Mind'S Nest Review Center - Superstes

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1. This test booklet contains 100 test questions.
2. Read INSTRUCTIONS TO EXAMINEES printed on your answer sheet.
3. Shade only one (1) box for each question on your answer sheets. Two or more boxes shaded will invalidate your answer.
5. This is PRC property. Unauthorized possession, reproduction, and/or sale of this test is punishable by law. Per RA 8981.

1. Detach one (1) answer sheet from the bottom of your Examinee I.D./Answer Sheet Set.
2. Write the subject title, “NURSING PRACTICE 1” on the box provided.
3. Shade Set Box “A” on your answer sheet if your test booklet is Set A; Set Box “B” if your test booklet is Set B.

Sit. 1: Eugenio, a nurse working in the shanties of Caloocan is planning to educate a group of young women regarding reproductive health and
sexuality. It is aimed to lower incidence of teen-age pregnancy in the local area.

1. A woman is menstruating and if a hormonal studies were to be done at this time, which of the following hormonal levels would the nurse
expect to see?
a. Both estrogen and progesterone are low c. Estrogen is high and progesterone is low
b.Estrogen is low and progesterone is high d. Both estrogen and progesterone are high

2. When a nurse is teaching a woman about her menstrual cycle she mentions that which of the following is the most important change that
happens during the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle?
a. Secretion of human chorionic gonadotropin c. Multiplication of the fimbriae
b. Proliferation of the endothelium d. Maturation of graafian follicle

3. During counseling session on natural family planning techniques, how should the nurse explain the consistency of cervical mucus at the time
of ovulation?
a. Opaque and acidic c. Thin and elastic
b. Elastic and with numerous WBC d. Reduce amount due to body temperature

4. In determining pregnancy, which of the following presumptive and probable signs of pregnancy might Eugene include in the initial pelvic
and physical examination of a suspected pregnant patient?
1. Purplish discoloration of vaginal mucosa 4. Increase in size of uterus
2. Softening of cervix 5. Palpation of the outline of the fetus
3. Softening of the lower uterine segment

a. 1 and 2 b. 1,2 and 3 c. all but 5 d. all of them

5. Questions arises on preventive measures of pregnancy. Which of the following advantages is not associated with any of the barrier methods
of contraception?
a. Protect users from STD c. Effective and reversible
b. No need for regular visit from doctor d. Prevent cervical cancer

Sit. 2: Ivanay entered the hospital on the eve of her birthday and was having moderate contractions at ten minute interval. On examination,
the bag of water was noted to be intact with cervix 25 percent effaced and 2 cm dilated. She was given a shower and was monitored on the
labor unit by the nurse on duty.

6. The nurse monitoring Ivanay evaluates the strength and duration of her uterine contractions should
a. Place her hand with fingers spread lightly over the fundus of the uterus
b. Move her palm quickly from one point to another over the anterior abdomen
c. Cup her hands over the area immediately to the left or right of umbilicus
d. Press her fingertips deeply and firmly into the soft tissue above the pubis

7. In a vertex presentation the fetal head usually enters the pelvic inlet so that the anteroposterior diameter of the head occupies which plane
of the pelvic inlet?
a. Longitudinal b. Transverse c. Right oblique d. Left oblique

8. The nurse should be aware that which of the following variations in fetal heart tones is a normal phenomenon?
a. Decrease in rate during mid portion of contraction c. Decrease in volume during second stage of labor
b. Increase in rate following rupture of membranes d. Increase in volume during internal rotation of the head

9. Which of the following is the most common position for the fetus at birth?
a. Right occiput anterior c. Right occiput posterior
b. Left occiput anterior d. Left occiput posterrior

10. When Ivanay is about to deliver the baby, the doctor performed the left mediolateral episiotomy primarily in order to
a. Prevent laceration of perineum c. Reduce pain due to stretching
b. Decrease chance of fetal aspiration d. Reduce likelihood of fetal asphyxiation


Sit. 3: The school age period from age 6 to 12 years old is characterized by greater social awareness and social skills. It is important for nurses
to understand the rules of peer and family relationship and play in the socializing process.

