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Case Type: Civil - Other

William T. Grant, Court File No. 27-CV-21-10948

Plaintiff/Counterclaim Defendant,



Defendant/Counterclaim Plaintiff, JURY TRIAL DEMANDED


Justin Perpich,


Counterclaim Plaintiff Rebecca Brannon (“Brannon”), for her Counterclaim against

William T. Grant (“Grant”), states and alleges as follows:


1. This action concerns Grant’s efforts to silence Brannon, a courageous independent

journalist who doggedly has reported on matters of substantial public interest concerning

widespread harassment and toxic work environment within the Republican Party of Minnesota

(“MN GOP”) under the leadership of former Chairwoman Jennifer Carnahan (“Carnahan”).

2. Much of the harassment disclosed by Brannon targeted young female MN GOP

staffers who were afraid to speak up for fear of their careers being destroyed and were further

coerced into silence by Carnahan and her operatives through widespread intimidating demands to

enter into non-disparagement agreements (“NDAs”).

3. One individual who played a prominent role in creating the toxic culture and

maintaining the silence of its victims through his actions as a MN GOP political operative and

Carnahan lieutenant is Grant.

4. Brannon’s investigative reporting also disclosed the substantial ties between the MN

GOP and one of its largest financiers (and friend of both Grant’s and Carnahan’s), Anton “Tony”

Lazzaro (“Lazzaro”), who recently was indicted on federal sex-trafficking charges.

5. Grant has become a limited-purpose public figure as it relates to this controversy both

voluntarily, by commenting on it, and because he has gained public prominence as a self-

described aspiring “top political consultant” (Complaint at ¶ 11). Through his work as campaign

manager for multiple Republican political candidates and his employment and consulting work

for MN GOP, Grant has courted publicity through television, radio, print and digital media

appearances to establish his public prominence as a strategist and thought leader within MN


6. In spite of his status as a public figure in MN GOP politics, Grant commenced a

defamation lawsuit against Brannon for her investigative reports on MN GOP politics, as well as

against DFL political activist Justin Perpich (“Perpich”) who merely retweeted and commented

on three of Brannon’s Twitter posts.

7. In his Complaint, Grant conspicuously omits any allegations of Brannon’s actual

malice, as he is required to do as a limited-purpose public figure pursuant to New York Times v.

Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254 (1964) and its progeny.

8. Grant’s lawsuit is a thinly veiled attempt to further his intimidation tactics to silence

Brannon and her sources from disclosing truthful information about the harassment and toxic

work environment at MN GOP under Carnahan and Grant.

9. Accordingly, Brannon asserts this counterclaim for a declaratory judgment pursuant to

the Minnesota Declaratory Judgment Act, Minn. Stat. § 555.01, et. seq., to vindicate her rights

with respect to her continued reporting about this matter of public concern.


10. Brannon is an individual who resides in Hennepin County, Minnesota.

11. Grant is an individual who, on information and belief, resides in Ramsey County,



12. This Court has jurisdiction over this matter under Minn. Stat. § 484.01, subd. 1(1),

because this is a civil action arising in this District, and under Minn. Stat. § 555.01, because it is

vested with the authority to construe legal rights in this District.

13. Venue is proper in this Court under Minn. Stat. § 542.09 because one of the

Defendants is a resident of this District and the cause of action, or part of it, arose in this District.


A. Brannon’s Journalism Career

14. Brannon graduated from Minnetonka High School in 2009 and attended Indiana

University and Ball State University from 2009 through 2013 to study communications.

15. In 2013, Brannon moved back to Minnesota and applied for and was hired in the

news room at KMSP-TV (Fox 9 News). Brannon subsequently was promoted to Assistant

Newscast Director at KMSP-TV.

16. In late 2016, Brannon left KMSP-TV and became an activist within Minnesota

Republican politics, working first for the Freedom Club, a Minnesota non-profit organized to

educate the public on conservative principles, and then on a succession of political campaigns on

behalf of MN GOP candidates during the 2018 election cycle for Attorney General, Governor

and Secretary of State. Brannon worked for these campaigns directly and has never served as a

staff member or employee of MN GOP.

17. Brannon has never worked with or against Grant on any political campaign.

18. After the 2018 election, Brannon grew disenchanted with the direction and operations

of MN GOP, and she terminated her activities as a MN GOP activist.

19. In early 2019, Brannon launched an independent photojournalism business engaged

in writing and producing news stories and multi-media projects for corporations, political

candidates and news organizations on an independent pay-per-project or hourly fee basis.

20. In the summer of 2020, one of Brannon’s photojournalism projects was reporting on

the violence occurring in Minneapolis in the aftermath of the murder of George Floyd. Brannon

produced multiple video reports documenting the violence and rioting in downtown and south

Minneapolis, and submitted several of these segments to Alpha News, a conservative Minnesota-

based news organization, which were subsequently published. Brannon never was employed by

Alpha News; instead, she worked solely as an independent journalist who was paid for each of

her stories that were accepted for publication by Alpha News and other news outlets.

21. Brannon has created and maintains an active social media presence related to her

reporting and photojournalism business, primarily using her Twitter account @RebsBrannon.

Brannon’s Twitter account is solely maintained by her and has over 15,000 followers. As is

customary for popular Twitter accounts, Brannon’s tweets are commented on and linked to by a

multitude and wide variety of people and organizations; however, her Twitter account is

unaffiliated with any organization or any other person.

