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said: (Mon, Aug 22, 2011 03:59:26 PM)    

Hello friends you all are talking about corruption & its effects but you know that
who is responsible for that, as per as my concern only we people are fully
responsible for that because we are the only one who elects those corrupt
politicians, we are giving bribes for getting admission in good colleges and so on
for our own selfishness, as per as my opinion each & every person of the country,
even the small kids are also corrupted so it is impossible to remove corruption but
it can be eliminated at some level if every person of India should take an initiative
or protest against these kinds of activities even if you protest against these kinds
of activities in your surroundings then we are also able to remove corruption at
some extend.
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N Manish said: (Mon, Aug 22, 2011 11:40:04 AM)    

Corruption has many facets to it. For some it is a problem. For instance when
confronted by a demand for money in lieu of any governmental or non-
governmental service. Many have found it as a solution, when confronted with
prospect of punishment in form of fine/penalty/loss of time etc. For e.g. a person
up against a deadline omits to buy a train ticket. When confronted by a TTE, in 9
out of 10 times the person offers to bribe the TTE instead of paying for the ticket
and the fine. So for him corruption offers a solution. Hence, we need to examine
issue of corruption from a systemic angle. How can we simplify systems to the
extent that compliance or claim for service becomes easier. In above case the
railway can put up electronic ticket vending machines on trains to allow for people
in a rush to catch trains rather than put in more TTEs to catch ticketless travelers.
Anna & Co's theory would imply having Inspectors of Inspectors ad infinitum to
check the corrupt. Who polices the corruptors?
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Bivisana Rout said: (Sat, Aug 13, 2011 08:28:46 PM)    

We cannot eradicate corruption by any means because of the line ' JO JITA WO HI
SIKANDAR '. No judiciary, no police, no administration can check it because all

Money. I am not saying by mere speculation, it is naked true. Yes you can go
It when you are in youth stage but in later stage, you will see your partner
finished his all requirements, like car, banglow, sending his son/daughter to.

Good colleges etc. And you have done nothing but pretending as saint. Yes you

Face slight trouble from vigilance, but do not worry they will be captured by.

Maney. So some extra budget may be kept for them.

I am giving an example: I know an retired civil supply officer, now residing in.

Sambalpur. He had been caught red handed for taking bribe before 15 years

His service period, till now the case is pending. He has already spent 8 years of.

Retirement. He utilised the corrupted money for building his real estate business.

And now getting more than one lakh income per month from these source. Can

Tell me, if govt heldup his pension which may be about rupees ten thousand, will.

He die. You can find many instance like above only 1% or less BEKUFS are


Remember some post are exists in govt or private sectors, you need not run after
money but money will come to you, do not deny, but keep it wisely, spend it
wisely. If you can not then do not blame others.
Rate this:   +2       -0

Sureshkumar said: (Tue, Aug 9, 2011 11:55:54 AM)    

Hi friends corruption is an event where the honesty is burried for the one's own
selfishness. It starts from the small labour to big leaders. In my point of view our
land is full of corruption to provide a solution that is the greatest effort to produce
corruptionless India is to put the seed in young minds to avoid corruption on any
situation if it happen so punishment should be severed this makes India 2020 a
graceful and prosperous country in the world. There must be the moral lessons for
against corruption.
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Lavinia T Amadhila said: (Wed, Aug 3, 2011 11:28:52 PM)    

Im totaly against corruption especial this days is inceasng rapidly. therefore a lot
still need to be done especial among our leaders. Leaders must change and
change for good.
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Swetha Reddy said: (Sat, Jul 9, 2011 10:26:45 AM)    

Now a days we don't find a place where there is no corruption in India mostly. By
the year 2020 world's 50% of the youth will be in India. If we blame others
nothing will come and even they won't change. So we have to be mentally very
strong and we must have the determination to make the India the powerful
country in the world that means that not in the sense of money only, we have to
be respected by every person in the world because our cultures and our mind set.
If we the courage to achieve then we will be the.