11. According to Piaget, the school age child is in which stage of his theoretical classification?
a. Formal operational b. Concrete operational c. Operational d. Preoperational

12. Which of the following best describes the younger school age child’s perception of rules and judgment of actions?
a. Understand the reason behind rules
b. Believes that rules and judgment are not absolute
c. Interprets accidents as punishments for misdeeds
d. Judges an act by its intention rather than the consequence alone

13. A nurse supervisor is called to arrange for medical equipment and medication at discharge for a child with multiple social problems. Which
problem is likely to have the greatest impact on discharge planning?
a. Family cannot pay for medications c. Child doest not have a mother
b. Child is not covered by insurance d. Child and family are homeless

14. Eman grade 4 student had been diagnosed with Tetralogy of Fallot. Eman was scheduled for corrective surgery via cardiopulmonary
bypass. Preparation of Eman for surgery should include giving him experience in
1. Use of intermittent positive ptressure breathing mask
2. Spending sometime in an oxygen tent
3. Turning from side to side and coughing
4. Passive movement of his legs

a. 2 and 4 b. 1 and 3 c. 1,3, and 4 d. 2,3 and 4

15. A 4th grade boy was rushed to the clinic after complaining of severe abdominal pain, which disappears few hours after. Nurse Fatima
suspects of a ruptured appendix. While waiting for the ambulance, the best position for the child will be
a. Side lying b. Semi fowlers c. Knee chest d. Prone

Sit. 4: Maternal health refers to the health of women during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. While motherhood is often a
positive and fulfilling experience, for too many women it is associated with suffering, ill-health and even death. Thus, the nurse must play an
important role especially on the 4th stage of labor.

16. Which of the following is the main reason why a cardiac postpartum mother must be watched closely during the immediate postpartum
a. She can have uterine atony
b. She can become depressed after the stress of labor
c. She may develop urinary frequency
d. The fluid shift that occurs postpartally rapidly increases the circulating blood volume

17. An appropriate nursing intervention for a postpartum mother with thrombophlebitis is:
a. Apply warm compress on the affected leg to relieve the pain
b. Elevate the affected leg and keep the patient on bedrest
c. Encourage the mother to ambulate to relieve pain in the leg
d. Instruct the mother to apply elastic bandage from the foot going towards the knee to improve venous return flow

18. The WHO is promoting the use of partograph is a tool for assessment of a woman in labor. Which of the following are included as
parameters for assessing progress of labor?
a. Maternal vital signs, uterine contractions- duration and frequency
b. Fetal presentation, intensity and frequency of uterine contraction and presence of show
c. Uterine contraction-frequency, intensity and duration and rupture of bag of waters
d. Cervical dilation, descent of presenting part, amniotic fluid/rupture of bag of waters, uterine contractions and duration of the stages of

19. The earliest time that sexual intercourse can be usually resumed after birth is:
a. When the episiotomy wound has healed
b. When the lochia is gone
c. After the first menstrual period following birth
d. After the 6 week check up

20. The nurse should anticipate that hemorrhage related to uterine atony may occur postpartally if this condition was present during the
a. An episiotomy had to be done to facilitate delivery of the head
b. Excessive analgesia was given to the mother
c. The labor and delivery lasted for 12 hours
d. Placental delivery occurred thirty minutes after the baby was born

Sit. 5: Baby Fe had been diagnosed with Arnold Chiari malformation on the third month of his life after his mother noticed poor suck , rapid
head growth and noticeable irregular eye movement. He was seen in a specialty hospital and the test revealed presence of hydrocephalus as a
result of congenital obstruction in the flow of cerebrospinal fluid.


