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TP - Tuto

The question is: how do we achieve the same functionality using Redux?

In the remainder of this simple exercise , we’ll look at one way of doing it. This
is, of course, a simple example, and so all the code could go into a single file.
However, to help distinguish the different parts of Redux,
you’ll separate the main functionalities into different files corresponding to
their steps in the ‘Redux flow’ above.

We’ll start by defining our actions. An action can be an object or, as in our case,
a simple string. We need one action to increment our counter, and one action to
decrement it, so create a file called  actions.js  and add the following:

export const ADD_ONE = 'ADD_ONE';

export const MINUS_ONE = 'MINUS_ONE';


Next, we need to specify how the application’s state should change in response
to each action.

This is where we can record our initial state, which is an object just like what
you’d expect in a regular React state. Create a file called  reducers.js  and add in
the following:

const initialState = {
number: 1

Next, we need to create our reducer function. This takes two arguments:

a state;

an action, which defines how we go about changing state.

TP - Tuto 1
It’s common to pass in our initial state as the default argument, and this is also
where we import our actions. The final code for  reducers.js  should look like

import { ADD_ONE, MINUS_ONE } from './actions';const initialState = {

number: 0
};function reducer(state = initialState, action) {
switch(action.type) { case ADD_ONE:
return {
number: state.number + 1
}; case MINUS_ONE:
return {
number: state.number - 1
}; default:
return state;
}export default reducer;

Note that it’s common to use  switch  statements to distinguish action types
here, but regular  if  and  else  statements will work fine too.

Up til now, we haven’t needed to install the  redux  and  react-
redux dependencies, but we’ll need them to set up our store. Type the following
into your terminal:

npm i redux react-redux

When that’s done, we’ll need to import the  createStore  function

from  'redux'  and pass in our reducer, like so:

import { createStore } from 'redux';

import reducer from './reducers';const store = createStore(reducer);export default sto

Now that we’ve exported our  store  we need to import it into  App.js  , by
passing it into React-Redux’s  Provider  component:

TP - Tuto 2
import React from 'react';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';import Counter from './Counter';
import store from './store';
import './App.css';function App () {
return (
<Provider store={store}>
<Counter />
}export default App;

This means that any child of the  Provider  component can access our  store  and,
therefore, our actions and reducers.

Finally, we need to connect our  Counter  component to our store, which we can
do by importing  connect  (which is a higher order function) from the  react-
redux  module:

import { connect } from 'react-redux';

We should also create a helper function  mapStateToProps , which will allow us to

access  number  from our Redux state as a prop inside our component.

const mapStateToProps = (state) => {

return {
number: state.number

At the bottom of  Counter.js  , we need to wrap our component in

the  connect  function, passing in  mapStateToProps  . You should be used to this
syntax if you’ve worked with higher order functions before:

export default connect(mapStateToProps)(Counter);

The  connect  function must be used to export any component that needs to
access to change Redux state.

TP - Tuto 3
Lastly, we can use the  dispatch  prop (by calling  this.props.dispatch ) to link each
method of our component with an action:

addOne = () => {
this.props.dispatch({ type: 'ADD_ONE' });
}minusOne = () => {
this.props.dispatch({ type: 'MINUS_ONE' });

And that’s everything. The overall code in  Counter.js  should look something like
If you’ve done everything correctly, your counter should now be working!

TP - Tuto 4

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