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Critical Thinking Skills Among Gifted Child Quarterly

20 14, Vol. 58(2) I 27—136

Elementary School Students: Comparing 20 14 National Association for

Gifted Children
Reprints and permissions:
Identified Gifted and General Education
DOI: 10. I I 77/00 169862 14522508

Student Performance

Todd Kettles'

Education reform efforts, including the current adoption of Common Core State Standards, have increased attention to
teaching critical thinking skills to all students. This study investigated the critical thinking skills of fourth-grade students from
a school district in Texas, including 45 identified gifted students and 163 general education students. Identified giked students
outperformed general education students on both the Cornell Critical Thinking Test and the Test of Critical Thinking (d =
I.52 and d —— I .36, respectively). There was no evidence of main effects or interaction effects for gender in measures of critical
thinking within these samples. Critical thinking scores of students in the three schools did not differ significantly, nor were
differences in scores associated with length of exposure to the giked education program. The association of higher ability
with advanced critical thinking skills, but at the same time, the lack of evidence of an effect of the gifted education programs
(which did not focus specifically on critical thinking skills) suggests that differentiation of curriculum and instruction for gifted
or advanced learners might fruitfully include deliberate differentiation of instruction in this area.

differentiation, programming/service delivery models, thinking skills, cognition, learning, critical thinking

Developing skills of critical thinking is widely considered a increased emphasis on argumentation and analyses of claims
worthy educational goal, with recognition of its importance
and evidence (VanTassel-Baska, 2013).
increasing in recent years. In typical lists of skills needed for
Debates over definitions of critical thinking abound
the 21st century, critical thinking appears at or near the top
(Ennis, 1989, 1990; Paul, 1990), but one definition is now
(Bailin & Siegel, 2003; Trilling & Fadel, 2009; Walser,
widely accepted and is used in the current study. Critical
2008). Wagner (2008) argued that effective communication,
thinking is defined as “purposeful, self-regulatory judgment
curiosity, and critical thinking skills are no longer only desir-
which results in interpretation, analysis, evaluation, and
able outcomes of elite liberal arts education, but the essential
inference, as well as explanation of the evidential, concep-
competencies for life in the 21st century. From a policy per-
tual, methodological, criteriological, or contextual consider-
spective, the Goals 2000: Educate America Act (1994) ations upon which judgment is based” (Facione, 1990, p. 3).
emphasized that critical thinking abilities are necessary in This omnibus definition, despite being unwieldy, also pro-
the 21st century for productive employment and an essential vided the framework for the most comprehensive meta-anal-
characteristic of quality education. The Partnership for 21st ysis regarding instruction of critical thinking (Abrami et al.,
Century Skills (2004), a leading advocacy organization with 2008).
business and state education department partnerships across These efforts to improve national curriculum and increase
the United States, calls for the integration of critical thinking, emphasis on teaching critical thinking skills to all students
problem solving, and communication skills across all areas should have implications for educators working with gifted
of the curriculum. Perhaps most significantly, the Common
Core State Standards for English Language Arts (National
'University of North Texas, Denton, TX, USA
Governors Association Center for Best Practices & Council
of Chief State School Officers, 2010), which have been Corresponding Author:
adopted by 46 of the 50 states in the United States, reflect a Todd Kettler, College of Education, Department of Educational
Psychology, University of North Texas, 1 155 Union Circle, #3 1 1335,
strong commitment to developing critical thinking skills
Denton, TX 76203-5017, USA.
among all students from kindergarten to Grade 12 through Email:

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128 Gifted Child Quarterly 58(2)

