Activity 3: Globalization in A Timeline: Karl Cristian P. Sanchez Bsa 1-A

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Create a timeline on globalization and list down the distinct characteristics for each era.

5th century
(The Silk Roads)

 Silk was a major or primary

luxury good
 Luxury products started to
appear in Rome
 Trade started to become
global 7th - 15th centuries
 China and Rome were (The Spice Routes)
dominant empires who
dominated the route  The existence of the new
religion – Islam – gave birth
to Trade during this era
 Mediterranean and Indian
Ocean Trade was
dominated by Muslims
 Trading of Spices and
15th - 18th centuries Slaves has begun
(The Age of Discovery)  Spices were the true focus
of international trade
 In the Age of discovery,  Sea Route (Belt) and Silk
Global trade has begun to Road (Road) of trade
kick off between Asia (East) and
 European explorers Europe – particularly Spain
connected East and West – -(West) did exist
and unintentionally  Other products (cloves,
discovered the Americas nutmeg and mace) from the
 Expansion of integrated new Spice Islands or the Maluku
lands in the Economies of Islands of Indonesia were
mostly European countries traded alongside spices
(Spain, France, Britain, etc)
 Discovery of Scientific
 Known to be the age where
exploitation existed due to
the shameful legacy of slave
 Prices for spice fell and new 19th century - 1914
products were introduced (First Wave of Globalization)
( potatoes, tomatoes, coffee
and chocolate)  Noticeable worldwide
 The birth of mercantilist and domination of British empire
colonial economy begun since the end of 18th
during this era century in terms of
technological and
geographical aspects
 Era of the First Industrial
 Transport of goods both
within countries and across
countries has made
possible (by using
steamships and trains)
 Birth of new technologies
and other inventions
 Industrialization activities
1914 - 20th century among countries in Asia,
(The World Wars) Europe, Americas and
African Colonies had occur
 The outbreak of World War I (Construction of Suez
and II had brought an end to Canal connecting
everything Mediterranean and Indian
 War replaced Trade ocean that had led to the
 Construction has been opening of new artery of
replaced by Destruction world trade; railways in
 Closing of all borders among India; mines in African
countries had occur colonies; Business activities
 Breakdown of Global such as Investing in
economy and interrelated internationally active joint
links stock companies; etc)
 Great Depression in the  Foreign direct investment
United States has affected
South America’s growth and
development stage Dawn to 21st century
(Second and Third Wave of

21st century  The end of World War II had

(Globalization 4.0) marked a new beginning for
the global economy and global
trade started to rise again
 Domination of two global
(Global Information Economy)
powers – United States of
 United States of America
America and China
became the leading country on
 The new frontier of
the way to the new world with
Globalization is the Cyber
their new inventions
 New technologies were
 Rise of Digital Economy
invented during the Second
 Expansion of the global
Industrial Revolution (like car
effect of Climate Change and and airplane)
other negative impact of
 Globalization has become a
globalization (pollution,
truly global phenomenon
economic inequality, social
 Increase in International Trade
instability, and etc.)
 Proposal of new inclusive  Nations entered free-trade
globalization and China’s agreements
new project for International  Birth of Internet during Third
trade, “Belt and Road” Industrial Revolution
 Progress in Technology  Participation in Global
(using artificial intelligence, economy benefitted every
but threatened by cross- country
border hacking and cyber-  Changes brought an increase
attacks in the GDP of different

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