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ISSN (E): 2349 – 1183

ISSN (P): 2349 – 9265

3(2): 263–271, 2016

Research article

Phytosociological assessment & distribution patterns of tree species

in the forests of Doon Valley, Shivalik hills of lower Himalaya
Mohommad Shahid* and Shambhu Prasad Joshi
Ecology Research Laboratory, Department of Botany, D.A-V. (P.G.) College, Dehra Dun, Uttarakhand, India
*Corresponding Author: [Accepted: 18 June 2016]

Abstract: Study was conducted in the three forest ranges (Barkot, Lachchiwala and Thano) of
Dehra Dun forest division, Doon Valley, Uttarakhand, India. Phytosociological studies of the sites
were conducted for tree species. Fifty quadrats of 10 × 10 m2 size were laid on each site for
studying the trees composition and structure. Diversity Indices were calculated for each site.
Species richness ranged between six species in Thano to 15 species in Barkot. Two Way Indicator
Species Analysis was performed and classified tree layer into eight groups depending on the eigen
Keywords: Dominance - Diversity - TWINSPAN - Classification.

[Cite as: Shahid M & Joshi SP (2016) Phytosociological assessment and distribution patterns of tree species in
the forests of Doon Valley, Shivalik hills of lower Himalaya. Tropical Plant Research 3(2): 263–271]

Vegetation is an essential part of the ecosystem that interprets the effects of the total environment (Billings
1952). Vegetation complex fluctuates from one season to another season in a cyclic manner over the years in a
successional way and the fluctuations suggest a response by each species population to prevailing heat, moisture
and light as modified by the vegetation itself (Heady 1958). The development and deterioration of plant species
alters the pattern of the species distribution in community (Watt1964). Vegetation emphasis on study of
composition, development, geographic distribution and environmental relationships of plant communities
(Legendre & Fortin 1989, Kolasa & Rollo 1991).
Plants growing together have mutual relationship among themselves and with the environment (Mishra et al.
1997). These interactions among different plants and between plants and their environment result in the outcome
of different vegetation types in different areas. The quantitative relationship between rare and profusely growing
species is a significant structural property of a community. Phytosociological analysis of a plant community is
the first and foremost basis of the ecological study of any piece of vegetation and this study is important to
understand the functioning of any community. Oosting (1956) suggested the importance of phytosociological
parameters for spatial problems in sociological behaviour of plants.
The Sal (Shorea robusta) forests of Doon Valley are one of the most frequently studied vegetation tracts.
The wooded communities have been described in detail, and studies on Sal regeneration are the standards in the
ecological and forestry literature of India (Champion 1923, Bhatnagar 1960, Champion & Seth 1968). The
ground layer has also received attention (Rajvanshi et al. 1983). The Doon Valley forests are however
increasingly noted for their wildlife values and ecological and forestry studies.
Urbanization, a new sign of prosperity, and decrease in forest cover are altering the temperature and
reducing the rainfall of Doon Valley (Negi & Chauhan 2002). The anthropogenic disturbances have created
wide openings reducing the soil moisture of the forest floor and the Sal regeneration. Doon Valley is
experiencing the wide range of anthropogenic disturbances like cattle grazing, fuel and fodder collection,
increase in the population near the villages of the study sites. In recent years, after the inception of Uttarakhand
in year 2000, Dehra Dun city (Doon Valley) is expanding exponentially. Other sources of disturbances in this
region are the National Highway connecting Dehra Dun and the holy cities of Haridwar and Rishikesh, forest
fires, collection of fodder and fuelwood, grazing of cattle, etc. The climate changes in the valley have forced the
locals to go for cooler places like Lachchiwala, putting extra pressures on the nearby forest. All these 263
Received: 19 February 2016 Published online: 30 June 2016
Shahid & Joshi (2016) 3(2): 263–271
perturbations have put impact on the dominance and diversity of the forests of Doon Valley. Therefore, the
study is an attempt to address the following issues: (1) the current status of different plant species in the Doon
Valley; (2) the frequency, distribution patterns, and abundance of tree species in the valley.


