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1 In what ways have medical treatments

changed over the past century?
2 What kinds of medical innovations do you
hope will hape_enJn,t~e n1ext century?
'' i,·~~'.:f/
A look at the information on these pages and answer the questions.
1. Read the information in the timeline. Which of these medical firsts do
you think was the most important? Why?
2. What is one other medical innovation that you can add to the timeline?
B Match the correct form of'the wor:ds in blue to their definitions.
~ ~Q; . (n) a.wa~·of ~oing something
,n, ry..~ ~ \ 0 (v) to be able to do something that is challenging
~- - - ! . . . . - - - = ; _ _ _ - -.,;..---~ - (n) a person who leads the way in a new area of
;; ' ·: .-,-....·.,\; ; C, (.JJ{'i e
, ' I.. ' J ... _

. als as well as build ne
It is important to improve existing hosp,t . pecific are
i. • , Medical students study general topics e
The ancient Greek and Roman civi
. b fore choosing a s .
. ·1·,zations develope
d their own medi

and techniques. they don't spread

People should stay home when they have the flu so that

other people. Id t medical text

The Merck Manual ofDiagnosis and Therapy ,s 0 ne of the o es

in English. . Th G non ofMedici

.. . . . d' 1 knowledge ,n e a .
Persian physician lbn Sina complied his me ,ca b d and the uses of medical
which includes basic concepts about the human Y °

1. · e__'f- , s\ ,Ni~ (adj) available at the time

2. C- c:)~ C..~~'t,, (n) an idea about something

3. Z)f ~ ~ '{ 0,\ (adj) not relating to a particular area

4. _ t:)
--=--(v) to reach more people or a larger area

s. t,o \ r{"\ ~ \\ e (v) to gather infcrmation to create a book or a report

6. C: \\b \ \ .,..J c ) ,~ \ (n) a group 0f Pf:'cr,!f \-'.'i; I~ ;t:' :f.o;t: culture and way of life .

• •• •
USING t~ Discussthese qL'f:•:: :_,1, ··· ·· .; ::.- ~;\,,:;.
1. When you buy ,._.;-, .: · •:· ,., ,·,::·• \'<"', ::,_!(h i:1S a sn~ar.:phone, do you prefer to read the
manual or fi gure (,', ./, :-:!_)\,·~ to u•;e it on your own? Why'?
2. How do you remember new concepts you learn in class? What methods do you

BR AIN sr oRM ING c How do you think medical knowledge has been passed down over the centuri
Discuss with a partner.

PREDICTING O Look at the photos and read the title of the reading passage. What do you t
passage is about? Check your idea as you read.
G) a medical innovator who lived in Spain many years ago
b. the man who built the first hospital in Europe
c. a doctor who found a cure for a common disease
started Work aa 1010
a royat doctor.

Write short answers to th

ese questions ab
1. Whataretwothin d . outAI-Zahrawi'sworkA/-Tasrif. UNDERSTANDIN
gs escnbe<:lin th I T
S\.2'f~Y:"{ J'1:X!b\-'C':':t>\T\~ e astvolumeofA/-Tasrif? . _ DE AIL
2. What aspect of Af-li
.' . >Jb.r
'o,o 9§}.
asnf was unique at the time?
v'fls\ Sv \1\lo-..\ '"' ~utc ,e\ ond. arr\ v~' ~':>
\' WO\ ~ ~~ \ \ ~
. ON\
:\ en~:--\ 0-'f\O, c ~ ~ \'WeG ~ ' c.& 1:,NOJ'''-~
3. AI-Zahraw, described the use Of . .
\ '· , \ r catgut 1n AI-Tasnf. How was this invention useful?
.- {'-\__, . ~ -~ -.:- '3 ( .( ~
. ·
I> .~I
· '--')y\·,.c- -)~ c- '-.
80'-""". 1¢t1\ ,
(' ·.r.• \
•.· su-r!,l-'f'1
4. How was AI-Tasrif nearly destroyed in 101 o?
R, -
~ , r,::. ' , _:. .
r, ("- t"c- ,b \ N \1\ ~
f') . -- C. ' ' re (' )s.;('(_,0·,

5. How did Ai-Tasrif become more vvidely known after AI-Zahrawi's death?
~ . \.Y ~- _sc:: .,i_( __Q_ __· . .:;;.. ~M ) .~ "~ t)): <9 u 'r9f, ~c:-\. c, \ ,, 'I

.. , .....~ '\ ' ' ,.. \ . \

Write short ans w~rs to the q uestior,·s below. Then discuss with a partner. CRITICAL THINKING:
1. Imagine that AI-Tasrifhad been destroyed in 1010. Would modern medicine be any
different today? Why or why not?
\ \ , • l , l, ?- -r,.,, :;..S ( <?
'&0 c,c.o.,._, wS\-, o~'. ,\ , ',w;i\~ ,
'(ho. -, \....e t'n\J \~~/ J \LNosi \011) 10 QC) o §C\ad 0 0·r ~Y '{
2. Can you think of any other book or books that had a major impact on science or
society? Why were they significant?
') 1( ~ (
'l--/~ '
• VfJen th,e ~nt ts un nown.
• when the agent is obvious to the reader.
When writers state the agent in a passive sentence, tbe
starting with by.
At-Tasrif was written by Af-Zahrawi. · •
•• the recipient (AI-Tas
However, the main focus of the sentence 1s st1 11 on
action and not the agent (AI-Zahrawi).

