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How much do you know yourself?

Our spectacular accomplishments and our basic human nature, which is at the core of our existence and
source of our experience in this world, seems to remain a mystery for most of us. Unraveling some of
human nature’s secrets would seem to be a priority for us to explore, wouldn’t you agree? Doesn’t it
make sense to try and learn more about ourselves? As a collective whole, we are so knowledgeable of
our pop culture, celebrities and sports. This makes for nice casual conversation but does little to
improve the true quality of our lives. The foundations of our self-image and our self-esteem are not
strengthened by superficial, trivial pursuits. Knowing yourself can surely help with some of the confusion
and conflict in life. If we can understand how we react to life with our instinctual strengths and our
weaknesses, we can gain more control over our actions and make better choices.

Why do we do the things we do and why do others do what they do? These are questions I ask myself
lately. By not understanding our human nature, we are stuck in the mire of our instinctual reactions
which ultimately leads to our problems based on our conflicting points of view. There is no choice for us
when we allow ourselves to be controlled by people. Very simply, the main obstacle for beginning the
journey of self-discovery is that our ego proclaims us to be the center of the universe. It tells us that we
are the center of everything and are above scrutiny. When the ego is in charge it will tell us that we do
not need any help nor do we need to change as we are perfect as we are.

I am the one who knows myself best. Everyone around me has different things to tell about, but I only
know my true self. There are billions of people on this planet, and every person has a different purpose.
Each person finds their mission differently and has a different journey. Thus, when I write about myself, I
write about my journey and what makes the person I am because of the trip. I try to be myself, be
passionate about my dreams and hobbies, live honestly, and work hard to achieve all that I want to

Discuss your material self, social self, spiritual self

Material self - Everyone has their own material possession especially girls who was so obsessed on
material things. I like to buy a lot of makeup, shoes, and clothes. I find happiness in buying online. It is
true that material things affect our self. In my experience I became sad when I did not get what I want
and became mad for all the person that tries to talk to me and once I get what I want I’ll be back in my
mood and be happy. Material things affect a person, it may be negative and positive effect. In today’s
generation material things reflect the person personality and attitude. Teenager like having an iPhone
because they think that they will be like and idolized by other because they have that. For me I see those
people having a bad attitude like jealousy because I think they just want to be like others who was like
by the society. There are lot of people who spend a lot of money to material things so that they can be
more beautiful and be liked by the society. They think that if they have a lot of expensive things they will
be inn with the society. For me it is better to be practical than be inn with the society. It is better to have
what you need that having those things that was not so important.

Social self - My social self consists of friends, family, and my surroundings. I spend most of my time at
home with my family. Whenever I am with my friends, I observe their behaviors and listen to their
opinions. I am more of an independent type of person. Being with different people has influenced me
into appreciating different cultures and beliefs. I have learned things that have now been incorporated
into my own set of beliefs. I find that I can only recall long-term memories if they are important to me,
or if they are dramatic experiences. A few examples of my childhood memories are my mother reading
to me, my grandfather playing his guitar, and my dad relentlessly teaching me how to ice skate, no
matter how many times I fell. The people who affect my social life the most are my family and friends. I
have an extremely close family that has played a major role in my life. They are whom I spend most of
my spare time with. My family usually gathers every weekend for dinner. I am also very open to
different religions, cultures, and practices because I know many people with different backgrounds and
beliefs. Since I've been influenced by various people, I've learned at a very young age to never judge
people by how they look, dress, feel, or act. I am very fortunate to have learned these lessons, because
many people still do not understand the importance of accepting differences. In a group, I prefer to
listen to what others have to say, and then contribute to the discussion. I try to listen so I am able to
compare them to my own thoughts. I enjoy working in a group, because it gives everyone an
opportunity to incorporate their own ideas. My social self is most greatly influenced by my family and

Some positive social self-experiences I have:

A healthy sense of self-worth including body image.

Strong connections and emotional bonds with friends and family.

Satisfaction and enjoyment with relationships.

An ability to effectively and appropriately communicate with people verbally and nonverbally.

Empathy and understanding of other people’s perspectives.