21. Baby Fe was admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit for further evaluation and treatment. The nurse knows which of the following?
a. To not use any scalp vein for intravenous infusion
b. Expect the infant to sleep more than a baby without hydrocephalus
c. Keep the crib in a flat and neutral position
d. To use sedation as needed to keep the baby from crying

22. The nurse is caring for Baby Fe and assessed him constantly. Which of the following signs best indicates increased ICP in this child?
a. Sunken anterior fontanel c. Increased appetite
b. Papilledema d. High-pitched cry

23. The nurse is preparing to give preoperative teaching to the parents of baby Fe with hydrocephalus. The nurse knows that the most
common treatment includes surgical placement of shunt connecting which of the following?
a. Ventricle of the brain to peritoneum c. Ventricle of the brain to right atrium of heart
b. Ventricle of the brain to lower esophagus d. Ventricle of the brain to small intestine

24. Which of the following is an immediate postoperative care for Baby Honee who had a shunt placed?
a. Position the infant’s head off the shunt site for the first two days
b. Wet to dry dressing changes at the shunt insertion site
c. Complete vital signs and neurological checks every 4 hours
d. Inform parents that they have to measure the child’s head once a day

25. The parents of Baby Fe ask the nurse about future activities in which the child can participate in school and as an adolescent. The nurse
should tell the parents which of the following?
a. Child will wear a life alert bracelet and there is no need to be aware of the shunt system
b. Only non contact sports should be pursued such as tennis and swimming
c. Because of risk of shunt system infection, swimming is not a sport option
d. Helmet should be worn during any activity that could lead to head injury

Sit. 6: The nurse is aware that mobility is vital to independence. The ability to move without pain influences self-esteem and body image. For
patients with impaired mobility movement must be fostered to the full extent of capability to facilitate a satisfying life.

26. Nurse Glebonnie plans to use trochanter when repositioning a patient. The nurse should place the trochanter roll:
a. Alongside the ilium to midthigh c. Under the small of the back
b. Behind the knees when supine d. In the palm of the hand with the fingers flexed

27. Nurse Glebonnie is caring for a patient with impaired mobility. Which position contributes most to the formation of a hip flexion
a. Low Flowler’s b. Orthopneic c. Supine d. Sims`

28. Nurse Glebonnie understands that the primary reason why immobilized people develop contractures is that:
a. Muscular contractures occurs because of excessive muscle flaccidity
b. Muscle catabolism exceeds muscle anabolism
c. Muscles that flex, adduct, and internally rotate are stronger than weaker opposing muscles
d. Muscle mass and strength decline at a progressive rate weekly

29. Nurse Glebonnie plans to teach the patient with hemiparesis to use a cane. The nurse should teach the patient to:
a. Move up a step with the weak leg first followed by the strong leg and cane
b. Adjust the cane height twelve inches lower than the waist
c. Hold the cane in the strong hand when walking
d. Look at the feet when walking

30. Nurse Glebonnie places a patient with a sacral pressure ulcer in the left Sims` position. The nurse should place the patient’s right arm:
a. On a pillow b. Behind the back c. With the palm up d. In internal rotation

Sit. 7: Pau, a Pediatric Intensive Unit staff nurse is assigned to a 4 year old female unconscious patient due to an acute head injury sustained
from a vehicular accident.

31. As a result of the patient’s acute head injury, Pau is aware that brain damage can be caused by which of the following conditions
a. Decreased perfusion of brain and decreased metabolic needs of brain
b. Decreased perfusion of the brain and increased metabolic needs of brain
c. Increased perfusion of brain and decreased metabolic needs of the brain
d, Increased perfusion to brain and increased metabolic needs of brain

32. Condition of the patient is still closely monitored by Pau. There was fluctuations in the level of consciousness. Helen determines that the
child is oriented by asking the patient to
a. Name the president of the Philippines c. State full name and telephone number
b. Identify parents and state her name d. Identify the current month but not the date

33. Due to pituitary -hypothalamic dysfunction, SIADH might develop. Pau will most likely watch which of the following symptoms?
a. Increase urine output, specific gravity and serum sodium
b. Increased urine output, decreased specific gravity and serum sodium
c. Decreased urine output, specific gravity and serum sodium
d. Decreased urine output , increased specific gravity and serum sodium


34. During assessment the nurse observes absence of doll’s eye movement. Which of the following is the correct interpretation of this
a. Brainstem injury c. Subdural hematoma
b. Ruptured aneurysm d. Meningeal inflammation

35. Norma identifies which of the following nursing diagnoses to be of highest priority?
a. Risk for aspiration related to impaired motor functions
b. Ineffective airway clearance related to depressed sensorium
c. Risk for injury related to increased intracranial pressure
d. Disturbed sensory perception related to CNS impairment

Sit. 8: Durex had been admitted in the medical ward after developing edema on his eyelids, feet and thigh. His illness was diagnosed as
nephritic syndrome.

