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A 31 year old is 25 weeks pregnant with twins. Her LMP is June 13, 2020, fundic height of 24
cm. Her last visit was Aug 3, 2020. She has 5 living children. Four of the 5 children were born at
39 weeks gestation and one child was born at 27 weeks gestation. Two years ago, she had a
miscarriage at 11 weeks.
Compute the following:
a. GPTPALM (pls show what is included per letter)
G=7 (present pregnancy-25 weeks; 5 pregnancies, miscarriage at 11 weeks)
P=5 (4 born at 39 weeks, 1 born at 27 weeks)
T=4 (4 born at 39 weeks)
P=1 (1 born at 27 weeks)
A=1 (miscarriage at 11 weeks)
L=5 (5 living)
M=0 (no multiple births)

b. AOG
LMP: June 13, 2020
LAST VISIT: Aug 3, 2020
LMP: June 13-30= 17
July 31
Aug 3
Total: 51

51/7= 7 2/7 weeks

c. EDC
LMP: June 13, 2020
6 13 2020
-3 +7 +1
3 20 2021
=March 20, 2021

A 17 year old is currently 16 weeks pregnant. She said that her LMP was from October 8-12,
2020. Her last visit was November 5, 2020. She has 2 year old twins that were born at 39 weeks
gestation and a 5 year old who was born at 40 weeks gestation. She had no history of
miscarriage and abortion.
Compute the following:
a. GPTPALM (pls show what is included per letter)
G=3 (present pregnancy-16 weeks, 2 pregnancies)
P=2 (twins born at 39 weeks, 1 born at 40 weeks)
T=2 (twins born at 39 weeks, 1 born at 40 weeks)
P=0 (no preterm deliveries)
A= 0 (no miscarriage)
L=2 (living)
M=1 (twins born at 39 weeks)

b. AOG
LMP: October 8-12, 2020
LAST CLINIC VISIT: November 5, 2020
LMP: October 8-31= 23
November 5
Total: 28
28/7= 4 weeks

c. EDC
LMP: October 8, 2020
10 8 2020
-3 +7 +1
7 15 2021
=July 15, 2021

A 35 year old female is currently pregnant with twins. Her LMP was March 24, 2021. Her last
Visit was September 28, 2021. She has 10 year old triplets who were born at 32 weeks
gestation and a 16 year old who was born at 41 week gestation. Twelve years ago, she had a
miscarriage at 19 weeks gestation.
Compute for the following:
GPTPALM (pls show what is included per letter)
a. GPTPALM (pls show what is included per letter)
G = 4 (present pregnancy-pregnant with twins, 2 pregnancies, 1 miscarriage at 19 weeks)
P= 2 (triplets born at 32 weeks, 1 born at 41 weeks)
T = 1 (1 born at 41 weeks)
P = 1 (triplets born at 32 weeks)
A = 1 (miscarriage at 19 weeks)
L = 2 (2 living)
M =1 (triplets born at 32 weeks)

b. AOG
LMP: March 24, 2021
LAST CLINIC VISIT: September 28, 2021
LMP: March 24- 31= 7
April 30
May 31
June 30
July 31
August 31
September 28
Total: 188

188/7= 26 8/7 weeks

c. EDC
LMP: March 24, 2021
3 24 2021
+9 +7_______
12 31 2021

=December 31, 2021

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