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* = false answer


1. This occurs when the moon is between new & first quarter and between full &
third quarter.

* 2. The interval of time that elapses bet. 2 successive transit of a star over
same meridian = 23h 56m 04s
sidereal day

* 3. The angle at the pole measured from 000� to 360� westward from Aries to
meridian of the star.

4. Equation of time is 12 min. Find LAN if LMT transit is 12h-12m at Lat. 25�
North; Long.124� East

5. The central meridian for a place with zone description of +3 is _______.

45 deg. W

6. The angular distance measured westerly from the observer's meridian to the
hour circle of the body.

7. The sun moves eastward among the stars causing it to rise 4min. earlier.This
is equal to hour angle of
1 degree

* 8. Convert Amplitude W 13.8� N in 360� quadrantal notation.

283.8 deg.

9. The standard zone meridian for zone description -12 is _____.

180 deg.

* 10. Variation of zone time used on or near with somewhat irregular but defined
zone limit.
Standard Time

11. The correction applied to ships time to obtain GMT prefix + at West Longitude
and - at East Longitude
Zone Description

* 12. The angular distance of a celestial body North or South of the prime

13. <<<for latest CD review,call SBR 526-48-68>>> On or about June 21, the
sun reaches its highest declination North

14. <<<SBR MARINE DECK & ENGINE REVIEW>>> Following are navigational systems,
SONAR Navigation

15. It is the distance measured along the hour circle from the elevated pole to
the body.
Polar Distance
16. This is a correction to the sextant altitude applied to the visible horizon
to obtain the sensible horizon

* 17. The direction of line drawn from observer's DR pt. towards the GP of a cel.
body when plotting LOP:

18. <<<call SBR 526-48-68 for CD-review>>> The shape of the Earth is a/an
oblate spheroid

* 19. Angular dist. of a celestial body N or S of celestial equator measured along

an hour circle of the body

20. <<<SBR MARINE DECK & ENGINE REVIEW>>> The actual sun that appears in the sky.
Apparent sun

* 21. The LZT of longitude 78 deg.18' W is 04H 03M. Find the GMT.
09H 03M

22. The motion of the body in its orbit around another body.

23. In the daily pages of the nautical almanac, which of the ff. is NOT found on
the right hand pages.
GHA of Aries

* 24. Vertical circle is to the Horizon System, what great circle is to the
Celestial Equator system coordinate
Hour Circle

* 25. <<<for latest CDs:call or fax SBR 526-48-68>>> The apparent path of the sun
around the earth.

26. This is the result when the rays of light passes from one medium to another
of different density.

27. If an observer is located at Lat.66�-32' S on JUNE 21 of any year in the

antarctic circle will have ___.
all night all throughout

* 28. The co-Latitude (PZ) is a side of the astronomical triangle which is derived
from ____.
the celestial equator system

* 29. Find the LHA of a star if the GHA of the star is 081�-57.3' and the longitude
is 174�-32' West.
267 deg. 25.3'

30. The hour of day reckoned by the pos'n of celestial reference pt. relative to
a reference cel. meridian.

* 31. At lat.19�33' N,the rising sun was observed with an amplitude E 13�58.2'
S.Find declination of the sun.
13 deg. 09' S

32. The angular distance of the body measured from the Greenwich celestial

* 33. <<< SBR Direct line:536-2070>>> The Celestial Sphere is _________.

the imaginary sphere of infinite radius with earth at its center

34. Planets whose orbits are smaller than the earth's orbit and is between the
sun and the earth.
Inferior planets

35. <<<SBR MARINE DECK & ENGINE REVIEW>>> Hour circle is the __________.
great circle thru the celestial poles & a point on the cel.sphere

* 36. <<<FREE Tutorials: SBR 526-48-68>>> What is the formula of Amplitude?

Sine A = sine decl. x sec Lat

* 37. Angular dist. measured east or west of local meridi- an & numerically equal
to LHA if < 180 deg. west.
Meridian Angle

* 38. <<<Visit SBR Computer-based Review>>> If the celestial body is at your

meridian, it reaches:
its highest altitude

* 39. Great circle on the cel. sphere passing thru east & west pt. of the
horizon,passing thru zenith & nadir.
Prime Vertical

* 40. It is the sextant error if the horizon glass is NOT perpendicular to the
plane of the instrument.
Side Error

41. You are in Longitude 175�E and heading 090�T. Where do you change clocks?

42. The depression of the visible horizon below the plane of the sensible

43. <<<SBR MARINE DECK & ENGINE REVIEW>>> If the GMT is 1500H,the time at Long.
075� E is:

44. Greenwich Hour Angle of a star (GHA of Star) can be found by ______.
GHA of star = GHA of Aries + SHA of star

* 45. Find the longitude from the following given: GHA of Aries=252�17.6'; LHA of
Aries= 049�13.8'
156 deg 56.2'

* 46. Which is LEAST true why there is a 'non-constant' rate of the apparent sun
as cel.reference for time?
the effect of nutation on the Earth's rotational axis

47. It is the sextant error on the index mirror when not perpendicular to the
plane of the instrument.

48. You are in Longitude 175�W and heading 270�T. Where do you change clocks?

49. The term used to denote a body being revolved to by its satellites.

50. <<<SBR MARINE DECK & ENGINE REVIEW>>> A circumpolar body is best exemplified
as _____.
a celestial body which remains above the horizon for 24 hrs

51. <<<SBR MARINE DECK & ENGINE REVIEW>>> The motion of the body around its axis
is ____.

