What Shall: For Thee?

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I Do
For Thee?
2 kings 4:2
Happy New Year from
Jesse Duplantis Ministries!

Happy New Year from Jesse

Duplantis Ministries! Team JDM
is eager to continue spreading the
Gospel of Jesus Christ on every
Reaching People, Changing Lives
available platform throughout
the year 2021. Jesse and Cathy Dear Partner,
I hear a lot of people saying, “Thank God, 2020 is over,” and yet I have to
declare that the best is yet to come
say that 2020 was one of the best years our ministry has had. Now, why would I
for all who love our Heavenly say that? I say it because no matter what came against us, we kept believing that
Father. We believe that this year “great expectation” would bring us “great results.” You see, Partner, we refused to
is an appointed time to unite as go by what we saw—we refused to give up on what God told us to believe in
2020, and guess what happened? We reached more people last year than ANY
the Body of Christ so that the previous year. And more people than ever before reached out to us and received
uncompromised Word of God can salvation, hope, and joy from the Word that we teach. What began as a curse
be preached all over the world. It’s turned into a blessing as we saw more and more people turn to the Lord. Now,
time to embrace new beginnings, that’s what it’s all about!
Partner, 2021 has begun, and when I went to the Lord to ask what the
ask the Lord for the unbelievable, new theme for this year should be, He told me, “Jesse, go to 2 Kings chapter
and receive the impossible… four, and I want you to read verse two.” Then, He had me focus on six words
because it is doable. JDM is excited in that verse, “What shall I do for thee?” Immediately, God said, “That is My
theme for My people!”
to magnify God’s limitless nature
in order to build up the faith of “What Shall I Do For Thee?”
every Believer! Know What You Want—Your Blessing May Be
As each new year approaches, Limited by Your Capacity to Receive
So, I’m asking you right now, “What do you want God to do for you?”
Jesse asks God to reveal to him This is about more than prayer. In this passage of scripture, Elisha was
the new theme God has for JDM talking to the widow who had lost everything to the debtors, including her
Partners all over the world. In this sons, and she had nothing but a pot of oil in the house. The widow was
broke, destitute, and at her wits’ end. She didn’t know what to do. But she
January 2021 issue of Voice of the knew that Elisha was a man of God, and she reached out to him in her time
Covenant magazine, Jesse and Cathy of desperation.
want to share the beginning of Jesse’s Elisha heard the widow’s predicament and knew that he had to do
Partner Letter with you to let you something for her. But I want you to notice that Elisha did not take it upon
himself to assume he knew what she wanted—no, he asked her what she
know that the Lord is saying: “What wanted. The ball was in her court; not in Elisha’s. Well, Partner, God wants
shall I do for thee?” to do something for you, and you need to say what you want from Him.

Enjoy this special excerpt from Mailing Address:

PO Box 1089
Shipping Address:
1973 Ormond Blvd.
this month’s Partner Letter Destrehan, LA 70047
International Headquarters
Destrehan, LA 70047
Phone: 985.764.2000
from Jesse:
To read Jesse’s letter in its entirety and to find out more
about this year’s theme, visit our website at JDM.org.

2 • Voice of the Covenant

Partners of Jesse Duplantis Ministries receive a copy of
the Partner Letter every month by mail! Start each month
by reading the Word of God, and use these inspired
teachings as tools to strengthen your relationship with
Jesus. Study them with your family, friends, or church
community. We encourage you to watch the Voice of the
Covenant Bible Study, print out its Bible Study notes, and
meditate on the Partner Letter that correspond with each
teaching. You can become a Partner by registering on our
website, today!

Thanks to our JDM Partners, you can read Jesse’s letters

online for FREE!
To download Jesse’s Partner Letter and Bible Study notes,
visit JDM.org, go to the “Partnership” tab, and click on
“Partner Letter.” You will also find an archive of Jesse’s past
Partner Letters, which you can study and share with others!

What Has God Done for JDM Partners?

Here are some powerful testimonies from our Partners
all over the world, who receive monthly Partner Letters,
watch our weekly television broadcasts, and follow us on
social media:

Mississippi: Since I’ve been giving into your ministry,

I have received some back pay on my monthly check. It
was double of what I tithed! Also, I was given money on
a gift card for groceries and help came from sources that
I would have never expected. This all came between one
and two months of partnering with your ministry.

Florida: We have been Partners with Jesse Duplantis

Ministries for a very long time. Praise God, Jesse’s
teaching helped us get debt-free!

Facebook: Thank you Jesse and Cathy! I have been

a Partner with you for years and totally enjoy every
message. I love the joy that comes from and through the
both of you!

Facebook: I’ve become debt-free by listening to you, and

my mind is renewed. I paid off $52K of credit cards and a
car loan in the midst of a pandemic!

January 2021 • jdm.org • 3

Start Living a Life of
Limitless Possibilities

’ve got a pretty good imagination. When I was you is your thinking. Are you bound up with poverty of
a kid, my mom said I could play with a little thought? Have you been told all your life that prosperity
Matchbox car all day. I wouldn’t have to the leave isn’t for you and that you’ll be poor your whole life?
the room to make a car trip from the East Coast to the Man puts the limits on prosperity, not God.
West Coast. I had a blast! Because with God, there is no limit. God has created
Today, I still have a good imagination. And us and given us limitless possibilities in this life. And
I believe God gave it to me for a reason. He isn’t He’s given each of us an imagination in which to think
terrified about me reading Ephesians 3:20 and using extraordinarily, not ordinarily!
my imagination. He doesn’t get His feathers ruffled So maybe you haven’t been able to get through
when I turn to that part in the Bible and proclaim with your faith because your thinking has contradicted
it out loud to myself: “Now unto Him that is able to your spirit. Maybe it is because you have not
do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, allowed yourself to truly believe like a child; to have
according to the power that worketh in us.” imagination like a child; to have faith like a child.
See, I believe 2 Timothy 3:16 when it says, “All You see, there is no limit to our asking, only to our
Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable thinking. It is poverty of thought that keeps poverty in
for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in our life. Small thoughts produce small deeds.
righteousness.” If you pastor a church, don’t be embarrassed if it’s
Ephesians 3:20 is as much for me today as it was small. It isn’t a shame to be small, but it is a shame
for the church at Ephesus two thousand years ago! to stay small. A growing church means that people
Although most of the church world frets and are receiving Christ and their lives are being turned
worries over people believing and receiving Ephesians around for the better.
3:20, God doesn’t. He did it on purpose. He knew you Quit doing the best you can. The best you can
were going to read it, so He wanted to make sure you doesn’t work. See, God is able to get that church
knew that He’s able to do all that you ask or think. growing. He’s able to get your life going. Quit trying
And He meant what He said! to do His job. Don’t take the burden of growth in
any area of your life onto yourself. Seek God and love
God Doesn’t Limit Man, Him. You will grow.
Man Limits God “Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding
What is limiting your overflow today? Is it a lack abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the
of faith? Maybe. Lack of action? Possibly. But before power that worketh in us” (Ephesians 3:20). God’s part
you can even start dealing with that, let me offer you is everything except the last eight words of Ephesians
one other option. I propose that what is really limiting 3:20. You don’t have to try and do the “exceeding