Study Site
The Doon valley is situated in the Siwalik Himalayas, between latitudes 2955’ to 3030’ N and 7735’ to
7824’ E. It is saucer-shaped and ca. 20 km wide & 80 km long valley with 2100 km2 geographical area (Fig.
1). In east the area is bounded by river Ganga and in West by river Yamuna. Mussoorie hills formed its northern
boundary whereas the Shiwalik Mountains formed the southern boundary of the valley. The climate of the area
is sub-tropical; the average maximum and minimum temperatures are 27.65ºC and 13.8ºC, respectively, and the
average rainfall is 202.54 cm. The soils are developed on the deep alluvial deposits with the parent material
derived from the Doon Alluvium. In these studied subtropical deciduous forests, dominant species is Shorea
robusta (Sal), with associates such as Anogeissus latifolia, Terminalia tomentosa, Adina cordifolia,Terminalia
bellirica etc.

Figure 1. Location of Study Sites.

The study was conducted in Barkot forest range, Lachchiwala forest range and Thano forest range of Dehra
Dun forest division in Doon Valley. Forests of Doon Valley were thoroughly surveyed for its topography,
microclimate and biotic stress conditions. Phytosociological studies of the selected sites were conducted once in
the year 2010–11. The vegetation was analysed by means of random sampling to give most representative
composition of vegetation. Fifty quadrats of 10 × 10 m2 size were laid on each site for studying the trees
composition. In each tree quadrat cbh (circumference at breast height i.e., at 1.37 m above ground level) of each
tree (>10 cm cbh) was measured. Vegetation composition was evaluated by analyzing the frequency, density,
abundance and importance value index (IVI) according to Curtis & McIntosh (1951) and Mishra (1968) and as
given below: 264
Shahid & Joshi (2016) 3(2): 263–271

( )

( )

( )

Importance Value Index (IVI) = Relative Frequency + Relative Density + Relative Dominance

Diversity Indices and Evenness

The Shannon and Wiener diversity index (H) was calculated using the formula (Shannon &Wiener 1963)
H = –  pi ln pi
i 1
where, s = the number of species, pi = the proportion of individuals or abundance of the ith
species expressed as a proportion of total cover, ln = log base n
Alpha diversity () is within area diversity, measured as the number of species occurring within an area of
given size (Huston 1994). It is therefore a measure of richness of a potentially interactive assemblage of species.
Beta diversity () was introduced by Whittaker (1960) to designate the degree of species change along a
given habitat as such it is a measure of between area diversity. It indicates rate of proportion and is normally
represented in terms of similarity index or of a species turnover rate.
where, Sc is the total number of species encountered in all communities and S is the average
number of species per community.
Concentration of dominance (Cd) was measured by Simpson’s index (Simpson 1949)on the basis of their
Cd = (p )
i 1

where, pi is the proportion of ith species and s is the number of individuals of all the species.
Equitability or Evenness was calculated by as given by Pielou (1969).

H'  p ln pi i
Equitability (J) =  i 1
H'max ln s
where, s = the number of species, pi = the proportion of individuals or abundance of the ith
species expressed as a proportion of total cover, ln = log base n.
Dominance-Diversity Curves (D – D curves)
Dominance-Diversity curves exhibit the community organization in terms of resource share (Saxena &
Singh 1982, Pande et al. 2001). The logarithm values of IVI of the species have been ordinated against the
species sequence to draw D-D curves (Dominance-Diversity curves) for different studied sites to interpret the
community organization in terms of resource share and niche-space. 265
Shahid & Joshi (2016) 3(2): 263–271
In the present study, TWINSPAN ordination, an indirect ordination was done. The classification of species
was done according to their ecological preferences. The classifications were used together to obtain an ordered
two-way table that expresses the synecological relations of species as succinctly as possible. TWISNPAN for
Windows Version 2.3 (Hill & Smilauer 2005) was used for the analysis.