36. Optimal care of Durex edematous periorbital tissues would include

a. Applying warm compress daily c. Irrigating eyes with normal saline
b. Elevating the head during the day d. Darkening the room with shades

37. An accurate record of fluid intake and output is especially important because
a. Reliable index of infection control c. Subtle way of knowing nutritional status
b. Serve as basis of IV fluid needs d. Data for assessing kidney function

38. What type of diet would the doctor probably order for Durex?
a. High protein with salt restriction c. Low protein diet with salt restriction
b. Normal diet with reduced carbohydrate d. Hypoallergenic diet with low sodium count

39. Hydrochlorothiazide was given for Durex because of his edema. While taking the drug which of the following should warrant immediate
attention from the nurse?
a. Tetanic seizures c. Flapping tremors
b. Muscle weakness d. Blowing respirations

40. Prednisone was also prescribed because of its anti inflammatory effect on the kidney. The nurse is aware to decrease or discontinue Durex
dosage if he were to develop
a. Hematuria b. Lassitude c. Hypertension d. Anorexia

Sit. 9: The inflammatory process is an important protective mechanism for the body and a variety of chemicals are released during

41. The first leukocyte attracted to an injured tissue is

a. Neutrophils b. Lymphocytes c. Mast cells d. Eosinophils

42. Fever that is seen in a patient with an infectious disease is mostl likely caused by an increase in the release of
a. Histamine b. Bacteria c. Interleukin d. Vasodilation

43. A patient with known infection must be managed by using which of the following identified method of precaution?
a. Strict asepsis c. Droplet transmission
b. Standard precaution d. Transmission-based precaution

44. The classic sign of swelling seen in the inflammatory process results from
a. Response to cytokines released c. Presence of phagocytic activity in the area
b. Increased blood circulation in the area d. Leakage of plasma into the injured area

45. If a person has been taking a steroid drug, wound healing will be delayed because the steroid drug
a. Impedes macrophage migration c. Prevent further injury to area
b. Increase the metabolic rate d. Prevent contractures in the involved area

Sit. 10: The nurse is aware that administration of blood transfusions involves accurately matching and identifying the blood for the individual,
correctly identifying the recipient & monitoring the patient throughout the procedure for any transfusion reactions.

46. Pipoy who takes Warfarin (Coumadin) arrives at the emergency department following a gunshot wound. The patient’s prothrombin time is
twice the desired amount. The nurse expects the physician will order a transfusion of which blood product?
a. Fresh frozen plasma c. Red blood cells
b. Random donor platelets d. Crystalloids

47. The nurse has received an order to transfuse a client with one unit of PRBCs. In preparation for the infusion, the nurse selects the
appropriate tubing for blood administration. The nurse is aware that the tubing is manufactured with which feature?
a. A macrodrip chamber c. An air vent
b. An in-line-filter d. Tinting that protects blood from exposure to light


48. Harvey is with low hemoglobin and hematrocrit is to receive a unit of packed red blood cells (RCBCs). Prior to initiating the transfusion,
the nurse determines that the patient’s temperature is 100.8 degrees F orally. Based on this finding, what is the most appropriate action for
the nurse to take?
a. Delay hanging the bllod and notify the physician
b. Begin the transfusion as prescribed.
c. Administer 650 mg of acetaminophen (Tylenol) and begin the transfusion.
d. Administer an antihistamine and begin the transfusion.

49. Lot has experienced an adverse reaction to a blood transfusion manifested by the development of pruritic rash and urticaria. What
treatment should the nurse anticipate will be ordered for the client?
a. Diphenhydramine c. Hydrocortisone cream
b. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) d. Acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin)
50. Shortly after a blood transfusion is initiated, a patient experiences an adverse reaction. The nurse documents the event according to
hospital policy. What should the nurse do with the remainder of the blood that has not been transfused?
a. Discard the blood in the appropriate biohazard bag.
b. Return the blood to the blood bank.
c. Send the blood to the chemistry laboratory for analysis.
d. Send the blood to the infection control department.