4 • Voice of the Covenant

abundantly above” great things. Your part is the last eight God is able to do “exceeding abundantly above all that
words...“according to the power that worketh in us.” That’s we ask or think”...so let your mind soar. You can never ask
the only part you have to do to make this thing work. too much. You can never think too much. Why? Because
It’s faith, and it’s where the power is! you’ll never––and I mean never––get beyond God’s
Where does the power come? From God? Yes. ability to supply. He is God and He is limitless!
But it works through the God-created soul of man: his So what can you see? What can you imagine doing
mind, will, and emotions. I believe it begins in the mind, in this life for Him? Can you throw off the old thinking
and that power is enforced by the stern will and creative that keeps your feet on the ground and expand your
emotions God has placed within each of us. mind into the heavens? What is the greatest thing you
Our thinking must be tuned into God. You and I can think of asking Him for?
both know that a double-minded man is unstable in all Of course, I’m not talking about obsessing over
his ways ( James 1:8). You can’t serve God and mammon houses, cars, clothes, or jewelry. I won’t even deal with
(Matthew 6:24, Luke 16:13). You can’t flip-flop between it because you and I both know that obsessing over
“I believe” and “Well, I don’t know.” That just doesn’t work things is of the flesh. We all know in our hearts that it
with God, or in any other facet of life, for that matter! is wrong. The only thing you should be thinking about
If you look at Deuteronomy 28, you’ll see that God that much is Jesus––and if you do that, you’ll end up
doesn’t just say, “I’ll bless you.” He promises to bless with physical things anyway! Seek first the kingdom,
you in the city and in the field, when you come in and and all these “things” shall be added unto you, right
when you go out. God doesn’t have an empty mind. He (Matthew 6:33)? See, you can’t get around that
isn’t limited to what you can do. So you don’t have to prosperity thing.
be limited in what you ask or think. Just as long as it I know that if I delight myself in the Lord, He will
doesn’t contradict God’s Word, you can ask what you give me the desires of my heart (Psalm 37:4). Don’t
will, and He will do it for you ( John 15:7). get mad at me for repeating the scripture. Don’t get
You can’t exhaust God’s promises. When they fall aggravated with me for receiving that promise into my
from His lips, they become prophetic utterances to His life. I didn’t write it; I’ve just read it and said it!
children. They immediately become prophecies that will I like to pray like the Psalmist David, “The Lord is
come to pass if we follow His lead! So, you can take it to my Shepherd; I shall not want” (Psalm 23:1). “Shall not
the bank; if God says He is able, then He is able! He’ll want” is a hefty goal! Notice that David didn’t say he
move according to the power that is working in us. “would not;” he said he “shall not!” When the Lord is
When you tap into His resources through faith and your Shepherd in everything, you’ll be just like David
sowing, God will start blessing you financially. You’d in that you’ll never get to the point of “would not”
better get some baskets! You’d better get some trucks! I because you “shall not!”
love what another one of my minister friends says about
prosperity. When you get into that perfect will of God, Patience Is a Key to Receiving
my friend says that God will “increase your increase.” “But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be
Now, that’s increase! perfect and entire, wanting nothing” ( James 1:4). Don’t
Have you asked God for physical things? Sure, let that word perfect throw you. Perfect simply means
most of us have. Yet why is it that the church world mature. In other words, if you allow patience to develop
seems so bent on you not asking for physical things? to a mature state in your life (and you do this by keeping
Have you ever wondered why they seem so quick to faith operating in your life), then you will find that
tell you to give and so reluctant to tell you to receive a you will literally want nothing. Why would you want
harvest? This doesn’t just go on in traditional churches; nothing? Because you have everything you need in life
it happens in non-traditional, spirit-filled churches and in the Lord Jesus Christ. He is your great supply.
as well. Some actually condemn “giving to get” and Patience is the key to receiving! God always takes
make you feel so guilty for believing for and receiving care of His kids when they have their eyes on His Son,
a harvest that many Christians just let their prosperity Jesus, and believe His Word. The question is, what part
seeds rot in the ground. As I always like to say, there is of the Word will you believe? All of it or just some of it?
nothing wrong with having things, as long as things It’s up to you whether you will prosper or not, and it’s
don’t have you. up to you whether you will exercise patience, too.

January 2021 • jdm.org • 5

Remember to practice patience. Strong’s definition waging as we speak! And if you don’t want to be stuck
of it is “cheerful endurance” or “constancy.” You do by fiery darts and be beaten up while you’re buck naked
it over and over, and together, with faith, it will bring in a helmet, it’s time for you to get serious and suit up.
about God’s good promises in your life. You’ll get to So, come on! Secure that helmet of salvation! Latch
a place where you want nothing because you’ve got on that breastplate of righteousness! Gird up those
everything you need––spiritually, physically, financially, loins with truth! (Not lust...truth!) Slide your feet into
and in every other way. shoes shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace.
(Not gossip and strife!) Then, lock your arm through

the shield of faith and grab that sword of the Spirit
“Now unto Him that (Ephesians 6:14-17)!
is able to do exceeding Go ahead, look in the mirror and tell me what

Shall abundantly above all

that we ask or think,
you see. Yeah, you look like God. After all, it’s His
armor. Do you know what? The devil can’t even tell

