Toktarbek Alynai 11B Term 1 SAU 1 Source Reliability

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Student Toktarbek Altynai Grade 11B Date_________ Teacher Pogorelova.O.

Term 1 Summative 1: Source Credibility Assessment
Learning Objectives
11CT2.1 identify and evaluate key elements of an argument: claim, reasoning and evidence
11CT3.1 identify strengths and weaknesses and the different influences in arguments
11CT3.2 evaluate the relevance of the reasons and evidence for an argument (the degree of fit between the evidence and
the claim it supports)
11RES3.1 explain the influences on selection, presentation and interpretation of evidence

Read the article below and answer the questions in the TWO TASKS that follow.
Younger generation driving environmentally-friendly
changes: study
By Marie Haaland, SWNS (Senior Creative Account Manager at 72 Point, part of SWNS Media Group.
Graduated magna cum laude from Hofstra University with a Bachelor of Arts in journalism and political science
in 2018.)
June 18, 2019 | 4:44pm


The younger generation is driving the change for “eco-households,”

according to new research.

While parents have a duty to educate their children on respecting the Earth,
results found 76 percent of parents actually feel their child is the one
advocating for environmentally-friendly changes in their home.

The survey of 2,000 Americans – 74 percent of which were parents – found that seven in 10 American homes
class themselves as an eco-household.

Conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Avocado Green Mattress, the survey progressed to defining the key
characteristics of an eco-home. Results found that an eco-household most commonly includes active recycling,
avoiding wasting food and reducing energy consumption.

That’s in addition to bringing reusable bags to the grocery store and avoiding plastic straws.

The survey also looked at Americans’ thoughts in regard to climate change and the next generation.

Regardless of how environmentally friendly they currently are, results found that 77 percent of respondents
would like to be even greener.

And for many, having children is a catalyst for wanting to become more green (41 percent).

Eighty-eight percent believe it’s important for the next generation(s) to be taught about being environmentally
friendly – with nine years old found to be the ideal age to start.

Interestingly enough, respondents believe teachers have the most responsibility for teaching children about
climate change and being environmentally friendly (80 percent).

This was followed by parents (80 percent), the government (52 percent) and companies (35 percent).
Student Toktarbek Altynai Grade 11B Date_________ Teacher Pogorelova.O.A
Term 1 Summative 1: Source Credibility Assessment
In addition to children changing the way Americans think about being green, 59 percent report wanting to be
more environmentally friendly simply because they want the world to be a better place.

“For the health of our families and of our planet, we all need to start making changes. But even small lifestyle
changes add up to progress,” said Mark Abrials, the Co-Founder and CMO of Avocado Mattress. “Becoming a
more conscious, informed consumer and ‘voting’ with your dollar is a simple way to create positive change for
the next generation.”

Eighty-five percent believe that small actions can add up to make a big difference for the environment – and one
small action respondents are taking is purchasing ethical products.

Thirty-seven percent report “often” purchasing products that are ethical and environmentally friendly.

And respondents report being more likely to buy from a company that offers sustainable products (57 percent),
uses organic or natural ingredients (51 percent) and that has good ethical practices (48 percent).

Abrials continued, “It’s an exciting step forward to see consumers becoming more discerning and actively
seeking out ethically and sustainably manufactured products – made with natural, organic materials. Not only are
they better for the environment, they’re better our families, too.”


TASK 1 – Answer the following questions in your OWN WORDS. Do not just
copy directly from the text.
A. How is an ‘eco-household’ classified, according to the research, referenced in this article? Give 3

“Eco-household” classified:
Active recycling
Avoiding wasting food
Reducing energy consumption
B. According to the research, who is more likely to promote environmentally-friendly behaviours in
households, parents or children? Support your answer by giving a statistic.

According to the research, children are more likely to promote environmentally-friendly

behaviours in households, because 76 percent of parents think that their child protector of eco-
friendly changes in their home.
C. In the article it is clear that the majority of people ‘feel’ that it is good to be environmentally
friendly. What did the research indicate about people’s activities and actions? Provide 3
statistics that reflect ‘real action’.

People’s activities and actions:

Thirty-seven percent respondents are taking to purchasing products which are ethical and
environmentally friendly.
Fifty-seven percent people report to buy some sustainable eco-friendly products, from a
company that offers this.
Student Toktarbek Altynai Grade 11B Date_________ Teacher Pogorelova.O.A
Term 1 Summative 1: Source Credibility Assessment

Fifty-one percent uses organic or natural ingredients.

D. Which group, according to the research, do parents feel has the greatest duty in educating the
youth about environmentally-friendly behaviour and climate change? Provide a statistic to
support your answer.

According to parents opinion, teachers have the greatest responsibility in educating young
generation about being environmentally friendly and climate change. 80 percentage

Using the ‘E.S.C.A.P.E.’ criteria, assess the reliability of this article in supporting the claim that ‘the
younger generation is driving environmentally-friendly changes’.
You should give your opinion and judgement and support / justify it with reasons and evidence.

Evidence – Can facts be verified?

Yes, because the main evidence of this text is a lots of statistical figures, which was result of some survey
conducted by “OnePoll” in behalf Avocado Green Mattress(name of company). Furthermore, one more exact
proof is Co-Founder and CMO of Avocado Mattress Mark Abrial’s words, which further confirms these

Source – Can the source (author, publisher etc.) be trusted?

I believe that this source is true, because publisher, Marie Haaland are real journalist, who is Senior
Creative Account Manager at 72 Point, part of SWNS Media Group. Likewise, this article is published
on, so it is secure site and also this site have privacy rights.

Context – What is the big picture / background surrounding this source?

The main event is survey about younger generations tendency to environmentally-friendly changes. If we talk
about another source of the same main event, I find articleon site, where talk about Gen Z actions,
which related eco issues. So, I think this event present big picture, because via to conducted survey the
attitude of people to eco-friendly changes and the opinion about “young generation driving environmentally-
friendly changes ” are cleared up.

Audience – Who is the intended audience?

On my view, the audience of this article is people who interested in ecology problems or for New-York
residents. This text may be suitable for a scientific article, but still text is written in understandable language,so
is intended for a well-educated people

Purpose – What is the motivation behind this article?

The major purpose of this published text was to convey to people the meaning of environmentally-friendly
changes and find out whether the future generation is really capable of changing our current situation in
Student Toktarbek Altynai Grade 11B Date_________ Teacher Pogorelova.O.A
Term 1 Summative 1: Source Credibility Assessment

Execution – How is the information presented?

In my opinion the information is reliable, because the format, style, clarity and grammar of this text was clearly
visible and presented.

FINAL CONCLUSION on the reliability of this article:

Overall, based on the above points, we can say that article is reliable. Moreover, there are certain evidence
that proves the trustworthiness of this article. On my own view that published article is understandable and
(2 x 7 = 14)

TOTAL: /24

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