IDENTIFYING A Read the sentences from the reading passage. Write P if the underlined verb is pass
p Ass IVE sEN TEN CE s A if it is active.

l 1. He sees that the baby must be turned before it can pass through the
~ birth canal. , _.
_ _ 2, AI-Zahrawi bro~ght all his knowledge together in AI-Tasrif.
-v - .
~ 3. It~ still used in surgeries today. .
_ _ 4. In fact, he pioneered the use of forceps about 50 years earlier, when
he was just starting his medir:al career.

UNDERSTANDING B Read the sentences (a-<,: ,·· :-Jw. Hh · 1"r'1~tch f.:y d E:~-·
PASSIVE SENTENCES the sentences,
a. Eventually, p. : : · :: ·al Arabic.
b. Mar y of tr ,trl' · . •, .,,. : -· .. · -; 'Y, 1J<~ 1
•/ AI-Zahrawi himself.
c. The Method o: •./e:dicir1e ',\,:;:, L:·,~"(.1 ,.:s a rna riuai for surger:.; in medical schools for
_____Q,.._____ 1. The sentence has an agent.
_-\_ ,_(_~._ _ 2. The sentence doesn't have an
__C agent.

-=--- 3. The agent is not mentioned because 'it is obvious.
_ _ _ _ _ 4_ The agent is not mentioned because it is unknown.
..,,( ·-'


HE TH ·. ·. .
.· ' . ·•·
~' ~,_ National Geographic

Explorer Aydogan
Ozcan uses cell phone
technology to test people
for infectious diseases.


A Rea? the caption of the photo. How do,yo~ ·think a cell phon e might be used for PREDICTING
testing people's health? Discuss with a partner.

B Read thf• ;.. · . :' ~io n about infectious diseases. Note two reasons why they are a LEARNING ABOUT
problerr, ·· ,)ing areas. Then discuss \Nith a partner. THE TOPIC

lnfectiC' - •. ::;ri bE: spread fro rn one! \_ r,on to another. Two common
infectic. . ,, ·';. are malaria an d tu bercui:-,',h. :n 20 15, there were over two
; hundre:~1 ::·••Jn :-na.Aia cases worldwide- -90 1>::-rcent of whlch 'Jccurred in Africa.
Tubercu lo-::i'.) is a lun g infection caused by bacteria. In 2015 , about ten million people
suffered fro m the disease, and almost two million died from it. More than half of
tubercu losis cases occurred in six countries, such as India, Indonesia, and Nigeria. Many
infectious diseases like these are treatable. However, lack of access to proper medical
care makes it difficult to cure these diseases globally.

( . (
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\ 'n

2. ~\ o.g rJQ a:!, (v) to Identify (aA fllne 5

.. A - "to
~ '-JUN I ~ (v) to take In and analyze for n
. .,. lf1 ~
UNDER 5 TAND I NG ■ a Watch the video. Why is the cell phone a suitable device to use as a
MA IN Io EA s diagnostic tool? Check (✓) the reasons.
~ 1. Many people in developing countries own cell phones.
D 2. The diagnosis is more accurate than traditional teSt kits.
ff 3. It provides almost instant test results.
0 4. It allows regional health information to be collected and s;udied.

UNDERSTANDING ~ IJ Watch the video again. Complete the steps for using the cell phone as a
DETAIL s diagnostic tool.
1. Insert the c-..\\-c. .c~ ,~n\ onto the back of the phone.
2. Select \rf\.tl\\ °'~, e-. on the menu.
3. An image of the ' t'.. c.:..'
~, , \,- appears on-screen.
4. The - ,. . ~ <, tap~ on the image of the diagnostic test. ·
( ' · . ' ] .... f ~, •

5. The app . _ __ _ _>_· _ · --- ···--- ..··.. ·· t he irr age and nrod uces the result.
6. The _ _ _., _______ -··- ··-··· .. .... ..... '::: c ~!- t. ·~:, ,:- :-:;-,;:_ , ;j :,";_... ..-~.;- k>r healthcare wo

REACTING TO A How else might cell phones be used for monitoring health or providing he
THE VIDEO services? List two ideas and discus·s with a partner.
·. n .) '\., , '\ t
t ~ 0 ✓ O' _,i -, , .J. \.) \ ~ ,.,,._J · , n· \y ·-• C..--f '1 C..... Y'l~- 0

TICAL THINKING: a How do you think Ozcan's data could be used? ~ho would it be usef
APPLYING with a partner. ·
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