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SY: 2020-2021

A research paper presented to

Prof. Erlinda F. Tabor

Associate Professor IV

Catanduanes State University

College of Education


Virac, Catanduanes

In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements in RP

(Research Project)



I. Introduction

The Research Agenda aims to develop, implement, and address environmental health and

safety services, policies, and procedures throughout the university community. We seek to

develop and implement sound and effective policies and procedures that protect public health;

environmental operations that foster a sustainable future and lead to improvements in the


We are facing many environmental problems, and this needs to be solved. It is necessary

to understand more about the environmental problems to be aware of the happenings around the

society and make certain steps towards helping and taking care of our community. In line with

this, awareness is needed to adopt a more sustainable lifestyle and utilize resources. By studying

the environment, people will learn all about how an individual should live without disregarding

environmental treasures and develop sustainable strategies to protect them. Individuals will

develop an understanding of living and physical environment and how to resolve challenging


The Research Agenda also provides knowledge as it is grounded by the principles of

bringing holistic and outcome-based education that are vital for bringing out quality education

which is the ultimate aim of each institution. Without excellence, progress will be in danger.

Therefore, it is significant that the students will not only be guaranteed basic experiences but the

knowledge to transform society and compete in the diverse world market as well. Similarly,

seeking alternatives and exploring opportunities to expand the horizon and networks should be

employed by everyone. Not only will it make them globally-competitive, but it will also enhance

the analytical and critical skills of people. Evaluating research problems and giving answers to

unknown phenomena is a skill that should not be disregarded. Identifying the possible challenges

and giving solutions/ways to overcome them can help to achieve the goal of the research agenda.

Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM) strand studies the problems and issues

that revolve around the world of business. From its managerial strategies up to the company’s

sustainability, it will be analyzed and investigated to discover various gaps that are seemingly

present in a business organization. Several things go behind the scenes of what is usually shown
by the entrepreneurs and businessmen in the industry. Tackling these relevant issues will serve as

fundamental progress to strengthen the business skills and perspectives of the researchers that

will lead towards success.

Anchored in the vision, mission, goals, and objectives that were constructed and

acknowledged, the research themes were fabricated based on how it will serve the ABM

students, most especially the society its purpose of conducting knowledge and initiating changes

in the community that will help them reach its peak and growth and the current and future

generations can benefit from.

Conducting a research agenda provides insight into certain beneficiaries of a particular

topic. It also helps to identify priorities that will lead to more successful research and outlining a

clear framework for deciding future research activities. It helps to identify various opportunities

and problems, and using this information, a wise decision can be made to tackle the issues

appropriately and improve the research process itself, as well as the ultimate findings. This can

provide an important explanation, ideas, and opportunity for greater trust and respect to be built

between academic researchers and communities, and will lead to future research collaboration, as

well as an improvement in community advancement. It is the start to execute what the vision is.

Indeed, this will serve as a helping hand in terms of aiming for generating knowledge and

new understanding. However, it does not only stop there, focusing on problems towards a bigger

aim will not only bring integral comprehension, but it will also establish the best of what an

individual possesses and honed throughout different experiences.

II. Goals

This research agenda was developed to:

● Contribute to the community through the improved lives of the masses brought upon the

implications of the study.

● Contribute to the industry, specifically those who are involved in the market and/or

government responsibilities.
● Contribute to the existing body of knowledge that can serve as a reference for future

researchers, business analysts/experts, and market researchers.

● Address critical gaps that will open new opportunities for discussion of similar problems

that future researchers would want to investigate.

● Define the areas of business-related problems in Catanduanes that should be given

primary concern to steer the venture towards its maximum potential.

● Develop significant awareness about business operations and other correlated aspects to

provide better understanding.

