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Evidence: My sense of justice

a. Some people are biologically predisposed to become criminals.

Asw: In my point of view I disagree with them since biologically they are not predisposed to become
criminals, I consider that this goes in the same education and treatment that they receive in their home and
even in the environment that surrounds them but not as something biological since even if they have the
same blood, the person can choose their path and because it is of a delinquent blood.

b. Crime is a consequence of poverty.

Asw: I agree that in most cases the crimes are in consequence of poverty since most are carried out to survive
although it does not look like that in all cases since there are people who their greed is money and so they
have a lot of money they commit any crime to get more becoming something of daily living .

c. A criminal cannot be reformed.

Asw: I find myself in total disagreement with this statement since I consider that if a criminal can be
reformed although not most of the time it is achieved, however that goes more in the moral part and in
enough that he has learned to see that that was not what correct so if I think it is possible but difficult to
achieve and that is only in the effort that they put .

d. To reduce crime, we just need more police.

Asw: I totally disagree because to reduce crime we need a fair and egalitarian government that generates
opportunities for employment, life, education and security because as a result of this crimes occur and the
police do nothing to end it before they contribute most of the time.

e. Some criminals deserve the death penalty.

Asw: ly agree with this statement since criminals such as rapists and murderers are the ones who deserve the
death penalty the most since when taking a life the best thing is that he pays with his own besides that it is a
danger to society and deserves to pay in that same thing that gave.

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