B. Brannon’s Discovery of the Harassment and Toxic Work Environment at MN GOP

22. In her role as an independent photojournalist, Brannon traveled to Florida for the

Conservative Political Action Conference (“CPAC”) held from February 25–28, 2021.

Brannon’s reason for attending CPAC was to report on any protests or other newsworthy events

that might take place at or surrounding the conference.

23. Several MN GOP activists also were in attendance at CPAC 2021 and, upon seeing

Brannon, invited her to join an informal group dinner at a restaurant near the convention center,

an invitation which Brannon accepted. During that dinner, a number of activists discussed

Minnesota politics and the state of the MN GOP under Carnahan’s leadership with Brannon.

24. On the day following the group dinner, one of the MN GOP activists who was present

at the dinner (“Source #1) contacted Brannon and requested to meet separately with her to

discuss in more detail the MN GOP issues that had been discussed in general at the group dinner

the previous night.

25. During that detailed one-on-one discussion the following day, Source #1 reported to

Brannon that Spencer Krier (“Krier”), Operations Manager for MN GOP, in November 2020 had

traveled to Georgia on MN GOP business with a group of young Republican staff members in

order to assist in a vote recount. During Krier’s stay in Georgia, Source #1 reported that Krier

had provided alcohol to a minor female who was working for the Georgia Republican party and

then sexually assaulted her in his hotel room. Source #1 reported that in spite of multiple

individuals coming forward to support the allegations of sexual assault by Krier, no investigation

occurred and Krier remained employed as Operations Manager at MN GOP.

26. During the same discussion, Source #1 reported there had been a significant amount

of money misappropriated by Carnahan from MN GOP for her personal use through the

improper reimbursement of MN GOP expenses and personal travel.

27. During the same discussion, Source #1 reported that many former employees had

been coerced by Carnahan and her operatives into signing NDA’s which prevented the former

employees from disparaging Carnahan upon leaving employment at MN GOP.

28. During March 2021, Brannon met on three separate occasions with Source #1,

together with two additional women who are active in MN GOP activities (Sources #2 and #3),

to continue the discussion regarding the MN GOP. During the first of these three group meetings

on March 9, Source #2 recounted that Grant had harassed two young female MN GOP staffers

whom Grant falsely believed had created an off-color Twitter account critical of Carnahan

entitled “Gays 4 Jenny Hagedorn.” According to Source #2, Grant told one of these young

female staffers (who had nothing to do with the Twitter account) that if she did not take down the

account, “I’ll break your legs.” Source #3 corroborated Source #2’s recollection of Grant making

these violent threats to the young female staffer.

29. During the same series of group meetings, Source #2 reported that she personally was

harassed by Carnahan, with Carnahan outing Source #2 as a lesbian to party activists, donors and

other officials in an effort to undermine Source #2’s credibility. Source #2 has recently publicly

identified herself in an article published in Minnesota Reformer entitled “Former MNGOP

Political Director Says Party Chair Outed, Subjected Her to Months of Verbal Abuse” as

Francesca Zeller (“Zeller”). Zeller was hired as Political Director for MN GOP in January 2018

when she was 24 years old.

30. Following Zeller’s public criticism of Carnahan, Lazzaro jumped to Carnahan’s

defense on Facebook by labeling Zeller a “lunatic” and stating that Carnahan “doesn’t deserve

this type of nonsense. She just fights back.”

31. On information and belief, due to Carnahan’s blatant disregard for Source #2’s

privacy and repeated anti-LGBTQ harassment from activists due to Carnahan outing her as a

lesbian, Zeller quit her job at MN GOP, moved to Texas and no longer works in politics.

32. During the same series of group meetings, Source #1 referred to Grant as being one of

Carnahan’s “henchmen,” using that specific term. All three of the women in the group meetings

confirmed that Grant often acted as Carnahan’s enforcer in dealing with any criticism that

emanated within or toward MN GOP.

33. Brannon later spoke with Justin Sexton (“Sexton”), who admitted that he was the

person who created the “Gays 4 Jenny Hagedorn” Twitter account. Sexton confirmed that the

young female staffer whom Grant had threatened had no involvement with the Twitter account.

Sexton reported to Brannon that during the time period that the Twitter account was active, Grant

messaged the account on multiple occasions threatening the anonymous owner to the effect of,

“when I find out who you are, you are done in Minnesota forever.” Sexton reported that when he

discovered that Grant was threatening the young female staffer who had nothing to do with the

Twitter account, he took down the account and deleted all of the tweets.

34. On April 6, Brannon spoke by phone with Source #4, who is a former MN GOP

Executive Director who worked directly for Carnahan. Source #4 reported to Brannon that the

working environment at MN GOP is “worse than you think,” and added that, “I did not realize I

was walking into such a corrupt situation.”

35. By April 7, Brannon had incorporated the information she learned from the above-

mentioned sources, along with information she obtained from other sources, into a lengthy

investigative report detailing the toxic culture within MN GOP, the widespread demand for

NDA’s to silence victims, Krier’s alleged sexual assault in Georgia, and the financial

irregularities within MN GOP. Brannon intended to submit her investigative report to Alpha

News to be published.