III. Research Themes

The research projects to be conducted by Grade 12-Tangerine (ABM) will fall under

these themes:

● Sustainability and The Environment

● Food, Nutrition, and Health

● “The Good Samaritan Law”

● Marketing Strategies

● Managerial Strategies

● Consumer Satisfaction and Consumer Rights

The researchers gathered their working titles and identified the research themes where

they fall:

Group 1

Working Title: Factors Influencing Online Shopping of Apparel among Catanduanes

State University (CatSU) Employees

Research Theme: Consumer Satisfaction and Consumer Rights

Group 2

Working Title: Identifying Leadership Strategies on Effective Organization Job

Performance in Café Food Establishments at Virac, Catanduanes

Research Theme: Managerial Strategies

Group 3
Working Title: Customer satisfaction in an online market in Catanduanes

Research Theme: Consumer Satisfaction and Consumer Rights & Marketing strategies

Group 4

Working Title: Influence of Familiar Brand Names on Consumer Decision Making in

Virac Catanduanes

Research Theme: Consumer Satisfaction and Consumer Rights

Group 5

Working Title: Effects of Online Advertisements to the Buying Decision of Consumers in

Baras, Catanduanes

Research Theme: Marketing Strategies

Group 6

Working Title: Marketing Strategies of Food Businesses in Catanduanes

Research Theme: Marketing Strategies & Managerial Strategies

Group 7

Working Title: Coping Strategies of Microbusinesses in Viga, Catanduanes During the

Covid-19 Pandemic

Research Theme: Marketing Strategies

Group 8

Working Title: The Marketing Strategies of Food Business Owners in Virac, Catanduanes

During COVID-19 Pandemic

Research Title: Marketing Strategies

IV. Description of the Themes

Sustainability and The Environment

Green administration is about the maintainability of business without trading off the

future need. Maintainability according to corporate arrangement infers opportunity for business

to give long haul arrangement, such need to upgrade the nature of work spot and indigenous

habitat. Supportability in administration has different classifications; these are corporate

maintainability, manageable turn of events, and corporate social duty. For the most part
manageability term “as the development that meets the present without compromising the ability

of future generations to meet their own need” (WCED 49) and work in three-level i.e.,

ecological security, monetary development, and social correspondence. Corporate

maintainability bunch around People, Planet, and Profit (3P) and seek to recognize the approach

to adjust between this 3P.

Food, Nutrition, and Health

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), an average of 15.4 million

Filipinos are affected by undernourishment in 2017-2019. Although there is an improvement in

the rate of undernourished people with a decrease of 6% over the last five years, food insecurity

remains an immense challenge in many countries. This is very common in Africa and Southeast

Asia. Malnutrition, through a lacking or ill-advised eating routine (the instance of corpulence, for

instance), can likewise be one of the results of destitution and a significant general wellbeing

issue in various developing nations.

The Good Samaritan Law

Good Samaritan Law varies considerably from state to state where it offers basic legal

protection for those who render aid to any injured or ill person. As long as the Good Samaritan

uses “reasonable care’ when assisting. The key to this definition is the phrase reasonable care.

But if a good Samaritan does not use reasonable care, the law will not protect him or her.

Through these laws, immunity from civil liability is provided to physicians who act in good faith

to provide emergency care gratis. Each state has its version of the Good Samaritan Law,

however, and some of the distinctions are very important to remember. It is important to research

the regulations or laws for the state you live in.

The researchers provide a separate section on Good Samaritan Law, particularly to

address reported cases and behaviors. While laws and regulations are in place to address these,

there is a need for in-depth studies on their prevalence and effects. There is also a need to assess

the effectiveness of previous interventions and the potential of new approaches to better protect

those affected individuals.

Marketing Strategies

Innovation and discoveries are more present, in accordance with opportunities and tactics

which is truly significant for the operation and also the lifespan of a business. Different methods

and mediums are present which connect people and industries that build an interconnection

between customers and entrepreneurs, as well as insights to current demand and competition. It

focuses on the short-term and long-term tactics that are needed for the sake of the lifespan and

operation of a business. “Marketing strategy is the basic approach that the business unit will use

to attain its goals and which comprises elaborate decisions (strategies) on largest markets, market

positioning and mix and marketing expenditure allocation (Kotler, 2020). “Basically, a

company’s overall marketing strategy is its competitive posture in the marketplace. Formulating

an overall marketing strategy requires the integration of all dimensions of the marketing effort”

(Cundiff, Still, and Govoni, 2020). Marketing strategies during a recession greatly depend on the

impact on each business. Firms often make changes on prices, as well as to give bonuses to be

able to make up to the quota and keep the business operational. When a financial crisis occurs,

consumers change their buying behavior. As the consumers change their buying behavior, the

companies have to alter the way they conduct business and change their strategies to meet the

customers’ new preferences (Sharna, 1993).