NO:1 in the entire world. And also I'm very happy by seeing this conversation in
the net and also so many responses. Now I have the confidence that we can
achieve anything not only the corruption and anything we want to change in our
Rate this:   +6       -2

Ashish Bedmutha said: (Mon, May 23, 2011 06:34:36 AM)    

Corruption start from the childhood to the end of the life.For taking admission in
reputed school or college we pay extra money i.e we do corruption.There are
many things for which we do corruption.So from mt point of view we are the only
who can take a role to make corruption less.I will say it is impossible to remove
corruption but if we try for an extend then it will surely remove.

Please try.............
Rate this:   +11       -4

Ashwini Sinha said: (Sun, May 22, 2011 03:46:18 PM)    

If this would have been the seen then the most corrupt countries like Somalia,
Iraq, afghanistan were now the most developed and powerful. But this is not true.
Many of these country have either collapsed or are on the verge.

I wonder how corruption (which leads to downfall) can be necessary for success.
Which only comes from hard work and honesty.

There is no short cut for success if it would havebeen then every one of us wolud
hav been in either iits or iims.
Rate this:   +4       -5

Siddhartha said: (Sun, May 15, 2011 06:30:59 AM)    

Most of the communities in India (such as Bengali) , are succumbed in 'Culture of
Poverty' (a theory introduced by an American anthropologist Oscar Lewis) ,
irrespective of class or economic strata, lives in pavement or apartment. Nobody
is at all ashamed of the deep-rooted corruption, decaying general quality of life,
worst Politico-administrative system, weak mother language, continuous
absorption of common space (mental as well as physical, both). We are becoming
fathers & mothers only by self-procreation, mindlessly & blindfold. Simply
depriving their (the children) fundamental rights of a decent, caring society,
fearless & dignified living. Do not ever look for any other positive alternative
behaviour (values) to perform human way of parenthood, i.e. deliberately co-
parenting of those children those are born out of ignorance, real poverty. All of us
are being driven only by the very animal instinct. If the Bengali people ever be
able to bring that genuine freedom (from vicious cycle of 'poverty') in their own
life/attitude, involve themselves in 'Production of Space' (Henri Lefebvre) , at
least initiate a movement by heart, decent & dedicated Politics will definitely come
up. - Siddhartha Bandyopadhyay, 16/4, Girish Banerjee Lane, Howrah-711101.
Rate this:   +0       -11

Ashwin Kumar said: (Fri, May 6, 2011 04:45:58 AM)    

The change has to come from within us. We people should stop giving bribes and
electing the same corrupt leaders to power again. I am sure that after all the
scams that have occurred in such a short time (one year) ; the people would have
become disillusioned with the current governments and would be looking forward
to change, as the results of the elections would probably show.
Getting success by means of corruption is not really success at all. So I don't
think corruption is necessary for success. If people don't wish to work hard ; then
they can achieve results the easy way i.e. corruption.

We should strive to root out corruption because it results in unequal economic

distribution of people- rich getting richer and poor getting poorer.
Rate this:   +5       -2

Annonymous said: (Sat, Apr 23, 2011 01:34:22 PM)    

More money more corruption. If the level of corruption has increased in India, it
means India is generating more money. Take BMC ( Bombay Muncipal
Corporation). The budget of BMC is much higher than the budgets of several small
states in India. corruption is at ramphant in BMC. 
B= Business (it has several projects, contracts etc)
M= Money ( if there is business, there willbe generation of more money)
C= Corruption ( if there is more generation of money, there will be corruption)
Rate this:   +4       -1

Amardeep said: (Sat, Apr 23, 2011 03:43:26 AM)    

People are involved in corruption who do not like make effort to achieve their
goals. Its human tendency make more with less effort. If we try to change this
tendency that's mean we are against corruption.
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Pooja R Savadatti said: (Fri, Apr 8, 2011 01:45:51 PM)    

Hello guys!. Being a taboo issue that is 'corruption' necessary for the present
politics. I claim, yes its necessary, corruption is not only rooted in our country but
deeply rooted in whole world, yet India is labelled as 'Most corrupted country'its
because of the ailment of person to person who is going behind "corruption"so
called 'evil' presently,

