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What is to classify?
Rta: It is to order or divide a set of elements based on a certain criterion or characteristic
Have you ever classified things at home?
Rta: Yes, of course, I have had to make classifications on several occasions
What things have you classified? How have you done it?
Rta: I have had to sort my toys, my clothing items, and some comics
Can you name different type of animals from the same family?


What is the man from the video comparing taxonomy with?
Rta: Compare it to dogs, to see that there are different types of dogs
What is taxonomy and taxonomic characters?
Rta: It is the way of classifying all organisms on earth, and taxonomic characters are
characteristics that can be observed to distinguish elements or things.
What is classification and how can we classify things at home? - ¿Qué es la clasificación y
cómo podemos clasificar las cosas en casa?
Rta: It is to order elements or things according to their characteristics to create small
groups from large groups, we can classify things such as dolls in one place, toys of means
of transport in another place, legos and blocks to build in a different place, this having take
into account the characteristics they have in common
Why do we have to classify animals and plants? - ¿Por qué tenemos que clasificar
animales y plantas?
Rta: to make it easier to locate and find an organism
What are the taxonomy groups shown in the video? - ¿Cuáles son los grupos de
taxonomía que se muestran en el video?
Rta: Domain, kindom, phylum, class, order, family, genus and species
How does the chart look like? Why? - ¿Cómo se ve el gráfico? ¿Por qué?
Rta: They help us to identify and name the organisms in the world, the graphs look like an
inverted triangle, showing that at the top is the largest because it represents the largest
What is the domain and how is the domain compared to? - ¿Qué es el dominio y cómo se
compara con el dominio?
Rta: It is the main of the groups in which the diversity of living beings is currently
considered subdivided, it is represented as a house
What is the kingdom? How is the kingdom compared to? - ¿Qué es el reino? ¿Cómo se
compara el reino?,
Rta: Another large group in which the species of known living beings are classified,
according to their form of evolution or their origin, is compared to a playroom
What are the groups in the kingdom? - ¿Cuáles son los grupos en el reino?
Rta: bacteria, archaea, fungi, protists, animals and plants
What is the Chordata classification? - ¿Qué es la clasificación Chordata?
Rts: is a subgroup of the kingdom in which vertebrates and invertebrates are found
Which animals are vertebrates, and which are not? - ¿Qué animales son vertebrados y
cuáles no?
Rta: vertebrate animals are those that have a backbone, those without a backbone are
called invertebrates
Which animals can grow their parts? Can you grow any part of your body? - ¿Qué
animales pueden hacer crecer sus partes? ¿Puedes hacer crecer alguna parte de tu
Rta: Invertebrates can grow parts of their body, organs or cells that they need, for
example, the starfish, if one of its limbs is cut, it can grow a new one. We cannot grow any
of our body parts to our liking
How are vertebrates divided into? - ¿Cómo se dividen los vertebrados?
Rta: Mammals, birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles
What does cold blooded mean? What does hot blooded mean? - ¿Qué significa sangre
fría? ¿Qué significa sangre caliente?
Rta: cold blood means that their body temperature adapts to the temperature of the
environment in which they are. Warm blood means you always feel a constant body
Which of those above are you into? Why? - ¿Cuál de los anteriores te gusta? ¿Por qué?
Rta: Invertebrates call my attention because they can grow any of their limbs, organs or
How many classes are vertebrates divided into? - ¿En cuántas clases se dividen los
Rta: They are divided into 5 classes
Which class are you in? - En que clase estas?
Rta: We are in the class of vertebrate animals
Is Phylum more specific than family? - ¿Phylum es más específico que la familia?
Rta: No, this group is bigger than family


Animals that live under water fall under the fish classification. These animals can breathe
under water because they use gills to breath instead of lungs. Fish have scales on their
skin instead of fur or hair. All fish are cold blooded animals. When they have babies, they
lay many eggs at once.
(Los animales que viven bajo el agua se incluyen en la clasificación de peces. Estos
animales pueden respirar bajo el agua porque usan branquias para respirar en lugar de
pulmones. Los peces tienen escamas en la piel en lugar de pelaje o pelo. Todos los peces
son animales de sangre fría. Cuando tienen bebés, ponen muchos huevos a la vez.)

1. How do fish live in water? - ¿Cómo viven los peces en el agua?

Rta: Fish breathe underwater because they have gills instead of lungs
2. What do fish have on their skin? - ¿Qué tienen los peces en su piel?
Rta: Fish have scales instead of fur or hair
3. How do fish have their young? - ¿Cómo tienen los peces a sus crías?
Rta: Fish have young or children laying many eggs at once
4. What kind of reading article is this? - ¿Qué tipo de artículo de lectura es este?
Rta: is a review article on a topic

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