According to David Ingram, marketing strategies are designs that help to increase market

shares for the company and its specific brands using a range of different marketing tactics to

achieve their goals for the new customer’s achievement and increased customers’ loyalty. It

analyzes all the aspects of sales activities and compiles it in a way to know that all departments

are functioning well. This strategy helps to create harmony among the organizations and deals

with brand images in the market to enhance the sales of the products maintaining a long-term

relationship with the customers. Marketing strategy must be planned well and have a systematic

approach to develop the value in the mind of the potential customers for the products and

increase the sale (Prachi, 2018). This strategy has four elements or the 4P’s that make up the

marketing mix namely; product, price, place, and promotion. A good marketing strategy helps

the company to identify their best customers and understand customer’s needs or satisfactions.
Thus, using this strategy must be implemented by the most effective marketing methods. It

includes a marketing plan which a company conducts and contains timetables for rolling out

various marketing initiatives. Marketing strategy explains the company’s goals to achieve a

competitive advantage through a long-term forward-looking approach planning.

The showcasing of merchandise and ventures goes everywhere in the world continuously.

A huge number of advertising exercises happen each day including people, gatherings, business,

and government. Overall, this theme focuses on generating insights and descriptions of the

current situation in the business industry, such as current ideas and strategies behind the process

and operation of each business at every level.

Managerial Strategies

Management depicts the outcome of a business whether it would be successful or the

opposite. All organizations employ a management system of one kind or another for directing

and controlling the operations of its different specialized functions and units. At the simplest

level, it involves senior management deciding on what it wants to achieve, issuing orders, and

making sure that these are consistently and reliably carried out (Brooks, 1980). One of

management's prime tasks is to exercise sufficient control and influence over others to fulfill the

performance objectives and plans expected of them. Managerial Strategies include the setting of

objectives, analyzing the competitive environment, analyzing the internal organization

evaluating strategies, and ensuring the management rolls out the strategies across the

organization. According to Markus C Becker, managerial strategies progress in understanding

organizational knowledge and knowledge management practices.

Jayne Thompson (2019) defined managerial strategies as a collection of processes that

ensure business activities remain aligned to its mission, objectives, and strategic plan. This

strategy includes decision-making skills and planning which lead to the effectiveness of this

strategy to help companies to achieve organizational aims. In addition, managerial strategies

contain a series of techniques that help in controlling and directing a business to attain its set of

fixed goals. According to Will Kenton (2020), managerial strategies involve setting an objective,

analyzing the competitive environment and internal organization, evaluating strategies, and
ensuring every management rolls out the strategies across the organization. The process of

managerial strategies helps a company and its leadership to reflect on the plan for the company’s

future existence, and fulfill a chief responsibility of a board of directors. The assigned leaders or

strategic managers will make a review about their organizations and determine their strengths,

weaknesses, operational effectiveness, and opportunities. Thus, the managerial strategy focuses

on the objective setting concerning the establishing of a long-term objective and analyzing both

external and internal environmental factors.

Consumer Satisfaction and Consumer Rights

Consumer Rights or Consumer Protection is an action taken (occasionally in the form of

laws) to protect consumers from the purchase and consumption of defective goods and services.

Understanding the economic system, a manifestation of the growth of consumerism in recent

years has been a rapid increase in the volume of complaints made by consumers to business

firms, consumer organizations, and various private and governmental agencies. The complaints

registered by individual consumers appear to have an important impact on the operations of

business firms and have played a major role in shaping the activities of local, state, and federal

consumer protection agencies. More and better research on consumer satisfaction/dissatisfaction

and post-dissatisfaction behavior is needed. Future research can be more fruitful if it is based on

a broader and richer conceptualization of the process through which consumers react to the

various aspects of the purchase, use, and post-purchase evaluation of a product or service.