36. In anticipation of the publication of her investigative report, Brannon emailed MN

GOP’s publicly-listed general email account to inquire for a comment. Later that day, Grant, on

behalf of MN GOP, called Brannon to respond to her inquiry.

37. Brannon then emailed Grant 13 questions for comment by MN GOP and/or Carnahan

related to the investigative report. In lieu of responding to any of the 13 questions, Grant replied

by requesting that a three paragraph statement written by Carnahan be included in the article.

The requested statement touted Carnahan’s success with MN GOP and characterized the

allegations as, “desperate attacks from my opponent’s failing campaign,” referring to her recent

re-election as Chair of MN GOP without addressing any of the specific allegations.

38. Grant also called Brannon to discuss the proposed article. In one telephone

conversation, Grant called the harassment reports, “crazy-assed statements,” adding “there’s a lot

of problems [at MN GOP] and I’m not here to defend everything,” but “we do not have any HR


39. In a telephone conversation with Brannon on September 9, Source #4 confirmed that

Grant had worked to kill Brannon’s story before it could be published at Alpha News. Source #4

stated to Brannon, “the fact that he’s denying that he tried to kill the story, I don’t know what

planet he lives on.” Source #4 added, “the thought that [Grant] didn’t try to stop the story – are

you delusional?”

40. Brannon also spoke with another young female former MN GOP staffer (Source #5)

who confirmed that Grant pressured her to sign an NDA that prevented her from criticizing

Carnahan after Source #5 left her job at MN GOP. Source #5 reported that Grant had accosted

her in person at the offices of MN GOP by handing her an NDA to sign, saying, “if you don’t

sign this, we’ll ruin your f’n career.”

41. Brannon also spoke with another young female former MN GOP staffer (Source #6)

who reported that Carnahan had personally threatened to destroy her future career when the

staffer left her job at MN GOP. Source #6 stated that Carnahan told her that if she shared any

damaging information about MN GOP with anyone, she’d “never be able to work in Minnesota

politics anymore.”

42. Brannon also spoke multiple times with Kayla Khang (“Khang”), another young

female former MN GOP staffer. Khang’s experience within the MN GOP recently has been

reported in an investigative article published in Salon entitled, “How the Minnesota GOP

Imploded: From a Toxic Workplace to a Full-Blown Sex Trafficking Scandal.”

43. As stated by Khang to Brannon, in response to an unrelated party’s tweet that

connected Carnahan in an unflattering manner with “daddy Daudt” (a reference to Minnesota

House Republican Minority Leader Kurt Daudt), Khang’s boyfriend had impulsively responded

on Twitter with a simple “like.” Khang reported to Brannon that shortly thereafter, as Khang was

riding in her boyfriend’s car, Grant called her boyfriend and threatened to break his legs if he

didn’t ‘unlike’ the tweet.

44. Khang also reported to Brannon that she overheard Grant telling people within MN

GOP offices that, “I could have them killed,” and, “I have hit men on deck” in response to public

criticism of Carnahan and MN GOP.

45. On his Twitter profile page, Grant states that his motto is, “Either Caesar or Nothing.”

46. Grant states on his Twitter account that he his ties to mafia culture:

47. Upon information and belief, Grant’s favorite fictional television character is Tony

Soprano, as played by the late actor James Gandolfini:

48. Khang reported to Brannon that Khang and her boyfriend attended a debate viewing

party at Grant’s luxury high-rise luxury condo overlooking the river in downtown St. Paul.

According to Khang, during the party Grant showed his guests “an astonishingly large amount of

cash” by “waving it around,” and that Grant was “always open with flashing his money.”

49. Khang also reported to Brannon that Grant frequently showed off his Acura NSX

automobile, a car that retails for over $150,000.

50. On information and belief, Grant is 27 years old, graduated from Hamline University

in 2017 with a B.A. degree in History, American Government and Politics, and, since graduation,

has been employed only in political staff positions.

51. After multiple revisions to Brannon’s article, Alpha News ultimately declined to

publish the article, citing to Brannon the length of the article and the detailed nature of the inside

politics contained therein that made it difficult for Alpha News’ audience to follow, as well as

the risk of a lawsuit for publishing a controversial investigative report on MN GOP.

52. Following Alpha News’ decision not to publish her investigative report, Brannon put

the draft article aside and moved on to other projects for the sake of both her mental health and

her business.

C. Brannon’s Twitter Reporting Following Lazzaro’s Sex Trafficking Indictment

53. On August 12, 2021, the U.S. Attorneys’ Office for the District of Minnesota

announced that Lazzaro had been indicted and arrested on federal sex trafficking charges for

allegedly recruiting six minor victims to engage in commercial sex acts.

54. Earlier in 2021, several former MN GOP employees had told Brannon they were

“freaked out” and “weirded out” around Lazzaro because they believed or knew there were

hidden cameras in his downtown Minneapolis condo, including the bathroom, while a MN GOP

event had been held there.

55. Following the disclosure of Lazzaro’s indictment, on August 12 Brannon posted a 12-

part thread on her Twitter account disclosing portions of her previously unpublished

investigative report concerning Carnahan’s misconduct and Lazzaro’s ties with the MN GOP. In

this Twitter thread, Brannon implored the Executive Committee members of the MN GOP to

conduct a full financial record audit and to ask for Carnahan’s resignation.