Dominance (Importance Value Index) of trees at Barkot range
Shorea robusta was the dominant species in the Barkot range, with the IVI value 141.32. The Co-dominant
species are Mallotus philippensis and Ehretia laevis with IVI value 33.53 and 31.68 respectively. A total of 15
species are recorded from the Barkot range. 20% frequency was reported by the three species viz. Bauhinia
variegata, Syzygium cumini and Cassia fistula. 30% frequency was recorded for the only one species Adina
cordifolia. The minimum IVI value (3.60) was reported for the Casearia tomentosa. 10% frequency was
observed by the eight species. Shorea robusta has the 47% share in the forest of the Barkot range. Density of 15
trees 100 m-2 was recorded in the Barkot range (Table 1).
Table 1. Distribution analysis of tree species in Barkot range.
Species F D A A/F IVI
Shorea robusta Roxb. ex Gaertner f. 100 9.0 9.00 0.09 141.32
Mallotus philippensis (Lam.) Muell.-Arg 60 2.1 3.50 0.06 33.53
Ehretia laevis Roxb 70 1.8 2.57 0.04 31.68
Terminalia bellirica (Gaertner) Roxb. 10 0.2 2.00 0.20 14.40
Adina cordifolia (Roxb.) Hook.f. ex Brandis 30 0.4 1.33 0.04 11.56
Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels 20 0.4 2.00 0.10 10.21
Cassia fistula L. 20 0.2 1.00 0.05 9.48
Ougeinia oojeinensis (Roxb.) Hochre. 10 0.1 1.00 0.10 9.04
Bauhinia variegate L. 20 0.2 1.00 0.05 8.34
Miliusa velutina (Dunal) Hook.f. & Thom 10 0.1 1.00 0.10 6.52
Terminalia alata Heyne 10 0.1 1.00 0.10 6.10
Anogeissus latifolia Wall. 10 0.1 1.00 0.10 5.35
Ficus benghalensis L. 10 0.1 1.00 0.10 4.56
Litsea glutinosa (Lour.) Robinson 10 0.1 1.00 0.10 4.30
Casearia tomentosa Roxb. 10 0.1 1.00 0.10 3.60
Note: F= Frequency (%), D=Density (tree 100m-2), A=Abundance, IVI= Importance Value Index.
Dominance (Importance Value Index) of trees at Lachchiwala range
The maximum IVI (126.36) was for the Shorea robusta. Mallotus philippensis and Syzygium cumini has the
IVI value of 33.28 and 29.84 respectively. 100% Frequency was recorded for the Shorea robusta. 10 %
Frequency was observed for the seven species. Terminalia alata, Adina cordifolia and Anogeissus latifolia had
the frequency of 20% in the Lachchiwala range. A Density of 11.70 tree 100m-2 was recorded in the
Lachchiwala range. The A/F ratio was in the range from 0.04 for the Mallotus philippensis to 0.20 for Miliusa
velutina. The minimum IVI Value (4.02) was recorded for the Caseaseria tomentosa (Table 2).
Table 2. Distribution analysis of tree species in Lachchiwala range.
Species F D A A/F IVI
Shorea robusta Roxb. ex Gaertner f. 100 6.5 6.50 0.07 126.36
Mallotus philippensis (Lam.) Muell.-Arg 60 1.6 2.67 0.04 33.28
Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels 40 1.4 3.50 0.09 29.84
Terminalia bellirica (Gaertner) Roxb. 20 0.2 1.00 0.05 28.51