V. Objectives of Each Study

The researchers aim to follow the objectives for each research theme discussed earlier in the


Sustainability and The Environment

● To contribute to economic development without having to exploit nature excessively at

the cost of the quality of biodiversity.

● To help businesses and individuals realize the importance of maintaining a sustainable

● To help businesses and individuals acquire knowledge and a set of values for

environmental protection.

● To develop and protect the quality of the natural environment for future generations to


● To support businesses as well as local communities in the implementation of

environment-friendly programs.

● To promote sustainable use of natural resources, efficient energy use, and conservation of


Food, Nutrition, and Health

● Issues identified with environment and climate: Ecosystem corruption, exhaustion of

regular assets, disappointment in the matter of anticipation, and the executives of

cataclysmic events.

● Issues in the fields of farming, assortment, and preparing of items, dispersion, and


o Low execution of farming creation because of an inadequacy of offices,

and to an absence of rural instruction;

o Absence of rural advancement in vegetal and creature spaces, to adjust

creation to an assortment of characteristic settings;

o Misuse of food at all phases of the natural pecking order, because of

deficient stockpiling limit specifically;

o Conservation of wellbeing and healthful item quality;

o Improvement of agri-industrial cycles in different settings

● Segment and social elements: Population development, the advancement of taking care of

practices - beginning of youth corpulence by hunger in non-industrial nations, for

instance, absence of successful

social security

● Administration: Public designs in numerous helpless nations don't guarantee admittance

to fundamental staples without segregation. Besides, the absence of construction in the

agrarian industry, joined with market instruments and international issues can prompt

hypotheses on ware costs, intensify disparities, lastly cause struggle and political


“The Good Samaritan Law

● To assess the responses of business owners to providing emergency assistance to their


● Assess the percentage who reported previous Good Samaritan behavior, their responses

to hypothetical situations, their comfort providing specific interventions ad most likely

reason they would not intervene

● To explore the views of a Good Samaritan Law by business owners

Marketing Strategies

● Method of marketing (What specific evaluations are used for effective marketing? Did

they depend on the current situation? Does the media take place? Is the traditional way

still operational?)

● Coping Strategies (What specific insights are used? Do pricing and promotion take place?

It may be situational? Or descriptive? Does each different level of business have the same

strategies? What factors are present in each problem?

● Current existing Problems related to operations (What specific phenomenon became a

basis of strategies? What kind of threat? Is it global? National? Do all levels of

businesses are affected? Which received the most impact? Least?

● Consumer-based (What are the current operational demands? What actions take place for

effective business operations? Does the Relationship of Demand and supplies to customer

preference and satisfaction take in?

Managerial Strategies

● Control system (how does managing take place? Is it a full command, strict control

system to each employee? How do employees are treated?)

● Employees relationship (are there any hierarchical relationships that are present which

divide people that can cause psychological effects? To the performance?)

● Healthy workplace or environment assessment (are the employees having a good

environment? Specifically, on emotional and psychological factors, that can be

interrelated to their performance in the operation of each business?)

● Management output (how does the management handle a specific competing

environment? How does the management maintain the internal organization? How does

management take place? What are the present techniques or insights to be given?)

Consumer Satisfaction and Consumer Rights

● Examine the role of consumer protection agencies.

● Measures the level of satisfaction with the performance provided by different consumer

protection agencies.

● This study makes a valuable contribution given the fact that there is a dearth of empirical

studies covering the measurement of consumer satisfaction role played by consumer

rights or protection agencies.

● Issues addressed include prevalence and generic types of consumer problems

experienced, industries subject to consumer problems, degree of deprivation resulting

from consumer problems, and complaining behavior.

● Examine the awareness and exercise of Consumer Protection Acts, Rights and

Responsibilities of the consumers.

● To highlight the best systems and methods to suit the needs of various sections of the

society at their present existing level position.