56. Also on August 13, Brannon posted a 31-part thread on her Twitter account detailing

the alleged harassment and sexual assault within the MN GOP that she had sourced in her prior

investigative reporting, including Grant’s threats and participation in the silencing of harassment

victims. A true and correct copy of this Twitter thread as published is attached hereto as Exhibit


57. On the evening of August 13, Joe Dunham (“Dunham”), an attorney with the Taft

Stettinius & Hollister LLP law firm, called Brannon’s personal mobile phone number without

notice. Upon Brannon answering the phone, Dunham immediately stated that he represented

Grant and, without asking Brannon if she were represented by counsel, proceeded to proclaim

that Brannon’s tweets were “false, libelous and defamatory.” Dunham then stated that he

understood Alpha News had refused to publish Brannon’s story because it’s “a load of crap,” and

warned Brannon that if the story was not immediately taken down, “we will be taking

appropriate legal action against you.” In response, Brannon requested that Dunham put his

claims in writing so that she could share it with her lawyer, to which Dunham responded, “I’ll be

sending you a letter.”

58. No letter was ever received by Brannon from Dunham or any other lawyer

representing Grant.

59. Upon information and belief, on August 14, Perpich retweeted three of the individual

tweets from Brannon’s August 13 Twitter thread and added three comments of his own.

60. On information and belief, on August 14, the Executive Committee of MN GOP met

and approved a waiver of all NDA provisions for current and former MN GOP employees so that

they would be allowed to speak freely about the work environment at MN GOP.

61. On August 15, Brannon posted a 19-part thread on her Twitter account disclosing that

she had obtained recordings from multiple sources detailing the alleged questionable and

unethical behavior and toxicity of MN GOP under Carnahan. In this thread, Brannon included

details on alleged financial misappropriation by Carnahan which former MN GOP staffers had

previously shared with Brannon.

62. Also on August 15, Brannon posted an 18-part thread on her Twitter account that

included a statement released by the Minnesota College Republicans (“MCR”) confirming that a

young woman within MCR had been sexually harassed by a MN GOP employee and that

Carnahan was made aware of this incident yet failed to take action.

63. On August 18, four former Executive Directors of MN GOP, all of whom worked

directly for Carnahan in rapid succession between 2018 and 2021, released a joint statement

describing “the toxic environment, inappropriate behavior and manipulation that [Carnahan] has

facilitated.” Their joint statement added, “most disturbing of all, we now know by the multitude

of young women coming forward that Carnahan used her power to cover up allegations of sexual

harassment and abuse.”

64. On August 19, Andy Aplikowski (“Aplikowski”), one of the former Executive

Directors who issued the August 18 joint statement, released an additional statement confirming

that, due to the MN GOP Executive Committee’s recent waiver of his NDA, he could now

disclose that “Carnahan uses separation payments as a way of silencing staff as she shows them

his or her way out the door.” In his statement, Aplikowski attached the specific NDA provision

MN GOP forced on terminating employees (RPM = Republican Party of Minnesota):

65. On August 17, following the waiver of her NDA by MN GOP, Khang posted on

Facebook her report of Krier’s sexual assault and racial harassment of her while she worked at

MN GOP. Khang stated that on multiple occasions Krier “forced unsolicited hugs while pressing

my breasts against his chest,” and “put his hand on my upper butt/small of my back, and

routinely violated my personal space.” Khang, who is Asian American, also reported that Krier

made comments to her such as, “You look chinky today,” and, “Did you eat your dog yet?”

66. On August 19, Carnahan resigned as Chairwoman of the MN GOP.

67. On September 4, Brannon posted a 28-part thread on her Twitter account that

disclosed the internet video sites using the moniker “Tiny Teens” created by Lazzaro to

distribute his pornography, some of which was filmed in his downtown Minneapolis condo using

titles such as, “Summer Camp Teen Gets F***ed by Counselor.”

68. On information and belief, Perpich was served with the Complaint on August 26 in

Duluth, Minnesota.

69. On September 8 at 2:54pm, attorney Kathryn Babb of the Taft Stettinius & Hollister

LLP law firm emailed Howard Root, in his role as Brannon’s attorney, attaching the Summons

and Complaint and requesting waiver of service or acceptance of service. The requested waiver

was signed by Brannon later that evening and emailed back to Kathryn Babb the following

morning at 9:06 am.

D. Grant’s Public Relationship with MN GOP, Carnahan, Krier and Lazzaro

70. On his Instagram page and Twitter profile (which has almost 15,000 followers), Grant

touts himself as a “GOP Consultant” and “Republican Strategist” who appeared on WCCO-TV’s

Super Tuesday primary coverage:

71. Grant regularly has appeared on radio and audio podcasts, holding himself out to be a

leading political operative on Minnesota Republican issues, including on the popular Justice &

Drew morning show on Twin Cities talk radio station KTLK:

72. On information and belief, from December 2017 through February 2021, Grant was

first an associate and then a senior account executive with RightVoter, LLC, a campaign

consulting firm that provides campaign management services to Republican candidates in

Minnesota and throughout the country.

73. On information and belief, during 2020 Grant provided consulting services through

RightVoter, LLC to Lacy Johnson’s unsuccessful campaign for Minnesota’s Fifth Congressional

District. In doing so, Grant worked directly with Lazzaro, who served as Campaign Manager for

the Lacy Johnson campaign.