I want to continue to learn about healthy connections and practice reaching out to others. While
opportunities may be limited due to social distancing, there are still chances to communicate face to
face with others via tools like Zoom. Many local services have adjusted to live virtual events. There are
more and more creative opportunities to interact with my peers. In my point of view through
understanding our self and others better, challenging our thoughts and behaviors, and seeking help if
needed, we can protect and improve our social self, allowing us to thrive in our socially complex world.

Spiritual self- I believe that spiritual self is our most beautiful and powerful form. It is the authentic self,
the unconditioned part. This is personal for each of us, so no need to get caught up on the language. As
we delve further and further into the annals of modern science and try to unearth the mysteries of the
very universe, we feel a growing need to depend on something greater than ourselves. In today’s
troubled times, when the world is fraught with racism, poverty, and international mistrust, the search
for sacredness is all the more relevant. Mankind is increasingly feeling the need to turn within oneself
and invoke their spiritual selves, because that is where peace is.


One of the core tenets of spirituality is compassion for one’s fellow beings. As a result, a truly spiritual
person will be compassionate toward one and all. I didn't judge anyone on the basis of their color,
creed, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or abilities. I don't also not make anyone feel humiliated,
nor will they be cruel to anyone. I assume that a spiritual person will certainly make sure that everyone
around them is happy and content.


Spirituality is based on compassion, which automatically means that a spiritual person learns a lot about
forgiveness. Due to this mindset, I get peace of mind, because the more we hold on to our grievances,
the worse we feel. Remembering the wrongs done unto us definitely does act as fuel for revenge, but
the feeling of vengefulness itself is not at all a pleasant one. The more we worry about all the people we
need to exact revenge on, the less at peace we feel with ourselves. That is not to say that my spiritual
self-forgets everyone and everything that did wrong, but I simply learn to forgive them and move on
with my life at peace.


Speaking of which, peace is the biggest boon of spirituality. The basic purpose of a spiritual life is to
attain peace of mind. This may be attained in many ways. I am a very calm person which makes me very
efficient handlers of stressful situations. I am at peace with myself or at peace with the world. I feel calm
and contented, and I have no emotional conflicts within myself or with other people. Once I knew I was
forgiven I could be at peace with myself at last. It makes me relax and feel at peace with the world.

In my view point, the underlying theme of spirituality is to look for peace, and try and make sense of the
world around us, our purpose, and the lives that we lead during our brief existence. Some people
approach spirituality through their religion. Some people simply believe in an omniscient God without
subscribing to any religion. For some, spirituality is all about doing some good in the world; while for
others, it is about staying fit and developing the mind and the soul. It does not matter what our
approach is; if I find peace and meaning through it without ever harming anyone, that is spirituality.

Describe your perceive self, real self, and ideal self

Perceive self - I do not choose to worry about what other people think of me, I do not care how they
perceive me and my personality because for one, I have knowledge of myself and my mistakes. As an
individual living a life of my own, I focus on my gains and benefits, engaging in activities that aid in
individual betterment and advancement. At times I could be egocentric and self-seeking. I care about
others but I place myself first. People perceive me as introverted, kind, smart, and creative. But just like
everyone else, I make mistakes and that is just who I am. However, I also believe that is am good and
have the ability to bring out the best in me. I am not out to be loved by everybody because I think less of
what they do. For me self-awareness is adopting a clear perception about my feelings, thoughts, beliefs,
emotions, motivation and personality and I also believe this is what makes me understand those around
me, how they view me and we respond to each other at a moment. I could confidently say that I am fully
aware of my strengths and weaknesses, my potentials, my weak spots, my assets and my friends. I think
I am my own best resource, I am confident of my abilities, appearances and for that reason I have
formed a good image of myself and so I have the ability to value others.

How do they view me as a person?

Responsible, empathetic, indecisive.

My friends know me well and we experienced both highs and lows together. Perhaps what they like
about me the most is that they can count on me in difficult times, share their problems with me, and I
will always be there to listen, and to share both their joys and sorrows. But just like any other woman I
sometimes struggle to decide about my actions. That’s likely something they’d mention when describing

Patient, receptive, positive.