Through various analytical studies which says, the human tendency towards
earning money is more rather comparing to other materialistic things, its natural
though man perform his duties in order to earn his daily bread. He tempts to
acquire a higher position or a rich position to maintain high standard of living. We
youths born in such corruption which easily tends us to bribe someone to make
our needs easily rite? If we are in this position how can our politicians who are
father of corruption can be hold? it cannot and it can't, thinking in reality the
corruption is necessary for one or the other reason. !
Rate this:   +3       -1

Vinod said: (Thu, Apr 7, 2011 05:52:45 PM)    

All people who have answered here Including me- I would like to ask these
question- Have you never done anything wrong? Haven't you ever bribed anyone
to get your thing done fast? It is easy to talk and write when the reality is
different. You can reduce corruption but can never eliminate it. Like someone
mentioned- it starts from your own house. A Street Vendor comes to sell
vegetables- you tell him/her "I will give you only this much. The other vendor is
selling only for this. " You are starting a trend here to bribe that vendor to sell to
us. I am just quoting a simple example.

Once a politician, always remain a politician. We have to look at ourselves first

before blaming others for corruption.
Rate this:   +9       -2

Siddhartha said: (Wed, Mar 9, 2011 01:15:51 PM)    

Most of the communities in India (such as Bengali) , are succumbed in 'Culture of
Poverty' (a theory introduced by an American anthropologist Oscar Lewis) ,
irrespective of class or economic strata, lives in pavement or apartment. Nobody
is at all ashamed of the deep-rooted corruption, decaying general quality of life,
worst Politico-administrative system, weak mother language, continuous
absorption of common space (mental as well as physical, both). We are becoming
fathers & mothers only by self-procreation, mindlessly & blindfold. Simply
depriving their (the children) fundamental rights of a decent, caring society,
fearless & dignified living. 

Do not ever look for any other positive alternative behaviour (values) to perform
human way of parenthood, i.e. deliberately co-parenting of those children those
are born out of ignorance, real poverty. All of us are being driven only by the very
animal instinct. If the Bengali people ever be able to bring that genuine freedom
(from vicious cycle of 'poverty') in their own life/attitude, involve themselves in
'Production of Space' (Henri Lefebvre) , at least initiate a movement by heart,
decent & dedicated Politics will definitely come up.
Rate this:   +0       -2
Luxman Singh said: (Sat, Feb 26, 2011 06:46:09 AM)    
Hello friends,i think that our society is responsible for the corruption becoz if we
are blaming to politicians for corruption then tell me who ellect the politicion and
we all know about it that now a days every politician even a village pradhan
spends more money to win in ellection and we receive that money so due to this
after wining he becomes corrupt so thats why i think we are the people more
responsible to corruption.
Rate this:   +2       -2

Karthik said: (Fri, Feb 25, 2011 01:35:09 PM)    

If you ask "what are your hobbies?" to a govt empolyer he may include corruption
as one of the hobby because it has deeply rooted in our govt sectors these days.
At least we generation must take an initiative to make a way to wipe out the
corruption from our country so that our next generations must not have any topic
like "corruption in india" to discuss and finally I'm ready.
Rate this:   +4       -1

Sathya said: (Wed, Feb 23, 2011 09:47:03 AM)    

Somebody thinking, each works are completed by corruption but is not correct
one. Nowadays corruption is the important to somebody one. For example if I
want to get the connection for telephone I give some amount for telephone
connection. While I give amount for that work will be finished for fast.

But It's wrong one. So, we have to try to change.

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Divya said: (Thu, Feb 17, 2011 06:49:28 AM)    

Somebody thinking, each works are completed by corruption but is not correct
one. Nowadays corruption is the important to somebody one. For example if I
want to get the connection for telephone I give some amount for telephone
connection. While I give amount for that work will be finished for fast.

But It's wrong one. So, we have to try to change.

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Prakash said: (Sat, Feb 12, 2011 09:01:44 AM)    

Yes corruption is necessary evil for success in any sphere.

Whole economy suffers because of corruption. Eg. R**a took bribe for airwaves
distribution which lost 1 lac crore of govt. If same money would have came into
system governments debt would have reduced by same amt. And there by
interest payaments.

There are many such big as well small instances who stopped money to come into
system. A Indian govt would have been more richer.