I Do
it’s you when you’re totally equipped in that spiritual
according to the power armor. All He sees is God’s stuff, so He may think he’s
that worketh in us.” looking at God! Stupid devil. He’s such an idiot. So
For Thee? EPHESIANS 3:20 long as he thinks you look like God, you might as well
2 kings 4:2
use his idiocy to your advantage. Go ahead and slice
that fool down to size with your sword of the Spirit.
Are You Naked? Get Dressed! Speak the Word in faith, but be careful not to cut your
brother––just the devil!
Put on The Full Armor of God!
Is that fool shooting darts at you? Throw up that
There are people walking around naked! Buck naked!
shield of faith and laugh! He can’t hurt you with his
Don’t look around, look down. Is it you? Are you naked?
puny darts. You’ve got the shield of faith that is able to
You know, God has given us a full suit of clothes––a
quench all those fiery darts (Ephesians 6:16).
full suit of armor to wear as we daily fight the good fight
The only way the devil can beat you is if you’re
of faith. Notice that I said good fight. Faith is a fight, but
naked, or partially suited. Forget to lock on your
it’s a good one (1 Timothy 6:12)!
breastplate of righteousness, and he can shoot you in the
You aren’t one of those people walking around with
chest. Forget to wear your shoes, and he can shoot you
just a helmet, are you? You aren’t one of those who don’t
in the foot. Forget to gird up your loins, and you’re in
like to be burdened down with a full suit of armor, are you?
for some pain. Forget to equip yourself with the sword
They’re out there, you know...naked Christians
of the Spirit, and well, you’ve got nothing to fight with.
with their helmets on cock-eyed and struggling to see
The armor of God isn’t “just enough.” It’s too
what’s going on out there. Some of them just have
much. It’s bigger than you need. It’s stronger than
a helmet and one shoe. Others have a helmet and a
you need. You can’t damage it. The sword of the
breastplate, but they’re loins...well, uh, let’s just say they
Spirit holds more power to fight the enemy than
aren’t girded. Then there are those who have that helmet
you can use up in your entire lifetime. Your helmet
latched on tight and they’re swinging their sword of
of salvation latches on so tight, it literally becomes a
the Spirit at anything that moves. They’re looking to
part of you. Each piece of God’s indestructible armor
cut something good! They just can’t seem to understand
could rightly be called “too much” of a good thing.
why or how they got so many fiery darts stuck in their
rear end!
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out Your Only Enemy Is Satan
that if you’ve got a dart stuck in your behind, there’s a You know, that armor isn’t there because you are
battle going on. If you’re looking down and all you see at war with other people. It’s available to you so that
is the color of your bare flesh, then I’ve got something you can be safe from the enemy, all principalities, and
to tell you: You are naked! Don’t you think it’s time you powers of the air. Yes, the devil. You live in love and
put some clothes on? peace with people. You live at war with the evil spirit
Put on the whole armor of God. See how it feels that moves upon people and situations. Recognize that
to be totally dressed in God’s finery. Hello? A battle is and you’ll have most of the problems with people beat.
6 • Voice of the Covenant
But somehow we forget about that and want to bust a But God is not prejudice and His Word is
few people we know! unchangeable. He won’t break a promise, and He
Hey, I’m with you. I know a few people that make cannot lie. “God is not a man, that He should lie; neither
me feel like I want to get out my boxing gloves! I’d love the Son of Man, that He should repent: hath He said, and
to rip out the page in the Bible that says, “But I say unto shall He not do it? or hath He spoken, and shall He not
you, love your enemies, bless those that curse you, do good to make it good?” (Numbers 23:19).
them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use What God has said is exactly what He will do. If God
you, and persecute you” (Matthew 5:44). Pray for them? said you have to receive Jesus before you can get to Him,
I’d rather slap them! But that is the flesh nature. You then guess what? You have to receive Jesus before you can
and I know it. get to God! It’s that simple, and there aren’t any exceptions.
The scriptures are hard sometimes. You’ve got to
remind yourself in prayer that people are not devils from
Hearing It. Receiving It.
hell. They may act like devils from hell. They may sound
like devils from hell. They may even look like devils from Believing It. That’s Faith!
hell! But they are not devils from hell. They’re run by them, Salvation seems easy enough to receive, doesn’t
they’re influenced by them, but still, they are not them. it? Sometimes I wonder why it is so easy for people
Believe it or not, praying for your enemies actually to believe God doesn’t make exceptions when it
helps. Yeah, I know you want to curse them. But bite comes to salvation, and yet it’s so difficult for them to
your lip and pray for them instead. It’s the only way to believe He doesn’t make exceptions when it comes to
stop bitterness and unforgiveness from taking root in physical healing and earthly prosperity? Yet God is the
your heart. same way with all those things. By faith you receive
Sure, cursing them comes into your head. Just cast salvation. By faith you receive healing. By faith you
those thoughts down in the name of Jesus and don’t let receive earthly prosperity.
them take root in your heart. Yet the faith needed to obtain all these things
“How do I do that?” you say. Speak up. Say kind begins first in the ears (hearing), then moves into the
things. Say merciful and forgiving things. Repent mind (receiving), and then into the heart (believing).
for thinking the wrong way, and do it out loud. Your If you think about when you got saved, you’ll notice
doubting mind will shut up long enough to hear what that, first, somebody had to tell you about Jesus. Your
your mouth is saying. Speak the Word over yourself ears were involved. Then, as you listened, you began to
and watch those negative thoughts melt into the love of receive the message they were telling you. Your mind
God. He can help you love other people, you know, but was involved and you began to receive what they were
you’ll have to put forth some effort in the process. telling you as truth. Then you opened your heart. You
turned to God and started expressing your belief in His
Son. You showed God that you needed Him. You were
God Doesn’t Make Exceptions sincere. Your heart was involved.
There are some basic rules to Christianity. The most
Faith sprang up. Suddenly, you had faith that God
important focus of our faith is, of course, Jesus. You’d
was listening to the words that you spoke from your
never think of trying to lead someone else to the Lord
heart––words of repentance, words that called out to
without mentioning Jesus, would you? Of course you
Him for help. You see, when you got saved, your ears,
wouldn’t! The scripture plainly says, “...I am the way,
mind, and heart were working together. You believed
the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father,

but by Me” ( John 14:6). This is the number one rule of “God is not a man, that He
Christianity: No Jesus, no Heaven. It’s plain and simple. should lie; neither the Son
If God made an exception and let someone into

of Man, that He should
Heaven who didn’t first call on the name of Jesus, then
you could rightly call God prejudice for giving eternal
repent: hath He said, and

I Do
life to one and not the other on the basis of a whim. If shall He not do it? or hath
God did that, He would be disregarding His Word, and He spoken, and shall He
from then on, you would not be able to trust Him to not make it good?”
For Thee?
keep His promises. 2 kings 4:2 NUMBERS 23:19
January 2021 • jdm.org • 7
with your heart and confessed with your mouth and,
consequently, you were saved just as Romans 10:9 says. The
blood of Jesus came rushing in and washed away your sin,
and you were suddenly a newborn child of God.

Ears, Mind, Heart, Then Results

So the mind has a lot to do with salvation, doesn’t it?
You can’t disregard the mind. It is where information is
processed and it is the link to your heart. It is the link to
your faith. I’m going to say it again: You hear with your
ears, you receive with your mind, and you believe with
your heart! Now, this goes beyond salvation. It fits into
every promise of God in the Word.
Think about prosperity. If your mind is empty
(meaning that you don’t receive the prosperity message
as important or vital), then God is limited to what He
can do for you financially. Also, if your will is idle (you
are not sincerely opening your mind to the message),
then God is also limited to how He can move on your
behalf financially. These are basic rules of faith––whether
it comes to spiritual, physical, or financial things. It is
through our sincere prayers and faith in God’s Word
that moves God’s promises to manifestation. Faith
springs up from the heart, and yet, before it ever does
that, faith must first be cultivated through the ears and
the mind.
If you are hearing the Word of God, but you don’t
really believe it’s true for you personally, then how do
you expect to have the faith needed to bring about a
manifestation? GOD THAN YOU’VE EVER
Prosperity is for you, but you have to open your mind
and start believing it and doing what the Word says to IMAGINED!
bring it to pass in your life. God’s grace cannot be
Healing is for you, too, but you have to crack off the comprehended and His mercy
shackles of “acceptance” of that sickness and open your
mind to the Word so that faith can grow in you.
endures forever! He is omnipotent
Favor is yours, too, but you have to believe it and in everything and He knows NO
speak it and draw it into yourself. limitation. He’s not “enough”...He is
Faith works. There’s no doubt about it. Faith makes too much!
things happen. Decide today to take the limits off of your
thinking and start using God’s rules for receiving. Start
thinking higher. Start living better by speaking the Word.
If you do, you can expect that you’re going to break free BJ003P (PAPERBACK)
from bad thinking and start living a life of “more than
enough” spiritually, physically, and financially…that’s a
$13 usd • £10 • $18 aud
life of unlimited possibilities! Get your copy at jdm.org or use
This article is an excerpt from Jesse’s best-selling
the order form in the center of this
book, God’s Not Enough, He’s Too Much. magazine.
8 • Voice of the Covenant
You Can Have A Life Of
God has made a way for you to break through “…old things are passed away; behold, all things
the limits of this world and have a life with are become new.” You have a whole new life
unlimited possibilities! He sent His Son, Jesus with Jesus Christ to look forward to, starting
Christ, to pay the price for sin by shedding His now, filled with unlimited possibilities! Your
blood on the cross. When you open up your slate is clean before God. Your spirit has been
heart to personally accept Jesus and ask Him reborn because of Christ’s great sacrifice and
to forgive you of your sins, God gives you a love for you!
brand new life. A life filled with new ways of
thinking and new ways of doing things—a life of If you have prayed this prayer, it is important
unlimited possibilities! that you tell someone about your decision to
accept a life of unlimited possibilities with Jesus
It’s that simple. Jesus did all the work; all you have Christ! I would love to hear from you, too!
to do is accept His work by believing with your Please contact our ministry and let me know of
heart and confessing with your mouth (Romans your decision to follow Jesus. We’d like to send
10:9-10). You can pray a prayer like this: you our free booklet, Understanding Salvation,
to help you begin your new life in Christ. Just
Lord Jesus, forgive me of my sins. I believe go to jdm.org
that You died for my sins on the cross. I (click on “Do
ask You to come into my heart and make a You Know
change in me right now. I accept You as my Jesus”) or use
Lord and Savior! Come into my life right the response/
now and receive me into the family of God! order form
In Your name I pray, Amen. included in this
Congratulations! If you just prayed this prayer,
you are a “new creature” in Christ and as 2 God bless you!
Corinthians 5:17 in the New Testament says, Jesse Duplantis

Understanding Salvation (Mini-Book) MBS01

There is a path that leads to inner peace, real joy, and true wisdom about life. You begin walking on this new
path the moment you reach out to God...the moment that you realize your need for His love and salvation.

