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Ah. Bonjour, salud,

and welcome to this quiet corner of the ocean floor.
It is here we find the aquatic habitat known as Bikini Bottom.
Let us now observe as the sun rises on a new nautical day.

[A foghorn sound effect is heard.]

Ah! Good morning, world. And all who inhabit it.

Jump outta bed! Fix up a breakfast for my favorite pet snail.

Full steam ahead. The S.S I Am Ready is about to set sail!
This kinda day couldn’t get much better but it keeps on trying!
I’m on my way! Somewhere there’s a krabby patty that needs frying.
Who’s that lucky sponge in the mirror, who is living his dreams?
Who’s always extra careful with his dental hygiene.
Gary it’s me, happy just to be here in the world-renowned Bikini Bottom!
How I love this town! Bikini Bottom When the sun shines down
On a beautiful Bikini Bottom day (spoken) Good morning, Patrick!

[PATRICK, spoken]
Uh, is it morning already?

[SPONGEBOB, spoken]
It sure is! And I'm singing an opening number!

[PATRICK, spoken]
Oh! I want a verse!
I missed a snack
This busy schedule makes it hard to be me
To stay on track
Now I'll have to eat it while I'm watching TV
There might not be time for a nap but I'll do what I can
They're showing all the episodes of--

Mermaid Man!
Oh, every single one!


I'm spending all day underneath my Favorite rock Bikini Bottom
favorite rock Rhymes with rock Bikini Bottom
Now, what rhymes with rock? Rhymes with rock
Nothing rhymes with rock Bikini Bottom day
It's a typical Bikini Bottom day

[SPONGEBOB, spoken]
No, Patrick, it’s a beautiful day! And a lot
of things rhyme with rock.

I don’t think so.

Sure. Clock, smock, electroshock.


*intense dancing*

[SQUIDWARD, spoken]

Would you two please keep it down?


Good morning, Squidward!

[SQUIDWARD, spoken]

Another day, another migraine.


When I want some quiet, there's nowhere to go

Act 1! 3
A sensitive artiste

Can't get a moment's peace

With these two idiots in stereo

They never go away (never go away)

Typical Bikini Bottom day

It’s a great day, Squidward. In fact, I’d say, this could be the best day ever.

[SQUIDWARD, spoken]

You say that everyday.

And it’s always true. Bye, Patrick.


I’ll see you at work, Squidward.

[SQUIDWARD, spoken]

What have I done to deserve this?

We now follow Spongebob past the
Treedome, home to a creature, seldom to the sea here on the ocean floor.
A squirrel from Texas. This is Sandy Cheeks the scientist
Hard at work on her latest invention.

Woah! Hi, Sandy!

Howdy, Spongebob!
Boy howdy, that was close

It's just a little smoke, a minor setback (setback)

A few more hours at most

And I'll be done with this here brand-new jetpack (jetpack)

And then this Texas squirrel, this country girl

Will spread her wings and fly

Her bushy tail and comet's trail

Will clear across the sky

Above the town and looking down

On a typical Bikini Bottom day (day, day). Hey!

*earthquake noises*


What in chicken fried tarnation was that?


I dunno. But I kinda liked it.


Excuse me, Spongebob. I’m gonna go run up The ol’ Seismogram!


I’m off to work too! At the greatest restaurant, there is!


"Ah yes, Bikini Bottom's most popular dining establishment,

Home to the Krabby Patty,

Act 1! 5
owned and operated by Mr. Eugene Krabs. And across town,

The least popular restaurant:

the Chum Bucket, run by Sheldon J. Plankton.

Two arch nemeses locked in their fast food cold war.


Winds from the west

Everywhere you look the skies are clear and sunny

Good weather's best

When you're in the mood to make a ton of money

*popeye laugh*


Laugh while you can

Until the day you laugh no more forever

Forever. I got a plan

And I went to college so you know it's clever


With you, there’s always another plan.

Quiet, computer wife. This time it’ll work. I’ll make everyone love my chum burgers through the
power of hypnosis. It’s almost too easy Soon they’ll all see, I may be small but my genius is


Come on Sheldon, it’d take forever to hypnotize the whole town


You used to enjoy my evil schemes.

What can i say? After 10 years of marriage. The magic’s gone.


They say that money doesn't matter if you love your work— HA!

Who would say that? Probably some penniless jerk


Soon the day will come

When they'll all love chum

It's just a matter of time


Bikini Bottom


Till I get the main line


Bikini Bottom


Oh, this town is all mine

Act 1! 7

Just a typical Bikini Bottom day


Good morning, Ms. Mayor!


Oh pipe down, I’m governing here!


Hello , Mrs. Puff!


Ah! Spongebob, please! I could have dropped my kelpuccino!


Hiya, Larry the Lobster!


Watch where you’re going, puny dude! I’m getting these claws ripped!


Hi, Old Man Jenkins! HELLO! Get off my lawn! Hello lawn! Hello street! Greetings, Maestro!
Hello, guy making all the sounds! Hello, everyone listening! Hello, sky! Hello, flowers! Hello,
Bikini Bottom!


On my way, hey! The pulse is pumping, and the traffic making way! What a day, hey! The sunny
weather is the best it’s always been.


We’ve got the best sun ever!


It's sunny weather. (It’s sunny weather)

In the flow, swim with the current which will drag you along. Here we go! Another busy day
where nothing can go wrong. I will always vow and pledge allegiance to this town that I hold
dear. For all are welcome here. Bikini bottom blue, yes I’ll stay true! The Bikini bottom way!
(Bikini bottom way!)

Bikini bottom way! (Bikini bottom way!)

Bikini bottom way (Bikini bottom way)

It’s the best day ever! (Ah!)

Hey, hey!

In the world renowned (world renowned)

Bikini Bottom

Our old home town (old home town)

Bikini Bottom

And the sun shines down, sun shines down, sun shines down, sun shines down.

It's a typical




A regular



Act 1! 9

An ordinary




Bikini Bottom

(world renowned, Bikini Bottom)



I can’t wait for another fine day at the finest eating establishment ever established for eating.


And here I thought, it was a third rate grease pot.


The finest third rate grease pot where I’m proud to be fry cook of the month.


YOU’RE THE ONLY FRY COOK! Well, I for one have my sights set far beyond this place, I’ve
been developing a one-man show, showing an as yet, undiscovered, handsome, and very leggy
talent, I call it Tentacle Spectacle, The Musical! My mother, she always said I belonged on the

You’d make a great tree. Now look sharp boys, me precious whale daughter is here. PEARL!
Soak it in me darling daughter, one day this will all be yours. As soon as you graduate high
school, I’ll start you as manager.


But dad! I have my own dreams!


Like what? Listening to that boy band 14 hours a day.


They’re called the Electric Skates.


Uh, Mr. Krabs, if she doesn’t want to be manager, I know someone who would be great for the


You? Haha. Oh, a fry cook is all you’ll ever be. You’re just a simple sponge boy. And yet, you
don’t seem to absorb much.

MR KRABS laughs.

EVERYONE laughs.