VI. Beneficiaries

The research to be conducted will benefit the following:

Beneficiaries Description Benefits

Researchers Individuals who are in charge ● Learning something

of undertaking the research new in their area of


● Improves critical

thinking and

analytical thinking

● Improves skills and

capacity in research

Research users People who will engage in ● Business

future market researchers to development

determine the feasibility of

● Innovation
new business opportunities
● Improving market
and providing them critical
and business
information about their
market and business aspect

(such as Entrepreneurs,

Business Analysts/Experts,

Market Researchers, and

other future researchers)

End-users People who may or may not ● Equips end-users with

involve in the research that knowledge and skills

will directly use or directly to help them through

benefit from the result, their process of

output, or outcome of the professional

research (for example, development and

communities/community production (e.g.

organizations, businesses, improving their

government bodies, non- acquired skills and

governmental organizations, untapped expertise,

students, customers, and finding new

other forms of groups of the opportunities, and

public) coming up with a

strategy to face

potential threats).

● Seeing new things or

perspectives from

different angles and a

clearer view of an

expanding body of

economic, finance,

and marketing

knowledge. Students,

customers, and

experts alike will gain

broad and versatile

information to help

and immerse

themselves with the

evolution and

advancement of


VII. Ethical Consideration

As the researchers conduct their studies, it is made sure that the principles of research

ethics are followed. Research ethics is the application of moral rules in the research field. It

serves as a guide for the responsible conduct of the study.

1. Respect for Persons

- The participants of the research gave voluntary consent to the research. The

participants are free from coercion and undue influence. The rights of the

participants are respected and protected.

2. Beneficence and Non-maleficence

- The research must contribute to the good of society. The degree of risk taken with

research participants shall not outweigh the benefit it gives. Potential risks must

be mitigated immediately by the researchers and the adviser. The researchers are

responsible for maximizing the benefit that the study holds and minimizing the

risk of harm to the participants.

3. Justice

- The research must show equality between the participants and the researchers.

Injustice occurs when they benefit a person is entitled to be denied to them

without an acceptable reason or when the burden is unduly imposed on them.

4. Informed Consent

- Informed consent requires that the researchers and the participants are given the

appropriate (a) information about the research (b) in a comprehensible manner (c)

without duress or inappropriate inducement.

- Information includes the research methods, the purposes, risks, and anticipated

benefits, alternative procedures, and a statement that offers an opportunity to the

participants to ask questions and withdraw any time from the research.

- Comprehension includes the manner and context the information is conveyed

which is as important as the information itself.

- Voluntariness allows the participants to make their own decision without duress

or other undue influence.

5. Confidentiality and Data Protection

- Anonymity should be respected and the participant requirements concerning the

confidentiality of the information and personal data should be respected. Personal

information gathered from the study remains confidential between the researchers

and the participants.

6. Integrity

- The research should be designed, reviewed, and undertaken to make sure that the

standards of integrity are met. Also, quality and transparency should be assured.

- Information from an external source shall be given full credit to the original

authors and shall be stated in the bibliography of the study.

7. Conflict of Interest

- The independence of research should be clear, and any conflicts of interest or

partiality should be stated in the research paper. The researchers must disclose

anything that may be perceived as a potential conflict of interest.

VIII. Budgetary Requirements

In conducting this research, the following are the budgetary requirements that the

researchers must consider:

● Transportation Expenses – ₱500.00 - ₱2,000.00

Transportation expenses may vary from the location and destination of the groups,

it is also noted that the current study is conducted in a Pandemic, which causes the local

transportation rates to increase.

● Mobile Fees – ₱1000.00

Mobile Fees include internet and data services that the researchers will use in

conducting the study.

● Printing Expenses and Office Supplies – ₱1000.00 - ₱2000.00

Printing Expenses include the cost of long bond paper, black ink, and folders, and

fasteners. This may vary since the groups may have their printer device or print from

shops offering printing services.

● Miscellaneous Expenses – ₱500.00

Miscellaneous Expenses cover the other expenses that the researchers have that

help them achieve the success of the research.


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