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1. The enclosed area defined as the intersection of the surface of water and the
hull of the ship is the:

2. A waterplane area is described as the intersection of the surface of water in

which a ship floats & the:

3. The weight of the liquid displaced by a vessel floating in sea water is equal
to the _______.
total weight of the vessel

4. A floating vessel will behave as if all of its weight is acting downward

through the ________.
center of gravity

5. Aboard a vessel,dividing the sum of the transverse moments by the total weight
yields the vessel's:
transverse position of the center of gravity

6. The purpose of the inclining experiment on a vessel is to determine ________.

lightweight and lightweight center of gravity location

7. The TCG of a vessel may be found by dividing the displacement of the vessel
into the _____.
sum of the transverse moments of the vessel

8. <<< SBR MARINE DECK & ENGINE REVIEW>>> A vessel's KG is determined by _______.
dividing the total vertical moment summations by displacement

9. The difference between the height of metacenter and the metacentric height is
known as ______.
Height of the center of gravity

10. The important stability parameter, KG is defined as the _______.

height of the center of gravity above the keel

11. It is the angle to which a ship with negative initial metacentric height will
lie at rest in still water.
Angle of Loll

12. Aboard a vessel, dividing the sum of the vertical moments by the total weight
yields the vessel's:
height of the center of gravity

13. The KG of a vessel is found by dividing the displacement into the ______.
sum of the vertical moments of the vessel

14. Deballasting a double bottom has what effect on KG?

KG is increased

15. If the result of loading is an increase in height of center of gravity,there

will always be an increase in
vertical moment

16. In the absence of external forces,the center of gra vity of a floating ship
is located directly above the:
geometric center of the displaced volume

17. A virtual rise in the center of gravity may be caused by _______.

using an on board crane to lift a freely swinging object

18. The center of gravity of a freely swinging load sus- pended on pedestal crane
acts as if it were at the:
point of suspension

19. <<<SBR MARINE DECK & ENGINE REVIEW>>> What will NOT decrease the stability of
a vessel?
lowering a weight suspended by a boom onto the deck

20. Topside icing decreases vessel stability because it is usually off-center and
increases the height of the center of gravity

21. A vertical shift of weight to a position above the vessel's center of gravity
will _______.
decrease the righting moments

22. When cargo is shifted from the lower hold to the main deck, _______.
the center of gravity will move upwards

23. Shifting a weight in a cargo vessel from the upper tween deck to the lower
hold will _______.
make the vessel stiffer

24. What will happen when cargo is shifted from the main deck into the lower
hold of a vessel?
the GM will increase

25. Which action will best increase the transverse stability of a merchant vessel
at sea?
ballasting the double bottom tanks

26. Which will be a result of removing deck-stowed containers?

Metacentric height will increase

27. When making a turn (course change) on most merchant ships,the vessel will
heel outwards if:
G is above the center of lateral resistance

28. <<<SBR MARINE DECK & ENGINE REVIEW>>> Buoyancy is a measure of the ship's
ability to float

29. <<<SBR MARINE DECK & ENGINE REVIEW>>> The upward pressure of displaced water
is called:

30. <<<SR MARINE DECK & ENGINE REVIEW>>> It is defined as the "mass per unit

31. The center of underwater volume of a floating vessel is the ______.

center of buoyancy
32. The center of the volume of the immersed portion of the hull is called
center of buoyancy

33. The geometric center of the submerged volume is known as the ______.
center of buoyancy

34. The geometric center of the underwater volume of a floating vessel is the
center of _______.

35. The water in which a vessel floats provides a ver- tical upward support &
acts at a point known as:

36. What abbreviation represents the height of the center of buoyancy?


37. If a vessel lists to the port side, the center of buoyancy will ___.
move to port

38. <<<SBR MARINE DECK & ENGINE REVIEW>>> The center of buoyancy is located at
the ______.
geometric center of the displaced volume

39. The center of buoyancy and the metacenter are in the line of action of the
buoyant force _____.
at all times

40. When a vessel is inclined at a small angle, the center of buoyancy will
move toward the low side

41. When a vessel is inclined due to some external force, the ______.
center of buoyancy shifts to the center of ship's underwater hull

42. When a vessel is floating upright, the distance from the keel to the
metacenter is called the:
height of the metacenter

43. <<<SBR MARINE DECK & ENGINE REVIEW>>> The geometric center of the waterplane
area is the
center of flotation

44. When initial stability applies, the height of center of gravity plus the
metacentric height is called the:
height of metacenter

* 45. At all angles of inclination, the metacenter is located ______.

vertically above the center of buoyancy

46. The point to which G may rise and still permit the vessel to have positive
stability is called the____.

47. <<<SBR MARINE DECK & ENGINE REVIEW>>> The abbreviation GM is used to
represent the___.
metacentric height
48. For a floating vessel, the result of subtracting KG from KM is the ___.
metacentric height

49. The difference between the height of metacenter and the height of the center
of gravity is ______.

50. The difference between the height of metacenter & the height of the center of
gravity is known as:
metacentric height

51. Which formula can be used to calculate metacentric height?


52. <<<SBR MARINE DECK & ENGINE REVIEW>>> The important initial stability
parameter GM, is the:
metacentric height