I always try to see the good in each person and situation, and I think that my family are well aware of
this characteristic. Is it a weakness, or a strength? I cannot really say, and certainly I paid a price for my
naivety more than once. At the same time life’s great when you do not suspect people immediately, and
consider them good, at least in the depth of their heart, regardless of their actions.

Contemplative, smart, moody.

My loved ones love me not only for my strengths, but also for my weaknesses. And while I can certainly
solve almost any problem and help them repair anything related to technology, I have days when I just
do not feel good and it is pain talking to me. But when someone is a real friend they will understand.
Just like I respect them as they are, and do not try to choose only the good things and good days, they
do the same for me. I am very happy about my friendships.

Real self - In our lives there is only one person that we really need to learn how to be kind to, care for,
rely on, be honest with, and just overall love and respect, and that person is our own self. Yet if we
never learn how to respect ourselves we end up not experiencing life to the fullest. When one does not
know how to appreciate oneself they cannot truly be happy. My experiences only prove the above.
From the beginning of my fifth grade to I been bullied. Therefore, my relationship with people I've
known my entire life began to falter. Then at the start of my high school years I made a promise to
myself that I wouldn't let others rule my life anymore but after years of acting a certain way it’s hard to
change. I knew inside that I was worth more and better then I gave myself credit for. Without any of
my "friends" around I began to let my real self-come out. I learned that I would only be able to stay
strong if I was true to myself. So when my freshman year began I did exactly that. I joined the clubs I
wanted to, dressed how I wanted to, and listened to the music I wanted to. I became friends with
people that let me be myself. People that accepted me for who I really am not who they wanted me to
be. Although it was hard at times, I had to start all over again. I lost most of my friends from middle
school because we either grew apart or we realized we just weren't meant to be friends. Then with this
new sense of self I began to live a much happier life.
I think of myself as a very pleasant person to be around. I try to stay positive and upbeat, and see the
best in most situations, looking at the glass half full rather than empty. I am also very loving; my heart
goes out to those in need, and I can show affection to most any stranger. I am very warm and friendly. I
do take offense when people are cold, rash, and sarcastic towards me, because I rely on other’s cheerful
attitudes to keep me happy, something that is completely un-self-reliant, and something my ideal self
needs to work on. Lastly, I am extremely goal-orientated and driven. I find a way to succeed in whatever
I set my mind too, especially in school and work. I always have a plan, and hate to fail. I feel this trait is
also beneficial to society, because I am a hard worker and get the job done.

How do you view yourself as a person?

I am passionate about my work.

I am ambitious and driven.

I am highly organized.

I’m a people-person.

I’m a natural leader.

I am results-oriented.

I am an excellent communicator.

Ideal self - My ideal self is someone strong and ambitious, with enough strength and determination to
pursue whatever its in her mind. I would also like to be a little more adventurous, less fearful but not to
the point of recklessness. I want to look back someday and feel like I lived my life, like I've had the
experiences I've always wanted to had. That I've taken risks, gotten hurt, made stupid mistakes and
learned from them. My ideal self would possess many more, especially traits that emphasize self-
reliance because I feel I am not self-reliant. I feel leadership, wisdom, and smartness fall into a category
that I am sometimes not. It is very hard for me to think outside the box. I am often the last to give my
opinion and shy away from being completely honest. I am very insecure, and find it hard to take pride in
myself and the things I do. I look to others to build my self-esteem but if I cannot, why should others? I
would also like my ideal self to be more adventurous and willing to try new things, and feel secure in my
own body. I am very set in my ways, which can be a positive reinforcement for self-reliance, but society
will never benefit from anyone who isn’t willing to test the waters, so to say. My ideal self isn't very
influenced by my parents or the society I live in.

What are your motivation to achieve your ideal self?

The “ideal me” is, therefore “me”, however it is not the person I am today, but rather the person I am
striving to become tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, and so on. And yet this ideal self is not
a state of perfection; it is not a fixed destination or a finished product. In fact, it’s far from it. My ideal
self is constantly evolving and changing, and as such it has somewhat of an elusive nature. Becoming
everything you have ever wanted to be sounds like bliss. And yes you would be right. It would be as if all
our dreams had suddenly come true. But that’s because we are not that person today, and it’s the
journey towards becoming that person that will bring us fulfillment. It’s, therefore, not the destination
but rather the steps you take to get to that destination that makes life incredibly fulfilling, enjoyable and
fun. Moreover, it’s the process of learning, growth, and development along that journey that makes life
truly worth living.