and talented students. The concept of differentiated learning Does critical thinking performance vary among
experiences based on educational readiness is a foundational schools in the study?
idea for the field of gifted education. The national program- 2. Is there a difference in developed critical thinking
ming standards for gifted education advocate that to effec- skills between male and female students or does gen-
tively work with identified gifted and talented students, der have a moderating effect on critical thinking skill
educators need to understand the characteristics of the stu- differences between identified gifted and general
dents in the population. Furthermore, “These characteristics education students?
provide the rationale for differentiation in programs, group-
ing, and services for this population and are translated into
appropriate differentiation choices made at curricular and Literature Review
program levels in schools and school districts” (National
Association for Gifted Children, 2010, p. 8). Differentiated Cifi:ed Education and Gi/ted Students
curriculum and instruction based on differences in developed The field of gifted education has considered critical thinking
skills and abilities is a chief aim of gifted education (Adams a desirable goal for gifted programs (Linn & Shore, 2008;
& Pierce, 2006; Roberts & Inman, 2009; Robinson, Shore, & Parks, 2009; Struck & Little, 2011), and critical thinking
Enersen, 2007; VanTassel-Baska, 2013). Research and rec- instruction has been included as an evidence-based practice
ommended practices advocate for differentiated curriculum in the National Gifted Programming Standards (National
and instruction in response to advanced reading (Reis & Association for Gifted Children, 2010). Some research stud-
Boeve, 2009; Reis et al., 2007, VanTassel-Baska, 2013) and ies in gifted education have documented attempts to improve
mathematics skills (Johnsen & Sheffield, 2013; Swiatek, critical thinking skills among populations of students identi-
2007; Wilkins, Wilkins, & Oliver, 2006). Ultimately, the dif- fied as gifted and talented (VanTassel-Baska, Bracken, Feng,
ferentiation principle may suggest that for any skill the & Brown, 2009; VanTassel-Baska & Stambaugh, 2006).
development of which is a goal, advanced levels of educa- However, in spite of some attention afforded to developing
tional readiness should be matched with advanced learning critical thinking skills among gifted students, the literature of
experiences (Tomlinson & Allan, 2000). gifted education has not actively advocated for using docu-
This study examined measured levels of critical thinking mented levels of critical thinking as a foundation on which to
skills among identified gifted students and general educa- differentiate instruction.
tion students to determine whether critical thinking skill Relevant literature identifies several characteristics repre-
levels should be considered when designing differentiated senting advanced skill development typical of gifted stu-
learning experiences. Within the literature of critical think- dents. First, there is a relationship between advanced
ing, very few studies examine the critical thinking skills of cognitive ability and processing speed (Kranzler, Whang, &
preadolescent students in upper elementary grades. Jensen, 1994; Rogers, 1986). Students with higher levels of
Furthermore, there may have been a time when critical intelligence generally process information faster than aver-
thinking was an exclusive purview of gifted education, but age ability peers on both simple and complex tasks (Roberts,
21st century education advocates call for all students to be Beh, & Stankov, 1988; Spiegel & Bryant, 1978). Second,
engaged in the development of critical thinking skills across gifted students are generally more thorough problem solvers
the curriculum. Thus, educators of gifted students may ask than average ability peers (Davidson & Sternberg, 1984;
whether differences in critical thinking skills support a Shore & Lazar, 1996). Gifted students have also demon-
need for differentiation of curriculum and instruction spe- strated a wider variety of strategies during problem solving
cifically for gifted learners. In other words, as developing than age peers (Scruggs & Mastropieri, 1985; Montague,
critical thinking skills becomes more prominent in curricu- 1991). Third, there is evidence that gifted students employ
lum (e.g., Common Core State Standards), should educa- more metacognitive strategies during learning than their
tors of identified gifted students approach critical thinking nongifted peers (Shore, 2000; Shore & Kanevsky, 1993), and
in the elementary grades from a differentiated instruction gifted students are generally better at assessing their abilities
perspective? for a learning task than their nongifted peers (Coleman &
Two research questions were developed for this study. Shore, 1991; Ewers & Wood, 1993). Fourth, gifted students
Two follow-up questions were also analyzed to guard against generally are able to sustain attention to a problem or task in
potential threats to validity of the findings: ways their nongifted peers do not (Bloom & Sosniak, 1981;
Piirto, 1992; Root-Bernstein & Root-Bernstein, 2004;
1. Is there a difference in developed critical thinking Sriraman, 2004). Fifth, evidence suggests that students with
skills between identified gifted and general education higher levels of cognitive ability have superior memory and
students? Follow-ups to Research Question 1: Among more efficient retrieval when compared with nongifted peers
the identified gifted student group, is there a relation- (Borkowski & Peck, 1986; Cohen & Sandberg, 1977; Dark
