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Gauge Unxing Method Applied on the Massive Maxwell-Carroll-Field-Jackiw Model

C. N. da Costa, J. A. Neto, P. R. F. Alves*

Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora - UFJF
E. M. C. Abreu
Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro

1 Introdução where The electromagnetic eld tensor, Fµν is invariant gauge, and elds Ai ,π0 ,
πi , are not modied. The new lagrangian density can be written as follows
The massive Caroll-Field-Jackiw model is a system constitued by the com-
n o ∂ G̃ n o ∂ G̃ n o ∂ G̃
F̃ , T̃ ≡ õ , T̃ + π̃µ , T̃ . (10) T1  0kij
bination of C.J.F. theory with the Proca eletrodynamics. The CFJ term ∂ F̃ ∂ A˜µ ∂ π˜µ L = L CF JP +  Vk Fij − µ2 A0 + T1 .

µ 2
is responsable for the Lorentz invariance violation (L.I.V.), because of the
Consequently, we can obtain a gauge invariant function from the replace-
backgroud Vµ .This backgroud is a possible reponsable for the fenomena od We can observe thet the gauge invariant Lagrangian (35),reduces to orig-
birrefringe in vacuun This model is also known as the gauge sector of the
ment of G(F ) ⇒ G(F̃ ) = Ã(F̃ ). Consider a constrained system decribed
by the second class Hamiltonian H and two second class constraints T0 and
inal Lagrangian LCF JP ,if the constraint T1 = 0.
Extended Standard Model CPT-odd[3, 4, 1]. The pure CJF model presents
a rst-class constraint structure, therefore only this term would not be use-
T1 . The basic idea of the GU formalism is to select one of the two second
ful for the application of the method of Gauge Unxing Method. For the
class constraint, symmetry generator. In this work, was investigated two 3.2 Case II(T1 is gauge symmetry generator)
method application is necessary an existence of second class constraints[2,
cases: I- T0 was used as symmetry generator. II-T1 was used as symmetry
5]. To obtain a model with second class constraints, the term Proca has
generator . From equation (8) we have to
n {T1 (x), To0 (y)} = µ δ(x − y). Resetting T1 ,
been added. One of the reasons for converting second class systems to
we have T̃ = µ2
, so that T0 (x), T̃ (y) = δ(x − y). Using the procedure
rst class is that this action can reveal hidden symmetries[2]. 3.1 Case I(π0 is gauge symmetry generator) applied in the case I, we can obtain the modied elds

From equation (8) we have to {T1 (x), T0 (y)} = µ2 δ(x − y). Resetting T0 , ∂ i π0
2 The massive Model C.F.J. T
we have T̃ = 02 , so that
Ãi = Ai +
, (24)

Vk 0kil
n o
In this work, is considerated , the Maxwell eletrodynamics, combined with the T1 (x), T̃ (y) = δ(x − y). (11) π̃i = πi −  ∂ l π0 , (25)
C.F.J. term (εβαρϕ V β Aα F ρϕ )(This term is responsable of the L.I.V., and CPT- 2µ2
odd violation[4])and Proca term. The gauge invariant phase space variables A0 , Ai , π0 , πi , are constructed
and Ã0 = A0 ,π̃0 = 0. Overriding these results in expression (6),we can
by the series in powers of T1 , with Cn coecients
1 1 obtain the gauge invariant Hamiltonian
L = − F αν F αν − εβαρϕ V β Aα F ρϕ + µ2 Aα Aα . (1)
4 4 Z
Z Z Z 1 1
Calculating the momenta π :
Ã0 = A0 + 3
d yC1 (x, y)T1 (y) + 3 3
d yd zC2 (x, y, z)T1 (y)T1 (z) + ..., H̃ = dx3 (π k )2 − A0 ∂k π k + (Fjk )2
2 4
π µ = −F 0µ − 0µαβ Vα Aβ , (2) (12)
2 1 0kij µ2 2
The coecients Cn in (17), are
the relation then determinaded by the vari-  V0 Ak Fij + (A0 − A2 )
where have the fundamental Poisson Brackets : ational condition and the relation (11). The variation of T1 is δT1 = 4 2
n o
{Aµ (x), π ν (y)} = δµν δ 3 (x − y)  T1 , T̃ = δ 3 (x − y), where T̃ = µT02 , is symmetry generator. Us- 1
(3) +π0 ∂i Ai + (∂i π0 )2 . (26)
ing the ltrage proprietie of the function Delta, we nd 2µ2
in the eq (4) is easy to note π = 0, this give us the primary constraint
The fundamental Poisson brackets and the rst class algebra, can be nd
T0 ≡ π 0 ≈ 0. (into Dirac Formalism, the symbol” ≈ ” denotes a weak δA0
C1 (x) = − . (13)
equality, bacause π , will not always be null within the Poisson Brackets). 
n o n o
Ã0 (x), π̃0 (y) = Ã0 (x), π̃0 (y) = 0, (27)
The momenta π , is dened by the expression:
n o
where δT1 (y) =  T1 (y), T (x) ˜ = δ 3 (y − x) and δT1 (z) =

n o n o n o
π = Ȧk − ∂k A0 − 0kij Vi Aj
(4)  T1 (z), T̃ (x) = δ 3 (z − x). For the Cn , the general relation is Ãi (x), Ã0 (y) = Ãi (x), Ã0 (y) = ∂i δ 3 (x − y) (28)
2 Dirac