My self-ideal, of course, encompasses the many roles I play. For instance, I am a sister, student, friend,
and daughter. Within every one of these roles there exists an “ideal me”. I might, for instance, be
striving to become a better student. As a result, I am working towards this ideal version of the student
that I would like to one day become, and this helps keep you growing and developing yourself in the
role. And the same is true for any other role I play. My own self is my main motivation to strive and
achieve my ideal self, as well as my loved ones. My growth and development in each role is the fuel that
keeps pushing me forward through every decision I make and action I take. I keep in mind that even
small actions count. For instance, I wish to be the type of person who is generous, well-read, has
integrity, advances in a chosen profession, or pursues justice, then I try to act accordingly and think
about the opportunities that exist in my life (or find ones) to make them happen.

What are the hindrances in achieving your ideal self?

The Ideal Self is that perfect version of us that we've always kept on a pedestal. It’s the image I want
everyone else to see. It’s the mirror against which I compare my actual self. It’s the dream of everything
I want to be on so many levels of physical, intellectual, emotional, social, material.

Unattainable - As with any goal, it has to be something you can reach. But it’s also important to dream
big, right? So there is a balance to find to pushing yourself to your greatest potential while still operating
within your limits and the limits that life inevitably puts on you. One of the hindrances that block me to
achieve my ideal self is my Ideal is too grand, it becomes a weight on my shoulders that is an endless
source of dissatisfaction.

Self-doubt - We can lie to ourselves. Convince ourselves that something is good when it’s not. We settle,
or we allow other people’s ideal for us influence our own. Often times the lies are based on self-doubt.
When you worry that you can’t do something, you convince yourself it’s not really what you want
anyway and you go for something that seems more attainable. But it will never be satisfying because it’s
not really you.

Lack of Vision- Everyone is talking about the importance of having a goal. “Before you start something,
set yourself a goal,” they say. So we follow this advice and think about challenging goals that we want to
accomplish. We decide that we want to get outstanding grades, find a high-paying job, get a promotion
and so on. As a result, our goals are focused on tangibles such as money. It’s like a wish list of all the
great things that we want to accomplish. If you want something, just set yourself a goal and work
towards it. That’s because most people do not have an underlying vision for their life. They figuratively
try to build the most luxurious castles without establishing the proper foundation first. As a result, most
of their endeavors are doomed right from the beginning. When viewed from this perspective, a lack of
vision is one of the greatest obstacles to success.

Lack of Focus - The inability to properly focus all our efforts on a given task is another major obstacle to
success. Modern life has introduced us to concepts such as multitasking and many other enticing but
unproductive distractions that drive away our attention. As a result, we often struggle simply because
we lack the necessary discipline and focus. Instead of focusing on the realization of a given project, we
jump from one project to another as we please. That’s one of the greatest obstacles to success if you ask

Lack of willpower - can be quite a challenging obstacle to success. If a person lacks willpower they lack
the mental strength required to do what needs to be done to ensure success. You can consider
willpower as a mental muscle. If you use it regularly, you will automatically strengthen it. But if you
neglect it, the muscle will weaken. As a consequence, it will be more difficult for you to withstand short-
term temptations. You might give in to tempting activities instead of focusing on your long-term goals.
To put it simply, willpower is the mental strength of a person to withstand thoughts and temptations
that do not contribute towards the accomplishment of their given objective.

Fear- can drastically prevent one’s growth. It limits us. It makes us accept the ordinary. It stops us from
pushing our boundaries. Fear can also hold us back from ever starting to pursue our dreams. If every
opportunity and challenge is perceived as too much of a risk, we remain stagnant. We start to pick up
bad habits that prevent us from doing what is necessary only because we are too afraid to confront our
fears. The fear obstacle comes in many different shapes and forms. In some cases, we are simply afraid
of failure. In other cases, we are afraid to be rejected. Yet in other situations we simply do not want to
be confronted with the unknown.

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