Marketing Management

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1)The marketing of Walt Disney’s Magic kingdom is an example of ________ marketing

a) goods b)experience c) service d)person

2) The development, design, and implementation of marketing programs, processes and activities
that recognize the breadth and interdependencies are called _____.

a) integrated marketing b) internal marketing c) holistic marketing d)alternative


3) Good marketing is no accident, but a result of careful planning and ________.

A execution b selling c strategies d research

4) What does “wants” and “buying power” results into?

A need b satisfaction c necessity d demand

5) Sales force is part of what Marketing Mix?

A place b product c price d promotion

6) what is not included in 5 types of needs?

A secret need b delight needs c real needs d custom needs

7)  Marketing management is ________.

a. managing the marketing process

b. monitoring the profitability of the companies products and services

c. developing marketing strategies to move the company forward

d. the art and science of choosing target markets and getting, keeping, and growing customers
through creating, delivering, and communicating superior customer value

8 Marketers often use the term ________ to cover various groupings of customers.

a. market

b. buying power

c. demographic segment

d. social class position

9. The ________ is practiced most aggressively with unsought goods, goods that buyers normally do
not think of buying, such as insurance, encyclopedias, and funeral plots.

a. marketing concept

b. selling concept

c. production concept

d. product concept

10 The four Ps represent the sellers’ view of the marketing tools available for influencing buyers.
From a buyer’s point of view, each marketing tool is designed to deliver a customer benefit. Robert
Lauterborn suggested that the sellers’ four Ps correspond to the customers’ four Cs. The four Cs are
a. customer focus, cost, convenience, and communication

b. customer solution, customer cost, convenience, and communication

c. convenience, control, competition, and cost

d. competition, cost, convenience, and communication

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