In Understanding Salvation, you will discover why God sent His Son, why salvation is necessary, and
what you can do to begin living a new and better life in Christ Jesus.

January 2021 • jdm.org • 9

January Partner Offer
EASY WAYS For your Partnership of $50 or more this month,
you can request Jesse’s message, All You’ve

TO GIVE Got To Do Is Ask, on DVD, CD, or both

formats. Use code PO2101.
• Text JDMDVD and the dollar amount to
28950 USA only (Example for a donation of
$50: JDMDVD 50).
• jdm.org
• Select: Donate

• paypal.me/JesseDuplantisMin
• PayPal App: giving@jdm.org

For your Partnership of any amount this
• JDMMAG + AMOUNT to 28950
month, you can request Jesse’s message, All
(US Residents Only)
You’ve Got To Do Is Ask, on CD. Use code
JDM MOBILE APP • Text JDMCD and the dollar amount to 28950
• Jesse Duplantis Ministries USA only (Example for a donation of $40:
• Select: Donate JDMCD 40).
Monthly Partner Offers are also available
with Automatic Partnership. Use the enclosed
envelope/order form or go to jdm.org.


Remember to visit jdm.org, register, and take advantage of our special Partner Benefit!
10 • Voice of the Covenant
God’s Supply Is Yours for the Asking!
God’s supply is unlimited. As a believer in Christ, you know that, but do you realize that His endless supply of peace and provision is
yours for the asking?
In this simple, yet profound message that will ignite your faith, Jesse will help you clearly understand your rights in the Word of
God so that you can receive more fully from your Heavenly Father. You’ll be blessed as you learn:
• How to exercise your right to “ask”
• How to make the Word a priority so that your request won’t be out of line
• How you are a vessel full of creative power and potential, but that flow doesn’t exit until you ASK
• And much more!
God wants you to ask of Him, so don’t hold back one more day. You can stand on the Word of God for your life and
receive it—all you’ve got to do is ask!

“Ask of Me, and I will give You the nations for Your inheritance,
and the ends of the earth for Your possession.” Psalm 2:8 (NKJV)

January 2021 • jdm.org • 11

JAN 2 • 6:30pm & JAN 3 • 10am FEB 21 • 9am & 11am APR 4 • 10am
Only Believe Ministries Christian Center Livingway Church Easter
13815 Botkins Rd • 937.693.3554 13285 IH 35 N • 210.637.5000 JDM International Headquarters
obmcc.org livingwaychurch.net Covenant Church
Pastors Peter & Phyllis Doseck Pastors Steve & Becky Fender 1973 Ormond Blvd • 985.764.2000
JAN 10 • 10am
FEB 25 • 7pm BLAKELY, PA
Family Community Church APR 7 • 7pm
JDM International Headquarters Peckville Assembly of God
Covenant Church 6331 Watt Ave • 916.334.7700
familycc.org 3364 Scranton Carbondale Hwy
1973 Ormond Blvd • 985.764.2000 570.489.4961 • peckvilleag.org
jdm.org Pastors Bill & Cindy Krause
Pastors Terry & Becky Drost
JAN 24 • 6pm King’s Cathedral APR 13 • 7pm
Calvary Assembly of God 777 Maui Veterans Hwy • 808.871.7311 Christ Temple Church
Epicenter Campus kingscathedral.com 2400 Johnstown Rd • 304.525.2400
4839 Calvary Blvd • 256.355.7440 Dr. James & Pastor Colleen Marocco ctcwv.com
calvaryassembly.org Pastors Chuck & Jamie Lawrence
Pastors George & Phyllis Sawyer HILO, HI
MAR 2 • 6:30pm KERRVILLE, TX
MURRIETA, CA Glad Tidings Church APR 15 • 7pm
JAN 25 • 7pm Venue: Aunty Sally Kaleohano’s Luau Hale Calvary Temple Church
West Coast Life Church 799 Piilani St • 808.961.0616 3000 Loop 534 • 830.895.3000
38388 Sky Canyon Dr • 951.696.2229 gthilo.com ctc.church
westcoastlife.tv Pastors Dan & Earlette DeLuz Jr. Pastors Del & Cindy Way
Pastors RayGene & Beth Wilson HONOLULU, HI CARROLLTON
JAN 26 • 7pm Word of Life Christian Center APR 20 • 7pm
Oasis Christian Center 544 Queen St • 808.528.4044 Love City Church
4240 E Brundage Ln • 661.322.4152 wolhawaii.com 510 Mapleridge Rd • 989.249.1802
Pastor Cecilia Mancillas Pastors Art & Kuna Sepulveda Pastors Tariq & ShaRease Price
CLOVIS, NM MAR 8 • 7pm MAY 4 • 7pm
JAN 29 • 6pm Word of Life Church Victory Worship Center and World
Faith Christian Family Church 319 N 64th St • 480.835.5600 Outreach
3401 N Norris St • 575.762.7751 wordoflifemesa.org 200 Hammond Ln • 540.886.6249
fcfconline.com Pastors John & Dallas Amato victory-worship.com
Pastors David & Roxanne Swann Pastors Ray & Liz Eppard
WILLIS, TX MAR 21 • 10:30am FOLEY, AL
FEB 10 • 7pm Word of His Power Conference 2021 MAY 5 • 7pm
Family Faith Church Words of Life Fellowship Church Abiding Love Fellowship Church
202 S Thomason St • 936.291.9458 20051 NE 16th Pl • 305.653.8155 17644 County Rd 26 (Michigan Ave)
familyfaithchurch.com wordsoflife.com abidinglovefoley.org • 251.943.1615
Pastors Jeff & Eileen Hackleman Pastor Geri Moore Pastors CJ & GiGi McBride

Before traveling to any meeting, please go to jdm.org for updates (click on Meetings).
12 • Voice of the Covenant
Free Admission • Everyone Welcome
Register Today at jdm.org