Ehretia laevis Roxb 30 0.8 2.67 0.09 17.18
Adina cordifolia (Roxb.) Hook.f. ex Brandis 20 0.2 1.00 0.05 9.63
Anogeissus latifolia Wall. 20 0.2 1.00 0.05 9.28
Miliusa velutina (Dunal) Hook.f. & Thomson 10 0.2 2.00 0.20 9.01
Cordia dichotoma G.Forst 10 0.1 1.00 0.10 7.67
Terminalia alata Heyne 10 0.1 1.00 0.10 7.67
Bauhinia variegate L. 10 0.1 1.00 0.10 6.57
Cassia fistula L. 10 0.1 1.00 0.10 6.57
Flacourtia indica (Burm.f.) Merrill 10 0.1 1.00 0.10 4.42
Caseaseria tomentosa Roxb. 10 0.1 1.00 0.10 4.02
Note: F= Frequency (%), D=Density (tree 100m-2), A=Abundance, IVI= Importance Value Index 266
Shahid & Joshi (2016) 3(2): 263–271
Dominance (Importance Value Index) of trees at Thano range
The Shorea robusta has the maximum IVI (187) in the Thano range. The Mallotus philippensis and
Syzygium cumini had the IVI value 38.97 and 25.36 respectively. A total of six species are recorded in the
Thano range. The maximum share was by the Shorea robusta. 20 % Frequency was recorded for the three
species viz. Syzygium cumini, Tectona grandis and Terminalia alata. The A/F ratio was in the range of 0.04 to
0.36. The minimum IVI Value (15.69) was of the Terminalia alata (Table 3).
Table 3. Distribution Analysis of Tree species in Thano range.
Species F D A A/F IVI
Shorea robusta Roxb. ex Gaertner f. 100 10.7 10.70 0.11 187.00
Mallotus philippensis (Lam.) Muell.- Arg. 50 1.4 2.80 0.06 38.97
Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels 20 0.2 1.00 0.05 25.36
Ehretia laevis Roxb 30 0.4 1.33 0.04 17.28
Tectona grandis L. f. 20 0.2 1.00 0.05 15.71
Terminalia alata (Gaertner) Roxb. 20 0.2 1.00 0.05 15.69
Note: F= Frequency (%), D=Density (tree 100m-2), A=Abundance, IVI= Importance Value Index.
Diversity Measurements
α-diversity (Species Richness) was the maximum 15 from the Barkot range. Lachchiwala and Thano ranges
have reported the α-diversity (Species Richness) 14 and 06 respectively. (β) Beta Diversity 5.83 was recorded
from Thano range. The highest Concentration of Dominance (Cd) (0.4213) was recorded from the Thano range
while the lowest Concentration of Dominance (Cd) (0.2175) was recorded from the Lachchiwala range. The
Barkot range has 0.255 Concentration of Dominance (Cd). The highest H’ (2.023) was recorded in the
Lachchiwala range while the lowest H’ (1.242) was recorded in Thano range. 2.023 H’ was recorded from
Lachchiwala range. The maximum value of Evenness (J) (0.577) was recorded in the Thano range while the
minimum (0.4683) was recorded in the Barkot range (Table 4).
Table 4. Diversity index of trees at various study sites.
Indices Barkot range Lachchiwala range Thano range
Richness (α) 15 14 06
Diversity (β) 2.33 2.50 5.83
Dominance (Cd) 0.255 0.2175 0.4213
Shannon(H’) 1.949 2.023 1.242
Evenness (J) 0.4683 0.5401 0.577
Dominance-Diversity (D-D) Curve