ship between the amount of time spent in the gifted & Benbow, 1990, 1991; Ford & Keating, 1981; Hunt,
program and scores on measures of critical thinking? Lunneborg, & Lewis, 1975; Keating & Bobbitt, 1978). Sixth,
Kettler gifted students generally demonstrate advanced abilities for
abstraction and generalization during learning when com-
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pared with nongifted peers (Ablard & Tissot, 1998; Hettinger 129
& Carr, 2003; Hoh, 2008; Shavinina & Kholodnaja, 1996;
Sriraman, 2004, 2008; Winner, 1996). Seventh, gifted stu-
dents differ from their nongifted peers in their ability to learn experimental and control groups into three categories based
with minimal instruction, sometimes referred to as curtailed on IQ. Students with higher IQ scores earned higher TCT
learning (Gross, 2004; Krutetskii, 1976; Lee & Olszewski- scores, suggesting that identified gifted smdents would score
Kubilius, 2006; Lynch, 1992; Mills, Ablard, & Lynch, 1992; higher on measures of critical thinking than would their gen-
VanTassel-Baska, 1983; Winner, 1996). eral education peers.
Evidence supporting these characteristics has provided a The present review identified gaps in knowledge that
foundation for the differentiation principle in gifted educa- were not well represented in the critical thinking literature.
tion. These characteristics may result in advanced skill Aside from the two studies published (VanTassel-Baska et
development in a variety of domains across the core curricu- al., 2009; VanTassel-Baska & Stambaugh, 2006) using the
lum. The most commonly studied and discussed areas where TCT, no other recently published studies were identified
developed skill differences demand differentiated educa- investigating critical thinking with elementary student popu-
tional opportunities are reading and mathematics (Jolly & lations. The Administration Manual for the CCTT (Ennis et
Kettler, 2008). However, differentiation of curriculum and al., 2005) listed a few unpublished studies with elementary
instruction may be implemented in any learning environment students, but since they were unpublished, they could not be
in which the evidence suggests that some students have reviewed or verified. According to the Administration
already attained advanced levels of the skill being taught. Manual for the CCTT, several of the unpublished studies
examined potential gender effects on critical thinking
Critical Thinking in Elementary School Students
In general, the literature on critical thinking focuses on older
students, often college-student populations. There are also a
number of studies on teaching and measuring critical think- Participants
ing in nursing education. However, there are a few studies
which have examined critical thinking skills among elemen- Participants were 208 fourth-grade students from a suburban
tary student populations, including some populations of school district in Texas. Three participating schools were
gifted smdents. selected at random from the collaborating school district, and
A recent evaluation was conducted of the Destination student participation within those schools was voluntary.
Imagination(DI) program using the Cornell Critical Thinking Campus A had 56 students participate; (64% of 4th grade
Test (CCTT; Ennis, Millman, & Tomko, 2005), demonstrat- enrollment); Campus B had 75 students participate (90% of
ing higher scores for students participating in the DI program 4th grade enrollment), and Campus C had 77 students partici-
than those for a comparison, nonparticipating group (Missett, pate (79% of 4th grade enrollment). For analysis, participants
Callahan, Hertberg-Davis, McCarty, & Whitmire, 2010). were classified into two groups: general education students
There were two studies (VanTassel-Baska & Stambaugh, and identified gifted students. The participants were 46%
2006; VanTassel-Baska et al., 2009) using the Test of Critical Asian, 40% White, 11% Hispanic, and 4% Black. This was
Thinking (TCT; Bracken et a1., 2003) to measure elementary representative of the population of the participating schools:
students’ critical thinking skills. The more recent study 47% Asian, 40% White, 9% Hispanic, and 4% Black.
(VanTassel-Baska et al., 2009) was conducted in Title I
schools to measure growth in reading comprehension and General £ducotion Group. In the general education group (n =
critical thinking over a 3-year period. Subjects participated 163), the average age was 10 years and 2 months. There were
in an instructional intervention as part of Project Athena, a 68 Asian students (41.7%), 67 White students (41.1%), 20
set of curriculum units developed for high-ability learners. Hispanic students (12.3%), and 8 Black students (4.9%). The
One of the explicit goals of the Project Athena curriculum general education group included 79 males (48.5%) and 84
was to develop students’ critical thinking skills. Students females (51.5%). There were 20 students in the general edu-
made statistically significant improvements in critical think- cation classified as economically disadvantaged (12.3%).
ing skills as measured by the TCT; however, both groups of
students, experimental and control, made similar gains over ldentijed Ciged Group. In the identified gifted group (n = 45),
the 3-year period. the average age was 10 years and 1 month. There were 27
There was a finding from the VanTassel-Baska et a1. Asian students (60%), 16 White students (35.6%), 2 His-
(2009) study that was particularly relevant to the present panic students (4.4%), and 0 Black students (0%). The iden-
study. In that study, the authors divided the students in both tified gifted group included 16 males (35.6%) and 29 females
(64.4%). There was one student in the identified gifted group