74. On information and belief, Grant was Campaign Manager for Carnahan’s successful

re-election campaign in 2019 for MN GOP chairperson. Following Carnahan’s re-election, Grant

congratulated her on the victory and commented that he was “proud to have managed” her


75. On October 2, 2020, MN GOP issued a press release announcing that Grant had been

retained by MN GOP in a consulting capacity as “one of the most well-respected up and coming

political operatives in our state.”

76. On information and belief, during late 2020, Grant served on a de facto basis as the

interim executive director of MN GOP, reporting directly to Carnahan, following the resignation

of MN GOP’s former Executive Director Becky Alery.

77. On information and belief, since February 2021, Grant has been employed as Vice

President of Strategy for Arsenal Media, a public relations and communications firm specializing

in conservative campaigns and causes. Through Arsenal Media, Grant works on a number of

Republican campaigns in Minnesota and elsewhere.

78. On information and belief, in June 2021, Krier was hired by Arsenal Media as Senior

Client Manager, a position that Krier stated would involve working “alongside GOP pros like


79. Grant has publicly acknowledged Krier as “a great friend” on social media posts, as

shown below:

80. Krier has publicly acknowledged Grant as “one of his best friends” on social media

posts, as shown below:

81. On information and belief, Krier has worked with Grant on the Mark McCloskey

2022 campaign for U.S. Senate in Missouri as shown below:

82. On information and belief, Grant and Krier ran Carnahan’s successful 2021 re-

election campaign for MN GOP chairperson. Following Carnahan’s re-election in 2021, Grant

and Krier were congratulated on Facebook for “an incredible job running” Carnahan’s campaign,

with Carnahan giving the Facebook post a thumbs’ up “like” response:

83. Grant and Krier have interacted with Lazzaro on social media, one example of which

is shown below:

84. Starting in October 2019, Carnahan and Lazzaro co-hosted a public podcast entitled

#TruthMatters “to talk everything going on with the Republican Party of Minnesota.” Six

episodes of the podcast were produced before it abruptly ended in January 2020. In episode #4,

which was posted on November 3, 2019, Grant was a guest brought on to the podcast to talk

about Minnesota politics.

85. Carnahan introduced Grant on the episode by saying, “Now we’ve got one of our

friends – friends with both of us – um, Billy Grant on the phone,” to which Lazzaro says,

“Awesome.” Carnahan then continues, “Well I’m here with – with Tony – Tony Lazzaro – so

he’s cohosting with me on this podcast. We know we’ve both worked with you.”

86. At the end of the interview, Grant says, “Skol Vikings,” and Lazzaro says, “Yeah,

he’s a huge fan.” The podcast episode summary is shown below:

87. Upon information and belief, Grant has attended several social and/or political

functions at Lazzaro’s luxury condo residence in the Ivy Hotel in downtown Minneapolis.

88. On August 14, 2021 (i.e., two days after Lazzaro’s arrest), Grant published a

statement regarding Lazzaro on both his Twitter and Facebook social media accounts, expressing

shock that “someone I thought I knew” was charged with such despicable conduct:

89. On August 14, 2021, Grant retweeted statements from two of the Minnesota

campaigns he manages – Doug Wardlow for Attorney General and Tyler Kistner for Congress in

Minnesota’s Second District – distancing those campaigns from Lazzaro:

E. Brannon’s Future Statements Regarding Grant and the MN GOP

90. Brannon wishes to continue to speak regarding these matters of public concern and,

accordingly, seeks a declaratory judgment that the statement attached as Exhibit 2 hereto is not


91. Because Grant has commenced this lawsuit against Brannon, and because Brannon

wishes to continue to speak with respect to this matter of public concern, a present and adverse

interest exists between the parties and a justiciable controversy has arisen from this dispute under

the Minnesota Declaratory Judgment Act, Minn. Stat. §555.01.


92. Brannon realleges each allegation of this Complaint as if fully set forth herein.

93. Grant has inserted himself into the public controversy with respect to the

statements attributed to Brannon.

94. Grant is a limited-purpose public figure with respect to the statements attributed

to Brannon.

95. The statements attributed to Brannon as the basis for this Complaint are true or

substantially true.

96. Grant has failed to allege actual malice.

97. The statements attributed to Brannon as the basis for Grant’s Complaint are

privileged because Grant is a limited-purpose public figure.

98. The statements attributed to Brannon as the basis for Grant’s Complaint are

related to a matter of substantial public interest and concern.

99. Brannon acted without malice in all of her conduct relating to the statements

attributed to Brannon as the basis for this Complaint.

100. Brannon did not make any false statements about Grant.

101. Brannon did not make any defamatory statements about Grant.


WHEREFORE, there being a present and adverse interest between the parties and a

justiciable controversy arising from this dispute, Brannon requests that the Court grant relief by

declaring the rights of the parties under the Minnesota Declaratory Judgment Act, Minn. Stat. §

555.01, et seq., and Brannon prays for a declaration and judgment against Grant as follows:

1. That Grant is a limited-purpose public figure with respect to the statements attributed

Brannon as the basis for this Complaint;

2. That the statements made by Brannon to date regarding Grant are true or substantially


3. That the statements made by Brannon about Grant are protected as commentary on a

matter of substantial public concern;

4. That Brannon has not made any statements about Grant with actual malice;

5. That Brannon has not defamed Grant;

6. That the statements attached hereto as Exhibit 2 are not defamatory to Grant;

7. That Grant has no valid claim against Brannon;

8. That such claims brought by Grant against Brannon shall be dismissed with prejudice;

9. That the Court award Brannon her costs and disbursements; and

10. That the Court grant such other and further relief as it deems fair, equitable, and in the

interests of justice.


