holiday with us. If our dog. ..(not bark) so *******

5 We wouldn't have become friends unless you much, we. .(take) him on holiday with us.
. s i t ) next to me on the school bus. 4 Karl was very rude to me, so we are no longer friends.

6 If you had been there, you. ..enjoy) *****************************

IfKarl.. notbe)so rude to me, we..
yourself, too! (still be) friends.
7 Sorry! 1. n o t make) so much noise if l'd
7 For questions 1-4, complete the second sentence so
known you were asleep.
that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
8 We. nnssssnenson
. not hear) the burglar downstairs
unless the dog had barked.
using the word given. Do not change the word given
You must use between two and five words, including
4 Work in the word given.
pairs. Answer these questions in any way
you like. 1 Marcelo often misses school, so his teacher did not let
What would have happened if you'd got up an hour him go on the school trip.

later this morning? ALLOWED

Where was the last place you went on holiday? What If Marcelo went to school more often, his teacher
would you have done if you hadn't gone on holiday ****************************** **** t o go on the school trip.
there? 2 We were late leaving home, so we missed the concert.

What was the last exam you pàssed? What would have EARLIER
happened if you'd failed the exam? Itwe .. . ************************* we would not have
missed the concert.
f 3 ldid not ask my geography teacher any questions in
you wànt to. talk about past and present time in the
same conditional sentence, you can combine second
class because she is quite frightening.
Conditional with third conditional. Look at these two
It my geography teacher was.******* ******************************
extracts from Listening Part 1. Which part of each
asked her some questions.
sentence (a or b):
4 Franz did not understand because the guide spoke too
iS second conditional, and which part is third quickly.
conditional? MORE
refers to presenttime and which part refers to past Ifthe guide ***********************************************| Franz would
time? have understood.
Probably, if we lived in a sater areab
they wouldn't have boughta dog
2 'dbe happier
f my parents had bought a house in the country.

pa 179 Language reference: Conditionals mixed

2Animal kingdom
G r a m m a r
I'm bored.

Third c o n d i t i o n a l

naad about the morning when Rose met her

1 sband. Complete the sentences with the correct

form of the verbs in brackets. EN

. (not feel) bored, I
Rose: IL......******************
the man
************************************************** (not chat) to
next to me.

Ican't walk 6 I'm glad I

to work. I'm caught the bus
too late that day.

Rose: It . . . . AA.NOER.UP. (wake up) earlier,

*** (walk) to work.

(notcatch) that
Rose: If I.***** ******** ***** ********

********* (not met) my

The car won't wish, if only and hope

start so l can't sentence with wish or hope.
2 Complete each
drive to work. what I'm trying to say.
1 ..h.
. .
Rose: If my car.

has entered a competition and we

(drive) to
work. 2 My class
first prize.
. . .

Vwe ve won
*****° ***************

... ..
to New York with us but
3 . could come
. ***************** you
won't let you.
Tknowyour parents
Yusuf will be back in time for

his tavourite meal.

because l've cooked

I didn't run fast

I'm not disturbing you but I need to talk
enough. 5 .
bus if I to you.
(catch) the
Rose: .. **********************************
(run) faster. . you were here because we miss
***** ******* *************
6 We all.
There aren't any
empty seats so
7 1.. . Someone would invent a mobile phone
can't sit down. that would work everywhere.

.. you had a good time on your trip to


(sit down)
if t h e r e 9 ...hadn't said exactly what | thought.
Rose: I..******* ******* ********* ****** .


******* ss**.. .
10 . .. Anton wouldn't watch TV all the

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