Act 1! 11


Why can’t they see? I wore my good shoes and I’ve got my tie on. Maybe it’s me. Am I just a
simple sponge you can’t rely on? All I want is someone to notice who I am? Do you have to
make me say it out loud? Come on, Mr. Krabs, this is more than just a job. Let me show you, let
me make you proud. I’ve been waiting patiently to be the sponge who I’m meant to be. Won’t
anyone believe in me-




(vibrato) EEEEEEEeeee-Aaaah!


Uhm. Is that something we should worry about?




Breaking news: that is something we should worry about. After today’s unexplained tremor,
smoke has been sighted at the top of Mount Humongous, the long lingering volcano of
doooooooom! Impending disaster, a special bulletin, we just learned that Bikini Bottom is under
terrifying volcano of doom and now a live statement from the Mayor of our town.

Ladies and gentlefish, if this mountain erupts, orange rivers of steaming lava, will obliterate all
we know and love! Don’t worry, your government has everything under control. I’m starting an
initiative to assemble a committee to identify a strategy to evaluate the situation. In the
meantime, all citizens must report home and remain indoors. The threat level is now code

*Everyone panics*


I don’t understand why everyone is so worried. Sure that volcano might destroy everything. But,
on the other hand, it might not.


When are you gonna learn, Spongebob? The world is a horrible place filled with fear, suffering
and despair. Also, dashed hopes, shattered dreams, broken promises, and abject misery.


But it's our horrible place. With the best abject misery there is!

[Squidward makes a noises of disgust.]

They'll see. Everything is under control, right?

Act 1! 13

No fish knows the future. Not a single shark or soul. It's all deranged. No control.

Don't you think you're being a little negative. The town is under curfew. The fish-police is on
patrol. It's all deranged. No control. (No control. No control.)


Stuck here at home, but I'm not upset. Leaving me alone, with my clarinet.


This could take a while so I should relax. But the stores are all closed. And i'm out of snacks.
(Out of snacks. )

No control.

(Spongebob is la la ing to the tune of the music.)


SpongeBob, what are you doing out of your pineapple? Everyone's supposed to be inside!


It's going to be fine, Sandy. The Mayor said she'll handle it. And everyone knows, you can
always trust the government.


Well... I've got news hot off the griddle. I did some calculations, and that volcano is gonna erupt,
as sure as a rhinestone cowboy at a disco rodeo. I figured ppl when, too. It's gonna happen at
sundown tomorrow!

OK, Sandy, but I don't think...


I'm serious as a guacamole shortage at a taco party! I determined the timeline through analysis
of... seismic activity, gas emissions, geomagnetic and gravimetric changes. Over the next 36
hours, tremors will increase and boulders will fall, eventually leading to a cataclysmic eruption
which will completely destroy Bikini Bottom! The nigh.


The end-end?


The science is clear

I'm afraid it's true

The end's really here

There's nothing we can do

And if I read these numbers right

Our time is up

Tomorrow night!



Act 1! 15

Tomorrow night!




No control

I can't believe I've no control

It's all deranged





[clock ticking]


[clock ticking]

[PATRICK IS STILL SCREAMING while SPONGEBOB is trying to calm him down.]


Patrick, Patrick, Patrick, Patrick, Patrick! Patrick, Patrick, Patrick, Patrick!

*He puts a cork in Patrick's mouth*


You have to pull yourself together. Breath in and out. Eyes here, eye-


You don't understand. I'm stuck inside and I can't watch any of my shows because there is
nothing on TV but this.


The end is coming. The end is coming.


I get it, buddy. I get stressed out too, sometimes. Like when, Mr. Krabs says I'm not manager


Manager material? you mean like Polyester.


He says I'll never be more than a fry cook.

Act 1! 17

What? You just want some respect. I get that, I mean I have a lot of great ideas. But no one
ever pays attention to-


We're getting off-topic here, Patrick! The point is we're gonna get through this emergency
together. We don't need television. As long as we have imagination.


Ice crea-imagination.


Because we're BFFs


B-F-F! Bfff!


Best friends forever.

Ah, I still don't get it.


I got you

And you got me

I don't need my glasses on

To see we're both pretty lucky

Stuck inside

With no T.V.


Still, I'm stuck with you so

As happy as can be

Let's have some fun together

We'll be best friends forever

B.F.F., that stands for us


There's nothing as fun as mindless entertainment, Spongebob.




Act 1! 19
Maybe so but all I know is right here.

We've got all we need to make today pretty special.

Let's explore

Open every drawer


Hey, you found my long-lost cheese


That's what friends are for!

Let's have some fun together


You're my best friend forever


B.F.F., that stands for—

We're best friends and this is the friend dance!

We're best friends and this is the friend dance

We're best friends and this is the friend dance


Every little thing that I can think of doing

Just sounds better

Doing it together

Every little thing that I can think of doing

Just sounds better

Doing it together

Doing it with you


Hey, Patrick! Check this out! The incredible stretching sofa!


It's alive!

Oh, it got away!

[SPONGEBOB falls! Oh no!]


Are you okay, Spongebob!?


Sure, what's a minor concussion between friends?


Act 1! 21
Oh, I have an idea!


Ooh! I love me some bubbles in my bath.


I love me some bubbles anywhere~

Okay, since you're so into bubbles, I'm gonna make you the biggest baddest bubble ever!


Floating high

Like a bubble in the sky

Feeling good just like I should

And you're the reason why

Let's have some fun together

We'll be best friends forever


B.F.F., that stands for us

This can't get any better

You're my best friend forever

B.F.F., that stands for us

B.F.F., that stands for us

B.F.F., that stands for...

"Spongebob and Patrick!"

That stands for us



All citizens! Report to the town square! Ladies and gentlefish, we only have until sundown
tomorrow! But I will lead us through this crisis! By setting meetings to encourage dialogue for
drafting proposals for eventual action.


So we're doomed!


I'm scared! We need someone to save us!


We need to find whoever’s to blame for all this!


Does anyone have an actual plan to propose?


Oh, oh I do, I do! Call on me, me, me, me, me!


Yes, enthusiastic sea star?

Act 1! 23

Maybe if we all close our eyes, nothing will happen.


So deep!


No, it's not. It's the stupidest thing I've ever heard!


Hooray! Wait.


I've got it! We could find a way to hold the exponential increase of the plutocratic flow in the
subterranean magma chamber.


Yeah, what she said! La, la, la, la! What did she say?


Haha! Science, ya'll. That's the answer!



I have a new scheme, Karen.My best one yet. But FOR IT to work, I need them to stay scared!

What are you talking about! The end is coming! *beeping noises* This is no time for one of your


Oh, yes. It is. What you said was true! It would take too long to hypnotize each of them into
loving my chumburgers but when fish are scared, they school together. If I can get them all in
one place, trapped where there’s nowhere to run. I can hypnotize them in bulk. First though, I
need to shut down that squirrel. AHEM! Excuse me?


Yes? Oh, speak up tiny citizen.


Do any of you actually believe that science can save us?

Everyone makes agreeing noises.

Oh, come on! Next, she’ll tell us tidal warming is real!