The canonical Hamiltonian density can be found from the legendre trans- δ (n) A0 n o n o
Cn = . (14) Ãi (x), π̃i (y) = Ãi (x), π̃i (y) = δ 3 (x − y), (29)
formation Hcan = Ȧµ π − L : n!n
Z This relation is valid for the all variables of the phase space. The Cn = 0,
31 1
n o
Hcan = dx (π ) − A0 ∂k π + (Fjk )2
k 2 k
for n ≥ 2,for all variables. Using relation (24) in the expression (17), T̃ , T0 = δ 3 (x − y). (30)
2 4
δA0 With the expression (1),we get the gauge invariant lagrangian
1 1 2 1 Ã0 = A0 − d3 y T1 (y), (15)
+ π k 0kij Vi Aj + 0kij Vi Aj + 0kij V0 Ak Fij 
2 8 4 n o L = L CF J + LP roca
δA0 ˜
= A0 (y), T (x) = 1 3
δ (x−y). The gauge invariant eld Ã0 is
2  µ2
1 µ
− 0kij Vk A0 Fij + (A20 − A2 ) (5) constructed by
(∇π0 )  0kij
4 2 −  V F + 20kij

0 ij i 0j
Folowing the usual Dirac procedure, we introduce the primary 1

1 0kij
k 2
Hamiltonian(Hp ),by adding to the canonical Hamiltonian all the primary Ã0 = A0 − 2 ∂k π +  Vk Fij − µ A0 . (16)
R 3 µ 4 1  2
d xCπ 0 , where C is a Lagrange multiplier.

constraints, Hp = Hcan + + (∇π 0 ) − 2A i (∇π 0 ) (31)
The constrains, can not evolve in the time, so the consistence condition The others elds Ai , π0 , πi , are not corrected due to relation 2µ2
{T 0 , Hp } ≈ 0, gives a secondary constraint
δπ0 = δAi = δπi = 0, (17)
4 Conclusion
T1 = ∂k π + 0kij Vk Fij − µ2 A0 . (6)
4 soon π˜0 = π0 , Ãi = Ai , π̃i = πi . The Poisson brackets between the gauge
By gauging the phase space variables, without adding extra variables, we
Calculatind de Poisson brackes of the constraints {T1 (x), T0 (y)} = invariants elds are
obtain the relevant gauge invariant functions and show that the new sys-
−µ2 δ(x − y). This result shows us a second-class constraint structure, n o n o
tem is equivalent to the original system if treated in the Dirac's formalism.
leading us to the possibility of applying the method under discussion. If we Ã0 (x), Ã0 (y) = {π˜0 (x), π˜0 (y)} = Ãi (x), Ãi (y) = 0 (18)
We can also point that the CPT-odd and LIV term do aect the chain of
were to apply the Dirac method, we should calculate the temporal evolu-
n o constraints of the Maxwell, this modication is due to the presence of the
tion of this constraint as well, but the objective of this work, is apply the
Ã0 (x), π˜0 (y) = δ 3 (x − y). (19) Chern Simons type term with backgroundVµ .
Modied Gauge Unxyng Method.
The gauge invariant Hamiltonian, written only in therms of the original

3 Revision of the modied G.U. method

µ µ
phase space variables, is obtained by substituting A by à , in the canon-
ical Hamiltonian, Eq.(6), as follows
5 Acknowledgments
This work is a supported by CAPES(Cordenação de Coordenação de Aper-
The G.U. method as proposed by Mitra and Rajaramanand continued by
Z    feiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior), governmental Brazilian Agency.
Vytheeswaran[5] and was later modied by J.Ananias[2]. The formalism 1  1 0kij 1
H̃ = Hcan − dx3 T1 ∂ k π k
−  Vk Fij T1 + A0 T1 + T12 ,
of Mitra, Rajaraman and Vitteeswaran, considers part of the total second µ2 4 2
class constraints as the gauge symetry generators while the remaining ones
form the gauge unxing terms. The the main objective is to modication where T1 = ∂k π k + 14 n
0kij Vk Foij − µ2 A0 . It is necessary temporal stability
of the second class Hamiltonian in order to satisfy a rst class algebra with of π0 to be preserved H̃, π0 = 0. The gauge invariant Hamiltonian H̃ [1] Paulo Roberto Fernandes Alves and Victor José Vasquez Otoya.
the constraints initially chosen to be the gauge symmetry generators[2].
The main dierence between the G.U. and the modied G.U, is that the
and the irreductible constraints T1 and T̃ form a set of frist class algebra
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n   o n o ∂ G̃ i
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∂ F̃ 2

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