One solution is, to eliminate this corruption govt should fasten its system because
one pay to get his work done earlier,
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Prince Gaur said: (Fri, Feb 11, 2011 01:35:44 PM)    

Yes it is correct that corruption is spreading these days. But it is necessary to
some extend. Because to get success in many field, corruption has to be done like
to get job in police, to get admission in college etc. But these are us who gave
them support. No body can do anything without our support. Like leaders, they
corrupt us. But its our mistake to vote them and make them won again and again.
So If we will against them we can improve but these are the thoughts which look
better in books or in article but not in reality because in fact corruption had build
a home in our society and it makes help of people and it will also. But at last I
would like to say that often it helps us it is a UNFAIR mean.
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Rajat said: (Thu, Feb 10, 2011 08:27:27 AM)    

It is very inconsiderate for any person to call a country corrupt.

As per a article Italy is one of those European nation which you can associate
India with. In such a case you would find a same section of those people calling
their country a corrupt country, but to an amazement Italy is still able to mantain
seventh highest spot in GDP, Its not corruption that is hampering national
progress its the people who need to work for its compensation rather than just
speaking against it.

In India corruption cases has always been there and has become such an integral
part that growth no more depends on corruption, it is for the people to wake up
and fight for their rights.

In the event of launch of sarva siksha abhiyaan it was very evident that this
motive did spread to each village. So instead of crying for the amount of money
lost during the sarva siksha abhiyaan in form of corruption it is imperative for us
to look into the enormous progress made by the government and ensure that
each poor child do make it to primary education.

What I want to emphasize on is that their are agencies that are working to reduce
corruption but it is very important for us to live with corruption and do our work
with full honesty, and corruption would definitely come down slowly but surely.
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Yogini said: (Fri, Jan 21, 2011 05:16:48 AM)    

In my opinion corruption is not necessary for success.So friends what is the
definitin of success?Sucess is one thing that gives us satisraction by achieving
something.If we get something by doing corruption then we can't say it as a
Success got by corruption will be a temporary one.So we all have to start avoiding
corruption by ourselves.
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Dilbagh said: (Sun, Jan 16, 2011 03:26:45 AM)    

Corruption is just a way to get success but it is not neceessary.Success can be
achieve by hardwork.Hardwork makes the person intellectual,its increase the self-
esteem and confidence but success getting by giving bribe makes one dependent
and in my thinking dependent person can't stand with success for a long time.
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Chethan P.S said: (Sat, Jan 15, 2011 04:04:43 PM)    

hi,we can call corruption as a balanced activity because in each and every
sector,corruptions can be done according to the particular piece of things to be
happened not to be happened,but corruption occurs depending upon an individual
body of actions,same way corruptions can be done to achieve reputation,earning
money,to see success in industrial or in various business activities,so finally i like
to share that corruption plays both negative and positive aspect in this corporate
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Gokul said: (Sat, Jan 8, 2011 05:52:44 AM)    

Its a shame for our country to know that India stand first for corruption. Since
independence the era of corruption starts. Every people in the country is
corrupted in one way or the others. Situation makes people enter in to this
crooked game.
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Ashwani Jain said: (Wed, Jan 5, 2011 10:36:10 PM)    

hello my dear friends i am ashwani jain in my opinion corruption is a process
which give the response of any work very quickly and lots of chance for positive
response here the one question is occur why we preference this process the
answer is that every person has want his work is done more quickly without
consume lots of time suppose we want to make the driving license the making
process of this about 3-4 month and it is very hard process but with the help of
corruption it complete only before 1 month and very easy.and according to my
think lots of person choose the easy way for complete any work so corruption is
increase day by day so government is responsible for corruption
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Chethan said: (Wed, Jan 5, 2011 07:42:12 AM)    

I feel corruption is not an neccessary evil in the society,if we people stood at
every incedent like imparting and educating each and every people to not support
bribe and begging to the people for their work ,it is our rights to ask and get the
work done.each and every person should stand tall and oppose the
corruption,corrption is not about bribing it is bieng dishonest to the job,to curb
the corruption people should make use of media,Lokayukta and other sectors like
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