classified as economically disadvantaged (2.2%).
The identified gifted participants (21.6%) were identified
as gifted and talented according to state and district guidelines.
Identification of gifted students began in kindergarten and
130 continued annually through high school. In the participating
district, all GT identification decisions were made by a cam- pus-
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based committee comprised of five educators who had Gifted Child Quarterly 58(2)
training in the nature and needs of gifted and talented
students and the identification of gifted students. According
to district policy, sources of data that the committee reviewed since it was originally developed in 1985, and it is currently
were cog- nitive ability scores from the Cognitive Abilities Test in its fifth edition. The administration guide of the CCTT
(CogAT; Lohman & Hagen, 2003), reading and mathematics Level X includes an age range from 4th grade to 12th grade.
achieve- ment scores from the Scantron Performance Series Level X of the CCTT includes 76 items to measure skill lev-
(PS) tests (Scantron Corporation, 2005), teacher feedback on els on five aspects of critical thinking: induction, deduction,
student abilities, and district developed authentic assessments observation, credibility, and assumptions. In previous studies
in the core subject areas of science, mathematics, language reported in the administration guide, reliability estimates
arts, and social studies. The identified gifted group had a ranged from .67 to .90 with a median estimate of .80. The
mean CogAT score of 126.03 {SD — 8.46) and the general estimated internal consistency (Cronbach’s o) was calculated
education group had a mean CogAT score of 100.89 (SD —— at .89 for the present study (n = 205).
10.31). CogAT scores for students in the study were obtained
by the school district for all students during the third-grade test o Critic‹tf Thinking. The TCT is a researcher developed
academic year. Performance Series achievement scores for test (Bracken et al., 2003) from the Center for Gifted Edu-
mathematics and reading were also obtained by the district cation at the College of William and Mary. Two benefits of
for all students dur- ing the third-grade academic year. The the TCT are that it is intended for a specific elementary
school district provided those data for the study. audience, and it was designed to have a high ceiling to reli-
In the participating district, when students were identified ably measure the critical thinking skills of both gifted and
for gifted education services, they participated in a weekly (2 general education student populations (Bracken et al.,
hours) pull-out enrichment program and also received dif- 2003). The TCT was theoretically based on the Facione
ferentiation of the core curriculum in cluster grouped class- (1990) Delphi panel’s definition of critical thinking. The
rooms. Pull-out teachers and cluster grouped classroom TCT consists of 45 items arranged across 10 scenarios.
teachers met district and state guidelines for training in pro- Each scenario is followed by three to six items; items are
viding gifted education services. Differentiated curriculum multiple-choice format with four answer choices per item.
in the participating district was described as a combination of In previously reported studies in the administration guide,
enrichment and acceleration through curriculum compact- Cronbach’s o of the TCT was .89 for the total population,
ing, tiered instruction, and independent learning projects; and each grade level group’s internal consistency ranged
however, empirical verification of the differentiated learning from .83 to .87. Cronbach’s o was calculated at .79 for the
was not included in the present study. Teachers in the district present study (n = 205).
developed the curriculum that was used in the pull-out pro-
gram, and cluster classroom teachers developed the differen- Procedures
tiated elements of the cluster classroom instruction. The
quality and frequency of the differentiation may have varied The principal investigator administered all the assessments
across campuses and teachers whose students participated in to the participants in classrooms at the participating cam-
the study. puses. Participants’ teachers assisted with proctoring to
maintain consistent and reliable testing environments. A total
of 203 students took both tests of critical thinking. Five stu-
Instruments dents only took one of the two tests due to absence. To
Data collection for this study included test scores from the account for a potential practice effect, 108 of the students
following: the CCTT (Ennis et al., 2005) and the TCT (53%) took the CCTT first followed by the TCT. The other
(Bracken et a1., 2003). Demographic data were gathered 95 students (47%) took the TCT first followed by the CCTT.
from the participating school district to include the following For each campus testing session, two teachers’ classrooms
were designated at random by name draw to receive the
CCTT on testing date one, and the other two classrooms
were administered the TCT first on testing date one. Testing-
date intervals ranged from 5 to 15 days. For the CCTT, the
mean difference in scores between first and second testing
for each student: cognitive ability scores, academic achieve- dates was small and negative (—2.23 t 2) — —1.42, p — .16,
ment scores, ethnicity, gender, gifted and talented (yes/no), d —— —.20. The mean difference on the TIT was also small but
and economically disadvantaged (yes/no). Economic disad- positive (.92), t(204) = .98, p — .33, d — . 12. Practice effects did
vantage was categorized based on the federal free/reduced not affect the study.
lunch qualifications.