I’ve been studying Bikini bottom for years now, if you just trust me-


Why should we trust you? You’re not even from here.


Yeah, you’re a land mammal.


Act 1! 25
Since, when does that matter?


Things are different now. Our town is under attack.


You know what they say folks, when the going gets tough-


The tough! Get going!

Everyfish applauds him.


No! The tough get lost!


What, dude. That is not the saying!


I need to sell them on my plan. But it won’t be easy. I’m gonna need to do it in song! Gimme
some music, please, Karen?

Karen starts singing country music.


No, that won’t win over anyone!

Karen starts singing scat music.


A for effort. But no, i need something with mass appeal. Gimme a beat, Karen. A hip-hop beat.


Come on, Sheldon. You couldn’t rap if your life depended on it.


Oh yeah!? Watchhh.



This task force is for losers

I've  got the perfect plan
Right  now, the getting's good
So let's get out while we can!

Look, lava's pretty hot

Let's  give in to our fear
Disaster's  on its way
That means we can't spend no more time in here!

You  all know who I am

Evil genius, giant brain
You can't stop a volcano, I mean-
Are you all INSANE?

The  ones who stay will all be vaporized, without a doubt

Before that sucker blows, we gotta get the fish out!


Act 1! 27
So let's go, and be gone
So let's go, and be gone
So, leggo, and be gone
So, leggo, and WE GONE!

Cause when the going gets tough

(When the going gets tough)
That means it's time to get lost
(That means it's time to get lost)
When the going gets tough
(When the going gets tough)
That means it's time to get lost
(That means it's time to get lost)
So leggo, and we gone, let's be gone!

I am simply shocked!
Bikini Bottom is our HOME
I can't believe you talk about just walking out!
Let's figure out a way to stay, today, tomorrow!
I feel sorrow, I feel fear
But I am NOT leaving here!
Who's with me?

OH! The simple sponge is talking!
Fascinating! Do go on...
The frycook has a plan- good luck with that
Cause I'll be gone!
You don't just wait around when you're under attack, no


Run like crazy, out the back!
You've got one day left
Better go home and pack!
Cause when the going gets tough
(When the going gets tough)
That means it's time to get lost
(That means it's time to get lost)
When the going gets tough
(When the going gets tough)
That means it's time to get lost
(That means it's time to get lost)
So leggo, and be gone, let's be gone!

Of course, mass evacuation is no simple fate. We need a vessel that can trap us all-I MEAN fit
us all. A giant escape pod. This pod will take us all far away from here to build a new home.
We’ll call it Chumville!

[KRABS, spoken]
Hold on, tiny dancer! I wasn't hatched yesterday!
This sounds like another one of your schemes!

[PLANKTON, spoken]
Wh-! At a time like this, how could you THINK such a thing?!

[KRABS, spoken]
You've got something up your sleeve...

[PLANKTON, spoken]
I'm a one-celled organism... I don't even have sleeves!

[KAREN & ENSEMBLE, spoken]


[PLANKTON, spoken]
Watch this, Karen!
Break it down, now!

Act 1! 29
[PLANKTON, speed-rapping]
Coming up as one of many
Mom and Dad had plenty more of me
And 20/20 vision? Never had it!
Had to be a devastating, conversating, luminous communicator
Hoping later every hater of this tiny, little, nerdy me would pay
You've never heard of me? Okay-
I don't give it up, I live it up!
Floating in the saline
Running from the balene
A celebrated single cell of ciliated, cerebellum genius!


Cause when the going gets tough
(When the going gets tough)
That means it's time to get lost
(That means it's time to get lost)
When the going gets tough
(When the going gets tough)
That means it's time to get lost
(That means it's time to get lost)
And be gone!
Let's be gone!
Let's be gone!


Well, Plankton. It seems your plan is the will of the fish.


No, wait!

We’ll order the escape pod, cash on delivery. Expedited shipping by 6pm next business day, just
in time to get out before sundown tomorrow. And it only costs..NEPTUNE'S TRIDENT There
aren’t enough clams in all Bikini Bottom to pay for this.


I guess we'll have to stay.


No! We can..uh.we can raise the funds.


Before sundown tomorrow? There’s not a chance in kelp.


Yeah, the only way I ever give money is if a celebrity asks.


That’s it! We can have a benefit concert.


I have an idea, we can have a benefit concert.

*agreeing noises*

One of those charity shellathons.


And I have the perfect piece for the occasion, I call it Tentacle Spectacle the Musical. Lemme
give you a little taste.

Maestro! Oh, look out world, cause here I come.

Act 1! 31

WOAH WOAH WOAH! Dude, you are not a celebrity.


But, the Electric Skates are! We can get them to play.


Who loves the Electric skates and is old enough to vote? Oh, then the Electric Skates it shall be!

[Pearl makes a squeal.]


Ee! I’m gonna meet them!


You are not meeting anyone young lady! You are staying inside!


And don't worry Squidward, we won’t leave you out. You can be official concert organizer. And
cater to the band’s every crazy whim and unreasonable demand.


Actually, I don’t think that’s-


Start packing everyone! It won’t be long before we kiss our Bikini Bottom goodbye!


Wait, everyone! We can’t abandon our home!


They made up their minds, Spongebob. About me too.


Well, we can’t just give up!


Let it go, boy. There’s nothing you could do. I told ya before. You’re just a simple sponge.
Simple simple. Simple sponge. Simple spongeee.



Sure I spend my days floating around

Head in the bubbles and my feet on the ground

But there is more to me than just my name

Give me a chance and I could change the game

And maybe one day Mr. Krabs will say

"The Krusty Krab's yours, it's your lucky day!"

That is what I've always wanted
Then I can finally say I've done it

Let me have adventure, be a contender and more


Act 1! 33
'Cause you're not a simple sponge


I wish he'd see I'm not just the sponge next door


No you're not a simple sponge


There's gotta be a better way

A way to save this town I love
But how can I stop the end of the world?
Am I just a simple sponge?


No you're not a simple sponge (No you're not a simple sponge)


So what if I'm a sponge? It's what I wanna be

There isn't anyone who stretches like me
Employee of the month two years in a row
Undisputed master of my own dojo
And everyone here knows that they can depend
On this expert jellyfisher who's a trusted friend
I can eat a lot of ice cream
I can even play my nose like...

Let me have adventure, be a contender and more


'Cause you're not a simple sponge

Can't he see I'm not just the sponge next door?

No you're not a simple...


I wish that I could turn back time
I never thought my world could end
I only wanna hang out with my friends
But fear I fear is dragging us down
And now there's panic that's run amok in my simple town

No, no, no, no, no

Just give me adventure, I'm a contender and more

'Cause you're not a simple sponge

I will show I'm not just the sponge next door

No, you're not a simple sponge


I'm gonna find a better way

A way to save the life I love
And I am gonna stop the end of the...

You're just a simple sponge

[SPONGEBOB, spoken]
You're wrong, Mr. Krabs! I'll find a way to stop that volcano from erupting!

You are still a simple sponge

Act 1! 35
[SPONGEBOB, spoken]
I'll use science like Sandy said! I'm gonna need her on the team!

