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Early to bed and early to rise.

Makes a person healthy, wealthy and wise.'

Time- 2.0 So we must not keep late hours. We should go to bed early at night and rise early in the
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evsjv 1g cÎ-Home
30 hours.
morning. Peace of mind is another condition for good health. So we must not worry over
small things of life.
Marks- 80
2021 Class: Eight 1. Guess the meaning of the following words and choose the correct meaning closest
to the text :
a) Peace:
গণিত-৩০ i) happiness ii) chaos iii) noise iv) conflict
b) Property:
i) wealth ii) health iii) quality iv) estate
১. সূত্রের সাহায্যে বর্গ র্নিণয় কর. ৫*২=১০ c) Balanced:
i) expensive food ii) diet iii) delicious iv) in equal or proper amounts
d) Vast:
ক) 5a-6b-7c i) little ii) meagre iii) huge iv) scanty
e) Proverb:
i) wise saying ii) any statement ii) false statement iv) related to verb
খ) 7a2+8b2-5c2 2. Answer the following questions:
a) Why is good health essential for us?
b) Why is physical exercise necessary?
২. x- =4 হলে, প্রমাণ কর যে, x2+( )2=18 ৫ c) Why is health compared to gold?
d) What does the proverb advise us?
e) What two things are the preconditions of good health?
৩. m+ =2 হলে, প্রমাণ কর যে, m4+( )=2 ৫ 3. Summarize the above text in around 85 words.
cÖkœ -1 î wb‡Pi DÏxcKwU c‡o cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi `vI :
৪. দুইটি সংখ্যা a এবং b যেখানে a>b, সংখ্যাদ্বয়ের যেগফল 12 এবং গুণফল 32. ১০ X cigvYyi cvigvYweK msL¨v 11| Ab¨w`‡K Y cigvYyi cvigvYweK msL¨v 17 Ges wbDUªb
msL¨v 18|
ক) সূত্রের সাহায্যে গুণ কর, (2x+3) (2x-7) K. GUg k‡ãi A_© Kx??
L. K¨vUvqb ej‡Z Kx †evSvq?
M. Y cigvYyi fimsL¨v KZ?
খ) মান নির্ণয় কর. 2a2+2b2 N. X I Y cigvYyi B‡jKUªbweb¨vm
cÖ`k©bc~e©K G‡`i eÜb ˆZwi Kivi
m ক্ষ gZv e¨vL¨v Ki|
গ) প্রমাণ কর যে, (a+2b)2 -5b2=176
1. cigvYyi 2q †m‡j m‡e©v”P KZwU B‡jKUªb _vK‡Z cv‡i?
K8 L 12 M 16 N 18
English-30 2. Wvë‡bi cigvYyev` cÖKvwkZ nqÑ
K 1603 mv‡j L 1703 mv‡j M 1803 mv‡j N 1903 mv‡j
Read the text and answer the questions 1, 2 and 3. 3. ivmvqwbK wewµqvq †KvbwU AskMÖnY K‡i?
Health is the condition of our body and mind. It may be good or bad. Good health means K †cÖvUb L B‡jKUªb M AYy N cigvYy
healthy body free from diseases. It is essential for everyone to lead a happy life. If we are 4. GKB †gŠ‡ji wfbœ fihy³ cigvYymg~n‡K Kx ejv nq?
not in good health, we cannot concentrate on any activity in our life. K AvB‡mv‡Uvb L AvB‡mvgvi M AvB‡mv‡Uvc N AvB‡mvevi

A proverb goes, 'Health is Wealth.' It means health is equally valuable as gold or any other 5. †ZRw¯Œq AvB‡mv‡Uv‡ci †Kvb ag© wewfbœ Kv‡R jvMv‡bv nq?
personal possessions. We may have vast wealth and property, but if we are not healthy we K ¯’vqx L A¯’vqx M †ZRw¯Œq N wewKiY

cannot enjoy them. 6. cigvYyi Kÿc_¸‡jv‡Z †Kvb m~Îvbyhvqx B‡jKUªb web¨vm Kiv nq?
K 2n3 L 3n2 M 2n2 N 2n
To keep ourselves healthy, we have to do certain things. We have to eat a balanced diet. We 7. †mvwWqvg cigvYyi wØZxq K¶c‡_ KqwU B‡jKUªb Av‡Q?
must exercise regularly to keep our body fit for work. K8 L9 M 10 N 11
There is an old saying: 8. PZz_© K¶c‡_ m‡e©v”P KZwU B‡jKUªb _vK‡Z cv‡i?
K 18 L 20 M 24 N 32
9. †gŠwjK c`v‡_©i ag© wK‡mi Ici wbf©i K‡i?
K B‡jKUªb web¨vm L fi msL¨v
M Avqb msL¨v N wbDwK¬qb msL¨v
10. cigvYyi K¶c_¸‡jv‡K Kx ejv nq?
K N~Y©vqgvb c_ L kw³¯Íi
M B‡jKUªb web¨vm N wbDwK¬qb msL¨v
11. †mvwWqvg cigvYyi kw³¯Íi KqwU?
K1 L2 M3 N4

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