Cornell Critical Thinking test The CCTT Level X (Ennis et a1.,

2005) was used to measure critical thinking skills. The CCTT There were two research questions being considered in this
has been used in numerous studies of critical thinking skills study. The first research question compared the between
Kett/er group mean scores on critical thinking for identified gifted
participants and general education participants. To test the
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13 I Table I . Correlation Matrix of Variables.
CCTT TCT CogAT PS Reading PS Math
null hypothesis that no differences existed, a one-tailed t test
was conducted to compare the means scores obtained on CCTT
each measure of critical thinking. TCT .60
There was a follow-up question which examined the CogAT .60 .60
potential relationship between scores on critical thinking PS Reading .48 .70 .67
tests and the amount of time spent in the gifted program. This PS Math .49 .54 .70 .67 —

question addressed a potential threat to the validity of the Note. p .0 I for all of the correlation estimates listed.
findings—participation in the gifted program may have the
effect of developing critical thinking skills. If time spent in
the gifted program contributed to improved critical thinking Table 2. Comparison of Giked and General Education Students’
scores, a relationship between the two variables—time spent Critical Thinking.
in the program and critical thinking scores—would be
expected. A Pearson product moment correlation analysis Standard
was used to test the null hypothesis that no relationship error of
Test Group n Mean SD mean
existed between the two variables.
A second follow-up question addressed another potential CCTT Gifted 44 44.9I 6.3I 0.95
threat to validity of the findings—effects associated with the General education 159 31.62 10.59 0.84
school students attended. School A was a typical elementary TCT Giked 45 28.84 4.88 0.73
school with the standard state-approved curriculum and General education I60 2I.28 6.I6 0.49
resources offered by the district. School B was an elementary
school that for the past year had begun to focus on project-
based learning. Approximately 10% to 20% of the standard, scores have a positive and significant relationship with their
state-approved curriculum was taught using project-based cognitive ability scores. Additionally, students’ critical think-
learning units that were developed by the teachers at the ing scores on both measures have a positive and significant
school. School C was an elementary school that for the past relationship with both their cognitive ability and their
2 years had begun to focus on science, technology, engineer- achievement in reading and math. Since both the CCTT and
ing, and mathematics initiatives (STEM). Teachers at School the TCT measure similar constructs of critical thinking
C designed integrated units of study for math/science and (Facione, 1990), there was an anticipated correlation between
language arts/social studies that had an intentional emphasis the scores on the two tests.
on STEM careers and problem solving. The quality and con-
sistency of these particular focus areas in Schools B and C Comparing Critical thinking Between isiged and
were not empirically verified as part of this study but rather General Education Students
obtained from the general descriptions of the schools them-
selves. There was no evidence from any of the three schools The first research question analyzed the differences between
that critical thinking skills were explicitly taught in the cur- the mean critical thinking scores of two groups of partici-
riculum. A random effects analysis of variance (ANOVA) pants, identified gifted and general education students.
was conducted to test the null hypothesis that no between f ' e V
group (schools) differences in critical thinking scores could if: US ’ ali% of he dls bution coeee rd th the
be attributed to the nested variable of which school the par- h e
ticipants attended. TTo"' ndal eT
T’ nrb hrn su ' 1 f’ eqTa ty f
The second research question asked if critical thinking variance between the two groups. Effect sizes were reported
performance varied based on gender and whether gender
served as a moderating variable in the differences between dsfner ceebet e n n 9ans token s effesu ez f he
the identified gifted and general education group. To answer interpretdd in the following ways: small (.20), medium
this question, a two-way ANOVA was conducted using gen- (’5
der as a moderator. Means herb compared for participants’ performance on
both the CCTT and the TCT (see Table 2) Group sizes varied
e i O e
hT due to' 1 bfence. There% s a'n1 b hrved ean hr
Table 1 presents a correlation matrix of the measured vari- d
ables in the study: CCTT, TCT, CogAT Composite, PS h po b n h e a n nd f d
0 ndth m n
Reading, and PS Math. Significant relationships existed t e t
between all pairs of the variables. Students’ achievement scoring higher, r(116 7.) = 10.47, p < .001, d — 1.52.
132 The second analysis used the TCT to measure the critical
thinking skills of the two groups. There was a mean differ- ence of
7.57 (95% confidence interval [5.60, 9.54]). As hypothesized,
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there was a significant difference in the mean scores between Gifted Child Quarterly 58(2)
the two groups with identified gifted students
scoring hi her, t 203) = 7.59, p < .001, d — 1.36.
The identifie) gifted group demonstrated more advanced Table 3. Critical Thinking Scores for Male and Female
levels of critical thinking compared with the general educa- Participants.
tion group. A follow-up question to this initial analysis asked CCTT TCT
whether participation in the gifted education program was
associated with differences in observed critical thinking Gender n Mean SD n Mean SD
skills, an association that might reflect an effect of the gifted Female III 34.39 II.13 II0 23.66 6.83
program on the development of the skills. Male 92 34.64 11.42 95 22.09 6.45
Among the identified gifted participants in the study, the Totals 203 34.50 II.24 205 22.94 6.68

