Core Competency Reflection - Blog Journal Pos

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Personal Awareness & Responsibility

 I am personally responsible. Self-motivated and can advocate for myself

I feel like I am personally responsible because I remember during summer school, I had an overdue
assignment, but I didn’t work on It because I didn’t feel like it, so rather than making an excuse I told my
teacher that I had a long day and so which is why I couldn’t get the assignment done on time.

 I can express my needs and seek help when needed

I can express my needs and help by asking a question to my teacher when I don’t understand a topic or
an Assignment. One example of this could be when I asked my Social Justice teacher a question because
my friend and I, we both couldn’t understand what we had to do for the assignment.


I would say that I am not self-motivated all the time and would sometimes just tell myself “Don’t worry
about I’ll do it tomorrow” but when tomorrow comes along I say it again “I’ll do it tomorrow”.


 I understand learning takes patience and time

I understand that learning takes patience and time because I remember that in grade 4 or 5, we had
started working on fractions and I really didn’t understand them, but whenever I would come back
home, I would start to practice fractions and understand when it is an improper and a proper fraction.

Social Responsibility

 Solving problems in peaceful ways

(I can identify and appreciate different perspectives on issues and use and evaluate strategies to resolve

There was once was a time when in PE class there were some boys trying their best to annoy people and
were wanting them to start a fight. When they were after me, I just ignored them and just went on,
because I knew that if I had said or done something then they would have told the teacher or would
have tried to fight back. So, which is why I just ignored them.

 Building relationship

(I have positive peer and intergenerational relationships)

I would say that I have some positive peer relationships with the people I know. An example of that
would be, whenever I need some help or anything during this class, I would always ask my friends if they
know the answer or not. That would also be the same thing with them too.
 Contributing to the community and caring for the environment.

(I am aware of my community and environment and work independently and collaboratively for the
benefit of others)


For this one there is a weakness and a non-weakness. The weakness part would be that I don’t think that
I could work Intendedly because whenever I try to work alone, I always seem to get bored, but when
working with other people, I don’t get bored and enjoy doing the work.

Critical thinking

 Develop and Design


(I can assess my progress)

This would be my weakness because I really don’t know how to assess my progress. Sometimes I might
just record myself on notes but otherwise I can’t really tell if I’m improving or no until someone tells me
that “Hey you're getting better at this” or something like that.

 Develop and Design

(I understand the purpose of my work and consider my audience)

When given an assignment or homework, rather than saying “Ohh no not this” I understand why I must
do this and just work on it. But sometimes I would just ask myself “Why am I even doing this?”

 Develop and Design

(I can explore and create new ways to represent my learning around a variety of problems, events, issues
and needs)

I can create new ways to represent my learning around issues and needs. There was a time when I
needed some help in math, so I tried to figure out the problem and show my steps on a piece of paper
and showed it to my teacher to make sure that I did everything correctly.

Creative Thinking

 Generating Ideas

(I can use the environment around me including others and my unconscious mind to generate new ideas)

There was this thing happened to me during socials when I had to present a project in front of the class,
and I had to think of a way that how I could present it in a unique way. That’s when I had an idea why
not make a slide show but add my voice rather than make people to read it and add some animations.
 Developing Ideas

(I can take my ideas evaluate, develop, and refine them and make something productive out of them)

My teacher had given me to make a poster for my assignment but rather than making a simple old
poster I had modified some things in it. By that I mean adding some neon colours and highlighters to
make it look as if it was glowing.

 Developing ideas


(can persevere and understand that failure can be productive)

Sometimes I have a hard time persevering from ideas because I get so deep into them that whenever my
teacher says I got to change it up, it takes me some time to do so.


 Collaborate to plan, carry out and review

(I can work with other students to plan, inquire and solve problems)

When working with other people, like for example in a group, I always try my best to work with my
peers and contribute with them and try to solve the problem by giving them some of my ideas.

 Explain/recount and reflect on experiences and accomplishments

(I can reflect on the processes of learning and share what I have learned)

I can share some things to my peers about what I have learned in the past and try to help them, by that
I mean my friend was stuck in a Law assignment and he had asked me for help because I had taken law
the year before, and so I explained to him in details, and he figured it out.

 Connect and engage with others


(I can listen learn to contribute meaningfully to discussions and debate, consider different perspectives
and build consensus)

I would say that one of my weaknesses would be that I’m not a really great listener, the thing is that I
tend to zone out or lose focus when someone else is talking for a long time.
Personal & Cultural Identity

 Personal Values and Choices

(I understand what is important to me)

During our course choosing for grade 11 my friends and chosen another course and they were keep
telling me to change it with them, but I didn’t need that course and it was really boring, so which is why I
had chosen my own course because right now they might be with me but later in the future they might
not, and it would be a waste of course.

 Personal Strengths and Abilities

(I know my strengths and what makes me unique)

During PE class we were playing Ultimate Frisbee and our team was discussing who should toss it to the
other side, and I had said I would do it because I personally feel that I can throw it the furthest and so I

 Personal Values and Choices


(I understand how what I value has and will shape my choices)

I feel like sometimes I’m not really good at making good choices like, for example, I had some homework
which was due three days later. So, I waited and waited until the last day and so when I handed it in, I
didn’t get the high mark which I was expecting.

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