Defendant/Counterclaim Plaintiff Rebecca Brannon (“Brannon”), for her Answer to

Plaintiff/Counterclaim Defendant William T. Grant’s (“Grant”) Complaint, denies each and

every allegation, matter or thing set forth in Grant’s Complaint, except as hereinafter specifically

admitted, qualified or otherwise addressed, and further responds as follows:

1. Brannon lacks information sufficient to form a belief as to the allegations of paragraph

1 of the Complaint and therefore denies the same.

2. Brannon lacks information sufficient to form a belief as to the allegations of paragraph

2 of the Complaint and therefore denies the same.

3. Brannon admits the allegations in paragraph 3 of the Complaint.

4. Brannon admits the allegations in paragraph 4 of the Complaint.

5. Brannon lacks information sufficient to form a belief as to the allegations of paragraph

5 of the Complaint and therefore denies the same.

6. Brannon lacks information sufficient to form a belief as to the allegations of paragraph

6 of the Complaint and therefore denies the same.

7. Brannon lacks information sufficient to form a belief as to the allegations of paragraph

7 of the Complaint and therefore denies the same.

8. Brannon lacks information sufficient to form a belief as to the allegations of paragraph

8 of the Complaint and therefore denies the same.

9. Brannon lacks information sufficient to form a belief as to the allegations of paragraph

9 of the Complaint and therefore denies the same.

10. Brannon lacks information sufficient to form a belief as to the allegations of

paragraph 10 of the Complaint and therefore denies the same.

11. Brannon lacks information sufficient to form a belief as to the allegations of

paragraph 11 of the Complaint and therefore denies the same.

12. Brannon admits the allegations in paragraph 12 of the Complaint.

13. Brannon admits the allegations in paragraph 13 of the Complaint.

14. Brannon denies the allegations in paragraph 14 of the Complaint.

15. Brannon admits that, on her Twitter feed, she has stated that she has “stepped away

from the inner circle of activism a few years [sic] to avoid further harassment from Carnahan

myself . . . .” Brannon denies that she has ever been a staff member of the MN GOP. Brannon

denies the remainder of the allegations in paragraph 15 of the Complaint.

16. Brannon admits that she is the sole owner of the Twitter account bearing the handle

@RebsBrannon. Brannon admits that she has “tweeted” over 3,500 tweets and has nearly 16,000

followers. Brannon denies that she holds any title or position with Alpha News. Brannon denies

the remainder of the allegations in paragraph 16 of the Complaint.

17. Brannon admits that she published the excerpts of tweets posted on the

@RebsBrannon Twitter account contained in paragraph 17 of the Complaint, with additional

context provided in the full tweets. Brannon denies the remainder of the allegations in paragraph

17 of the Complaint.

18. Brannon admits that portions of the tweets identify Grant. Brannon denies the

remainder of the allegations in paragraph 18 of the Complaint.

19. Paragraph 19 is not directed at Brannon and no response is required. To the extent a

response is required, Brannon lacks information sufficient to form a belief as to the allegations of

paragraph 19 of the Complaint and therefore denies the same.

20. Paragraph 20 is not directed at Brannon and no response is required. To the extent a

response is required, Brannon lacks information sufficient to form a belief as to the allegations of

paragraph 20 of the Complaint and therefore denies the same.

21. Paragraph 21 is not directed at Brannon and no response is required. To the extent a

response is required, Brannon lacks information sufficient to form a belief as to the allegations of

paragraph 21 of the Complaint and therefore denies the same.

22. Paragraph 22 is not directed at Brannon and no response is required. To the extent a

response is required, Brannon lacks information sufficient to form a belief as to the allegations of

paragraph 22 of the Complaint and therefore denies the same.

23. Paragraph 23 is not directed at Brannon and no response is required. To the extent a

response is required, Brannon lacks information sufficient to form a belief as to the allegations of

paragraph 23 of the Complaint and therefore denies the same.

24. Brannon denies that she has made false statements about Grant. Brannon lacks

information sufficient to form a belief as to the remaining allegations of paragraph 24 and

therefore denies the same.

25. Brannon denies that she has made false statements about Grant. Brannon lacks

information sufficient to form a belief as to the remaining allegations of paragraph 25 and

therefore denies the same.

26. Brannon lacks information sufficient to form a belief as to the allegations of

paragraph 11 of the Complaint and therefore denies the same.

27. Brannon admits that on Twitter a person wrote those words in response to one of

Perpich’s tweets. Brannon lacks information sufficient to form a belief as to the remainder of the

allegations of paragraph 27 of the Complaint and therefore denies the same.

28. Brannon lacks information sufficient to form a belief as to the allegations of

paragraph 28 of the Complaint and therefore denies the same.

29. Brannon lacks information sufficient to form a belief as to the allegations of

paragraph 29 of the Complaint and therefore denies the same.