Table 4. Analysis of Gender Differences Within the Identified

Giked Group.
amount of time spent in the gifted program ranged from 4 to Test Gender n Mean SD error of mean
50 months with a mean of 23.27 {SD — 14.38) months. Some CCTT Male 15 47.07 3.54 0.9I
students were identified as early as kindergarten, other were Female 29 43.79 7.I5 I.33
identified as recently as the previous semester of fourth TCT Male 16 27.00 4.73 I.18
grade. Pearson product moment correlations were analyzed Female 29 29.86 4.73 .89
between the number of months identified gifted students had
been in the gifted education program and their scores on both
the CCTT and the TCT. For both the CCTT and the TCT the effects attributed to the schools at which the participants
correlation was positive but nonsignificant, r — .21, p — .18 attended.
and r — .24, p — .12, respectively. Thus, the evidence did not
suggest that the amount of time spent participating in the
gifted program in this school district yielded improvements
Gender Di erences in Critical Thinking Skills
in critical thinking abilities. The second research question examined potential gender dif-
An additional follow-up question examined the potential ferences in developed critical thinking skills among elemen-
critical thinking skills differences among schools. All the tary students. This question also considered the potential
vol- unteer participants in the study came from the same moderating effect gender might have on observed differ-
school district but from three elementary campuses. The ences between the identified gifted group and the general
three cam- puses used the same curriculum standards as education group. As in the first research question, each anal-
prescribed by the state and many of the same instructional ysis was conducted separately with the CCTT and the TCT.
resources; how- ever, two of the campuses had unique focus The literature review suggested that gender effects were
areas as previ- ously mentioned. A random effects model unlikely as they were typically not present in previous stud-
analysis of variance was conducted to examine the differences ies using the CCTT and the TCT; however, several of the
in the mean scores among the three campuses. In this model previous studies were unpublished beyond being mentioned
the school is treated as a random effect and the analysis in the administration manual, and previous studies had not
tested the null hypothesis that there was no effect for the considered potential gender effects as a moderating variable
school that the students attended. The model is as follows: Y — interacting with giftedness. Data on scores by gender are pre-
q + U + Y . Y is the critical thinking score of theyth pupil at the sented in Tables 3 and 4.
ith 'school; q is the mean test score of the entire population; U To consider potential effects of gender, a two-way
is the random school effect measuring the average score at ANOVA was conducted using gender as a moderator vari-
school i with the average score of the population; Y able (Baron & Kenny, 1986). Using the CCTT as the depen-
represents the individual- error attributed to the pupil y dent variable, no main effects (F 1,199 = 1.61, p — .21) or
compared with the average at school i. Effect sizes were interaction effects (Ft 199 = 0.37, p — .55) for gender were
reported with the partial eta squared (p2) estimate of the detected. Using the TCT as the dependent variable, no main
magnitude of the effect. effects (Ft 201 = 2.42, p — .12) or interaction effects (F 20
In the random effects ANOVA for the CCTT measure of 1.49, p — .22) for gender were detected.
critical thinking skills, no effects attributed to school were
found for the three group means, (2 200) = .38, p — .69, iJ2 <
.01. In the random effects ANOVA the TCT measure of Discussion
critical thinking skills, no effects attributed to school were
found for the three group means, .08, p — .93, rj2 < This study analyzed developed differences in critical think-
.01. In both analyses the data suggested the null hypotheses ing skills among upper elementary students. The results pro-
should be not rejected; thus, there were no detected random vided evidence that differences in students’ critical thinking
Kettler skill development are present as early as fourth grade. The
results have potential implications for researchers who con-
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tinue to investigate critical thinking skills and instructional 133
interventions with identified gifted and general education