Free Admission • Everyone Welcome • Register at jdm.org

January 2021 • jdm.org • 13
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Vol. 40 No. 01 JANUARY 2021 Voice of the Covenant is published monthly by Jesse Duplantis Ministries, a non-profit corporation.
PO Box 1089, Destrehan, LA 70047
Publisher Editorial Staff Graphic Design & Production
Jesse Duplantis Phone: 985.764.2000 • Fax: 985.764.0044 • Email: partnercare@jdm.org
Dondra DeSalvo Jorge Gomez Jr.
Editor Mary Holten Marjorie Cooper Voice of the Covenant has no subscription or newsstand price in the United States and is supported through
Cathy Duplantis contributions from readers worldwide. All donations to this ministry from the USA are tax-deductible. JDM is a
Christine Bartley Victor Gonzalez
Assistant Editor
Jodi D. Roberts Martin Ayton Michael Davis member in good standing with the Council on Church Financial Integrity.
Taryn Rodriguez Marissa Williams
Marketing Manager Visit our website at jdm.org
Chrissy Cifuentes © 2021 Jesse Duplantis Ministries, all rights reserved.
May not be reproduced without written permission from the publisher.
14 • Voice of the Covenant
Anniston Boise St. Paul Greenville
WSFG/38: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM KBTI/41: Sun 5:00AM, Mon 8:00PM WDMI/62: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM WGGS/16 – IND: Mon 11:30AM
Birmingham Idaho Falls WSQY/51: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM
WBUN/28: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM KPIF/15: Sun 5:00AM, Mon 8:00PM MISSOURI Spartanburg
Huntsville/Decatur Pocatello/Jackson Kansas City WSQY/51: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM
WHVD/67: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM KPIF/15: Sun 5:00AM, Mon 8:00PM KCDN/35: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM
WZDX/54 – FOX: Sun 9:30AM Springfield TENNESSEE
Mobile ILLINOIS KWBM/31: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM Chattanooga
WCTD/22: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM
WDPM/18: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM Chicago St. Louis
Montgomery/Selma WDCI/57: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM WPXS/13: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM WDDA/6: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM
WETU/39: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM Moline/Rock Island Jackson
Tuscaloosa KLJB/18 – FOX: Sun 6:00AM MONTANA WJTD/42: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM
WSSF/15: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM Billings WBXX/20 – CW: Sun 8:30AM
INDIANA KINV/14: Sun 5:00AM, Mon 8:00PM WDTT/24: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM
ARIZONA Indianapolis Memphis
Phoenix WDTI/69: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM NEBRASKA WDNM/59: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM
KDPH/48: Sun 5:00AM, Mon 8:00PM Richmond Omaha Nashville
Tucson WLWD/20: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM KOHA/48: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM WNPX/20: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM
KPCE/29: Sun 5:00AM, Mon 8:00PM South Bend/Elkhart WRTN/6: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM
WEID/18: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM NEVADA
El Dorado IOWA KLVD/23: Sun 4:00AM, Mon 7:00PM Amarillo
KMCT/39: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM Bettendorf/Davenport KXAD/51: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM
Fort Smith KLJB/18 – FOX: Sun 6:00AM NEW HAMPSHIRE KVAD/16: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM
KWOG/57: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM Des Moines/Ames Manchester Austin
Hot Springs KCWI/23 – CW: Sun 8:30AM WYDN/48: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM KADT/16: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM
KVTH/26 – IND: Mon 7:00PM, Fri 6:00PM Sioux City Beaumont/Port Arthur
Jonesboro KSXC/5: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM NEW MEXICO KBTV/4 – FOX: Tue 6:30AM
KVTJ/48 – IND: Mon 7:00PM, Fri 6:00PM Albuquerque Brownsville/McAllen
Little Rock KANSAS KAZQ/32.5: Sun 5:00AM, Mon 8:00PM KRZG-CD/35.8: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM
KKAP/36: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM Hutchinson Santa Fe Corpus Christi
KVTN/25 – IND: Mon 7:00PM, Fri 6:00PM KWKD/28: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM KAZQ/32.5: Sun 5:00AM, Mon 8:00PM K29IP/29.6: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM
Pine Bluff Wichita Dallas/Ft. Worth
KKAP/36: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM KWKD/28: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM NEW YORK KDTN/2: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM
KPTD/49: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM
CALIFORNIA KENTUCKY WDTB/39: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM El Paso/Las Cruces
Bakersfield Louisville New York KSCE/38: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM
KCBT/34: Sun 4:00AM, Mon 7:00PM WDYL/28: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM WPXU/12: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM KRZG-CD/35.8: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM
Fresno/Visalia Syracuse Houston
KFVD/15: Sun 4:00AM, Mon 7:00PM LOUISIANA WNYI/52: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM KDHU/50: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM
Los Angeles Baton Rouge WDSS/38: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM KLTJ/22: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM
KOCE/50.3: Sun 4:00AM, Mon 7:00PM W48DW/48: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM Lubbock
Modesto Crowley NORTH CAROLINA KFIQ/4: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM
KACA/34: Sun 4:00AM, Mon 7:00PM KAGN/31 – IND: Tue 5:30AM, Tue 7:00PM, Charlotte San Antonio
KRJR/44: Sun 4:00AM, Mon 7:00PM Fri 9:00AM, Sat 4:00PM, Sun 11:00PM WDMC/25: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM KMYS/35 – CW: Sun 9:30AM
Monterey/Salinas Lafayette WHWD/21: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM KQVE/46: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM
KMBY/19: Sun 4:00AM, Mon 7:00PM KADN/15 – FOX: Sun 9:00AM Durham/Fayetteville/Raleigh
Oakland KAJN/40 – IND: Tue 5:30AM, Tue 7:00PM, WDRN/45: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM UTAH
KDAS/48: Sun 4:00AM, Mon 7:00PM Fri 9:00AM, Sat 4:00PM, Sun 11:00PM WWIW/66: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM Salt Lake City
Palm Springs NADN/13 – MY Network: Wed: 6:30AM KSUD/45: Sun 5:00AM, Mon 8:00PM
KAKZ/4: Sun 4:00AM, Mon 7:00PM Lake Charles OHIO
Sacramento/Stockton KFAM/14 – IND: Tue 5:30AM, Tue 7:00PM, Cincinnati VIRGINIA
KACA/34: Sun 4:00AM, Mon 7:00PM Fri 9:00AM, Sat 4:00PM, Sun 11:00PM WDYC/36: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM Newport News
KRJR/44: Sun 4:00AM, Mon 7:00PM Monroe Cleveland/Akron WVAD/25: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM
San Francisco/San Jose KMCT/39: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM WCDN/53: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM Norfolk
KDAS/48: Sun 4:00AM, Mon 7:00PM New Orleans Columbus WVAD/25: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM
KNLD/28: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM WCLL/19: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM Petersburg
COLORADO WGNO/26 – ABC: Sun 9:00AM Dayton WRID/48: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM
Denver WNOL/38 – CW: Wed 6:00AM WLWD/20: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM
KRMT/41: Sun 5:00AM, Mon 8:00PM Shreveport/Texarkana Toledo WVAD/25: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM
KTAL/06 – NBC: Sun 7:30AM WDTJ/68: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM Richmond
WRID/48: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM
FLORIDA Virginia Beach
Jacksonville/Brunswick MAINE OKLAHOMA WVAD/25: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM
WUJF/33: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM Auburn Oklahoma City
Miami/Ft. Lauderdale WLLB/15: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM KOCM/46: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM WASHINGTON
W16CC/16: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM Portland KOKH/25 – FOX: Sun 8:00AM Seattle
Orlando/Daytona Beach/Melbourne WLLB/15: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM Tulsa KWDK/56: Sun 4:00AM, Mon 7:00PM
WACX/55 – IND: Sun 8:30PM KTZT/29: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM Spokane
WDTO/50: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM MARYLAND KQUP/24: Sun 4:00AM, Mon 7:00PM
Panama City Baltimore OREGON Tacoma
WBIF/51: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM WWDD/40: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM Portland KWDK/56: Sun 4:00AM, Mon 7:00PM
WWEO/24: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM Hagerstown KPXG/42: Sun 4:00AM, Mon 7:00PM
Pensacola WDWA/23: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM WASHINGTON D.C.
WDPM/18: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM PENNSYLVANIA WDWA/23: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM
Tampa/St. Petersburg MASSACHUSETTS Philadelphia
WCLF/22 – CTN: Wed 7:00PM Boston WELL/45: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM WEST VIRGINIA
WSVT/18: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM WYDN/48: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM Pittsburgh Charleston
West Palm Beach/Ft. Pierce WPDN/65: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM WTSF/44: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM
WSLF/35: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM MICHIGAN Scranton Huntington
Battle Creek W43CO/43: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM WTSF/44: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM
GEORGIA WUHQ/29: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM Wilkes Barre
Atlanta Detroit W43CO/43: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM
WDTA/35: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM WADL/38 – IND: Sun 8:30AM Appleton
Macon WUDT/23: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM SOUTH CAROLINA WGBD/49: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM
Green Bay
WDMA/31: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM Grand Rapids Anderson WGBD/49: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM
WUHQ/29: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM WSQY/51: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM Madison
HAWAII Kalamazoo Asheville WDMW/65: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM
Honolulu WUHQ/29: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM WSQY/51: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM WMWD/38: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM
KWBN/44: Sun 2:00AM, Mon 5:00PM Columbia Milwaukee
Maui MINNESOTA WKDC/50: Sun 7:00AM, Mon 10:00PM WVTV/18 – CW: Sun 7:00AM
KWBN/44: Sun 2:00AM, Mon 5:00PM Minneapolis
WDMI/62: Sun 6:00AM, Mon 9:00PM