53. The term for distance from the center of gravity(G) to the metacenter(M) if
small-angle stability applies:
metacentric height

54. When ship has positive stability,the dist. between line of force through B &
line of force through G is:
righting arm

55. <<<SBR MARINE DECK & ENGINE REVIEW>>> When positive stability exist, GZ
represents the:
righting arm

56. The horizontal distance between the vertical lines of action of gravity & the
buoyant forces is called:
righting arm

57. For a given displacement, the righting arm has its maximum value when
KG is minimum

58. The value of the maximum righting arm depends on the position of the center
of buoyancy and the:
vertical location of the center of gravity

59. If the VCG of a ship rises 1.7 feet, the GZ for the various angles of
inclination will ____.

60. At all angles of inclination, the true measure of a vessel's stability is the
righting moment

61. <<<SBR MARINE DECK & ENGINE REVIEW>>> The moment of a force is a measure of
the ____.
turning effect of the force about a point

62. <<<SBR MARINE DECK & ENGINE REVIEW>>> A moment is obtained by multiplying a
force by its:
lever arm

63. The magnitude of a moment is the product of the force and ______.
lever arm

64. The righting moment can be determined by multiplying the displacement by the
righting arm (GZ)

65. <<<SBR MARINE DECK & ENGINE REVIEW>>> The result of multiplying a weight by
distance is a:

66. The vertical distance between the metacenter & the center of buoyancy of an
inclined vessel is the
metacentric radius

67. On a ship,multiplying a load's weight by the dist.of its center of gravity

above baseline results in a(n):
vertical moment

68. Vertical moments are obtained by multiplying a vessel's weight and its

69. <<<SBR MARINE DECK & ENGINE REVIEW>>> Initial stability refers to stability
at small angles of inclination

70. GM cannot be used as an indicator of stability at all angles of inclination

because _______.
M is not fixed at large angles

71. Stability is determined by the relationship of the center of gravity and the
center of buoyancy

72. Stability is determined principally by the location of the center of gravity

and the ________.
center of buoyancy

73. Stability is obtained by the location of application of 2 forces:the

downward-acting gravity force and:
upward-acting buoyant force

74. Stability is obtained by the location of application of 2 forces: the upward-

acting buoyant force and:
downward-acting weight force

75. Stability is determined principally by the location of 2 points in a vessel:

the center of buoyancy & the:
center of gravity

76. <<<SBR MARINE DECK & ENGINE REVIEW>>> In small-angle stability, the
metacentric height __.
is calculated by subtracting KG from KM

77. In which case may metacentric height be considered an indication of a

vessel's stability?
for small angles of inclination

78. <<<SBR MARINE DECK & ENGINE REVIEW>>> Metacentric height is a measure of
initial stability only

79. <<<SBR MARINE DECK & ENGINE REVIEW>>> The quality of initial stability is
indicated by _____.

80. The vertical distance between G and M is used as a measure of _______.

initial stability

81. Which of the following is used as an indicator of intial stability?


82. With regard to the metacentric height, which of the following is TRUE?
It is used to indicate the quality of initial stability

* 83. When external forces exist,the buoyant force acts vertically upwards thru the
center of buoyancy &:

84. <<<SBR MARINE DECK & ENGINE REVIEW>>> Initial stability of a vessel may be
improved by:
any of these

85. The principal danger from ice collecting on the upper works or decks is the
loss of stability

86. Which is NOT usually a concern when loading in a tanker?

Initial stability

87. <<<SBR MARINE DECK & ENGINE REVIEW>>> Transverse stability calculations
require the use of:
hydrostatic curves

88. If a vessel rolls slowly and sluggishly in a seaway, this condition indicates
that the vessel ______.
has poor stability

89. A slow and easy motion of a vessel in a seaway is an indication of a _____.

small GM

90. <<<SBR MARINE DECK & ENGINE REVIEW>>> A vessel with a small GM will ______.
provide a comfortable ride for the crew and passengers

91. <<<SBR MARINE DECK & ENGINE REVIEW>>> If the metacentric height is small, a
vessel will___.
be tender

92. Vessel A & B are identical; however,A is more ten- der than B.This means that
A relative to B has a:
smaller GM

93. A vessel would be referred to as "tender" when the weight of the cargo is
concentrated high and the double bottoms empty

94. <<<SBR MARINE DECK & ENGINE REVIEW>>> A vessel with a small GM will ______.
have a smaller amplitude of roll in heavy weather
95. A quick and rapid motion of a vessel in a seaway is an indication of a(an)
large GM

96. <<<SBR MARINE DECK & ENGINE REVIEW>>> A vessel with a large GM will _______.
have more resistance to listing in case of damage

97. <<<SBR MARINE DECK & ENGINE REVIEW>>> If the metacentric height is large, a
vessel will___.
be stiff

98. <<<SBR MARINE DECK & ENGINE REVIEW>>> Which of the following is TRUE of a
"stiff" vessel?
its period of roll is short

99. <<<SBR MARINE DECK & ENGINE REVIEW>>> A vessel with a large GM will _______.
be subjected to severe racking stresses

100. Which technique could be used to give a more comfortable roll to a stiff
Concentrate weights in the upper tween deck wings

Correct answered: 97
False or not answered: 3

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