populations. Additionally, the results have potential implica-
tions for educators in elementary school settings who teach thinking skills somewhat independent of the gifted education
critical thinking skills and implement differentiated learning program. This finding is consistent with recent research
experiences based on evidence of developed differences in reviews on critical thinking instruction (Abrami et al., 2008).
those skills. Vaguely stated or implicit goals without direct instruction in
Identified gifted smdents demonstrated advanced critical critical thinking have had small to no effect on critical think-
thinking skills compared with general education students. ing skill development (Abrami et al., 2008). Developing
While this descriptive study supports this finding, further critical thinking skills was not an explicit goal of the gifted
research using explanatory designs is necessary to under- program in the participating district, and no evidence of
stand why gifted students demonstrate more developed criti- direct instruction in critical thinking skill development was
cal thinking skills in fourth grade than their general education present. Schools wishing to make critical thinking skill
peers. Analyses suggested that the amount of time the identi- development a goal of the gifted education program should
fied gifted students spent in the gifted program was not explicitly identify critical thinking goals and provide differ-
related to critical thinking skill development. Students iden- entiated instruction toward those goals. Future studies might
tified for the gifted program later in elementary school dem- continue to examine the effects of various instruction pro-
onstrated advanced levels of critical thinking similar to those grams to develop critical thinking skills among identified
who were identified earlier in elementary school. Thus, the gifted students including specific examination of differenti-
gifted students developed advanced critical thinking skills by ated approaches to critical thinking instruction.
the spring semester of fourth grade regardless of the amount This study also reveals some information about the rela-
of time they spent participating in the weekly program for tionship between critical thinking and cognitive ability. The
gifted education. data indicated that approximately 36% (/ - .36) of the vari-
Developing skills of critical thinking is a pervasive 21st ance in critical thinking skills is related to cognitive ability
century goal for all students. The principle of differentiation (see Table 1). Both the CCTT and the TCT have a strong and
suggests that when an educational goal calls on the teacher positive correlation with cognitive ability and academic
to teach a particular set of skills, understanding and respond- achievement. This relationship is consistent with the
ing to developed differences in those skills is important. The VanTassel-Baska et al. (2009) study that provided evidence
literature of gifted education identifies a few skills on which that students with higher cognitive abilities scored higher on
gifted students perform at higher levels than comparable the TCT. Thus, the evidence of a relationship between cogni-
students in the same grade in school. These developed skill tive ability and critical thinking exists in this study as well as
differences manifest themselves in advanced levels of per- in previous work. More information on the nature of how
formance in various aspects of the school curriculum, most cognitive ability supports the development of critical think-
notably math and reading. The principle of differentiation ing skills would be interesting but beyond the scope of this
should extend to teaching critical thinking skills as part of study.
the elementary curriculum. Ideally, teachers respond to stu-
dents’ demonstrating advanced reading or math skills by Limitations and Funher Research
presenting differentiated learning experiences in reading
and math. An implication of this study is that teachers might The present study is limited in both sample size and demo-
also want to respond to students’ advanced levels of critical graphics. While the total sample included 208 students, the
thinking skills with differentiated learning experiences identified gifted group only included 45 smdents who were
based on a scope and sequence of critical thinking skills and largely Asian and White students and not economically dis-
applications. advantaged. While that demographic was not the intent of the