'Cause you're just a simple sponge

[SPONGEBOB, spoken]
And Patrick too! He's super strong! We'll be the best team ever. Sandy's brains, plus Patrick's
brawn, plus my...

Yes, a very simple sponge

[SPONGEBOB, spoken]

I'm not sure what my thing is, but that won't stop me! When the going gets tough, this sponge
gets going!
No I'm not a simple sponge


Let me have adventure, be a contender and more

I am not a simple sponge


They will see you're not just the sponge next door


Now at last I have found a way
A way to save this town I love
I am not a simple sponge!


Hey, Mr. Krabs. We’re not gonna have to leave Bikini Bottom after all. I’m putting together a
team to save the town.


Good luck with that. We’re packing.


I can’t decide which one to wear for the Electric Skates.


For the last time, get it through your browhole. You are not meeting those stingray degenerates.


But daad!


You’ve got your priorities all wrong! We’re in a crisis here. And when you’re in a crisis, there’s
only one thing you can depend on.


You mean family?




Act 1! 37


You’re kidding, right?



When time is short and the end is near

It's important to identify what you hold dear
It's clear, Pearl, your daddy always knows best

[PEARL, spoken]

You understand me! I know we're not the same species which is pretty weird now that I think
about it.


Let me tell you what counts more than all the rest!

Money money matters most

Money money I can boast
Money money make a toast to
Money, money, money! Ha!


I should be my daddy's greatest prize

But instead he's got dollar signs in his eyes

Daddy, you just don't understand

All I care about is rockin' out with my favorite band

Oh the feeling that it creates

When I hear the Electric Skates


Can you hear it, Pearl?


Money money money money etc...


Daddy, can you hear me?

Can you hear me at all?

Act 1! 39

Daddy! Money money in the air

Can you hear me? Money money everywhere

Can you hear me? Money money to the chair

Oh, daddy Money

Daddy Money

Daddy Money

Daddy can you hear me? Ha! Money money I'll stay true

Can you hear me? Money money just us two

Can you hear me? Money money I love you

Daddy Money money

Daddy Money money

Daddy Money money

Daddy Money money

Daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy, Money money, money money, money money,
daddy, daddy money money

Daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy, Money money, money money, money money,
daddy, daddy money money

[KRABS, spoken]

I'm sorry, Pearl, were you trying to say something?

[Pearl cries.]






Excuse me, can I open my eyes now?

Oh, hey. Don’t cry.


Now you see, Pearl, I’m creating a new ad campaign. One more Krabby Patty before the end.


Come on everybody, gimme that money!


Act 1! 41
Little does he know, the tables will soon turn. Once they’re all trapped in the escape pod, they’ll
be easy to hypnotize. By the time we reach Chumille, everyone will love chum! Mua. Ah. Ah. Ah.


You know I’ve forgotten how much I like hearing you gloat.


Oh, Karen




It’s been years since I’ve felt this close. Gazing into your screen right now, I feel the very earth
move underneath my feet.


Oh~ Oh, it is moving!


Breaking news! A giant boulders heading down from Mount Humongous. And It’s headed this
way! Ahhh!


I’ve got it!

*everyone panics then stops, then goes back to panicking*




There’s gonna be-I’m putting together..




I guess everyone is right, this will be the end. Unless I can stop it. I’ve gotta get my team
together. You are not a simple sponge. You are not a simple sponge! You are not a simple
sponge! You are not a simple sponge! Get ready, Patrick, I have a plan to save the town and I
need your help! Are you with me?


I’m right here, hello!


Well then, welcome to the team!


Mr. Star! Mr. Star!


Were you expecting all these sardines?




Act 1! 43
You said, if we close our eyes, maybe nothing will happen. And we understood. It’s only by
shutting out the turmoil of the world that we can find salvation. Give us more wisdom, Oh, Pink
One. EeEEE!


Uhhhh. Life. Smells. Weird.


So deep! Life smells weird! Life smells weird!


What was that all about?


Finally, someone understands. The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma.


Come on, Patrick! We gotta go get Sandy on the team!


Apocalypse. A special report. Just 28 hours left before the end. How will you spend them?


I’m gonna do all the living I should have done before.

Gimme another kelp juice, Jimmy.

Carpe diem!

Who are you calling a Carpe?


I’m gonna find someone to blame for all this.


What about the squirrel, that whole science thing is pretty suspicious.


Not only that, she has lungs.


Yeah, this is a gill town. Land mammals go home.


We don’t want her kind here, let’s blame the squirrel. Blame the squirrel! Blame the squirrel!


I thought this was my home. I guess I was wrong.


Let us now follow Sandy as she takes refuge in Jellyfish Fields. One of the great wonders of the
undersea world.




Oh, we’ve been looking for you everywhere.

Act 1! 45

We have a volcano to beat and we need you on the team! Brains, brawn and though I don’t
have any skills to bring to the table, I’m going too!


This town doesn’t want my help. They want me gone! And I can take a hint.


You can’t leave. This is your home.


No, it’s not Spongebob. Let’s face it. I never fit in here. Well then again, I never fit in Texas
either. I was always the odd rodent out. Noone knew what to make of a girl squirrel who was
into science and martial arts. I never felt home anywhere really. And now it’s time to dig up my
acorns again and push on.


Well, that’s terrible Sandy. But please don’t leave. We need you on the team.


fuck you joslyn i will grow a dick and fuck you :)

*M O A N S*



If the world is gonna end tomorrow

Wallowing in sorrow isn’t where I wanna be

Cause there isn’t a catastrophe

Uh, hello.


That could ever measure up to me.

Sandy, just try it and see

Come on


Try what?


Hero is my middle name

Fixing trouble is my game


It is a good game.


Just give it the old know-how

There's no better time than now

Don't give up and don't give in


Yeah, if you’re thinking sink or swim.


The right answer is swim.

Courage is your claim to fame.

When hero is your middle name.


And hero is our middle name.


That’s nice, boys. But mine is Jeniffer. And no one believes my science is real.


Act 1! 47
Your machines, they made a real prediction

It's not science fiction


But no one wants to listen at all. When the writing’s on that ol’ sea wall.


But your friends need you to heed the call!


All for one and one for all!


We need you, Sandy! Patrick can help us climb that volcano. But you have to handle the
stopping it from erupting part because we have no idea how! And time is running out really
really fast. But no pressure.


Pressure! Yes. I think I have an idea. Figure 1: Diagram of a volcanic eruption caused by rapid
pressure build up in a subterranean magma chamber. Figure 2: If this pressure is released, no
eruption will occur. Ipso facto. I can design an explosive device. Figure 3. To drop in the mouth
of the volcano. Figure 4: With a timer set to detonate at precise moment of eruption. Figure 5:
Unleashing a deluge of bubble to relieve the pressure and prevent the blast.


You lost me at one.


The point is, this could work! I reckon I can have this bubble device built by tomorrow morning.


So you’ll stay and help us?


Boys, I’m still gonna push on from this town of yours. But you’re my friends so I say we give this
idea a shot!
[SPONGEBOB, spoken]

Three heroes to the rescue!

