Good Leadership

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What does it take to become a good leader? The right answer to this question
entails a myriad of interpretations and in-depth analysis as there are many areas to be
considered. Some of which are the requirements and demands in this field. As time
changes, the necessary skills and qualifications also change.

In education reform agendas globally, school leadership has been a focus. It

plays a crucial role in optimizing education outcomes by shaping teachers' motivations
and abilities, as well as the school community and the environment. Effective school
leadership is necessary to enhance the quality and fairness of education.

On the other hand, increased school control and a greater emphasis on the
outcomes of education and schooling have made it necessary to rethink the role of
school leaders.

Moreover, it is evident in the result of researches that school leaders can make
a difference in school and student success if they are motivated to make critical
decisions. However, autonomy alone, unless well assisted, would not immediately
contribute to changes.

Furthermore, it is critical that the key roles of school leaders are explicitly
identified and defined. School leadership roles should be established by recognizing
the activities most likely to enhance teaching and learning.

Thus, in handling internal and external demands in the public sector, leaders
must acquaint themselves with the changing standards and necessary skills needed
in the academe.

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