30. Brannon lacks information sufficient to form a belief as to the allegations of

paragraph 30 of the Complaint and therefore denies the same.

31. Brannon lacks information sufficient to form a belief as to the allegations of

paragraph 31 of the Complaint and therefore denies the same.

32. Brannon lacks information sufficient to form a belief as to the allegations of

paragraph 32 of the Complaint and therefore denies the same.

33. Brannon lacks information sufficient to form a belief as to the allegations of

paragraph 33 of the Complaint and therefore denies the same.

34. Brannon lacks information sufficient to form a belief as to the allegations of

paragraph 34 of the Complaint and therefore denies the same.

35. Brannon denies having made false and defamatory accusations against Grant.

Brannon lacks information sufficient to form a belief as to the remainder of the allegations of

paragraph 35 of the Complaint and therefore denies the same.

36. Brannon denies the allegations contained in paragraph 36.

37. Brannon denies the allegations contained in paragraph 36.

38. Brannon denies the allegations contained in paragraph 36.


39. Brannon repeats and incorporates by reference her Counterclaim and her responses to

paragraphs 1 through 38 to the Complaint as though fully set forth herein.

40. To the extent Paragraph 40 of the Complaint is not directed at Brannon, no response

is required. Brannon denies the allegations contained in paragraph 40 of the Complaint.

41. To the extent Paragraph 41 of the Complaint is not directed at Brannon, no response

is required. Brannon denies the allegations contained in paragraph 41 of the Complaint.

42. To the extent Paragraph 42 of the Complaint is not directed at Brannon, no response

is required. Brannon denies the allegations contained in paragraph 42 of the Complaint.

43. To the extent Paragraph 43 of the Complaint is not directed at Brannon, no response

is required. Brannon denies the allegations contained in paragraph 43 of the Complaint.

44. To the extent Paragraph 44 of the Complaint is not directed at Brannon, no response

is required. Brannon denies the allegations contained in paragraph 44 of the Complaint.


45. Brannon repeats and incorporates by reference her Counterclaim and her responses to

paragraphs 1 through 44 to the Complaint as though fully set forth herein.

46. To the extent Paragraph 46 of the Complaint is not directed at Brannon, no response

is required. Brannon denies the allegations contained in paragraph 46 of the Complaint.

47. To the extent Paragraph 47 of the Complaint is not directed at Brannon, no response

is required. Brannon denies the allegations contained in paragraph 47 of the Complaint.

48. To the extent Paragraph 48 of the Complaint is not directed at Brannon, no response

is required. Brannon denies the allegations contained in paragraph 48 of the Complaint.

49. To the extent Paragraph 49 of the Complaint is not directed at Brannon, no response

is required. Brannon denies the allegations contained in paragraph 49 of the Complaint.


50. Brannon repeats and incorporates by reference her Counterclaim and her responses to

paragraphs 1 through 49 to the Complaint as though fully set forth herein.

51. To the extent Paragraph 51 of the Complaint is not directed at Brannon, no response

is required. Brannon denies the allegations contained in paragraph 51 of the Complaint.

52. To the extent Paragraph 52 of the Complaint is not directed at Brannon, no response

is required. Brannon denies the allegations contained in paragraph 52 of the Complaint.

53. To the extent Paragraph 53 of the Complaint is not directed at Brannon, no response

is required. Brannon denies the allegations contained in paragraph 53 of the Complaint.

54. To the extent Paragraph 54 of the Complaint is not directed at Brannon, no response

is required. Brannon denies the allegations contained in paragraph 54 of the Complaint.


55. Brannon repeats and incorporates by reference her Counterclaim and her responses to

paragraphs 1 through 54 to the Complaint as though fully set forth herein.

56. To the extent Paragraph 56 of the Complaint is not directed at Brannon, no response

is required. Brannon denies the allegations contained in paragraph 56 of the Complaint.

57. To the extent Paragraph 57 of the Complaint is not directed at Brannon, no response

is required. Brannon denies the allegations contained in paragraph 57 of the Complaint.

58. To the extent Paragraph 58 of the Complaint is not directed at Brannon, no response

is required. Brannon denies the allegations contained in paragraph 58 of the Complaint.

59. To the extent Paragraph 59 of the Complaint is not directed at Brannon, no response

is required. Brannon denies the allegations contained in paragraph 59 of the Complaint.

60. Brannon hereby demands a trial by jury on all counts so triable.


61. Brannon expressly and specifically reserves the right to amend this Answer to add,

delete or modify affirmative defenses based on legal theories, facts and circumstances which

may or will be developed and to allege any other affirmative defenses contained in Rule 8.03 of

the Minnesota Rules of Civil Procedure as necessary as discovery proceeds in this matter. The

affirmative defenses are alleged herein in an abundance of caution to preserve defenses; Brannon

affirmatively states that she maintains that the majority of the affirmative defenses alleged below

comprise elements of claims upon which Grant, and not Brannon, bears the burden of proof.


Grant’s Complaint fails to state a claim upon which relief may be granted, and to which

judgment on the pleadings should be granted.


The statements attributed to Brannon as the basis for this Complaint are true or

substantially true and Grant cannot carry his burden of proving that the statements are false.