Figure 2. Dominance-Diversity curve of the tree species at various study sites. (BR- Barkot range, LR-
Lachchiwala range, TR- Thano range)
Importance values of plants were plotted against the species sequence to draw the Dominance-Diversity
curves (D-D curves) and interpret the community organization in terms of resource share and niche-space. A D-
D curve for the tree layer is shown in figure 2. In the present study, all the sites represented either geometric or
log normal distributions. Log normal series indicative of the highly mixed nature of vegetation. The geometric
form is often shown by vascular plants having lower density (Whittaker 1975). 267
Shahid & Joshi (2016) 3(2): 263–271
TWINSPAN- (Two-way Indicator Species Analysis)
Species Classification: A total of 18 tree species were analysed with TWINSPAN. Division number 1 classified
the 18 species with an Eigen Value 0.364 into 12 species in the Left Hand side and 06 species in the Right Hand
Side (RHS). A total of eight groups are formed after the classification with the TWINSPAN (Fig. 3).

Figure 3. Classification of Tree Species on the basis of TWISNPAN.

Group III is the largest groups with five tree species Anogeissus latifolia, Bauhinia variegata, Caseaseria
tomentosa, Cassia fistula, Miliusa velutina. One species each is present in the four groups (Group II, V, VII and
VIII). Group I is having the three species namely Ficus benghalensis, Litsea glutinosa, Ougeinia oojeinensis.
Shorea robusta along with Ehretia laevis, Mallotus philippensis and Syzygium cumini forms the group VI. Two
species Cordia dichotoma, Flacourtia indica are present in the Group IV (Table 5).
Table 5. Clustering of Tree species at various study sites.
Group No. of Species Name of Species
I 03 Ficus benghalensis, Litsea glutinosa, Ougeinia oojeinensis
II 01 Adina cordifolia
III 05 Anogeissus latifolia, Bauhinia variegata, Caseaseria tomentosa, Cassia
fistula, Miliusa velutina
IV 02 Cordia dichotoma, Flacourtia indica
V 01 Terminalia alata
VI 04 Ehretia laevis, Mallotus philippensis, Shorea robusta, Syzygium cumini
VII 01 Terminalia bellirica
VIII 01 Tectona grandis