The evidence that gifted students demonstrate more study, it was the demographic of the schools that were
developed critical thinking skills than their general education selected to participate. To further validate the findings, the
peers suggests that strength in critical thinking could be a study could be replicated in more diverse populations of ele-
strong and desirable characteristic of gifted students. This mentary students. Replication with middle school students
supports the inclusion of developing critical thinking as a could provide more data on the extent of difference in skill
gifted education program goal (Parks, 2009). The present development as well. Are the differences between identified
study found a slightly positive but nonsignificant relation- gifted and general education students similar in later grades
ship between critical thinking skills and time spent in the or have they increased or reduced? The present study used
gifted education program. This implies that identified gifted two measures of critical thinking with a curiosity of how the
students in the sample are developing advanced critical students would perform on two different measures. The esti-
mated effects were very similar for both instruments, and it
would be anticipated that subsequent studies would be just as
valid only using one of the two.
Further research ought to look for ways to further iden-
tify an articulated scope and sequence of critical thinking
134 skills in general as well as in specific learning domains. As general
education embraces critical thinking instruction, gifted education
Downloaded from at HOWARD UNIV UNDERGRAD LIBRARY on March 2, 2015
should embrace differentiated critical thinking instruction. Gifted Child Quarterly 58(2)
The field has made significant prog- ress in articulating
what advanced reading instruction includes and what
advanced math instruction includes, but there is little to Declaration of Conflicting Interests
define or guide a program goal dedicated to developing The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect
advanced levels of critical thinking. Along similar lines, to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
more development and research are needed to create and
validate instruments that could be used to measure critical Funding
thinking. First, such assessments would be important for The author(s) received no financial support for the research, author-
measuring critical thinking skill devel- opment as a program ship, and/or publication of this article.
goal, and second, they would be important to help teachers
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Author Biography
Investigating parallels in approaches of mathematically gifted
students and professional mathematicians. Journal for the Todd Kettler is an assistant professor in the Department of
Education of the Gifted, 27, 267-292. Educational Psychology in the College of Education at the
Sriraman, B. (2008). Mathematical giftedness, problem solving and University of North Texas where he teaches courses in gifted
the ability to formulate generalizations: The problem-solving edu- cation, creativity, and child development. He was a
experiences of four gifted students. In B. Sriraman (Ed.), contributing author of Using the Common Core State Standards
Creativity, giftedness, and talent development in mathematics for English Language Arts with Gifted and Advanced Learners
(pp. 33-60). Charlotte, NC: Information Age. (Prufrock Press, 2013) and a coauthor of A Teacher’s Guide to
Struck, J. M., & Little, C. A. (2011). Integrating higher order Using the Common Core State Standards with Gifted and
pro- cess skills and content. In J. VanTassel-Baska & C. A. Advanced Learners in English/Language Arts (Prufrock Press,
Little (Eds.), Content-based curriculum for high ability 2014). He earned his PhD in educational psychology from Baylor
learners (2nd ed., pp. 71-100). Waco, TX: Prufrock Press. University, and he was recently honored with the Advocate of the
Swiatek, M. (2007). The talent search model: Past, present, and Year award by the Texas Association for the Gifted/Talented. In
future. Gifted Child Quarterly, 51, 320-329. addition to his work as a teacher and researcher at the University
Tomlinson, C. A., & Allan, S. D. (2000). Leadership for differenti- of North Texas, he spent 17 years as an English teacher and gifted
ating schools & classrooms. Alexandria, VA: Association for and talented program administrator.
Supervision & Curriculum Development.

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