Sit. 11: Ethico-legal issues challenge the nurse in the management of patient. The nurse in caring for the patient maintain care in the field of
safety issues, patient’s rights, confidentiality as well as voluntary and involuntary commitment.

51. Which among the following patients retains the right to give informed consent?
a. A patient legally declared incompetent
b. Patient who is hearing and seeing things that others do not
c. A 14 year old patient with attention deficit disorder
d. Patient who is severely mentally retarded

52. A nursing student uses a patient’s full name on an interpersonal process recording submitted to the clinical instructor. The instructor’s
priority intervention will be.
a. Tell them since patient is deemed incompetent, confidentiality is not an issue
b. Reinforce the importance of accurate documentation including name of patient
c. Tell them since patient is involuntary committed, confidentiality is not an issue
d. Correct and remind the student the importance of maintaining confidentiality

53. A patient has been admitted involuntarily and the nurse is about to administer anti-anxiety medication. The patient strikes the nurse,
curses and states “Papatayin kita”. The best nursing action will be
a. Nurse gets legal action to get the patient declared incompetent
b. Nurse teaches the patient the pros and cons of medicine compliance
c. Initiate the ordered force medication protocol
d. Do not give the medication for nurse safety is a must

54. At the end of the shift, the count of Morphine is incorrect. After several minutes of searching the medication cart and records, no
explanation can be found. Who should the nurse in charge notify next?
a. Nursing supervisor c. Hospital administrator
b. Pharmacist on duty d. Doctor ordering the drug

55. A female patient is admitted due to severe depression. The nurse caring for the patient attempts to talk to her by asking questions but
receives no answer. Finally in exasperation, the nurse tells the patient that if she does not respond, she will be left alone. The nurse
a. Leaving the patient alone until she is ready to talk
b. Assaulting the patient and should refrain from saying it
c. Responding to patient’s nonverbal behavior that indicates solitude
d. using a system of reward and punishment to motivate the patient

Sit. 12: Nurse's communication skills as often put to test when interacting with patient’s assigned to them.

56. The nurse uses reflective technique when communicating with anxious patient. The nurse uses reflective technique because it focuses on
a. Feelings c. Content themes
b. Clarification of information d. Summarization of topics discussed

57. Which nursing action best reflects the concept of therapeutic communication?
a. Using interviewing skills to discuss the patient’s concern c. Setting time aside to talk with patient
b. Letting the patient control the focus of conversation d. Agreeing with the patient’s statement

58. A patient is crying and upset and mentions something about her job that the nurse cannot understand. The nurse’s best response is
a. “It’s natural to be worried about your job”
b. “Your job must be very important to you”
c. “Calm down so that I can understand what you are saying”
d. “I am not quite sure I heard what you were saying about your work”

59. The nurse is assisting a confused patient with a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s dementia to eat. The best statement the nurse should say is
a. “Please eat your meat” c. “What would you like to eat?”


b. “It’s important that you eat” d. “If you don’t eat, you can’t have dessert”

60. The nurse is admitting a patient to the unit who was transferred from the emergency department. When facilitating communication, the
nurse should
a. Refocus to the positive aspect of patient’s situation and prognosis
b. See to it that patient has way of effectively communicating with the team
c. Minimize energy spent by the patient on negative feelings and concern
d. Use interviewing techniques to control direction of patient’s communication

Sit 13: Ward Nurse Angelique receives two patients with chest tube drainage after sustaining injuries to the chest wall from a motor vehicular

61. Nurse Angelique is monitoring the chest tube drainage system of the Mr. Con. The nurse notes intermittent bubbling in the water seal
chamber. Which of the following is the appropriate action?
a. Change the chest tube drainage system c. Check for an air leak
b. Document the findings d. Notify the physician

62. The nurse notes that the fluctuation in the water-seal compartment has stopped. On the basis of this assessment finding, the nurse would
suspect that:
a. The chest tubes are obstructed c. The system needs changing
b. Suction needs to be increased d. Suction needs to be decreased