January 2021 • jdm.org • 15

Jesse and Cathy enjoy reading all of the miraculous we will collect these praise reports and showcase them
testimonies that are shared on our social media outlets. across our social media timelines. Jesse and Cathy may
We serve a God of GREAT results, and He is waiting to even choose to share some LIVE during chats or even in
pour out His endless blessings into your life! Members the Glorious Moments praise reports!
of our global audience comment on physical healings,
financial miracles, family restorations, and much more Use the hashtag #WhatHasGodDoneForYou
daily. These encouraging stories of faith inspire others to behind your comments!
keep believing that their own visions will come to pass!
Team JDM is grateful for the countless Partners and Remember to follow JDM on all of our official social
online followers who assist us in spreading the Gospel media platforms to keep up-to-date with all of the
of Jesus Christ on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and all exciting things happening at the ministry.
other official JDM platforms.
Tag your friends and share our posts so that the Word
This year’s theme, “What Shall I Do for Thee?” is of God can captivate the lost and turn hardened hearts
inspired by the scripture 2 Kings 4:2. God desires for us back to their first love—Jesus.
to keep asking Him to answer our prayers according to
His plans and purposes. To help strengthen the faith of
believers all over the world, we are asking YOU to be /JesseDuplantisMinistries
a part of our “What Has God Done for You?” Social
Media Challenge! Continue to watch our online video @jesseduplantisministries
content including the Jesse Duplantis Ministries
weekly television broadcasts, Voice of the Covenant @jesse_duplantis
Bible Studies, Faith the Facts, Boardroom Chats,
and much more! In the comment sections below our /jesseduplantismin
posts, please share your testimonies of how God has
touched and transformed your life. Throughout this year, /JesseDuplantisMinistries
16 • Voice of the Covenant
Jesse Duplantis Ministries is excited to announce the messages of salvation and restoration. Thanks to our JDM
launch of our NEW app! This innovative version of our Partners, TotalJDM is not only FREE, but you can now
application was created so that everyone can easily WATCH it within our app! Stream hundreds of sermons on
access the Word of God anytime, anywhere, and on your Smart TV, browser, and any mobile device!
multiple platforms.
In addition to our video archives, you can also
For years, TotalJDM has made it possible for viewers find access to our monthly Voice of the Covenant
across the globe to watch Jesse and Cathy’s powerful magazine, weekly TV show, and much more!

Take a look at some wonderful testimonies from our app users from Google Play:
“This app is a must-have “I love listening to Jesse, and “It is 24/7 access to the Word
for everyone. Brother Jesse now that I have found this in the best digital format.
Duplantis is someone I always app, I’ll be reading, listening, Awesome, awesome, awesome!
benefit from. Having this tool and gaining more knowledge God bless you, Jesse and
at my fingertips completely every single day! I love his TV Cathy, for your awesome
starts and ends my day. show, and now I don’t have to ministry being available to me
Thank God for Brother wait to record. I just open up when I’m unable to catch you
Jesse!” this app!” on TV!”

Download the Jesse Duplantis Ministries app today on all devices!

Find it on Google Play, the Apple Store, Roku TV, and all browsers.
January 2021 • jdm.org • 17
Malaysia: I truly praise the Father for both of you
and your ministry. It has blessed, taught, and trained
me tremendously in the faith. I have heard about
the Spirit of Generosity and the Prosperity Message
many times but never really practiced it, so I decided
to put it into practice, and it was GOOD! I now
know what it means to feel the joy of the Lord and
the fantastic feeling of being able to bless others. I
recently started learning to tip when we go out to eat
or when we order delivery. It is a joy to see the faces
of those who receive this blessing. My wife and I, a
few days ago, blessed a friend as the Lord impressed
on our hearts, who owed a huge sum of money to
credit companies. I had just learned about naming
the seed from your article I read. I’m asking for
prayers of agreement that the Spirit of Generosity

from the Lord will increase in my wife and I so we
can continue blessing others greatly as we also bless
the Lord. Thank you for your prayers, and God bless
you all.

MOMENTS with Cathy California: I sowed a seed into your ministry and
believed for the thousand times return. The thousand
times came, plus some. Hallelujah! Thank the Lord
God has made you more than a conqueror! for your Voice of the Covenant magazine articles. They
Regardless of what difficulties you may have have been a blessing.
encountered in the past, Jesse and I believe that
God wants you to triumph over them all. Romans Facebook: I became a Partner last October. My
8:37 in The Passion Translation says, “Yet even in life has a lot of trials and tribulations, but with your
the midst of all these things, we triumph over them preaching and teachings of the Lord Jesus, I have
all, for God has made us to be more than conquerors, made it through everything the devil tried to throw
and His demonstrated love is our glorious victory at me and my family. You two are on my TV pretty
over everything!” We pray that this powerful verse much 24/7 whether it be live or something previously
will charge your heart with faith for your glorious posted. I love that I can watch something 30 times,
victory over everything! and on that 31st time, I hear something I never caught
before. You guys are amazing! I can’t thank God
It is so exciting for me to begin this new year by enough for blessing you guys with the obedience to
sharing more testimonies of glorious victory from deliver the messages of God like you do.
people all over the world. Each one is a “glorious
moment” in a life that has been impacted by the light Finland: I have been so blessed with these
of the Gospel shared through our ministry which Boardroom Chats! Thank you, Jesse and Cathy! You
began over 43 years ago. Since 1978, JDM has been bring so much joy and inspiration, and faith always
reaching people and changing lives with the truth rises when I listen to your teachings!
of God’s Word through every available voice. I pray
that each story will touch your life and inspire you to New Mexico: I asked you to pray for my daughter
experience your glorious victory today! who had cancer. The doctors have given her a clean
bill of health! Thanks for your prayers.