[SANDY, spoken]

Team of Tres to the top!

[PATRICK, spoken]

Us go!


So come on!

Hero is our middle name

Fixin' trouble is our game


I’m up and I won’t back down.


And we’re gonna save this town


I am Sandy, hear me roar! Won’t be playing sweet no more!

Courage is my claim to fame

And hero is my middle name

Act 1! 49

And hero is our middle name

And hero is our middle name

Hero is our middle name


Alright. I gotta get this concert organized. The drum kit will go here. The confetti cannon there.
Oh, and poster of course. The Electric Skates, with very special guest: Squidward Q. Tentacles!
Oh, I can still remember that night. My 3rd grade talent show. All of the other fish calling me:
loser, loser, LOSER. To this day, whenever I hear that word, something inside me just snaps.
But you got me through it, Mama. You told me that someday I would play the Bikini Bottom
Bandshell. Well, before time runs out I will prove you right! I’m a pretty squid, Mama! And I’m
gonna show em’ what I got. Hit it!


Oh, look out world. Cause here I come-


Hey, Squidward! Good news, we’re gonna save Bikini Bottom.


What are you talking about!? Explain yourself, rhombus slacks.


Sandy is going to build an ingenious bubble device to stop the volcano. And all we have to do is
climb to the top of Mount Humongous and drop it in.

SQUIDWARD laughs in his face. SPONGEBOB laughs also.


You’re kidding, right! No one has ever reached the top alive.


When you say nobody, do you mean that as a figure of speech or is it-


I mean, nobody. Ever. Full stop. Exclamation point.

SPONGEBOB gulps, as SQUIDWARD laughs.


Don’t worry buddy. We can do it! I’ll be with you the whole way no matter what.


That sponge is the biggest threat to my plot. If somehow, they do manage to climb that


We have to make sure they don’t live long enough to reach the top.


I like how you’re thinking Karen! And you know, I'm so glad you want to scheme with me again.
It’s just like the old days.


I guess it took a little apocalypse to spice things up~


We've got this boys, come tomorrow. We’ll be on that mountain like a smoked sausage on a
hickory grill.


Patrick Star. Patrick Star.


Hey, do you hear that?


Patrick Star. Patrick Star.


Sounds familiar.


Act 1! 51
Patrick Star. Patrick Star. Patrick Star.


It’s the Sardines!


And they’re wearing great outfits!



I believe I've found the star


I believe I've found the superstar

We believe we've found the superstar sea star
Who will save us all

Patrick Star!


I am sorry to interrupt but we’ve got some urgent business to get to-


We've been hoping, we've been searching everywhere


And we've finally found the answer to our prayer

He said we should close our eyes

Which made us realize


That Patrick is the one

Who will save us from our demise

So give it up! (Give it up!)

Raise the sound! (Raise the sound!)
Tell everyone (Tell everyone to gather round)
For we have found the shining star (Yes he is, oh yeah)

Super sea star savior

Patrick Star!


Hey guys, I think they're singing about me!


Really. We hadn't noticed. Come on, we have a mission here!


This is weird, you guys, but I like having all you around



How profound


Look at all the new friends that I have found


Act 1! 53
We've been found, we've been found, oh!


And give it up! (Give it up)

Raise the sound (Raise the sound)

Tell everyone (Tell everyone to gather round)

For I might be your shining star (you're a shining star)



Patrick Star!


Yeah, Patrick Star! Oh!

Well, as your leader




I will complete you


You complete me!


Glad someone's following me


For a change!


Now where we'll go

Act 1! 55
Uh... I don't know

I'll know it when I see it


Great Pink One, you are everything

There's great pink wisdom in all you sing


Like this





Shout it out


Shout it out


Shout it out

From the mountain high


Shout it out


To the ground below


Shout it out


I feel it, my brothers and sisters!


He can think, y'all!


Shout it out


He will save us!

Act 1! 57

Shout it out


Y'all, Praise Pink!


Oh, y'all praise pink (Sing it)

Oh, y'all praise pink (Sing it)

Ohhhh shout it out!

Super sea star saviorrrrr

Patrick. Starrrr!


No, no, no no no. You can’t leave. We have a mountain to climb.


That was before I was a savior.


You said, you’d be with me no matter what.


Unless I became a savior.


What about our team?

This is my moment, SpongeBob! Try not to ruin it!


Fine then. Go! I don’t need you.


You don’t? Well, I don't need you.


Well, I don’t need you more.


At least I don't live in a fruit.


At least I-i don’t have a conehead!


Well, at least I'm not square! Square! Square!


Pink! Pink!








Act 1! 59






We’re out.




What are we gonna do now? Patrick’s the brawn. There’s no way we can get up that mountain
without him.


At that moment, night falls.


The last night before the end! And as hysteria spreads through our streets, many have begun to
question the government’s ability to handle this crisis!



Stop it! Don’t believe the media! Everything is under control!

*an earthquake occurs*

Oh, tartar sauce. Look! More boulders!

*everyone panics*
*Spongebob is depressed. Ethan Slater, gahhhh!*




Spongebob, we can’t give up now.

Tomorrow Is


We only have tomorrow

To try to save the day

The world will end tomorrow

SpongeBob, we have to find a way


A way

I only have tomorrow
To show them what I've got

We only have tomorrow

So get 'em while they're hot


Act 1! 61
SMALL! Yes...
But devious!
I feel ten feet tall!
If I succeed...


The sponge will FALL!


The sun has sunk below us

The dark of night is here

The hands of time keep ticking

Tomorrow's almost here, almost here, almost here

We only have tomorrow

Before our town is gone

We only have tomorrow

Before we must move on


In the world renowned (Bikini Bottom)

Have to save this town (Bikini Bottom)

As the sun goes down on a beautiful

(Bikini Bottom)

*pause for dramatic effect*

*Patchy is shown trying to give out programs, disguised as an old lady*


Programs! Get your programs! Help an old lady by buying a program! Here you go, dearie! That
one’s free for you! Can’t tell the characters without a program! Haha! Oh.

Ahaha! I made it! Ah! Yes, haha! They can’t keep me out. I’m Patchy the Pirate, Spongebob’s
number one fan! You know. After they wouldn't let me because I’m a pirate. I wandered the
streets until I happened upon a pirate dive bar. And it was there, talking to me fellow
buccaneers, that gave the courage to come back here with a message on behalf of all victims of
pirate prejudice, in fact i wrote a protest song! Got the sheet music right here. Ooh, and you
brought your accordion. Isn’t that convenient?