Grant’s claims are barred by his failure to allege and prove malice, including actual



At all times relevant to the Complaint, grant was a limited-purpose public figure and the

statements attributed to Brannon were accordingly privileged. Thus, Grant’s claims are barred by

his failure to allege and prove malice, including actual malice.


The statements attributed to Brannon as the basis for this Complaint related to a matter of

substantial public interest and concern.


Brannon acted without malice, in both the Constitutional sense and the common law

sense, in all of her conduct relating to the statements attributed to Brannon as the basis for this



Brannon acted without the requisite scienter, in both the Constitutional sense and the

common law sense, in all of her conduct relating to the statements attributed to Brannon as the

basis for this Complaint.


Brannon acted without fault as required by the United States Constitution in all of her

conduct relating to the statements attributed to Brannon as the basis for this Complaint.


Grant’s claims are barred, in whole or in part, by the First and Fourteenth Amendments to

the United States Constitution and applicable law.


Grant’s claims are barred, in whole or in part, by the Minnesota Constitution and

applicable law.


The statements attributed to Brannon as the basis for this Complaint are statements of

opinion, not fact, and are therefore not actionable.


Grant has not sustained any actual injury by reason of the statements attributed to

Brannon as the basis for this Complaint.


Brannon’s conduct was not the proximate cause of any injury to Grant.


Grant’s alleged damages, if any, are the result of his own conduct or the conduct of others

beyond Brannon’s control and for whom Brannon is not legally responsible.


Grant’s claims are barred in whole or in part because he failed to allege special damages

with specificity as required by Minn. R. Civ. P. 9.07.


Grant’s claims are barred because the statements allegedly made by Brannon were made

without malicious intent, on proper occasion, with a proper motive, and based upon reasonable

grounds and/or probable cause.


Grant has failed to mitigate his damages as required by law.


Grant’s claims are barred, in whole or in part, by the equitable doctrines of, inter alia,

unclean hands, waiver, laches, estoppel and assumption of risk.

WHEREFORE, Brannon requests that the Court enter judgment in her favor and against

Grant, award Brannon her costs, and grant to Brannon such other and further relief as the Court

may deem just.

Date: October 4, 2021 By: /s/ Howard Root

Howard Root (#0169523)

North Star Legal Foundation, P.C.

25 Fairhope Avenue
Tonka Bay, MN 55331
Phone: 612-327-7976


Michele R. Wallace (#262304)

Michele R. Wallace, PA
2585 Hamline Ave. N, #A
Roseville, MN 55113
(612) 281-8804

Attorneys for Defendant/Counterclaim Plaintiff

Rebecca Brannon


The undersigned hereby acknowledges that, pursuant to Minn. Stat. §549.211, subd. 2,

costs, disbursements, and reasonable attorney and witness fees may be awarded to the opposing

party or parties in this litigation if the Court should find that the undersigned acted in bad faith,

asserted a claim or defense that is frivolous and that is costly to the other party, asserted an

unfounded position solely to delay the ordinary course of the proceedings or to harass, or

committed a fraud upon the Court.

Date: October 4, 2021 By: /s/ Howard Root

Howard Root (#0169523)

North Star Legal Foundation, P.C.

25 Fairhope Avenue
Tonka Bay, MN 55331
Phone: 612-327-7976


Michele R. Wallace (#262304)

Michele R. Wallace, PA
2585 Hamline Ave. N, #A
Roseville, MN 55113
(612) 281-8804



Statement of Rebecca Brannon

Billy Grant and Jennifer Carnahan worked closely together on many matters at MN GOP over the
years, including Grant managing Carnahan’s campaign for reelection as Chairwoman in 2019. By working
closely with Carnahan, Grant not only knew that she ruled MN GOP with abusive rants and widespread
harassment; he furthered that toxic culture by making threats and intimidating victims into silence.

Grant acted as Carnahan’s enforcer by threatening several employees into signing non-
disparagement agreements (NDA’s) as they left employment at MN GOP. These NDA’s prevented former
employees from making any comments that would be critical or tend to injure the reputation of
Carnahan. To coerce these primarily young women into signing an NDA, Grant threatened to damage
their future careers and used his physically imposing size to scare the employees with mafia-style

These NDA’s were used to silence victims of sexual harassment and sexual assault, and thereby
conceal the abuse of young women employees of MN GOP. Spencer Krier is one of Grant’s close friends,
and Krier has worked with Grant on campaigns and other political activity. Krier has been credibly
accused of sexual assault and racial harassment by at least one young female employee of MN GOP, but
no action was ever taken against Krier. Grant helped perpetrate the silence of Krier’s victim through his
enforcement of NDA’s and his own threats to the victim’s career.

Grant also was friends with Tony Lazzaro. They worked together on Lacy Johnson’s campaign for
Congress in 2020, with Lazzaro being the Campaign Manager and Grant being a campaign consultant
and strategist. They discussed Vikings football and other social topics openly on Facebook and Twitter.
And on a podcast that Grant appeared on, Carnahan publicly stated the three of them (that is, Carnahan,
Lazarro, and Grant) were “friends.”

It is reprehensible that Grant engaged in mafia-style tactics to enforce silence at MN GOP

concerning widespread harassment and sexual assaults. It also is reprehensible that Grant kept company
with abusers and refused to speak up for victims. Billy Grant hasn’t been defamed because of my
tweets: instead, he is suffering consequences because of his own misconduct.


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