18 • Voice of the Covenant

Florida: While watching you preach at the 2020 Florida: You are all such a blessing to my mother
Southwest Believers’ Convention, we proclaimed and me. I praise God for putting you all in my
that our house would be paid off by the end of 2020. grandmother’s life and eventually trickling down
Less than one week later, we received a phone call to me. I am a 25-year-old nurse from Florida and
from a couple we used to go to church with years believing for God to erupt in the medical field. I
ago. They said that God told them to pay off our wish to be able to lay hands, heal the sick, maybe
mortgage! What a huge answer to prayer. It is our even put hospitals out of business, LOL. I seek God
desire to reach a point where we can do the same for daily to increase my faith, and I pray and believe
others. God has blessed us already, but I’m ready for (Lord help my unbelief ) to cast off doubt. Praise
more. Thank you for being diligent to preach what God. I believe in prosperity, and I am proud to say
God tells you to preach! you all are my first partner ministry. I felt blessed to
give as I wish to set my family free from debt and
South Africa: Good evening, Jesse and Cathy. poverty, and as the Lord has given me the power
Thanks for opening up the Word of God so we can to gain wealth, I remember God in all I do. Tears
better understand. welled up as I saw the word “Partner” next to my
name. It’s a beautiful thing to trust in the Lord.
Virginia: Thank you, Jesse and Cathy, for sharing Thank you for your prayer. The medical field needs
the love of Jesus with us by being honest, open, hope; they need God. I pray for your health and
loving and compassionate. Listening to you over growth in Christ.
the years has helped me through many hard places.
The worst place I’ve been was losing my husband California: Shortly after I sent in my first $10
four years ago to a sudden, massive heart attack. offering, God blessed me with $10,000 to pay down
I’ve come a long way in my confidence and trusting my mortgage. Thank you, Jesus!
God. We owned a small business together, and I was
able to continue the business with my daughter by North Dakota: When COVID hit, we decided to
my side. Your messages were always so timely and sell our home and move to where my husband’s job
encouraging, helping me through my mourning and was taking him. In the midst of COVID and the
loss. Thank you! Bless you! poor housing market, everyone told us that selling
our home would be next to impossible. So, we
Texas: I love watching your television show every prayed and sowed a seed into your ministry. I am
Sunday! It has been such a blessing, and Jesse makes happy to report that our home has sold! Thank you
me laugh, cry, and be thankful all at the same time! for believing with us!
I have started sowing into your ministry because I
enjoy your teachings. Indiana: My husband and I have listened to your
sermons of sowing a seed into fruitful ground. We
California: Thank you for these Bible Studies; you had a great financial need, so we leaped out in faith
two are my favorite church service! We have learned and sowed a financial seed into your ministry. We
so much more from you than we have in ALL the received a 100-fold harvest on that seed! We are
years of being Believers. The Holy Spirit is using you sowing another seed from that harvest, and we are
to change our lives here in Benicia, California. Jesse, I believing again to receive another 100-fold harvest!
like your style!
Email: I have been seeking deeper truth about
Facebook: Every time I listen, my mind and precepts in God’s Word. I have been finding such
perspective are transformed. I’m addicted to joy and direction in listening to your sermons and
listening, and I am always waiting for Jesse’s online watching you and Mrs. Cathy lovingly “battle” in
LIVE Faith the Facts or Boardroom Chats. God the Boardroom as the Bible is taught. Thank you for
bless you! helping me to go deeper into life in Jesus Christ!

January 2021 • jdm.org • 19

God has prepared a place for you at

1973 Ormond Boulevard

Destrehan, Louisiana 70047


Intercessory Prayer 9am-9:45am – Prayer Room
Worship Service 10am CT – Sanctuary
Spanish Translation
Traducción en español disponible. Por favor contacte a uno de los ujieres para mas información.
Kidztown (3 months-5th grade) East Wing

United Youth 6pm-8pm ANNEX
IntercessoryPrayer 6pm-8pm Family Room


at Covenant Church at Covenant Church
Sunday • 10am Friday • 7pm
to keep up-to-date with
RANDY CALDWELL everything at Covenant
church, Follow us on
at Covenant Church
Social Media:
MAY 23 /JDMCovenantChurch @jdm_covenantchurch
Sunday • 10am


jdm.org /JesseDuplantisMinistries /jesseduplantismin

20 • Voice of the Covenant

Eager for a fresh dose of laughter to lift your spirit and heal your
soul? Prepare yourself for more of Jesse’s contagious humor
in Volume 8 of his popular series, A Merry Heart Doeth Good
Like a Medicine. This latest collection of laugh-out-loud sermon
illustrations are the perfect prescription, filled with the healing
power of joy. Experience laughter like medicine in these real-life
stories that include:
• First-Time Baptism – from God Has a Hard Time
Saying No
• Remember Your Training – from The Power of Focus
and Imagination
• Guess Who’s at Popeyes? – from The Other Little
Planes, Trains, Automobiles, Motorcycles & Boats
• Born Again Boots – from The Goal of Christianity
• What Are You Looking At? – from What Makes
Life Good
• Monkey Business – from It Ain’t Over ‘til It’s Over
• What’s That Smell? – from How to Handle Trouble in
This Life
• Always Have a Plan – from The Ingredients of
Our Covenant
• Men-Pause: My Wife Changed! – from Four Words That
Can Change Your Life: HAVE FAITH IN GOD
• When Jesse Comes to Town – from Is Jesus in
Your House?
• Food, Flavor, and Song – from The Charm and
Challenge of Believing
NEW • N.O.B. – from The Responsibility of Hearing
• Jesus Gave Me These Boots – from The Power of
Focus and Imagination
• The Lifeguard – from The Shallows & The Deep

Bonus Story:
• My Personal Stash (Cathy Duplantis) – from Meditate
on God’s Glorious Miracles

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January 2021 • jdm.org • 21
Establishing A
for Your Future

22 • Voice of the Covenant

t is hard to believe that 2021 marks our 43rd year Jesus Christ. But during those early years, it never
of full-time ministry which began in our 900 seemed like a hard thing. We were establishing a firm
square foot, two-bedroom, wood framed, yellow foundation for our future ministry and learning to
house in Houma, Louisiana. As I walk around our trust in God every step of the way. We know now that
awesome International Headquarters in the New when you are totally submitted to God’s will for your
Orleans area, I am often reminded of our first “office” life, He gives you grace to get the job done no matter
in that little, yellow house where we began our how difficult or impossible it may be.
ministry. It consisted of an old, borrowed typewriter
that was stored under our bed and came out of hiding Built on the Word
during the noon naptime of the eight children I cared I’ll never forget putting the Word to work
for in our home from 7:30am to 5:30pm, five days a for a larger home for my family. The year was
week. Since I was home anyway with our daughter, 1980 and I’d had enough of that crowded, two-
Jodi, and unable to travel with Jesse, this child day bedroom, yellow house with no storage space and
care business was a major blessing to us and the was determined for Jesse to have his own study
children God sent to me. to prepare his sermons. That’s when I adopted the
Jesse didn’t have anyone to help him on the road phrase, “a woman has to do what a woman has to
in those early years, so he did it all. He loaded the do,” and launched my battle plan.
car with products, drove to the church, set up the The first step was to establish my house on the
products and the small sound system he carried Rock—a Word foundation. So, I searched the Word
around, sold tapes before the service, sang and for scriptures that I could stand on for my miracle.
played the piano, preached the Gospel, prayed for My favorite scripture that I discovered during that
the people, and ran to the tape table to duplicate time was in Proverbs 24:3-4 (AMPC):
and sell the tapes after the service. He then reloaded
everything back into the car and drove home after Through skillful and godly Wisdom
the revival meeting was over. Then, when Jesse is a house (a life, a home, a family) built,
arrived home, he couldn’t unload the car (our only and by understanding it is established [on
car) because every bit of space in our small home a sound and good foundation],
was already filled with boxes of his Christian music And by knowledge shall its chambers
albums and ministry materials. [of every area] be filled with all precious
Jesse and I are not ashamed of our small and pleasant riches.
beginnings in 1978. We can clearly see how God
imparted explosions of wisdom from His Word I found a large, blank sheet of paper and began to
to help us to walk in His great plan for JDM and draw a house plan with all the rooms I needed (and
for our personal lives. When we were obedient to wanted) for my family and taped it to the door of my
act on God’s Word and put It to work, He moved old refrigerator in my tiny kitchen. My plan had more
miraculously to supply every need. Both Jesse and I than double the space of our current, little house and
are continually fascinated by the amazing faithfulness included a private study for Jesse, two bedrooms, two
of our wonderful God! bathrooms, kitchen, living room, and an attached,
It is amazing to think about all that we were two-car garage.
able to do with just the two of us, especially now After I had finished drawing my plan and writing
that God has blessed us with a large staff that help my scriptures on every corner of the page, I wrote in
us reach people and change lives with the Gospel of bold letters across the bottom of the plan, “Subject