63. A nurse then notes continuous gentle bubbling in the suction control chamber. What action is appropriate?
a. Document findings
b. Notify the physician
c. Check for an air leak because the bubbling should be intermittent
d. Increase the suction pressure so that the bubbling becomes vigorous

64. As nurse Angelique turns Mr. Con to the side, the chest tube accidentally disconnects from the patient. The initial nursing action is to:
a. Call the physician c. Immediately replace the chest tube system
b. Place the tube in a bottle of sterile water d. Place the sterile vaselinized dressing over the disconnection site

65. Mrs. Javier tries to get out of bed alone and disconnects the chest tube from the drainage system, which falls on the floor. Which of the
following actions should the nurse Jenny take first upon entering the client’s room?
a. Submerge the tube in sterile water of saline c. Assess the client’s respiratory status
b. Set up and attach a new closed chest drainage system d. Check the client’s pulse and blood pressure

Sit. 14: Nurse Dustin works in a geriatric wing of a community center in Barangay Bato-Bato and have been caring several patients having
problems in mobility. He is very aware of the discomfort and its impact on the mobility as well as quality of life of patients.

66. After teaching Lola Ba with rheumatoid arthritis about measures to conserve energy in activities in daily living involving the small joints.
Which of the follow if done by Lola Ba needs reinforcement?
a. Holding package close to the body b. Sliding objects
c. Pushing with palms when rising from a chair d. Carrying laundry basket with clinched fingers and fist

67. What is the most common area of involvement of rheumatoid arthritis in the spine?
a. Lumbar spine b. Cervical spine c. Thoracic spine d. Sacral spine

68. To which patients should Nurse Dustin plan to provide teaching about genetic resources?
a. Patient who had an ankle fracture secondary to a boating accident
b. Patient whose ganglion removed from the dorsum of the wrist
c. Patient with total knee replacement due to degenerative joint disease
d. Patient with surgical repair of fracture due to osteoporosis

69. Which patient reported symptoms are typical of rheumatoid arthritis?

a. My hands are stiff, swollen and tender c. My left hand is stiff and swollen
b. My right hand is weak d. My knees are swollen and stiff

70. Lola Ba was given with Methotrexate for her severe rheumatoid arthritis. Which of the following indicates the need for further teaching?
a. I will continue taking my calcium supplements c. I will take my multivitamins daily as supplement
b. I must not drink anything with alcohol while taking clothes d. I should brush my teeth after every meal

Situation 15: You are an NDP nurse in a certain community. The following questions apply:

71. You are a newly registered nurse in the community. You are faced with the situation that the barangay captain does not like you. What will
you do?
a. Continue doing courtesy call so that you are available to answer his questions/queries.
b. Ask your Municipal Health Officer that you be assigned to another community
c. Continue doing your duty as NDP nurse even without the barangay captain’s support
d. Form a group with the community so you can confront the barangay captain together


72. As an NDP nurse you are given the task to supervise the members in the RHU. A new Barangay Health Worker is elected for your area. A
20 year old beautiful girl. As an advocate for community sustenance you will:
a. Not accept the beautiful girl since it is expected that a man will soon marry her and take her away from her community duties
b. Ask for another election so that when she is taken away, someone will replace her immediately
c. Let it be
d. Ask your Municipal Health Officer that you be assigned to another community

73. Which of the following items are NOT inside the PHN bag?
Hypodermic Needles b. Cord Clamp c. Paper lining d. Sterile Gloves

74. Before going to the community, a nurse should check properly the things that are needed to bring. In the PHN bag, traditionally, the nurse
is well aware of the proper placement of the things inside of it. What is expected to be present in the inside right rear space in the bag?
a. syringe and needle b. forceps c. test tube d. spirit of ammonia

Situation 16 Niyug-niyogan (quisqualis indica) is one of the medical plants that its seeds been used for ascaris. A mother of 7 y.o child asked the
nurse for the dosage to be given to her child.

