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Part A: ABC Marketing Plan (Change to your name of business here)

Your Name

MKT500 Marketing Management

Strayer University

Dr. Lisa Amans

Date submitted


Any project normally starts with a simple vision. My vision is to develop a indoor

softball complex to promote values of teamwork and the development of new skills among the

college students. My plan is to build a single complex sports facility comprising of four softball

complexes. This will provide a critical opportunity for the users to engage in a sport that is still

relatively new and unknown by most of the general public. The paper provides an overview of

the process of building an 8-field softball complex that I desires to establish along with its

marketing plan.

Indoor Softball is a hybrid version of Fast pitch and Slow-pitch created in the UK by

Baseball Softball UK to allow the sport to be played year round. There is no standard Rulebook

for Indoors and, because of this, the game usually evolves to fit the site or the requirements of

the particular players. In short, you can take the framework for Indoors and adapt it to suit your

needs. Indoor Softball is played by two teams with a minimum of eight players each. The

maximum number of participants involved in a game or session should be 30, likely creating two

full teams, and including substitutes, managers, coaches and umpires. So, the main aim of this

indoor softball complex is to provide sports unions a place where they can chase their dreams.

Mission Statement

Indoor Softball Complex mission statement and business purpose revolve around the

factor to embody the company’s position and image in the global sports club and union. A

company’s mission statement defines the aims and objectives of the company. In the case of this

company, mission statements display the company’s considered goal of reaching out to the

global ease and sports club. My company business mission is “to bring inspiration and

innovation to every athlete in the world.” With this encouraging mission statement, this softball

complex emphasizes on three major elements of inspiration, innovation, and every single athlete

in the world. Through this statement, we encourages individuals to consider themselves as a

winner through the words inspiration


Indoor Softball Complex goals are to tie the world through sport to make a strong planet,

an active group of people, and an equivalent playing field for all. This organization’s goal is to

move forward with innovation, therefore, they invest heavily in indoor softball facilities with

other partners to progress sports all around the world. They consider sports as a sign of well-

being for the individuals. Secondly, our goal is to implement equality and empowerment,

therefore, they state that our goal is to tie the world or unite the individuals.

Short Term

Softball Complex seeks to achieve few short term main goals. Softball is a relatively new

sport in the world market. It is quite similar to baseball only that it is played with a larger ball.

The sport continues to increase in demand especially in the United States. Since the facility will

not allow league matches to be played except for the home team, the participants have the

opportunity to engage in regular tournaments. This will allow the local community to enjoy the

opportunity to participate in team sports for fun, socialization, and physical wellness. The facility

is open to all participants with no discrimination of age or gender. In turn, this means that the

complex with providing all the softball teams throughout the state of Florida to have a new, safe,

and fun experience playing the softball tournaments.

Long Term

Finally, there is a financial objective that the facility plans to achieve to guarantee that it

continues being operational into the future. In this regard, Softball Complex plans to generate a

minimum annual gross revenue of $750,000.00 in the next 5 years. Deducting the new annual

recurrent expenses from the budgeted revenue will mean that the facility will remain with a

sizeable net profit that can be used to further grow the facility and fund the college softball team.

Finally, the facility plans to use the most advanced technology for the volunteers and

administration of the facility. A safety net will also be installed to increase the safety of the

children, especially in the children’s playground.

Environmental Analysis

Competitive Forces

The power of bargaining of the supplier is strong because the supplier of this industry are

increasing which makes this easy for the sports related complex firms to switch their suppliers

easily. There is a risk of new competitors in this industry for the firm, the new entrant can be

challenging for the firm because they can include well-trained staff for fitness programs. The

bargaining power of customers is weak or low due to customer loyalty. Customer loyalty in this

industry of fitness needs time for satisfaction. However, we have a competitive advantage of

customer satisfaction because instead of spending on research and development we spend our

returns on customers. Our estimated market share in the industry is 6.5%. The threat from the

substitutes is also very high because firms in this industry produce similar products and services.

Economic and Political Forces

Political factors can negatively impact the firm because the cost of production increases

with the increase in the interest rate and inflation rate. Also, the company is facing economic

issues due to the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown conditions. High production rates lead to

less profit and a high cost of goods. Economic and political factors are leaving a negative and

huge impact on the company.

Technological Forces

Currently, there is no threat from technology to the company because the company is

adopting advanced machinery and also providing online services to the consumers without any

additional fees and issues.

Social & Cultural Forces

We can say that social forces can positively impact the company because due to

lockdowns individuals were able to continue gym and fitness programs. It is estimated that after

the reopening of fitness firms and sports club many individuals will be joining the firm for

maintaining their fitness. A sports complex should always maintain an expansive online presence

both as via a standalone website as well as a social media page. As many people now find

specialized businesses, like sports complexes, via Internet searches it is imperative that a

proprietary website that showcases membership information, sports available, location

information, and contact information is clearly provided to potential customers. 

SWOT and Needs Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses
 Multi-sporting complex will attract  Budget will be high

larger groups.  Maintaining casual and volunteer

 Providing training sessions. staff.


 Competitions will bring back team  Looking after premises to look new

again each seasons and fresh always.

Opportunities Threats
 Growing area  Competition of another center

 Joint initiative with government opening.