Let me begin with a hearty ho ho

And a tale that nobody tells well

I've not come all the way from En-C-I-N-O

To be treated like sewage that smells

Some of us just want adventures

The open-sea wind in our earrings

Act 1! 63
Why are we constantly misunderstood

Don't you know pirates have feelings


Poor pirates, P-O-O-ARR

Poor pirates, P-O-O-ARR
Poor pirates
Can't deny this simple truth
Poor pirates, P-O-O-ARR


People too (too, too, too)

Think of how harrrd we have had it (so hard)

Out on ships there is not much to eat (not much to eat)

And dentists hate pirate insurance (yo ho no)


Which is why we've so many gold teeth

(We've too many gold teeth)


Me laundry stays damp and me boots start to stink

And me fingernails filthy and dirty

Me internet loads unbelievably slow

And me bedtime's around 7:30

Poor pirates, P-O-O-ARR
Poor pirates, P-O-O-ARR
Poor pirates
Can't deny this simple truth
We're poor pirates, P-O-O-ARR
Poor pirates, P-O-O-ARR
Poor pirates


Have it so much worse than you

Poor pirates, P-O-O-ARR
Poor pirates, P-O-O-ARR
Poor pirates
Can't deny this simple truth
Poor pirates, P-O-O-ARR


People too (too, too, too)

Yo ho!

Hey! Hey! Everybody, off the stage!

No, you can’t kick us out! We're makin a stand. Am I right boys!? Avast ye!

Hey! There are no pirates allowed in here!

I’m not leaving here until I see SpongeBob.

You have 10 seconds, sir. You have 5 seconds sir. You have 1 second sir. Alright, you lowlife,
you better hold onto your booty.

I’ll be back. I’ll be back! Ow, I’ll be back!


Act 1! 65
Let us now return to our story. It is the next morning. And we find ourselves, once again in Bikini
Bottom, here we see SpongeBob fast asleep in his pineapple home.

Oh! Ah! Oh, Gary! I had a terrible nightmare. I dreamed the end was coming at sundown today!
And Patrick abandoned me? Neither of which could actually happen, of course.

Good morning, Bikini Bottom. Our top story, the end is coming at sundown today and friends are
abandoning friends.

So, it wasn’t a dream. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-

Ten minutes later.


One hour later.


Fifteen years later.

*old man* OooooooooooooooOOOOOOOooooo.


Oh this? Comes right off!


You’re right. I need to get moving. Sandy and I have a mountain to climb.

Well, you need to be strong now , Gary. If I don’t make it back, and I may not. You have to go on
without me.


And I carry you in mine, Gary. Always.

Freeze, state your name.

Spongebob Squarepants. You know me.

Just following procedure, dude.

Is that a jellyfish on a stick?

Don’t make me zap you, bro.

I declare a state of emergency! You’re either with me or against me, now move!

Outta the way, Spongebob! I have a concert to organize!

(drunk) Clear off the road. I have a bender to go on.

Praise Pink! Praise Pink! Praise Pink!

Act 1! 67
Blame the squirrel! Blame the squirrel! Blame the squirrel!

Are they gone?


Then let’s get moving while the coast is clear.

Do you have the ingenious bubble device tos top the volcano?

Took me all night, but it’s ready.

They marveled at the device.

Would you look at that? The ingenious bubble device to stop the volcano.

Oh, I came up with a name too, The Erupter Interrupter.

Very catchy.



Cause I wasn't sure.

I think the rhyme is great.

Okay, enough yammering. Duty calls. To the mountain.
Heroes march!

If they reach the top and save the town, my whole hypnosis and escape pod scheme will be
ruined and I still don’t have a plan to stop them. Oh, Karen. My evil genius is exhausted.

Don’t worry. Sheldon. I’ve got just the thing.

My Avalanche Maker 3000!

We can use it to start a landslide. That they'll nothier survive, then Chumville, here we come!

Oh, Karen! It’s evil! It’s diabolical! It’s lemon scented!

Gloat for me, baby~~~

Plankton laughs.

Alright, everybody, clear round! This is a closed sound check of the Electric Skates! The concert
is this afternoon. So, why don’t you go, right this afternoon!

They’re here!

Hello, Bikini Bottom!


If you wanna rock and feel it alright

Act 1! 69
Bikini Bottom boogie all night

Hanging 680, sweet, rad, gnarly and tight

Bikini Bottom Boogie all night

Toe side, heel side, how do I look?

It doesn't really matter 'cause it's so off the hook

Faux haired, short haired, mohawk or bald

Or shavin' off your dorsals when your grandmama called

There's no magic potion, we'll jump in the ocean blue



Jump in the ocean blue! Yeahhh!


Nice wail, whale!


Really? You heard me singing, my daddy never hears me.


You know what? We’ve been looking for a backup singer and i think i just found her.

So if you wanna rock and feel it alright


Bikini Bottom boogie all night

Bikini Bottom boogie all night

Bikini Bottom boogie all night



Bravo, gentlemen. Bravo, that was some sound check.


Rock and roll!


Freeze! Given the great importance of this concert, I’ve been thinking about a special guest. I’d

like to suggest myself.


You? No way! That reminds me! We have a rider!

Two pounds of seahorse radish. Three cases of kelp juice. Nineteen assorted shiny objects.




There’s no way I can possibly get all of this for you.


Woahwoahwoah woah, look man! If you get us what you want, we'll let you open up for us!

Act 1! 71

Really, you mean it?


Sure, Pillward!


Actually, It’s Squidwar-


Catch you on the flipside, Flillberr!


So, it all comes down to this! Three cases of kelp juice, 4 cases of-


Let us now journey to mount humongous, towering over Bikini Bottom in all of its rave and

fearsome majesty.


When you get right up to it, it looks taller.


It sure does! Alright, Spongebob, it’s time to climb this mountain.

Hey check out this sign, voted most likely to kill you 7 years in a row. I can't do this! I can’t do

this! Ahouaaaaaaaaaaaa!!


Snap out of it! I’m scared too! But we have to keep going, just remember the number one rule of



Let not the sands of time seep into your shorts for it shall chafe.


Sorry, I meant rule number two, keep you mind clear, your spirit strong and your pants free.


Hey, what are you doing, Sandy!?

Chop to the Top


We're too heavy when we're holding onto all that stuff,

wallowed up on trouble when there's trouble enough.

You've gotta Chop to the top that you aim for,

get some gumption and you won't turn pale,

just keep your eyes on the prize that you came for,

and use Karate and you cannot fail and,

Act 1! 73
Chop to the top

Chop to the top

Come on and

Keep it moving, don't stop 'til you drop

Come on and chop!


Whoah, uhh...


Come on and chop!


It feels better when you're kicking that fear away

Sometimes you can't make it happen, but that won't happen today.


If you wait, it's too late, you're defeated,

push yourself just a little bit higher,

you wanna win, don't give in, you can beat it,

find your Mojo and set it on fire and,


Chop to the top

Chop to the top

Come on and

Keep it moving, don't stop 'til you drop

Come on and chop!

Come on and chop!


Whoa! Ground so far below, sponge so high above!


Don't be afraid

I'll be with you all the way

Come on and chop to the top

Chop to the top

Come on and chop to the top

Don't ever stop


Come on and chop to the top

Chop to the top

Come on and chop!

Come on and chop!

Come on and--

They both jump.


Follow me. Grab my hand.

[ Our heros are separated! Oh no! ]


I can’t reach, Sandy! AAAAH!

Act 1! 75





Spongebob, where are ya?


I don’t know but it’s really dark!


Don’t worry, I’ll find ya!