75. The nurse knows that its dose for a 7 y.o child would be?
a. 4-5 seeds b. 5-6 seeds c. 6-7 seeds d. 8-10 seeds

76. when will be the best time to eat the seeds?

a. two hours after breakfast c. one hour after supper
b. one hour after breakfast d. two hours after supper

77. It is the traditional and alternative medicine act that gives general guidelines for the use of medical plants and ensures the right kind of
plant is used accordingly.
a. RA 8423 b. RA 7160 c. PD 1566 d. RA 1081

Situation 17Drug dependence is a preferred term than drug addiction. Dangerous Drug Act of 1972 defines a drug dependent as a person who
is in a state psychic or physical dependence on dangerous drug following administration of such drug on continuous basis.

78. As a social program, drug dependency is multifaceted. The highest contributing factor to this problem among teenagers is which one?
a. weak family relationship b. public ignorance c. economic condition d. peer group pressure

79. As a nurse, your preventive measure to drug dependence is very important. Which nursing function is a priority in Community Health
a. Participate in promotion of mental health among families.
b. invite a psychiatrist lecturer to teenagers d. set up mental health clinic with the doctor
c. look for sponsors for hospitalized drug dependence

80. Case finding is one strategy to prevent increase of drug dependency among young adults. Which one below should you do as a
Community Health Nurse?
a. give lecture to students in their school c. recognize early signs and symptoms
b. house to house visits d. interview teenagers

81. Drug dependency should be treated medically and not punitively. What will you teach to the significant others of your client?
a. sanction any untoward behavior c. promote environment which reduce negative attitude
b. reduce allowance of drug dependent d. report to authority any harmful behavior

82.Rehabilitation of drug dependents requires a program of activities that is carried out by group of health workers. As a community health
nurse, what is your nursing goal?
a. discontinue medication c. high performance in assigned task
b. maximize client’s level of personality development d. able to go back to school or work.

Sit. 18: Sponge Boob was a 36 year old businessman who had been admitted in the psychiatric ward due to regression and obvious change in
behavior. His family stated that he could sit all day by the window and talks to himself. He was examined by the nurse.

83. Sponge Boob was diagnosed with catatonic schizophrenia and was noted to be constantly rearranging furnitures and appears to be
responding to internal stimuli. In addition to being free from physical injury, which short term goal is apt for the patient?
a. Sleep at least 6 hours per night c. Engage in at least one patient to patient interaction daily
b. Consume adequate food and fluid per day d. Decrease activity within 24 hours of onset of hyperactivity

84. The nurse discusses the importance of taking medication as prescribed with Sponge Boob . Which of the following demonstrates that the
nurse understands the importance of relapse prevention?
a. Take your medication as ordered and the patient will not go on relapse
b. The over all health will suffer with each relapse that occur
c. The medication will cause some mild side effects but it will be minimal
d. Contact your doctor if side effects are severe


85. A nurse is assessing the mood and cognitive state of mind of Sponge Boob with schizophrenia. Which signs and
symptoms will the nurse most likely will not observe from the patient?
a. Poor appetite c. Disrupted sleep
b. Incongruous affect d. Compulsive behavior

86. Sponge Boob was given with Haloperidol. Which medication should the nurse expect to administer if
extrapyramidal side effects develop?
a. Olanzapine b. Chlorpromazine c. Flumazenil d. Benztropine

87. Sponge Boob was given with Haloperidol. Which medication should the nurse expect to administer if
extrapyramidal side effects develop?
a. Olanzapine b. Chlorpromazine c. Flumazenil d. Benztropine

88. Sponge boob conditions improved and the nurse is educating the patient with measures to help prevent relapse
of schizophrenic symptoms. Which interventions should the nurse encourage to help prevent symptom relapse?
1. Report changes in sleeping pattern
2. Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages
3. Avoid employment that is demanding
4. Enroll in stress management classes

a. 1 and 2 b. 1,2 and 3 c. 1,2 and 4 d. 1,2,3 and 4

Sit. 19: There are other fields of nursing where public health nurses are working. They are in schools and work settings.