 Opportunity for youth center  Existing community sporting


 Pressure of attaining a membership



Various sports opened to public such as soccer, basketball, volleyball and yoga. Multi

sports provides for different ages of group. For example, we provide yoga for women to keep

balance in the body through developing both strengths and flexibility. The center has specialists

and training courses for each sport. Our specialists will give you specific training for your own

goals. We provide courses for youth on holidays. Competitions will encourage teams to return to

defend their title or improve on previous seasons results. Each season we provide various

competitions for teams. We will offer rewards for each competition. Members will improve their

fitness levels and have the opportunity to socialize at the same time.


Building an indoor softball complex will be financially reductive, but allowing the

Centre to be a multi-use facility that caters events for the public will allow for an extra source of

income. Also seeing how this Centre will be new and the first in the area will give us the

advantage to capture sporting body investors to hire the venue in order to deliver their programs

to this new suburb. Creating the Centre to be multi-use will also capture the attention for local

businesses and the locals to hire their facilities for business purposes or the social aspect such as

parties, weddings corporate functions and many more. There is also an opportunity for a joint

venture with the local government to provide funding opportunities to establish the center.

Gaining and maintaining casual and volunteer staff will be difficult but not impossible if

we have plans in place with the local schools/universities that will allow students to have their

work experience at the center. Students who wish to pursue a career within the related field of

Sport and Recreation. Discounted memberships for independent contractors will help the Centre

save money; also gaining sponsors through that area of work will help cost rates.


Florida has shown a large increase in the population over last few years. Even

government has shown interest in the growth of this area. Residents living here are having to

leave the suburb to play or get trained so the traveling expense will also be less if a multisport

complex opens in their suburb. Government will also be planning to open a sport complex in

Ellenbrook due to growing population and increase in growth of the area. So there are chances

that our business can do joint venture with government. This will also reduce risk because of a

professional body that has an experience in this field. Nowadays youths are getting interested in

doing wrong things. So we will be running a youth center where they will be kept busy in sports

that they don’t have time to do other wrongs things and this will distract them from those things.


Checks with the council planning department to ensure there is no other similar proposals

in the area. The center will be built with a multi-sporting concept and will adapt to changes with

sporting trends. The demand in the area will be satisfied by our business limiting the threat of a

serious major competitor. With three existing gymnasiums already in Florida the gymnasium

will not be the central feature of the complex and target groups not catered for in outside

gymnasiums will be the focus of this area. Community sports such as soccer and AFL are

already operating in the area. These sporting clubs run within seasons allowing great

opportunities for our business to offer an out of season competition to keep teams together and fit

ready for next year. Rather than running in competition they will complement the existing

programs and may encourage new customers to the complex. Promotional offers such as; the

team captain receives a free membership during the team’s season. Classes for mums will be

scheduled during kid’s sports time. Keeping mum’s fitness in mind as well as the children’s is

always a bonus.


People love sporting activities, the demand for sports complexes will remain strong even

during deleterious economic conditions. These businesses have a strong ability to have access to

capital given the large amount of real estate and tangible equipment that needs to be purchased in

order to provide these services to the general public. There is really nothing about this industry

that is going to change, and there will always be a continued demand among people to enjoy

these types of facilities on an ongoing basis.


Tips and SWS Formatting (delete this from your paper)

Below are tips and notes to guide you writing an SWS paper. Use this information as a

reference and ask if you have any questions.

Tips and Notes:

1. NEVER plagiarize: Plagiarism: act of using someone else’s ideas, words, figures, unique
approach, or specific reasoning without giving appropriate credit.
2. Always include an introduction for your Heading 1 topic (example: Environmental
Analysis) to explain to the readers what they learn in the section you are introducing.
3. Paragraphs should be complete, such as a minimum of three sentences:
a. “Put only one main idea per paragraph.
b. Aim for three to five or more sentences per paragraph.
c. Include on each page about two handwritten or three typed paragraphs.
d. Make your paragraphs proportional to your paper. Since paragraphs do less work in
short papers, have short paragraphs for short papers and longer paragraphs for longer
e. If you have a few very short paragraphs, think about whether they are really parts of a
larger paragraph—and can be combined—or whether you can add details to support
each point and thus make each into a more fully developed paragraph.
4. Do not use (or minimize):
a. They (minimize, pronouns, use actual names/titles for clarity).
b. These.
c. There are.
d. Thing.
e. It.
f. This.
g. I.
h. We.
i. You.
j. One or ones.
k. Some.
l. A lot.
m. A ton.
n. Really.
o. Very.
5. Use of contractions—spell it out.
6. Findings: are past tense.

SWS Guidelines:

1. In -text citations:

If the in-text citation appears at the end of a sentence containing evidence, the closing
punctuation of the sentence must follow the closing parenthesis of the citation.
Use the author’s last name or publishing organization’s name and then a comma.
Then add the number indicating the placement of this source in the source list.

This is an example.

Studies have also indicated that the high concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is
primarily due to humans’ use of fossil fuels. Atmospheric data shows “that levels of
CO2 in the atmosphere are higher than they have been at any time in the past 400,000
years” (National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 4).

2. Sources:

An SWS format Source list citation consists of:

 The author’s name.
 If there are multiple authors, only the first author is used.
 The year of publication of the source.
 The title of the source.
 The page range.
 A way to locate the source (in this case, a permalink from the Strayer

Here is an example of a Source in an SWS format.

Stephanie Herring. 2014. Explaining Events of 2013 from a Climate Perspective. search.ebscohost.login.aspx?
direct=true&db=a9h&AN=99124811 &site=eds-live&scope=site

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