The mosaics of species distribution in any forest are governed by various environmental factors (Bajpai et al.
2012). Bliss (1963), Douglas & Bliss (1977) and Billings (1973) have reported that vegetation of any place is
the outcome interaction of many factors like meso-topographic gradients, the elevation, soil, species
composition and biotic interferences. It is also reported that the regional patterns of species richness are
consequences of many interacting factors, such as plant productivity, competition, geographical area, historical
or evolutionary development, regional species dynamics, regional species pool, environmental variables and
human activity (Woodward 1988, Palmer 1991, Eriksson 1996, Zobel 1997, Criddle et al. 2003). The values of
vegetation parameters obtained for most of the sites in the present study fall within a comparable range of values
reported for Western Himalaya (Kala & Uniyal 1999).
The site is a natural Sal forest and lopping of these trees for fuel and fodder, along with extraction of
medicinal (Zingiber roseum) and ethanobotanical (Pterospermum acerifolium, Calamus tenuis etc.) plants are
the major disturbances prevailing in the region. In addition to this, in the recent years, over mature Sal, and
those infested by Hoplocerambyx spinicornis (Sal borers) were also removed by the forest department. All these
disturbances have resulted in large canopy gaps and tampering of forest soils, which has made the forest floor
vulnerable to runoff during rains. With the runoff of the top soil all the nutrients are washed away and the soil
becomes oligotrophic. Evergreen species are better adapted to oligotrophic soils as they can amortilize the
nutrients over a longer period of time (Grime 1973) with their greater tissue longevity (Hireman et al. 2002) and
greater nutrient storage and recycling. Dominance of perennial grasses shows their competitive success under 268
Shahid & Joshi (2016) 3(2): 263–271
stress conditions (Pandey &Singh 1987) as they have extremely large and complex root systems, which enables
them to collect water and essential nutrients over a wide area.
The presence of some opportunistic species such as Eupatorium adenophorum in forest are taking advantage
of canopy opening on the one hand and changing environmental conditions from mesic to xeric on the other
hand. Distribution pattern analysis shows species dispersion across a span of time at any given site. The pattern
of distribution depend both on physico-chemical natures of the environment as well as on the biological
peculiarities of the organisms themselves. Among the sites, under present study, an overview of distribution
patterns (A/F ratio) for tree layer shows that contiguous pattern was the most common followed by random
pattern. Odum (1971) contiguous distribution is common in nature and formed due to small but significant
variation in the ambient environmental conditions. Contiguous distribution of varying degree has been observed
in tropical forests of India (Shanmughavel 1994). Similar findings have also been reported by Kumar et al.
(2004) for tropical forest of Garhwal Himalaya. Variation in distribution pattern among sites and vegetation
composition are associated with micro-environmental and biotic factors (Singhal & Soni 1989).
Importance value of Sal in tree layer ranged between 123.36 and 187.00, which is well within the limits of
earlier studies (Rawat & Bhainsora 1999). Dominance of Sal depends upon the age, available resources,
associate species, disturbance regime and successional changes. The Site (Thano range) in which the IVI
exceeds more than 150.00 can be predicted that the Sal forest is progressing towards the climax stage, where as
in other two sites (Barkot and Lachchiwala ranges), having IVI values are ranging between 100.00 and 150.00
denotes that these sites were under heavy disturbances.
The value of Concentration (Cd) for Tree species ranges between 0.2175 and 0.4213. The values of species
diversity (H') reported in the present study are towards higher side, this may be due to the anthropogenic
disturbances prevailing in these sites, which can increase species diversity by lowering the dominance of a few
species, which make resources available to early successional species and by increasing environmental
heterogeneity provides a basis for specialization and resource partitioning (Grubb 1977, Denslow 1980).
In tropical forests, values of species diversity (H’) are generally high, between 5.06 and 5.40 (Knight
1975)as compared to Indian forests, between 0.00 and 4.21 (Agni et al. 2000). The value of H’ reported in the
present study are well within these limits. Species richness of species in Sal forests of Doon valley is generally
low. This may be ascribed to false management practices adopted during the British rule to get the monoculture
of Sal trees by the removal of ‘Kokats’. Huge demand for wood during the two World Wars was catered to from
Sal forests of the valley. In the recent years, wide canopy openings have resulted due to various anthropogenic
reasons and infestation of Hoplocerambyx spinicornis. These canopy gaps have proven to be fruitful for the
invasion of large number of opportunistic plants.
Sal forests of Doon Valley are characteristically homogenous in distribution due to various silvicultural
operations carried out in the past, but the values of Cd in the present study are much less than the previous study
(Chauhan et al. 2001). This concludes the moving of Sal forests of the valley towards heterogeneity and may be
because of various disturbances prevailing in these forests viz. collection of fodder and fuel wood, grazing of
cattle, tremendous increase in the population of the Doon Valley after becoming the Capital of the State
Uttarakhand. The urbanization along the periphery of the forest has the great impacts on the forest structure. β-
diversity for Trees varies from 2.33 to 5.83 in the Barkot and Thano respectively. Importance values of trees
were plotted against the species sequence to draw the Dominance-Diversity curves (D-D) curves and interpret
the community organization in terms of resource share and niche-space. D-D curves for tree species showed the
log series and log normal distributions for Barkot, Thano and Lachchiwala ranges respectively. The log series
distribution indicates that moderately common species reflect most closely the nature of environment and
fluctuate violently from time to time than the most abundant species. On the other hand, log normal distribution
gives the best distribution of species – abundant pattern (Preston 1948). The assumption being that individuals
were distributed between species in accordance with Normal or Gaussian distribution and population growth is
Geometric (William 1964).
The 18 Trees species are classified into VIII groups by the TWINSPAN. Shorea robusta, the main species of
the Doon Valley is associated with the Ehretia laevis, Mallotus philippensis, and Syzygium cumini in the Group
VI. The dichotomies are primarily based on the eigen values depicting overlapping of species in different sites.
These results indicate the relationship among sites and among species on the basis of TWINSPAN and these
relationships ranked the sites and species in the vegetation accordingly. 269
Shahid & Joshi (2016) 3(2): 263–271
It can be concluded that species diversity is being regulated by factors like community stability and
evolutionary time as heterogeneity of both micro and macro environment affects the diversification among
different communities. Amongst major factors that influenced vegetation structure are human disturbance,
extensive grazing, trampling, invasion of opportunistic species and soil erosion. Human disturbance, extensive
grazing has resulted in the formation of highly fragmented vegetation type, which in turn has critical impact on
community structure.

We are thankful to Principal and Head, Botany Department, DAV (PG) College for providing the necessary
facilities for giving permission to do research.

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