89. Nurse Patrick is a newly hired school nurse. He wants to know the objectives of school nursing. The following are specific objectives of
school nursing, except:
a. Conduct and participate in researches related to nursing care
b. Provide quality nursing service to the school population
c. Establish/strengthen linkages with government and non-government organization/agencies for school community health work
d. To promote and maintain the health of the school populace by providing comprehensive and quality nursing care

90. The following are duties and responsibilities of Nurse patrick except:
a. Community outreach like attending community assemblies and organizing school community health councils
b. Health and nutrition assessment including other screening procedures such as vision and hearing
c. Coordinates with other government agencies relative to the implementation of the implementing rules and regulations
d. Supervision of the health and safety of the school plant

91. One of the functions of Nurse Patrick is health assessment. Which of the following is not true regarding the conduct of a health
a. Health assessment should include appraisal of the general physical and mental condition
b. Before the health assessment, the nurse should conduct a classroom health lecture
c. Every school child should be examined twice a year
d. Three to five children at a time should be in waiting for the assessment

92. Nurse Xerxes is a newly hired occupational health nurse in an international company. She knows that the following are functions of an
occupational health nurse, except:
a. Height and weight measurement and nutritional status determination
b. Recommends to Local Health Authority the issuance of license/business permits and suspensions or revocation of the same
c. Provide control measures to reduce noise, dust, health and other hazards
d. Informs all affected workers regarding the nature of hazards and the reasons for the control measures and protective equipment

93. Nurse Xerxex is oriented on the mission of occupational health and safety, which is:
a. To conduct and/or assist other health personnel in outbreak investigation
b. To assure so far as possible every working man and woman in the country is safe and in healthful working conditions
c. To promote and maintain the health and safety of workers through a systematic process of assessment, planning, intervention and
d. To provide summary of data on health services delivery and selected program accomplished indicators at the barangay, municipality/city,
district, provincial, regional and national levels

Sit. 20: Arjyn is in charge of a patient who was admitted for managment of acute cholecystitis.

94. Nurse Arjyn did her admission assessment. She understands that the pain is characterized as
a. Tenderness and rigidity of the upper right abdomen radiating to midsternal area
b. Tenderness and rigidity at the epigastric area radiating to the back
c. Tenderness that is generalized in the upper gastric area
d. Pain on the left upper quadrant radiating to the left shoulder


95. To confirm the diagnosis of cholecystitis, the doctor ordered that procedure that can detect gallstones as small as 1 to 2 cm with
inflammation. Nurse Arjyn will prepare the patient for which specific diagnostic procedure?
a. Cholangiography c. Gall bladder series
b. Ultrasonography d. Oral cholecystogram

96. A T-tube was inserted and the doctor ordered to monitor the amount, color, consistency and drainage. Which of the following procedures
can the nurse perform without a doctor’s order?
a. Aspirating c. Clamping
b. Irrigating d. Emptying the drainage

Sit. 21: Records management is a critical function of the nurse to ensure continuum of care. The following questions apply.

97. A staff nurse in the ICU receives laboratory report for different patients with admitting diagnoses of chest pain. After reviewing all the
laboratory reports, in which order should the nurse address each lab values?
1. Troponin T 42ng/ml (0.4 ng/ml) 3. Potassium 2.2 mEq/L
2. Hemoglobin 7.2 g/ml 4. Serum Creatinine 2.3 mg/dl
a. 1,3,2,4 b. 3,1,2,4 c. 1,2,4,3 d. 2,1,3,4

98. Digoxin is given to a patient on heart failure. While reviewing the patient’s record, which of the following patient’s data will the nurse be
particularly alert in the light of the drug given?
a. Blood pressure 90/60 c. Heart rate 72 beats /min
b. Urine output 80 ml/hr d. Respiration 17 breaths/min

99. A patient with myocardial infarction is receiving an I.V. infusion of heparin sodium at 1,500 units per hour. The concentration in the bag is
25,000 units per 500 mL. How many mL should the nurse document as intake from the infusion for an eight shift?
a. 240 ml b. 300 ml c. 400 ml d. 420 ml

100. A patient is admitted with a diagnosis of acute infective endocarditis. Which findings during nursing assessment will the nurse expect and
record on the patient’s chart?
1. Skin petechiae 4. Crackles in the lung base
2. Murmur 5 Arthralgia
3. Peripheral edema
a. 2 and 5 b. 1,2 and 5 c. 1,3 and 4 d. all of them


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