Oh, Spongebobb.


Oh, Sandy!

They make awkward noises before being separated again, before being reunited.


We did it! We did it!


Uh, Spongebob?


Yes, uh, Sandy?


We’re only halfway.

[We cut to see Patrick on his throne, uncomfortable.]


Are we gonna be doing this all day?




Well, I have a better idea! We should head back to my rock. I got a great couch there, it can

stretch and it-


We don’t have time for that.


Okay. Well, we can go jellyfishing. That was spongebob and my’s favorite hobby. Once we

caught this great big one. Oh, we had time.


Act 1! 77
No! You have a mission, oh, guru!


You have followers!


What else do you need?


What else do I need?

(I Guess I) Miss You


Never thought that I could ride so high without you

Everything I've got's so good but not without you

And suddenly nothing feels quite right

Why does the sunshine feel like night

I'm only pretending I'm alright without you

Now what's a macaroni without the cheese

Or peas in a pod without the peas

That's the way I feel when there's a me without you

I, I, I guess I miss you


It doesn't really matter how high I climb without you

Oh, I can't enjoy this lonely view when I'm without you

No one can make me laugh like you

Nobody turns my one to two

Maybe that's why I feel so blue without you

Now tell me what's the apple without the pie

Tell me what's the french without the fry

That's the way I feel when I know I'm without you


I (I), I (I), I guess I miss you

I (I), I (I), I guess I miss you


Won't you get here, my friend


Bring my sunshine back again


'Cause life's no fun when you don't come around

I, I, I guess I miss you

I, I, I guess I miss you



Come on, Spongebob, this mountain won’t climb itself.


You know what guys, maybe I can save you. This isn’t how. The guru’s gotta go.

Act 1! 79

Done! And just in time! You know what to do!


Look out-


There you are, Billherd. How’s it going with the ryder?


I got to everything, except the sea horse radish. It’s out of season.

Now, I would love to have a conversation about my-


Wait, did you just say no sea horse radish-


Man, you got a radish problem.


I can quit anytime I want.


Gentlemen, please!


Look, billwurt! There’s no way you’re opening for us today!


Ah, but i got all of this for you! Oh, don’t make me beg.


Seems like you're begging already, four-legs.


You are such a loser.



What did you just call me?




Oh, no no no no no no non no. I. Am Not A Loser. You’re the loser! Loser! Loser! LOOSER!


I can’t work like this!


We quit! Loser, haha!

Act 1! 81

Fine, go! Good riddance, don’t let the kelp hit you on the way out!

I’m Not A Loser


I'm not a loser

I don't secretly hate myself

I'm not singing this to no one

It's not the case that no one cares

I'm not a failure

I don't not have talent

When others see me they can't see

The nobody that isn't there


Hold on, that's a triple negative. You can't not see nobody. Because I'm not nobody! Which can't

not be seen. Let me start over


My life's not empty

They don't not like me at all

I don't not leave the house

'Cause I don't not prefer to stay at home

I don't stink

I'm not a waste

I'm not all alone in thinking

That I am not all alone


Maybe I am a loser


Hey Squidward

[SQUIDWARD, spoken]



You're not delirious with despair

And you're not calling true things false

Hey Squidward

[SQUIDWARD, spoken]

This is weird


You're not hallucinating this sea anemone

Chorus line at all

[SQUIDWARD, spoken]

I'm not?


You're not a failure

Act 1! 83
You don't not have talent

When others see you they can't see

The nobody that isn't there


I'm not a loser! (Not a loser)

They don't not like me at all (No!)

I don't not leave the house

'Cause I don't not prefer to stay at home

I don't stink (You don't stink)

I'm not a waste (You're not a waste)

I'm not all alone in thinking

That I am not all alone

Clarinet solo!

Look at me now, Mama!



I'm not a loser (You're not a loser)

They don't not like me at all (No!)

I don't not leave the house (leave the house)

'Cause I don't not prefer to stay at home

I don't stink
I'm not a waste

I'm not all alone in thinking

That I'm not, not, not all alone


You are not alone

You are not alone

You are not, not, not, not

Not, not, not, not, not, not

Not alone

You are not, not, not alone!




With one hour left on the Doomsday clock, the benefit concert is about to begin. Our home lines
are now open. It’s up to you. Our viewers across the ocean, we need your donations to help us
get an escape pod and get out before the volcano blows us to an oblivion. And there. You can
see them now! The citizens of Bikini Bottom, led through the Mayor through the streets of our
bulevard town on the way to the Bandshell. It is a truly historic exodus.

(Everyone’s singing some stupid song. I’m too lazy to listen to it.)


Alright alright , that’s enough! Luggage here! Escape pod will go here!


Act 1! 85
Where’s the band, they should be here?


Oh, they quit!




Creative differences!


The band left me behind. But, he said i could go on tour with them! Auuuuuugh!

(Pearl sobs.)


What? You were gonna run away? Pearl Krabs, if we survive, YOU ARE GROUNDED! Sorry, if
that sounds cold blooded. But i am!


We won’t survive without the band. Without them, we won’t get the money for the pod!


Oh, no not again! It’s another boulder.



This is the government’s fault.


This is the media’s fault.


It’s your fault!

[Everyone’s fighting.]


Meanwhile, high on the treacherous slope of Mount Humongous. Spongebob and SAndy are
the only hope for Bikini Bottom. Will they reach the top before Plankton and Karen can stop
them. Sute lore! It’s a race against time!


It’s a race against time Spongebob. Remember what I told ya. Don’t stop until you drop!


Yeah, let’s definitely not drop.

Act 1! 87

We’ve got this. Eyes on the prize.


Is it just me or is it getting kinda toasty up here?


I’m sweating like a snowman in a steam room! We’re almost at the top! Come on.


Alright, now’s our chance.


Let’s do this, big guy!


Ready, aim, fire!


Sandy, do you hear that?


It’s an avalanche!

I’m slipping.


I’ve got ya!


I think this is goodbye, Sandy! These are my last words!


No, Spongebob, please!


Look over there!


Those are your last words?


No, It’s Patrick! And he has your jetpack!


I’ll save you!

Act 1! 89
[slow motion]




PATRIIIIICK. You came back!


Of course, I did. And I hope it’s okay I borrowed your invention.


Mi jetback is su jetpack!


Awww, I don't know what that means! I realized something today buddy! Total devotion
adoration of masses is pretty awesome. But they’re not really there for me. Not like you are.


Hey, we’re BFFs. Being there for each other is what we do!


We're best friends and this is the friend dance!

We're best friends and this is the friend

This is real sweet but our town is gonna be toast if we don’t hurry up.


Alright, team, let’s move!


Boys, we have a problem.


We do? Oh, you mean this unclimbable volcano mouth of doom.


I can’t fit through those tiny spaces.


Neither can I. But I bet you could, Spongebob.


Doggone it. That’s right! You can squeeze through anything.


Look at that thing. I can’t do this, Mr. Krabs was right. I am just a simple sponge.

Act 1! 91

No! Remember when we were stuck inside and there was nothing on TV?