52. A great circle on which plane passes through the poles of the earth.

* 53. An observer in Lat.23�N; Long.120�W observes the GHA of the sun at 140�
Find LHA of the sun?
20 degrees

54. At Lat.15�27' S;Long.116�15' E,find LZT of transit of the sun if tabulated

meridian passage is 1147H
12h - 02m

55. <<<SBR MARINE DECK & ENGINE REVIEW>>> Convert Azimuth angle S 62� W to True
242 deg.

* 56. <<<For FREE tutorials:call SBR 526-48-68>>> Convert 341 deg. 04' into time.
22 hrs 47 min.

* 57. Find the azimuth at rising at Lat. 45�North and the sun's declination is 15�
068.5 degrees

* 58. Given the GHA of star is 225 deg.17.2' and SHA of the star 109 deg.31.8'.
Find the GHA of Aries.
115 deg.45.4'

59. If a celestial body is at your meridian, the azimuth is _____.

either north or south

* 60. If the LHA of the star is 090 degrees, what is the meridian angle?
90 degrees W

* 61. If the amplitude of the sun at sunrise is E 20�S and longitude is 020�E,what
is the true azimuth of sun?
110 degrees

62. In Navigation, the Vernal Equinox is otherwise known as ______.

First Point of Aries

* 63. It is the diff. between the actual change of GHA in one hour & a constant
value in interpolation tables
Correction and increments
64. It is the angular distance between the Prime Vertical and the body during
rising or setting.

65. The angle bet.horizontal plane thru the observer,s eye & the apparent
direction of the visible horizon.

* 66. Arc of the horizon measured clockwise or counter- clockwise thru 180�from N
orS point of the horizon
Azimuth angle

67. It is the altitude of a heavenly body when measured from the sensible
Sextant altitude

68. It is the difference between Local Apparent Time and Local Mean Time.
Equation of Time

* 69. <<<For more CDs:call SBR 526-48-68>>> It is the mean time at the Greenwich
Greenwich Mean Time

* 70. It is the small circle parallel to the horizon and it passes through the body
is called ____.
Altitude Circle

* 71. It is a small circle parallel to the celestial equator and it passes through
the body is called _____.
Diurnal Circle

72. It is a small circle parallel to the horizon and it passes through the body
is called:
parallel of altitude

* 73. It is a small circle parallel to the celestial equator and it passes through
the body is called ____.
parallel of declination

74. It is a small circle parallel to the equator whose plane does not pass
through the earth's center.
parallel of latitude

* 75. The angular distance between the prime vertical & the hour circle of the body
with prefix sign is:

76. The angular distance from the Prime vertical to the hour circle of the body
prefix E if rising, W if setting

* 77. The angular distance from the observer's meridian to hour circle of body
suffix E if rising & W if setting
Meridian angle

78. Angular dist.from prime vert. prefix name E if rising, W if setting and
suffix the name of the declination.
79. Angular dist. measured clockwise or counterclock- wise from the prime
meridian from 000�-180�of arc.

* 80. Angular distance measured from Prime Meridian & from zero to 180� of arc &
named East or West

* 81. Angular dist. from the equator, measured N or S along any meridian from 0�
to max. 90�at the poles

82. The angular distance measured from the Vernal Equinox eastward & usually
expressed in time units
Right Ascension

83. The angular distance measured from the first point of Aries eastward and
usually expressed in time.
Right Ascension

* 84. It is the angular distance measured westerly from the vernal equinox to the
hour circle of the star.
Sidereal Hour Angle

* 85. Angular dist.of the body above the rational horizon measured from 0� to 90�at
the observer's zenith
True Altitude

86. Arc of the vertical circle passing through the body contained between the
rational horizon & the body
True altitude

* 87. Arc of the vertical circle above the rational horizon contained between the
observer zenith & the body
Zenith Distance

* 88. The angular distance North or South of the Zenith along the vertical circle
passing the celestial body.
Zenith distance

* 89. The angular distance measured from the elevated pole along the hour circle
passing thru the body.
Polar Distance

* 90. The angular distance measured from the elevated pole along the hour circle
passing thru the body.

91. The angular distance measured from the observer zenith along the vertical
circle passing the body.

92. The angular distance measured from the observer zenith along the vertical
circle passing the body.

* 93. The angular distance from the elevated pole along the hour circle passing
through the celestial body.

94. Measured about 23.5�from the North Pole marking the approximate limits of the
circumpolar star.
Arctic Circle

95. Measured about 23.5�from the South pole marking the approximate limits of a
circumpolar star.
Antarctic Circle

* 96. The Earth's rotation causes the Sun and other celestial bodies to appear to
cross the sky, from:
East to West

97. The expression used which means "sun standing still" refers to:

98. <<< Call SBR 526-48-68 for latest CDs>>> Circumpolar means
around the pole

99. Fictitious sun moving at uniform speed & equal to the average spd.of apparent
sun along the ecliptic
Mean Sun

100. The line where the earth and sky appears to meet together is the:

Correct answered: 55
False or not answered: 45

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