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Our experience doing this activity.

Graciely Catano
I felt very good making this brochure. It was a very good opportunity to
showcase a beautiful place in our country. I liked how everyone in my team
worked together in the process of making the brochure, we had a lot of fun,
everyone gave their ideas of the place we could show in our assignment, the
decoration, and the different components we could add to the work.
My favorite part was when we all started to decorate the brochure, put all the
pictures, and give it the special touches with some personal details.
Something that I liked a lot was that some of the team members had visited
the place we presented in the brochure "Scape Park at Cap Cana", thanks to
this we could hear some funny stories and learn more about the place and so
we could explain in our work in a better way what it was about and what
things you would need in case of visiting this wonderful place.
Johan Herrera
My experience doing this brochure and this video about the brochure was
actually pretty interesting, and fun since I found out a lot of other vacation
places that I can go this summer. Even though I have already been to scape
park I found some new attractions that I didn’t know where there, or just
didn’t remember.
Also, it was really fun working with this group since they are quite fun and
also a lot more creative than me, and when I say a lot I really mean it. Also,
I feel we did a really great job in this brochure, since it actually looks like a
real brochure one that hotels, or adventure parks give to people.
Brittany Martinez
The place we choose is one that not everyone knows and through this
brochure this idea is not to give it more recognition, since it is a super striking
and complete place, there are various activities that can be done even with
the family. We all agreed to select that place because some of us have already
visited it.
My experience making the brochure was very good, since I was doing it with
very hard-working and responsible people. We organized ourselves and each
one contributed their part or we all collaborated together to do beautiful and
creative work. I really enjoyed working with this team and learning more
about how they work and the truth is that they do it excellent, without a doubt
our teamwork was successful for me.
Lia Marie Herrera
My experience during the creation of the brochure was a pleasant one.
Throughout the elaboration of this assignment, we made sure that everyone
was working and it was fair work. In my case I was supposed to investigate
about the place and I also gave the idea of the location. I, as well, went to the
park’s Instagram and sent the pictures to Brittany for her to paste them.
It was also a nice experience due to the partners that I had. They all were
very compliant and did what was assigned for them to do. But it wasn’t all
seriousness, there were moments in which someone would say something
funny and we would laugh about that. In conclusion, there weren’t any
problems for us to do this and I’m grateful for the awesome group that I had.
Isabela Suero

This activity was a very fun and informative experience, we all got together
to choose the theme and we all found the theme of the scape park interesting,
then we began to look for the information with which I learned a lot, we
began to put the color palette and it was very well with the subject, in the
end we put the images and we were very happy with the final result of the
Working with my classmates was a wonderful experience, working together
was better than alone, we were very happy with our brochure and we had fun
doing this activity. I would like to do another assignment with them again,
we learn a lot together and make a good group.

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