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True /False: Decide whether the following are true or false

1. The most usual source of energy for our vocal activities is provided by an air
stream expelled from the lungs. T
2. We use the word ‘pipe’ to refer to the opening between the vocal cords.
F (pipe -> glottis)
3. There are four different states of the glottis. T
4. Air passing through the glottis rarely causes vibration. F (rarely -> usually)
5. The air stream provided by the lungs goes important modifications before it
acquires the quality of a speech sound. F ( goes  undergoes )
Gap filling: Fill the gaps using words from the box
linguistic formulation (1) vibrator (3) four (4) pharyngeal cavity (5) disturbances (2)

1. The first stage of the ……………………….of the sentence taken place in the
brain is said to be psychological.
2. The movement of our organs of speech will create …………….. in the air.
3. The action of the vocal cords consists in their role as a …………….set in motion
by lung air - the production of voice (or phonotation).
4. According to Peter Roach, there would be………………. easily recognizable
states of the vocal cords.
5. The ……………………. extends from the top of the larynx, past the epiglottis and
the root of the tongue to the rear of the soft palate.
Multiple choice: choose the best answer
1. The……… constitute the final part of the mouth cavity.
A. Tongue B. Lips C. Vocal cord D. Glottis
2. Which part is not related to the roof of the mouth ?
A. Alveolar B. Bony ridge C. soft palate D. Tongue
3. If air is passed through glottis when it is narrowed, the result is a fricative sound for
which the symbol is.
A. /h/ B. /p/ C. /f/ D. /s/
4. When the vocal cords are wide apart, the sounds produced are:
A. /p/, /f/, /h/ B. /t/, /s/, /k/ C. /p/, /f/, /b/ D. /t/, /s/, /d/
5. Which of the followign part can nto be easily observed by means of a mirror ?
A. Uvula B. Teeth-ridge C. Hard palate D. Pharynx
6. We are obliged to pause in ….. in order to refill our lungs with the air.
A. Articulation B. Acoustic C. Auditory D. Experimental
7. The most usual source of energy for our vocal actvities is provided by an air stream
expelled from………
A. The speech chain B. The lungs C. The larynx D. Vocal cords
8. The larynx is situated in the upper part of……..
A. The windpipe B. The tongue C. Pharynx D. The nose
9. If the vocal cords are apart we say that……. is open.
A. The larynx B. The nose C. The glottis D. The lips
10. What is the final part of the mouth cavity ?
A. Roof of the mouth B. The tongue C. Lips D. Vocal tract

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