Well, I thought I was an epic life-ending disaster. But you got me through it. You always see the
bright side.


And you never give up. When I was ready to bail on y'all, you kept me going.


That’s what you bring to the team! Management skills!




You are manager material.

And you can do this.


Give me the erupter interrupter.

(Just a) Simple Sponge (reprise)


I am not a simple sponge

I am not a simple sponge

I am not

I am not

I am not

I am not a simple sponge

I am not

I am not

I am not

I am not

I am not a simple sponge!


I’m here and it’s really really hot!

Act 1! 93

Throw it in!


On the count of three.





Wait! On three or after three?


I don’t get the question.


Like one, two, threeugh! Or, one, two, threee eugh!


One, two, threee eugh!


Yeah. One, two, threee eugh!


Got itttttt!

[ALL 3]






Now, we wait till sundown to hope it works.


Hope? What do you mean, hope?


I think my calculations are right. But like they say in Texas, the proof is in the pie.


Mhhm. I love pie!


We’ll know for sure in 10 minutes.

Act 1! 95

Hey, what's that sound? It’s coming from down there! They’re all attacking each other!


That was the Krusty Krab!


Volcano or not, Bikini Bottom is gonna destroy itself!


It’s a big finale of Spongebob the Musical: Live on Amino!


If we don’t stop this, Bikini Bottom’s not going to last 10 more minutes.


But it’ll take hours to go down.


I have an idea.


We could roll down!


We gotta use our heads!


PAY ATTENTION TO ME! This jetpack, it has a parachute.


Of course.


See, my ideas are worth listening to.


You can say that again.


See, my ideas are-


OKAY, BOYS! Let’s do this thang!

[ALL 3]

Us gooooooooo!

Act 1! 97


Stooooooooooop! What are you DOING!?


Is that a rhetorical question?


Quick everyone, those fools perished in an avalanche. Yep, we have to get to the escape pod,


Honey, they’re alive.


They are?


Yes, we are. But thanks for worrying about our safety Plankton. Seems you’re the only one with
some decency left.

We made it to the top and dropped the bubble device in the volcano. In 7 minutes, we’ll know
we’ve saved the town.


But if you keep going on like this. It won’t matter eitherway. There won’t be a town to save.


Deep thought, Spongebob. But, we’re kind busy here-



coming together, instead you’re all looking for someone to blame, or to follow, to exploit, or


You all are so scared for yourselves, you’re turning against each other. And that’s just as
dangerous as any volcano!


It doesn’t have to be like this! We may only have 7 minutes left. But we could make them the
best 7 minutes ever.


How? The whole town is in ruins!

Act 1! 99

Like I said before, Spongebob. The world is a horrible place filled with fear, suffering and
despair. And you didn’t believe me!


I-i still don’t. Just look at the sun. It’s still shining. Look at the kelp! It’s still kelpy! Look at us. We
still have each other.



Just six more minutes left

We've done all we could do

And whatever happens next

I'm glad I'm here with you

Mister Sun came up and he smiled at me

Said "It's gonna be the best day, just wait and see"

Volcanic doomsday caught us unaware

But we're still here and Mister Sun's up there

Could be the best day ever


Best day ever


It still could be the best day ever


Best day ever


I'm so lucky, got nothing to do

I could spend five minutes just bein' with you

Every flower, every grain of sand

(Is reaching out) Is reaching out to shake my hand

(It's the best day ever) It's the best day ever


The best day ever


(It's the best day ever) It's the best day ever


The best day ever


Act 1! 101
These past two days

The world's been closing in on me

But when I'm feeling down

I can lose that frown

Just stick my head out the window and look around

Lava doesn't scare me, it can't disguise

This magic that's happening right before my eyes

Whatever comes (whatever comes) there's just one thing to do (thing to do, one thing to do)

Make the best day ever with all of you

Today's the best day ever with all of you now


It's the best day ever


It's the best day ever (the best day ever)

It's the best day ever (the best day ever)


It's the best day ever


Best day ever

(It's the best day) It's the best day ever


Best day ever


It's the best day

It's the best day ever



There’s one minute left.


Come on, Erupter interrupter. Come on!


It's the best day ever (best day ever)

It's the best day ever (best day ever)






Did it interrupt?

Act 1! 103

Look, Sandy! Bubbles! It worked. Just like you said.

[OLD MAN JENKINS] (Wait, isn’t he dead?)

You did this?


We did!


Thank you!


This just in..Bikini Bottom is saved!!!

(Everyone cheers! Yay! I’m crying.)


I should apologize for my fragrant abuses of power. Mistakes were made.


Like a whole avalanche idea! For one!


Outrageous, Sheldon!

Is that so wrong that I wanted to get away with one evil scheme! They all heard me say that,
didn’t they?


I knew this was one of your schemes! You lousy-*DOLPHIN NOISES*


How dare you call me a-*DOLPHIN NOISES*

They swear at each other.


Stop that! We have to work together now! To rebuild our home!


Oh right. You know, I was wrong about you boy. I think you could be a manager someday!


Told you!


I’m ready! I’m ready! I’m ready!

Act 1! 105

And the same salary of course.


We should celebrate. Let’s have a concert!


We don’t need some boy band to rock for us. We can do it ourselves!

*she does a riff*


Pearly! I had no idea you could sing.


You count me in!


Me too! I play a mean glock.


Oh oh, is mayonnaise an instrument?


Squidward, you’ll be on clarinet of course.


You want me to perform? Mama! My moment has come!


And what about you, Sandy?


I think it’s time for me to push on. Find someplace i’m a little more welcome.


Wait, the Bikini Bottom Way. Says all are are welcome.


I will always vow and pledge allegiance to this town that I hold dear. For all are welcome here.
Bikini bottom blue, yes I’ll stay true! The Bikini bottom way!


That should mean you too.


Act 1! 107
Appreciate that. But I’m not to sure if I can trust y'all again.


They mean it, Sandy. Please don’t leave. This is where your team is.


Will someone pass me a geetar!


Everyone in place for the concert! Are you ready to rock!?

Bikini Bottom Day (reprise)


Busy day

Stopped a volcano, kept a town from frying


We found a way

Everything gets better if you keep on trying


A simple sponge can be handy

When you're cleaning up spills


Sometimes you need a hero

With some management skills


Hey there, that's me

Happy just to be here

In the world renowned


Bikini Bottom


How I love this town


Bikini Bottom


When the sun shines down


On a beautiful Bikini Bottom Day


I told ya. I’d be back. Oh. And there you are!

Act 1! 109

3, 4!

In the world renowned Bikini Bottom

How I love this town, Bikini Bottom

When the sun shines down (sun shines down)

The sun shines down (sun shines down)

When the sun shines down (sun shines down)


The sun shines down

On a beautiful Bikini Bottom






Bikini Bottom




Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?

SpongeBob SquarePants!
Absorbent and yellow and porous is he

SpongeBob SquarePants!

If nautical nonsense be something you wish

SpongeBob SquarePants!

Then drop on the deck and flop like a fish!

SpongeBob SquarePants!

SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob SquarePants!

Act 1! 111

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