January 2021 • jdm.org • 23

to change by the Master Builder!” I was giving God unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).
room to do one of His “too much” things and that is In an instant, God can clean away the old and
just what He did. give you a new start with Jesus. If you continue to
Each time I walked in my tiny kitchen, I would hear and do what Jesus says, you will be amazed by
lay my hand on that house plan and thank God the inner strength that He infuses into you. Paul did
for supplying all my needs according to His riches
in glory by Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19). When “Through skillful and godly
someone stopped by and noticed the large drawing
on my refrigerator door, I would jump at the chance
What Wisdom is a house (a life, a
home, a family) built, and by
to tell them all about the wonderful house God was
Shall understanding it is established
[on a sound and good

I Do
preparing for me and my family. I recognized that foundation], And by knowledge
every time I did that, I was establishing my house on shall its chambers [of every area]
a firm foundation and building my house in the realm For Thee? be filled with all precious and
of the Spirit. 2 kings 4:2 pleasant riches.”
It wasn’t very long before God supernaturally
supplied all that I had written down on that floor
plan and more. He added a formal dining room, a that and the result was his testimony in Philippians
third bedroom, and a beautiful, large, screened-in 4:13 (AMPC), “I have strength for all things in Christ
patio. Then, God filled every room (chamber) with Who empowers me [I am ready for anything and equal to
all precious and pleasant riches (decorations). God is anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into
too much! me; I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency].”
Since that time, I have discovered that no Your spiritual house can be so strong and self-
matter what you want to build in life, wisdom and sufficient that you can boldly say, “I am ready for
knowledge working together can get the job done. anything and equal to anything through Jesus Christ!”
The same verse in Proverbs 24 that helped me to When you continue to stand on God’s Word, you will
build and furnish my physical house is full of power see the fulfillment of God’s promise in Proverbs 12:7,
to build a life, family, business, ministry, or a strong “The wicked are overthrown, and are not: but the house of
spiritual house. the righteous shall stand.”

Choose the Right Building Materials Be a Wise Builder

Every successful bodybuilder avoids the things In Matthew 7:24-27, Jesus told the parable about
that will hinder their growth and only feeds on foods the wise builder that built his house on a rock. The
with the proper nutrients that will produce the results Bible says that rain, floods, and wind beat on that
they need. In the same way, you are the one that will house and “…it fell not.” But the foolish man built his
determine the strength of your spiritual house by the house on the sand and when the “…rain descended,
things that you choose to feed on each day. Proverbs and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon
14:1 AMPC says, “Every wise woman builds her house, that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.”
but the foolish one tears it down with her own hands.” Both houses were attacked by the elements, but
If you have made foolish choices in the past, only one stood strong and did not fall. Why? Because
you can turn it around today. Don’t rehearse failures only one was wise enough to take time to hear the
with your mouth. The most wonderful thing about Word and do the Word. Jesus revealed that a strong
our Father is that “If we confess our sins, He is faithful spiritual house can only be built by “…whosoever
and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all heareth these sayings of Mine, and doeth them.”
24 • Voice of the Covenant
What sayings was Jesus referring to? Beginning ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God
with Matthew chapter five, Jesus imparted wisdom dwelleth in you?”
with His teachings of the Beatitudes, salt and light, When you turn to God and repent of your sins,
higher righteousness, anger and reconciliation, Jesus makes His home in your heart and transforms
adultery and divorce, oaths and retaliation, you into a new creation. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says,
and neighbors and enemies. In chapter six, He “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature:
continued without interruption to teach on piety old things are passed away; behold, all things are become
and almsgiving, prayer and fasting, possessions and new.” The instant you are born again, God grants
masters, anxiety and God’s kingdom. Then, in chapter you a fresh, new beginning and provides all the tools
seven, Jesus taught on judging and hypocrisy, prayer necessary to continue building a life that will give
and the golden rule, the straight and wide gates, and glory to Him.
how to test false prophets. He then finished with the As you begin this new year, be determined to
teaching of the wise builder that builds his house daily spend time with Jesus and allow Him to impart
upon a rock by hearing His sayings and doing them. wisdom from His Word that will strengthen your
It is strange to think of yourself as a house for faith. Instead of being tossed around with every wave
God, but when you are born again, that is exactly of doctrine, you will know where to go and what to
what you become. 1 Corinthians 3:9 & 16 says, do when you get there. Be determined to be a wise
“For we are labourers together with God: ye are God’s builder by choosing the right building materials that
husbandry, ye are God’s building…Know ye not that will establish a firm foundation for your future.


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January 2021 • jdm.org • 25
Partner Testimony
from texas

Five years ago, I told God that I wanted to be a committed tither (I never had before)
but after listening to you, I made the commitment. My 401K at that time was at
$42,000. That first year, my 401K increased to $60,000. Two years ago, I went to Jerry
Savelle’s church and you were preaching. When you took the offering, the Lord said, “I
want you to sow a $1,000 seed into Jesse’s ministry.” What Lord? $1,000? I said, “Ok,
I’ll do what You told me to do,” believing God for 1000 times return. I watched my
401K increase again to $80,000. Over the next couple of years, I have stayed faithful in
my tithes and almsgiving and seed giving from time to time. At the beginning of 2020,
before Covid hit, my 401K was at $91,000. Covid hit hard in March 2020 and my 401K
dropped to $62,000. I told God, “I’m not worried because YOU ARE MY SOURCE.”
Last week I was listening to your sermon again, “Why Isn’t My Giving Working?” I love
this sermon! I told God, “I know I’m faithful in my tithes and alms,” but as I listened to
your message, again I heard God say, “I want you to be a seed giver.” One of the things
you said is, “It doesn’t matter the size of the seed but the soil in which it’s planted.” So
I told God, “Yes, Lord, I will sow into Jesse’s ministry.” I made a monthly commitment
to your ministry to be your Partner. After going online and signing up to be a monthly
Partner into your “Go Ye” outreach, I heard God speak again, “Check your 401K.” At
that time, my balance was $101,811.41! PRAISE GOD! That is a $39,811.41 increase
since March 2020. This makes me want to sow even more seed into your ministry! I
know that I know that I know your soil is fertile and the blessing of God is on you. And,
because I partnered with you, I am receiving the Overflow. Glory to God! I love you and
Cathy. You are my spiritual mentors in the Lord!

26 • Voice of the Covenant

What do you really want? What do you really desire?
What has God put on your heart…and is it really His will for
YOU? Dr. Jesse Duplantis takes a status-quo-breaking look at
Jesus Christ’s teaching about “asking anything” in prayer in his
latest book, “Your Everything Is His Anything.”

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If You Don’t Know What “IT” Is, You Won’t
Have It! In this revolutionary book, you will
Everything God is and everything God does in the
discover the power behind true faith in Jesus lives of His children moves forward. Advancing in life
Christ. Jesse teaches how putting God first and is just what God created you to do! By divine design,
making faith in Him a part of your everyday you aren’t meant to back up. You aren’t meant to give up.
life can open the door to your success. You’ve always been meant to ADVANCE—spiritually,
physically, financially, and in your relationships, too.

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January 2021 • jdm.org • 27
Jesse Duplantis Ministries NON-PROFIT ORG
PO Box 1089 U.S. POSTAGE
Destrehan, LA 70047 PAID

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our mobile store

Voice of the Covenant JANUARY 2021

at Covenant Church
1973 Ormond Boulevard
Destrehan, Louisiana 70047

Sunday • 10am
I will set the theme for 2021 that the Lord has given
to me on Sunday, January 10, 2021 at 10am, at
Jesse Duplantis Ministries Covenant Church (in
Destrehan, LA). I hope you will be able to attend in
person or watch live online with your family. You don’t
want to miss it! —Jesse Duplantis


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Before traveling to any meeting, please go to jdm.org for updates (click on Meetings).

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